Lose 15 by June 4th Challenge (CLOSED)



  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    Does a new challenge start on Wed? or friday? I started the no pop no candy thing last wed....do I have to go a week and 2 days? lmbo.....I have like 4 2liters of diet pop in my fridge ( left over form my daughters bday party sunday) I was good and have only had water since wed and one 50 cal swedish fish pkg several days ago. One slip up, not to bad :)

    when and who will decide on what the next challenge will be? yes, I wanna know so I can fill up now! hahahahaha
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Does a new challenge start on Wed? or friday? I started the no pop no candy thing last wed....do I have to go a week and 2 days? lmbo.....I have like 4 2liters of diet pop in my fridge ( left over form my daughters bday party sunday) I was good and have only had water since wed and one 50 cal swedish fish pkg several days ago. One slip up, not to bad :)

    when and who will decide on what the next challenge will be? yes, I wanna know so I can fill up now! hahahahaha

    I'm not sure who should decide bu tI say we start Wed as thats when we started last week! I am going to aim for 99 onces a day. I read that you should actually drink half your weight in onces, or 64 once which ever greater so thats what I am gonna do!
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    i love the water challenge!! let's start that one... do you all want to do 50% of your weight or 64oz (whichever is greater)?

    Next week the challange will start between Friday & Monday (whenever I have all the weights in) and the winner will make the new challenge! 3 days will weigh in!!

    who will win the first weeks weigh in!? GOOD LUCK ALL!!
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    I am so nervous to weigh in I feel SO bloated ( not TOM either, thank goodness! lol) I love the water challege i need to drink 118oz or so every day for 50% I do 100 most days but some days ( usually days I drink lots of pop, I only get in like 60/70oz. WE CAN DO THIS THOUGH I love having a group to answer too! lmbo.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I like answering to the group as well, if I fail it's like letting us all down!!
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    i agree! the group makes me a little more careful about what i eat! i'm praying for a 3lb loss or more for friday! that'd put me on pace for the 15lbs... ahhhh
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Ugh! I went to the doctor today and I was up 2lbs. Then again, it's TOM so i guess I am actually even? Still, it's frustrating to work so hard and see that.
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    also a diff scale :) so maybee you will be good. drink a ton of water and watch the sodium :)
    Ugh! I went to the doctor today and I was up 2lbs. Then again, it's TOM so i guess I am actually even? Still, it's frustrating to work so hard and see that.
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    Are we already on the water challenge. I was 1 8oz glass short yesterday and that is because i miscalculated. So i have to drink 112 ounces of water a day. That is not the worst thing. water and coffee are the only things i usually drink. sometimes i will add crystal light into my water.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I drank 84.5 oz of water yesterday! Wow, it took me all day. I know the challenge starts today, but just wanted to get that in , just in case I can't do it again today. I will give it my best try!! And I had to pee all day long! Everyone have a great day.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I drank over 100 ounces yesterday! I will do it again today! I am also going to eat better, I had too much fat yesterday....it was time to figure out our monthly budget which always stresses me out...more so these days!
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    Morning all!!!! It's WEDNESDAY... only 1 more full day until Friday's weigh in!! keep drinking the water and start thinking of a new challange just in case you're the winner! let's keep this up!!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Hope everyone had a good day! I drank 104 ounces of water, was under my calories goal and burned almost 500 calories! It was a great day!! See you all tomorrow
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    got in over 100 yesterday as well as today. I need to watch my sodium better though! Keep up the good work all!:bigsmile:
  • JennWhit10
    JennWhit10 Posts: 32
    This water challenge is a hard one for me. Its not that I dont like it. I just dont really drink much in general through out the day. Maybe I need to start getting some sugar free drink packets:) Good luck everyone.!
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    i drank my water yesterday 112 ounces. I want to try to get it done earlier today because i was up all night having to go pee. I didn't finish my water intake till about 9 last night and i had to prove to myself i could do it so i did. But hopefully today i will finish earlier. Good luck all. i am nervous about weigh in tomorrow. I think i gained with TOM.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I drank 84.5 oz of water yesterday. Everyone have a great day.
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 207 Member
    hey everyone! I'm back from vacation but it was not the relaxing time it was supposed to. I got a call Monday night from my mom saying mine and my partner's dog of over 15 yrs passed away. ...so aside from not healthy eating while having fun, I am not in the best state emotionally AND it's TOM...ugh! Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. :/

    Side note: I'm all about water challenges.
  • vetsnatural
    vetsnatural Posts: 186 Member
    Sorry to hear about your dog... its TOM for me too and I am hoping for some kind of loss because then I know I have done good. I don't think I was as discipline on my dinners as I intended but the next 2-3 weeks I am going to really go super hard in workouts and all. I have a trip before labor day... no , nothing where a bathing suit is necessary but I would love to look real cute in my shorts and skirts and with great toning. I will be on point today! All Day!
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    its about to be my TOM too!! i weighed today and was only 1lb lighter then when I weighed in for the begining of the challenge... ugh! hoping for more tomorrow? not likely though... i'm having a hard time with the water today which is odd because i can usually drink like a fish haha

    GOOD LUCK ALL!!! don't forget to message me your weights tomorrow!

    dont forget- the best time to weigh is in the AM before you eat or drink anything... we can do this!!!
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