30 Day Shred Buddy?



  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    you ALL are so motivating!!! I wish I wasn't at work right now so I could go home & shred!! I finally dusted off my DVD and did Level 2 yesterday- I believe it would be day 4 of it- but after taking a week off- i feel i'm only cheating myself if I say that.

    you girls are GREAT!! I love reading these posts!! Keep up the good work everyone:) Congrats on the measurements!!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    does any body else have or getting Jillian Michaels: Complete Body Workout [5 Discs] [DVD]

    Jillian Michaels: Cardio Kickbox, Jillian Michaels: Maximize - Back in Action, Jillian Michaels: Maximize - Full Frontal, Jillian Michaels: Shape Up - Backside, Jillian Michaels: Shape Up - Front

    I have this already, wondering if anyone else is doing/planning on these soon?
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Day 25 L3 done 5 more days to go!!!!

    It's getting easier but i am wondering if i am having as much change as week 1,2,3. Maybe it's just because i am tired.

    I have ordered 6week 6 pack and will order the others when its pay day. I haven't got that full workout set.

    I do hope to continue with them though. Well done everyone!!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Some of her DVDs aren't available in the UK yet, or if they are, the DVD format is wrong for my player, but I have just got 6 week 6 pack, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones to get started with once I finish the shred!

    I'm thinking of mixing them up a little - I looked into the 30 day slimdown schedule, but that doesn't use 6 week 6 pack....hmmmm

    I think everyone's doing great! Looking forward to final results :smile:
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    L3D7 done! Only 3 more shreds!!!

    I am still doing modified versions of: 2nd set of push up planks in circuit 1. My shoulders just turn to jelly - I think I know the mountain climbers are next up so I'm saving myself for them! Sit ups. The modified ones are easy, the proper ones are impossible! I need something in between! The travelling push ups. Same as the sit ups really. The arm lift in plank followed by leg raise that goes with the travelling push ups. I'm going to try that tomorrow with my lighter weights and not modify them! And last but not least, the side ab lifts at the end!

    I will not be able to do these properly this time round, but hope to improve upon the side ab lifts and the arm / leg in plank for the last 3 days....wouldn't want to get complacent now, would I?!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Becka you are doing so great! You've motivated me to do this video for this long... thank you. :smile:
    Jojo I'm going ot have to look into that box set. It sounds like something I would be interested in. I plan on starting ripped in 30 next but after that who knows..
    So yesterday was day 4 not 5. I guess I got ahead of myself. Wouldn't want to cheat myself out of a day.. Today should have been day 5 but I was home with a sick boy yesterday and woke up not feeling to hot myself this morning. Hopefully it passes by tomorrow morning so I can get in day 5. It won't happen tonight cause hubby has the night off and I won't work out in front of him. lol. Plus we will probably go out for dinner. So no working out and dinner out. ouch..going to have to work out extra hard the rest of the week...
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    I agree with erica- Becka you are a GREAT motivator!!!

    I did Day 2 of Level 2 this morning & even got in a nice 1.5 mile walk at lunch!! Happy to be back on track:) the sun has been shinning so i think thats a motivator too:) I plan to stick this 30DS out until the end- I NEED TO DO IT!!!

    I'll be sad that you all will be done and moving on to your next goals/videos:( But we will have to stay in touch!!

    with watching my pennies I don't know if I should buy the Ripped in 30 days?? Are those workout under 30 mintues? Thats what is nice about this... my 5 DVD set if i remember the workouts were about 40 minutes- which is hard to get in during my morning before my 20 month old wakes up!!

    @erica- have a nice night out with hubby!! Order smart!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Some of her DVDs aren't available in the UK yet, or if they are, the DVD format is wrong for my player, but I have just got 6 week 6 pack, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones to get started with once I finish the shred!

    I'm thinking of mixing them up a little - I looked into the 30 day slimdown schedule, but that doesn't use 6 week 6 pack....hmmmm

    I think everyone's doing great! Looking forward to final results :smile:

    I'm in the UK too and having the same problems with playing her DVD's. My new one came today '6 weeks 6 packs' and i honestly wasn't as excited as i thought i would be. I'm really feeling tired now. Day 26 done only 4 more days and i'm out of Level 3 haha.

    I think once i get my energy back (had a heavy week at work) i will look back and be really proud of doing it for 30 days straight. My before and after pics are amazing but i don't feel comfortable posting them on here.

    You are all doing so well and have kept me going through the 26 days so far :)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Awww massive thanks to Jojo and Erica! :smile: :heart:

    I've found you all on here greatly motivating! I'm very proud of myself for getting through the 30 days (almost...will have done by Saturday!). I'm going to visit my parents saturday or sunday - they had better notice a difference in me!

    I've taken pics too but am uncomfortable posting on here - I might put them on my profile page though...

    I was thinking of taking Banish Fat boost metabolism with me to my parents - see if I can get my mum doing it! Funny, before I started on MFP, I would look forward to visiting my parents cos I knew I would do loads of walking....now I'm thinking - well I might need something else, the only exercise I'll get there is walking!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Whoop! L3D8 DONE!!

    Almost there!

    NSV - have put on denim mini skirt that is currently being kept up by my butt and my thighs - my hips are not doing a thing! Usually it hugs my butt in an unattractive way and is indecently short, but today it is sitting about 3" above my knee and falling! Also, my top feels quite baggy around the arms (I haven't been measuring them), but that could be because it needs washing!
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    After 20 days on Level 1, I successfully completed Level 2 today! I had to do alot of modifications, beyond even what they modified, but I did it! Hooray! I didn't even realize that I had done 20 days at level 1, I just felt like trying level 2 again!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Well done everyone you are doing great!

    Becka - that is great news about the clothes, i too have had a clothes victory by wearing my smaller sized trousers for work. I love the way you are thinking walking is not enough - shows how much progress you have made.

    I have completed day 27 level 3 only 3 more days to go - i finish on Sunday - whoop whoop!!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    L3D9 done! Almost there (I'm sounding like JM only I'm not lying when I say it!)

    I asked my hubby to tell me honestly if he thought I'd lost weight, cos he never says anything to me! He paused....and said...I can't say definitely where you've lost weight, but I can definitely tell that you've lost weight all over, you've toned up and there's somehow...less of you..you are slighter!

    So...erm...I guess that was a yes then!

    Last day tomorrow - well done to everyone and keep shredding!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    i can't believe we are nearing the end!
    It's been a tough week for me. Between my son getting sick and him passing on whatever he had to me and my husband I havn't been shredding like I would like to. Managed to get day 5 in yesterday and some Zumba. My head was pounding this morning so I didn't do it today. Tomorrow for sure while they are at baseball practice and some Zumba tonight. does anyone else feel guilty when they don't shred? This week I've felt really guilty on the days I haven't done the video.

    Oh well, Everyone have a great weekend!!!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    becka -congratulations, i feel the same like i have shrunk all over a little. Tonight i was leaning on the counter and had a funny moment where i noticed the muscle definition on the inside of my arms by my biceps, i have never seen those before. I thought that is from JM!!

    Erica - i haven't had a days rest yet and only two days to go but i feel guilty for doing it everyday when my body needs a rest so badly but its been more of a mental challenge than a physical one.

    So just finished day 28 level 3, only 2 days.

    Becka im just a day behind you so i think your finale will see me through the last session on Sunday.

    To everyone else who is still going, stick with it, its all worth it in the end and happy for anyone to add me as a friend:smile:
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Wahey! Shredded and done!

    Oh boy! Today was tough!

    I'm offline for a few days, (Well will try and log my food etc) so will post results when I get back. They're not jaw-droppingly spectacular, but I feel smaller everywhere and defo fitter!

    Keep it going people! I want to hear other successes when I get back!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Wahey! Shredded and done!

    Oh boy! Today was tough!

    I'm offline for a few days, (Well will try and log my food etc) so will post results when I get back. They're not jaw-droppingly spectacular, but I feel smaller everywhere and defo fitter!

    Keep it going people! I want to hear other successes when I get back!!

    Yay!!! well done becka!!! congratulations on finishing you surely are a trooper and I bet you have definitely 'shrunk'.

    I have just finished Day 29 Level 3 and tomorrow is my last day,,,still going straight and really feel proud to have nearly finished it!! Looking forward to swapping results with everyone!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member

    Yay!!! I did it 30 days straight...awesome!!

    So day 30 Level 3 done and i am thrilled.

    I lost 5lbs in the first week and none after that but i am sure i have it's just i've gained muscle which i am fine with.

    I have lost over 5 inches off my waist alone.

    I will add all my results once i measure everywhere.

    Keep up with it guys, it is really worth sticking with. I don't think i will do another round straight away as i need to mix it up and I have just bought siz week six pack but i do think i will come back to it again. I can't imagine life without Jillian now :)
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Try using milk jugs filled with water to get whatever weight you are trying for. Plus they had built in handles!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    congrats Ruby and Becka!!!:drinker: you two did awesome and I can't wait to see the measurements!

    2 more days and I am done level 3!!! I feel so much stronger than I did a month ago. Can't believe I can do so many walk out pushups. I really enjopy those. lol.
    I went back and did level 1 again Saturday. It was tough after doing level 3, but I am sure if I had started with level 1 it would have been much easier. I may go back and switch between level 1 and 3 after I complete the next 2 days. Then I will start frech on Monday with ripped in 30. Kinda excited:laugh:

    Happy Marathon Monday everyone!! :smile: