Walk Away the Pounds ---- Who's in????



  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    4/04 - 3 miles (1 outside, 2 w/Leslie)
    4/05 -
    4/06 -
    4/07 -
    4/08 -
    4/09 -
    4/10 -

    Week's goal: 20 miles
    3/20 done!

    Have an awesome week everyone!
  • Cusegirl1992
    Had beautiful weather today! Was able to get out with my girls for a little bit. :)

    4/01-- 6 miles ( 3 mile in the am and again in the pm )
    4/02--my day off
    4/03--my day off ( walked 1 mile outside with my girls after dinner )
    4/04 -- 5 miles with LS and 1.5 miles outside

    I walk mostly indoors right now, but am looking forward to moving outside sometimes.
    Goal--36 miles
    Total -- 13.5/36 miles
    Starting Weight-- 150lbs.
    Goal Weight for end of April--145lbs.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    did a mile twice today. in the wind again....love that challenge! good job everyone!! keep it up!:flowerforyou:
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    4/04 - 3 miles
    4/05 - 3 miles

    Goal--15 miles
    Total -- 6miles
    Total miles left - 9 miles
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    4/04 - 3 miles (1 outside, 2 w/Leslie)
    4/05 - 1 mile
    4/06 -
    4/07 -
    4/08 -
    4/09 -
    4/10 -

    Week's goal: 20 miles
    4/20 done!
  • Cusegirl1992
    Walked inside yesterday. Rainy and cold weather...

    4/01-- 6 miles ( 3 mile in the am and again in the pm )
    4/02--my day off
    4/03--my day off ( walked 1 mile outside with my girls after dinner )
    4/04 -- 5 miles with LS and 1.5 miles outside
    4/05 --6 miles with LS

    I walk mostly indoors right now, but am looking forward to moving outside sometimes.
    Goal--36 miles
    Total -- 19.5/36 miles
    Starting Weight-- 150lbs.
    Goal Weight for end of April--145lbs.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    4/04 - 3 miles
    4/05 - 3 miles
    4/06 - 3 miles

    Goal--15 miles
    Total -- 9 miles
    Total miles left - 6 miles
  • Cusegirl1992
    Did 6 miles with Leslie again. It's getting easier, although I don't know how I'm going to make up that 1/2 mile for the week???

    4/01-- 6 miles ( 3 mile in the am and again in the pm )
    4/02--my day off
    4/03--my day off ( walked 1 mile outside with my girls after dinner )
    4/04 -- 5 miles with LS and 1.5 miles outside
    4/05 --6 miles with LS
    4/06 --6 miles with LS

    I walk mostly indoors right now, but am looking forward to moving outside sometimes.
    Goal--36 miles
    Total -- 25.5/36 miles
    Starting Weight-- 150lbs.
    Goal Weight for end of April--145lbs.
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    4/04 - 3 miles (1 outside, 2 w/Leslie)
    4/05 - 1 mile
    4/06 - 3 miles (1 outside, 2 w/Leslie)
    4/07 -
    4/08 -
    4/09 -
    4/10 -

    Week's goal: 20 miles
    7/20 done!

    A bit of a draggy couple of days for me. Not feeling it. But it happens, and I just have to push through it. You all are doing great!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I think I have one of her tapes here somewhere.....I am in as soon as I find it
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    I have several of Leslie's videos but FOUR FAST MILES is my go-to one! about 45 minutes in length...great workout. I bought mine at Walmart...
  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    Can I join your group! I have Leslie Sansone DVD's I am in the UK and they are not so easy to find here but the ones I have got are brilliant! I have only just found your thread, have you been going long? Will weigh in tomorrow! are you doing it everyday? questions questions!!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Can I join your group! I have Leslie Sansone DVD's I am in the UK and they are not so easy to find here but the ones I have got are brilliant! I have only just found your thread, have you been going long? Will weigh in tomorrow! are you doing it everyday? questions questions!!

    Hi.. Welcome to the Group!!!! YES!!!!!! You definately can!!! We have been doing this since March 16 of this year :smile: A lot of us are doing this everyday. I am doing it 5 days a week.. at least I am hoping to.

    If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask.
  • Cusegirl1992
    Was able to go for 3 miles outside today! It is a beautiful day and the girls rode their scooters in front of me...it kept my pace up!

    4/01-- 6 miles ( 3 mile in the am and again in the pm )
    4/02--my day off
    4/03--my day off ( walked 1 mile outside with my girls after dinner )
    4/04 -- 5 miles with LS and 1.5 miles outside
    4/05 --6 miles with LS
    4/06 --6 miles with LS
    4/07--3 miles with LS and 3 miles outside

    Goal--36 miles
    Total -- 28.5/36 miles
    Starting Weight-- 150lbs.
    Goal Weight for end of April--145lbs.
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    Was able to go for 3 miles outside today! It is a beautiful day and the girls rode their scooters in front of me...it kept my pace up!

    4/01-- 6 miles ( 3 mile in the am and again in the pm )
    4/02--my day off
    4/03--my day off ( walked 1 mile outside with my girls after dinner )
    4/04 -- 5 miles with LS and 1.5 miles outside
    4/05 --6 miles with LS
    4/06 --6 miles with LS
    4/07--3 miles with LS and 3 miles outside

    Goal--36 miles
    Total -- 28.5/36 miles
    Starting Weight-- 150lbs.
    Goal Weight for end of April--145lbs.

    You're rocking it! Curious, are you doing other workouts in addition to these walks? The reason I ask is because right now that's all I'm doing, and have really only started being consistent with it for a few weeks, so I'm curious what kind of results to expect. I want to know if you've been successful at weight loss with walking or if you do some other cardio work as well... For me it's really hard to motivate myself to do other workouts but walking I somehow am able to push myself to do.
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    4/04 - 3 miles (1 outside, 2 w/Leslie)
    4/05 - 1 mile
    4/06 - 3 miles (1 outside, 2 w/Leslie)
    4/07 - 4 miles (w/Leslie)
    4/08 -
    4/09 -
    4/10 -

    Week's goal: 20 miles
    11/20 done!
  • Cusegirl1992
    Was able to go for 3 miles outside today! It is a beautiful day and the girls rode their scooters in front of me...it kept my pace up!

    4/01-- 6 miles ( 3 mile in the am and again in the pm )
    4/02--my day off
    4/03--my day off ( walked 1 mile outside with my girls after dinner )
    4/04 -- 5 miles with LS and 1.5 miles outside
    4/05 --6 miles with LS
    4/06 --6 miles with LS
    4/07--3 miles with LS and 3 miles outside

    Goal--36 miles
    Total -- 28.5/36 miles
    Starting Weight-- 150lbs.
    Goal Weight for end of April--145lbs.

    You're rocking it! Curious, are you doing other workouts in addition to these walks? The reason I ask is because right now that's all I'm doing, and have really only started being consistent with it for a few weeks, so I'm curious what kind of results to expect. I want to know if you've been successful at weight loss with walking or if you do some other cardio work as well... For me it's really hard to motivate myself to do other workouts but walking I somehow am able to push myself to do.

    Not sure if this is the right way to respond, but I am ONLY walking and have added 5 minutes of strength training to the end of my walks. I mostly or have mostly done only Leslie Sansone. I started with her mile workout in the morning and then again in the afternoon. ( I have a daughter that goes to school in the morning and one in the afternoon, so I do one work out with one and then switch ) I then progressed to her 2 mile workout and now I'm on her 3 mile workout. I generally only workout during the week. Today it really helped to have the girls on their scooters. They rode ahead of me and I walked trying to keep up. I was able to maintain about the pace of walking a dog I think ( I don't have a dog )...The motivation is hard, but my girls help. My little one reminds me to do my workouts.... I hope this helps. Good luck to you!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    4/04 - 3 miles
    4/05 - 3 miles
    4/06 - 3 miles
    4/07 - 3 miles

    Goal--15 miles
    Total -- 12 miles
    Total miles left - 3 miles
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    It's WEIGH IN DAY!!!! Woo Hoooo

    SW - 177.4
    Friday, March 28 Weight - 176
    Friday, March 25 Weight - 174
    Saturday, April 2 Weight - 173.4
    Friday, April 8 Weight - 172

    Total lbs Lost - 5.4 lbs. YAY!!! :smile:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    That is terrific, Zita_Jenn!!!!