Starting c25k again tomorrow!!!!



  • freedomplease
    Are you doing distance or time in the last few weeks of the plan???
    I'm starting wk 8 tomorrow and it's 28 mins or 2.75 miles running. Which is everyone doing??
    Not sure what I will do. I'm thinking minutes to finish the program and then work a few weeks in getting my 5k time better.

    I am currently doing C25k with a friend. She is a new runner so we are focusing on time not distance.
  • shannonaufman
    Week 7 Day 2 complete!! I'm running for time. It's easier for me to do time since I didn't have a way to track mileage. So time it is. I'll figure out distance/speed stuff when I'm at the point that I can run 30 minutes straight. I'm almost there!!
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    This board has been a little slow this week! I finished week 7 yesterday. Only 6 more runs until I'm a graduate!!
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    finished week 5 yesterday!!! can't believe i ran for 20 minutes straight!!! I was so excited and proud. it was hard and i wanted to give up a few times, but i didnt. :) On to week 6!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i finished wk 8 yesterday in the blistering heat...those 28 miles were complete and utter torture but only cause it was hot...the run and the time and the distance was fine.....once i finish the program and just head out for "runs" i'm gonna have to move them to an earlier morning time or late night time cause the south florida sun is just getting toooooo hot for me during the day....onto week 9....
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    I ran week 8 day 1 today. The route I run at my house is really flat -- almost no hills whatsoever. I'm at my parents' house this week, though, and there are hills galore. So today was a little rough, but it really made me wish I'd been running hills all along. Oh well. I'm 5 runs from being a graduate!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    did w9d1 this am at 630...woooohooo for me to get my a*s up and do it early since i will not be able to work out today or tonight...i feel awesome and am really looking forward to finishing this 9 wk plan and then just going out for a 3 min or 3 mile run....i feel amazingly successful and am very grateful to those on the thread that are pushing along with me...we are awesome....
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I kind of dropped off the face of the earth for a couple of weeks there. Been out of town for business and hadn't been getting in my C25K runs. I did the treadmill one night in the hotel and it was so boring. I don't know how I used to get on there for a workout. But, I can go ALOT faster on the treadmill, even though its harder mentally.

    I did W9D1 last night and I think I can call me graduated. :) Went 30 minutes, no stopping, no slowing down. Under 11 minute mile pace with hills and everything. I'll still check in because I really need the continued motivation with a wedding out-of-town this weekend and a week-long conference in Chicago in a week and a half. But holy crap, I actually finished something exercise related! I'm even running with a low-key running club tonight. So weird, but so wonderful. :)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    3.18 miles finished my c25k 9wk program this just gonna hit the 5k runs 3times a week to keep my miles moving....i'm sooo proud of myself for finishing this to improve time and speed next....thanks for keeping the thread alive folks....looking forward to seeing others finish very soon....shannon i know you are right behind me....
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    Week 8 complete! It was miserably hot out there, I guess I'm gonna have to start getting up early to run (bughhh). I ran the farther I've ever run today, 2.17 miles! It was 2.64 total with the warm up and cool down. I can't believe I only have 3 runs left. I am right behind you, Denise!! Thanks for keeping me motivated -- I've been chasing after you this whole time, and you have made me believe that finishing it possible!