Lose 15 by June 4th Challenge (CLOSED)



  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I exercised all week long except for 1 day ate good below my goal and only lost 0.4 :grumble: but I know next week I'll have to work super hard. Good luck to you all and have a awesome weekend.

  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I met the workout challenge and the water challenge. Slipped twice on the candy (oops!- darned peanut m&ms!) and I forgot to get on the scale this morning. I will have to weigh tonight- which doesn't make me happy, but it is what it is.
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    I've slipped on the candy this week, but have done 3 out of my 4 work outs and hope to fit my last one in before Monday. It's my b-day this weekend so I'm worried about next week's weigh in :/
    I lost 3 lbs this week AND beat my sister in law in our $100 challenge so I really can't slow down now! Good luck everyone and have a great weekend!
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    Happy Birthday
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    Wait till the morning. you have till monday to turn your weight in :)
    I met the workout challenge and the water challenge. Slipped twice on the candy (oops!- darned peanut m&ms!) and I forgot to get on the scale this morning. I will have to weigh tonight- which doesn't make me happy, but it is what it is.
  • humglum
    humglum Posts: 98 Member
    Will WI tomorrow. Spent most of the week up 2 lbs thanks to princess time but I think I am back down to my normal now. We'll call this a maintenance week. Not surprised after my big drop last time.
    Will message you my official weight tomorrow!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hey all! Graduation is over and done, time to resume normalcy! That means starting grad. classes on TUESDAY!!!!!! 4 days of summer - woo! haha

    Well, I weighed in this morning, not too happy with the results. Hope everyone is doing well!!!!!!!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Very quite on here! Hope everyone had a good weekend, i know I did! My hubby turned 30 and we celebrated, I planned an over day and enjoyed it with out going to crazy. Got some easy work in today, but leg is sore, may be awhile before a full work out!
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    Had a bad food weekend but will get back on track today. How did everyone else do this weekend?
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    Good morning!! I'm only waiting for 5 more weights... but you have until 2pm today to send them to me... So far there are 6 gains... I will send out statistics after 2pm today :-)
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    I had a horrible food day yesterday. Saturday was not to bad and nor was friday. My body is VERY mad at me today for eating such crap yesterday. I think today will be a VLCD only b/c I plan on eating a TON of fruit and veggies to help my system get back on trac. It is also almost that TOM. I fear a gain on friday. I do not weigh everyday but I did this moring and I tihnk my scal is broken there i NO WAY I gained 9lbs over night. I usually weigh on the Wii so I am going to get that out in the morning and see what it reads. Good luck this week everyone!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I actually did not have a bad food weekend, but I only worked out once. That DID get me to the completion of the challenge, but I spent most of the rest of the weekend in bed.
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I had a bad food and exercise weekend :frown: It was raining and cold after having 3 days in a row with 80's to 90's degrees we went to 40's over the weekend. :grumble: Today is still cold but sunny and my mood is different today I will get back on the wagon and work my butt off. Let's do it again this week..Good luck to you all and can't wait for this weeks challenge

  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    there are actually 6 people missing weigh ins... if they each did not gain or lose our average for the week was a .426 loss. Not bad- but not as good as last week!! There were 7 people that gained.

    and the winner is: arodriguez2 with a 3lb loss!!! woo hoo! that's the 2nd week in a row she's has a 3lb loss!

    dont forget to send me your weight each Monday by 2pm or you will not be able to be the winner for the week.

    If there is no number in the 3rd & 4th line you didn't send me your weight for the week.

    New challenge starts today & is decided by arodriguez2. You don't need to continue doing the old challenges.

    User Name 4/27/2011 5/6/2011 difference1 5/13/2011 Difference2
    acsmyth1 140 137 3 136 1
    anacsitham5 151 146.6 4.4 145.8 0.8
    arodriguez2 158 155 3 152 3
    breezymom81 198.4 196.8 1.6 195.2 1.6
    chelseskids 174 169 5 166.7 2.3
    chelsey728 143.2 142.2 1 139.8 2.4
    dmborders 169.4 169.6 -0.2
    echowein 153.4 151.4 2 151.4 0
    edsgirl39 215.6 213.6 2 214 -0.4
    emchen 142.4 137.4 5
    franzy 165 163.4 1.6 163 0.4
    humglum 224.2 217.2 7 218 -0.8
    jeyoung03 195 194 1
    KarieRod 216.8 214.7 2.1 215 -0.3
    katiejo2011 224.2 222.8 1.4 220.6 2.2
    livingnow28 163 159.8 3.2
    madyncaden 202.2 197 5.2 197 0
    malibootie 228 227.2 0.8 227.6 -0.4
    MsMouseMouse 185 181.5 3.5 180.5 1
    misswhite81 226 226.8 -0.8
    Monicabredwell 170.2 168 2.2 169.4 -1.4
    n00dlez 202.5 200 2.5 200 0
    nevermorex 188 187.5 0.5 188.5 -1
    nutmegh 182 179 3
    revelb 203.8 202.2 1.6 201 1.2
    SamiePuente 219.2 219.2 0 219.2 0
    stabenowrj 235.7 230.6 5.1 228.6 2
    susanjackson66 168.4 165.2 3.2 163.8 1.4
    Tommi128 146.8 145.2 1.6 144.6 0.6
    vetsnatural 211 210 1 212.8 -2.8
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    FYI - the formating changed when i pressed enter... first number is orig weight, 2nd is 2nd weigh i, 3rd is difference week1, 4th is friday's wegih in, 5th is this weeks difference
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    I will be thinking of a new challenge all day...I'm having a really off day so if anyone has any really good ideas let me know!
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I will be thinking of a new challenge all day...I'm having a really off day so if anyone has any really good ideas let me know!

    CONGRADS :smile:
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    Alright, given the mood I've been in lately, the amount of stress in my life, and the fact that the past few challenges have been pretty awesome...here's what I'm thinking:


    Take at least 5 minutes (but more is better of course) EVERYDAY to do something healthy and gentle for your soul! I know that sounds kinda corny (I was a therapist in training at one point lol) but it is SO necessary. Losing weight can be stressful...life can be stressful! Let's take a few minutes a day to appreciate all we've done and how great we truly are! whatever self- care looks like for you do it ( pedicure, mini facial, yoga, meditation, an extra work out) as long as it is good for your soul AND your body!

  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Love it, as a mom of 2 and a busy person I don't frequently do this and I need to!!
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    love love love the challenge!!!!