30 Day Shred Buddy?



  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    @becka - well done on losing on the measurements that's encouraging.

    I just finished Day 15 (level 2) i feel better once i've done it and today i did it straight after my 5k run again and ouch my legs were feeling it.

    Half way now - only 15 days to go :)

    Still haven't had a rest day but i cant stop or else i dont think i will keep going.
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    Took wednesday & thursday off- but made myself do it Friday morning. I'm mad at myself for taking to days off like that. Took today off but did get in a 5K!

    Sounds like everyone is staying on track!! Level 2 is a tough one- gotta stay inspired by everyone and not fall off track again!!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends:) :happy:
  • rockasparx
    i just finished level 1 but not sure how to apply this to my exercise...ANYONE???
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    i just finished level 1 but not sure how to apply this to my exercise...ANYONE???

    Do you mean how to log it? I log it as 20 mins circuit trainin, i try not to count to the warm up. Think im a sceptic, cant believe i can burn that many cals doing such a short workout and i;d rather underestimate than over estimate!
    Hope that helps
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I have just finished Day 16 (lvl 2) it's getting easier now and i learnt today that if i keep my feet together during the v' moves im ok with them.

    I log mine as 30 Day shred cardio and according to my heart rate monitor i burnt 182 cals during level 1 and 225 during level 2, but this is obviously taken from my own weight and heart rate it would differ for everyone.

    Only 14 days to go !!!

    On a side note the scale hasn't moved this week - disappointing - im hoping to catch up again next week with a loss
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Dd L2D9 today. Not sure I'm ready to move on yet, so will do 2moro then watch L3...if I'm not too scared, will give it a go!

    Kinda enjoying it more now- I know a couple of people don't...hope it comes, exercising sucks when thers no enjoyment! Did ALL the plank twists- well did them 4the full minute! My arms wer shaking n I was begging 4jillian to b saying "give me 3more.."! On a negative couldn't do ne of the last strength circuit wiv my weights! Dur :-(

    Not lost any weight this wk either, but taking much from my tape measure results on thurs!

    Am finding my overall strength is improving- no way I cdve done 2hrs gardening 2days in a row before!!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    I did L2 D4 today - started this morning and just thought noooo way can i do this! i felt miserable so i stopped and then powered through it with my boyfriends help this afternoon. Felt much better about it. decided its all in the mind and i need to be much more cheerful! That was todays breakthrough!

    Anyone had any breakthroughs today or this week?
  • rockasparx
    yes, thank you very much.
  • staceywoo
    staceywoo Posts: 56
    I took a break yesterday so really need to get back on it today, I'm on L1 day 9. My weight stayed the same this week but I took some measurements yesterday and I've lost another half an inch from pretty much everywhere in the last two weeks so something's working!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    @stacy- that feels great with tape measure! I haven't lost weight this week, but lost a cm everywhere!

    Did L2D10...woohoo! Was really tough cos I did zumba for wii first (why?!!), but managed it altho my muscles were screaming!

    Watched L3... Oh my dear God! Gonna give it a go after my zumba class tmz...if I can't get thru I'll go back to L2 for another couple of days....watch this space!

    Happy shredding folks!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Happy Monday!
    level 2 day 7 done. I still really do not enjoy level 2. I struggled a lot this morning. Yesterday and today after the workout my knee was hurting.I hope level 3 is better. I have never made it to level 3 so I am excited that this time I am finally going to get there!
    I have also lost about an inch from my waist since I started and a little from my neck :smile: No weight loss for me either this morning. Have a great week everyone!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Hooray for inch loss! And no weight lossmeans you must be making somemean muscle!

    I am about to start my 16th shred,i'm more than halfway through! whoopee :) In the last 2 days i've got much better at level 2 and haven't necessarily enjoyed it but i haven't hated it either.....so i guess im getting there!

    What does everyone have planned for this week?
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    I've been extremely slack and haven't done 30DS for 10 days... L1D5 for me today, and a lot pleasanter with the sound turned down and the radio on!

    Am hoping to get back into it, and start L2 at some point next week...
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I just did L3D1! Oh boy! I went to my zumba class first, so was already quite buzzed, but I found it really tough! Cardio ith weights! Aarrgghh! More plank! Aaarrggghhhh! I think I enjoyed it more than L2.....it seemed to go quickly! But I took lots of 5sec breaks n went with Anita quite a lot! Will try and do better tomorrow...
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Day 18 only 2 more days of Level 2 then im up to Level 3.

    I am finding Level 2 a bit boring now and ready to move on. I can't believe I stuck with it for 18 days straight.

    I work fulltime and find it hard on weekdays to get motivated but i always feel better afterwards.

    Haven't taken my measurements in a while i will do on day 20.

    Well done everyone!!
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    @elfward - sorry to hear you were ill! I hope you're feeling better now! Once you pick up again, let us know how you get on!

    @rubysparkle - congrats on not giving up! in totali've had 6 days offspread out because basically, i just hate that i have to shower all the time! haha! i have to shower after work (waitressing), shower after my main exercise (swimming) and shower after the shred! drives me crrrrrazy!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Did L3 again today...I like it a lot more than L2 tbh, even though it's still a tough workout. I managed to do a lot more of the normal moves, but slowly, but my thighs burned! I've been using 2kg weights, which on some of the moves in L1 & 2 were too heavy, on L3 I'm not finding heavy enough, so, as I have 1 3kg weight, I'm off to buy it's partner in time for tomorrow's shred!

    Am a bit annoyed that this week I've gained 1lb and lost no cm - it really knocks my motivation when I don't see results! However, I got Zumba for Wii so have been doing 20 min of that before the shred to get a good blast of cardio going, so hopefully will begin to see results again soon!

    I think I'm going to count today as L3 D1 not yesterday - I thought of doing that when I started L2, having a 'try it' day before doing it properly! Just because I struggled with the new routines, I wasn't putting my all into it! So 9 shreds left...

    I'm really impressed with all those on here who have had to take breaks from it and have jumped back in - I know if I had to stop (other than my rest day) then that would be it! So big well done and keep posting!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Well I managed to get in level 2 day 8 yesterday but my knee was hurting bad. I never had knee pain before so I am not sure what to do. lol. do I ice it? heat it? elevate it? it's not swollen so I'm not doing anything but taking advil. Looks like Wednesday is my new day off since I took last Wednesday off too. Hopefully my knee is a little better tomorrow so I can continue and get level 2 over with.
    Becka I'm glad you like level 3 better. It gives me hope I will too.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Well I managed to get in level 2 day 8 yesterday but my knee was hurting bad. I never had knee pain before so I am not sure what to do. lol. do I ice it? heat it? elevate it? it's not swollen so I'm not doing anything but taking advil. Looks like Wednesday is my new day off since I took last Wednesday off too. Hopefully my knee is a little better tomorrow so I can continue and get level 2 over with.
    Becka I'm glad you like level 3 better. It gives me hope I will too.

    My boyfriend does a lot of sports and has general knowledge of sports injuries (but isnt trained) and he wonders whether your knee pain is pain from your knees getting used to the new amount, and new type of exercise you're doing. Particularly the level of on the spot impact the 30day shred requires. Wearing trainers might help as it would absorb some of the shock. he suggests resting it if its hurting that much, dont overstrain it. If it doesnt get better in a few days then go to the doctors!
    Hope that helps!

    I didnt shred today, i went swimming and did extra walking today. might do some crunches before bed but will be back on tomorrow! only 4more days oflevel 2 and after what Becka said about enjoying L3 i cannot WAIT to move on!
    Hope you all had/have a good day!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    My boyfriend does a lot of sports and has general knowledge of sports injuries (but isnt trained) and he wonders whether your knee pain is pain from your knees getting used to the new amount, and new type of exercise you're doing. Particularly the level of on the spot impact the 30day shred requires. Wearing trainers might help as it would absorb some of the shock. he suggests resting it if its hurting that much, dont overstrain it. If it doesnt get better in a few days then go to the doctors!
    Hope that helps!

    I didnt shred today, i went swimming and did extra walking today. might do some crunches before bed but will be back on tomorrow! only 4more days oflevel 2 and after what Becka said about enjoying L3 i cannot WAIT to move on!
    Hope you all had/have a good day!

    thank you so much for asking him for me. I'm sure it is both my body geting used to it and because of the type of exercise. I've been reading a lot of people complain about knee pain with this DVD so I guess it's normal. I have to say it's not too bad and I could probably workout through the pain but I don't want to injure it anymore. I am determined to finish 30 days of the shred!!! Even if I have to do it on one leg lol. Hopefully it feels better tomorrow. If not I will give it one more day.