30 Day Shred Buddy?



  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    @erica - no problem! i was logging my dinner and having a general MFP nose, he was reading what i was doing overmy shoulder and launched into a big 'its similar to getting shin splints' type of thing!
  • irishheathen
    i just saw there was a msg board here lol.

    I started the shred last week. Day 1 lvl 1 I was in sooo much pain (i'm a big girl, 235lbs and 5'3") and day 2 i couldn't even walk up the stairs or sit down without wanting to cry because my thighs were so sore.
    I'm on day 4 now (i do it every other day cause i walk my kid to school and back every day and sometimes it's to much) and it's much easier now. My only issue is i have huge breasts and even with my super awesome enell sports bra i still can't do a full circuit of jumping jacks. My breasts slam the air out of my chest when i jump. So I run in place sometimes instead.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished day 19 still going straight..it's actually getting easier though and I am ready to move up to Level 3. Only one more day and then im up a level.

    @Forever I hear ya about the showering i was thinking the same i am showering like 3 x a day at the moment due to the shred, running and work.

    I haven't noticed any loss this week - im hoping next week it kicks up a gear!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Did L3D2, really enjoying this level - it's so much more fun (if that could ever be the right word!). I got my extra 3kg weight and used it / them a couple of times, so that was good. I grazed my elbows on the carpet doing the 1st plank exercise! Have to watch that tomorrow!

    My knees have been hurting a lot and I think it's partially the jump exercises in the shred and partially the wii zumba, but I'm prone to knee joint pain anyway (side effect of crohn's apparently). I find that if I keep moving they don't hurt, it's only when I sit down for any length of time...I put some ibruprofen gel on them before I go to bed and that seems to help, so I guess you could try that or ibrupofen tablets (which I can't take).

    No loss for me - in fact 1lb gain :-( but I did my measurements this morning and saw a tiny loss....I thought my tummy was looking well flat and feels tight as! whoop!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    everyone is doing SOOO good!! I'm jealous!! I fell off the boat for while but am going to get back on tomorrow!!! I had super tough volleyball games sunday night and wasn't able to really move until yesterday!! Yikes!!

    I'm so glad everyone is still at it!! Will be back with you all soon!! KEEP IT UP!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Ok so i got home late from work tonight, went for a 5k run which felt great and then did the last day of level 2. That's Day 20 done for me, still going straight and proud that i got this far.

    Tomorrow is my first day of Level 3. I will take my measurements this weekend.

    Still loving it but listening to what weights you are all using i need to up mine, i am still using 1kg weights because that is all i had but i think i need to get some heavier ones as im not feeling it as much. Can't believe i can do all of those 'v' lifts when on the first day they killed my arms.

    It's all progress folks!!!!

    Keep at it - !!!!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    ibruprofin seemed to help thanks Becka :smile: and it was feeling much better today. I could still feel it but was less of a throb. Got in the last day of level 2! Yay! I am so excited to start level three. Going to get up early tomorrow and get it in. I have not had any weight loss either but I feel slimmer.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Day 21 - first day of Level 3 and yikes was it tough.

    I am really tired today so was flagging a bit and i wore my HRM and it said only 161 cals burnt.

    I'm hoping the more i do of level 3 the easier it will get. I thought my arms were going to fly off doing jumping jacks with weights!!!!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Rubysparkle you are doing amazing! and you erica79!

    I havent shreddedfor 3 days, i feel so naughty! have been doing other exercise though. haven't been feeling very well,am hoping i'll feel better tomorrow so i can shred!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Did L3D3 yesterday, it was tough, but definitely enjoying it more.

    Ruby, only use weights you're happy with! I could happily go down to 1kg weights for those V lifts and the military presses and the side lunges in L1, but the other ones, I'm happy with my 2kg ones, I've only used the 3kg ones for a couple of the sets in L3...

    Will pick it up again tomorrow, have been doing wii zumba alongside it - makes for an interesting workout!

    Glad the ibru worked well - hope you noted I only used it at night! (I think it's meant to be unproductive if you take painkillers before you work out, cos it masks pain - I read that somewhere!)

    Good luck and happy shredding!
  • corkgirl
    corkgirl Posts: 3
    I have just ordered this in the mail and am looking forward to getting started?
    Is it just weights you need what size? Many thanks
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    I have just ordered this in the mail and am looking forward to getting started?
    Is it just weights you need what size? Many thanks

    i have both 2lb and 5lb weights and I switch up between to two sizes depending on the move.

    level 3 day 2 done! wow! I love this level compared to level 2. I woke up this morning and could feel it all through my core. I think it's those plank moves at the beginning and the walk out push ups. As hard as they are I enjoy them. I fall to the floor half way through but I still like them. lol. Do we do 3 minutes of strengh in this level. I keep thinking she is saying 3 minutes but it doesn't feel like it. And she's crazy if she thinks I can do a actual situp. I can't even get up in Anita's position. I ended up just doing regular crunches. I'll keep trying a couple times each day but I doubt I will be able to in 10 days.

    Have a nice weekend everyone! off the rake the yard and clean up winter's mess.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I have just ordered this in the mail and am looking forward to getting started?
    Is it just weights you need what size? Many thanks

    I use tins of food! hahaha! they work fine for me, dont seem like much when you start with them but definately can feel them working. I now have cute little biceps, i was anxious to not get toomuscly!

    Good luck, looking forward to hearing from you!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    D22 L3 done, phew. I feel like with this level some are hard (the planks) maybe because my neck isn't very up to planks but then the abs are not hard enough. I can do all the sit ups fine but the moving planks i just fall in a heap.

    Im hoping by the end i can do them all.

    I was up a pound this morning though despite my added cardio and today i ran for 6k before doing it so that's a bit rubbish. I will take my meaurements tomorrow see if there is any different there.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished D23 L3 - phew it's getting a bit better now.

    I took my measurements this morning and i have lost an inch this week off my tummy and also weirdly an inch off my lower arms. The planks must be doing that!!!

    How is everyone else doing?

    Still going straight only 7 more days to go for me!!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Ruby - that's a great loss on the tape measure!

    I'm on L3D5?? I think! Oh yeah- just worked it out!

    Did D4 yesterday, a bit half-heartedly, cos it was so hot and I'd done some wii zumba before, I really felt a bit lethargic at the start!

    Finding the planks difficult, but loving how much easier I find the push ups (still girly position!) now on L3! Might go back and do a L1 to see if I can do those awful push ups at the start!

    Can't believe I'll finish on Saturday - I usually have that as a rest day, but I think I'm going away for a few days and it seems silly to rest one day short of completing! I've ordered Banish Fat, boost metabolism; No More Trouble Zones & 6 week 6 pack - I am now a confirmed Jillian-aholic!

    Still losing CM round waist, bum and thighs...my hips seem to have plateaued, but I saw a massive loss there early on in the program, so not bothered. Weight has been about 2.5lb loss, which is a little disappointing tbh, but since starting it, I've read loads on here about how most people lose inches rather than lbs.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    L3D5 - done!

    Only 5 more to do...impressed myself on the mountain climbers today! woohoo!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Level 3 Day 24 (so i guess day 4 on level 3?!)

    Can't believe i have kept going, i have just ordered 6 week 6 pack - i now love Jillians workouts.

    I finish on Sunday and the mountain climbers are now achievable the planks aren't so hard and level 3

    I am noticing a real difference in my clothes and I am so glad i did this - if i can make it to the full 30 days I will be really happy. It has kick started me and even after running 6k today i still wanted to put Jillian on.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Oh yeah ruby! Mountain climbers were flying today!! Also found a lot of it much easier today!

    Glad you're noticing a difference in your clothes- I'm so glad I've done this, got other JM DVDs on order- can't wait!!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Day 5 level 3 done! I can't believe I only have 5 days left! It went by a lot faster than I thought it would.
    I'm glad the mountain climbers are getting easier. I find it to be one ofhte hardest moves. That and situps and jump lunges. I've been taking them easy so I don't hurt my knee this time. I'm definetly feeling a difference in the plank positions and the walk out push ups. I love that I can do so many before i fall to my knees lol.
    I'm addicted to Jillian as well. Can't wait to start ripped in 30. I may do an extra few days of the shred so I can start the new video on a fresh week. I'm so glad I am going ot make it the whole 30 days! glad I took measurments before. Can't wait to measue next week. Maybe Saturday. I wish I took some pictures first. I'll have to remember that for next time.