May Exercise Challenge 360 Minutes per Week of Moving It



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 99 minutes of brisk walking and dog walking
    Tuesday, 90 minutes of Birkham yoga...25 minute walk to little league game


    VJ, just read your posts about the loss of family...what a stressful and emotional time for you and the family. I hope that you are all doing well given the circumstances.
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Week #4:

    Mon (5/23): 60 min – Zumba class – 60 min done
    Tue: 60 min - EA Active Sports 2 Circuit on Xbox 360 - 120 min done/240 to go

    @VJ - glad to see you are back on your game today, great workout. I hope things are going okay with the family.
    Kim- i have heard about the "hot" yoga, maybe I should find it in my area, I would love some relief from my aches and pains!!

    Hope everybody has a great week!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    NHGirl...I don't know if it's exactly relaxing...your heart is pounding and your sweating...but, your not jumping around either...I'll see how I feel tomorrow.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    last week i finished with 328 minutes/2003 calories burned :) not too shabby

    this week so far:
    monday: 3.25 mile walk 50/204
    tuesday: 4.5 mile walk 75/277

    total so far: 125 minutes/481 calories
    to go: 235 minutes/2019 calories

    i am fighting injuries right now :( so i am keeping it to light exercise this running til at least friday at this point :( it totally bums me out, but i would rather take a break now than have to take an extended one later...i think my fabulous race on saturday put me over the edge and i have a 7k run on monday that i really want to be able to run hard :) so walking and lighter exercise it is for now
    kim i think i am going to go find a yoga dvd after school tonight...not as fancy as your hot class, but i am encouraged that it will help...i feel like i will need someone with a video camera taping me for america's funniest home videos...i am so not coordinated or flexible :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    last week i finished with 328 minutes/2003 calories burned :) not too shabby

    this week so far:
    monday: 3.25 mile walk 50/204
    tuesday: 4.5 mile walk 75/277

    total so far: 125 minutes/481 calories
    to go: 235 minutes/2019 calories

    kim i think i am going to go find a yoga dvd after school tonight...not as fancy as your hot class, but i am encouraged that it will help...i feel like i will need someone with a video camera taping me for america's funniest home videos...i am so not coordinated or flexible :)

    The hot yoga was intense and time consuming. I bought a Groupon for that one. 4 more classes before I reconsider actually buying a punch card. I do feel nice and limber today. Some of the poses were really good for releasing the joints and such to promote healing.

    Just be careful which one you pick...Gaiam, I think is the leader in yoga DVDs...I have tried them before

    I'd be careful of the celebrity ones, like Jillian or some of they others...I'm not saying there are bad; but, it needs to be done properly to avoid injury
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5500
    Mon: 1153 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit, Insanty Cardio Circut & walk 5 miles)--169
    Tues: 519 calories burned (spin & back circuit)--81
    Wed: 1071 calories burned (C25K, glutes circuit & walk 6 miles)--138

    Total: 2743 calories/ minutes 388
    Left to go: 2757 calories/minutes 0 (zero) +26
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 99 minutes of brisk walking and dog walking
    Tuesday, 90 minutes of Birkham yoga...25 minute walk to little league game
    Wednesday, 25 minutes walking to little league game

  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Week #4:

    Mon (5/23): 60 min – Zumba class – 60 min done
    Tue: 60 min - EA Active Sports 2 Circuit on Xbox 360 - 120 min done
    Wed: 60 min - walking, brisk and otherwise!! - 180 min done/180 min to go

    Have a great day everyone, Friday is almost here!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5500
    Mon: 1153 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit, Insanty Cardio Circut & walk 5 miles)--169
    Tues: 519 calories burned (spin & back circuit)--81
    Wed: 1071 calories burned (C25K, glutes circuit & walk 6 miles)--138
    Thurs: 818 calories burned (spin, back circuit, & Insanity Power & Resistance)--122

    Total: 3561 calories/ minutes 510
    Left to go: 1939 calories/minutes 0 (zero) +150
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 99 minutes of brisk walking and dog walking
    Tuesday, 90 minutes of Birkham yoga...25 minute walk to little league game
    Wednesday, 25 minutes walking to little league game
    Thursday, worked, MD appt and little league game

  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Week #4:

    Mon (5/23): 60 min – Zumba class – 60 min done
    Tue: 60 min - EA Active Sports 2 Circuit on Xbox 360 - 120 min done
    Wed: 60 min - walking, brisk and otherwise!! - 180 min done
    Thu: 60 min - walking (25); dance aerobic video (35) - 240 done/120 to go

    Happy Friday, gang!!
  • MissKash
    MissKash Posts: 132
    well, this would be a very late start for may. are you doing this challenge in june? if so, im interested.
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5500
    Mon: 1153 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit, Insanty Cardio Circut & walk 5 miles)--169
    Tues: 519 calories burned (spin & back circuit)--81
    Wed: 1071 calories burned (C25K, glutes circuit & walk 6 miles)--138
    Thurs: 818 calories burned (spin, back circuit, & Insanity Power & Resistance)--122
    Fri: 913 calories burned (walk 6 miles, Insanity Pure Cardio & Insanity Recovery)--158

    Total: 4474 calories/ minutes 668
    Left to go: 1026 calories/minutes 0 (zero) +308
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I see you all are still rocking it!! Well I am on hiatius this week. Today was the 1st day I did anything with HRM on. I am shooting for going to gym tonight but that is looking doubtful right now. This is the 1st week and a long time that I have not made it to the gym at least once and 5 days no movement. So I am feeling better today and feeling good too.

    Have a good weekend!! I will be back in gear next week!
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Week #4:

    Mon (5/23): 60 min – Zumba class – 60 min done
    Tue: 60 min - EA Active Sports 2 Circuit on Xbox 360 - 120 min done
    Wed: 60 min - walking, brisk and otherwise!! - 180 min done
    Thu: 60 min - walking (25); dance aerobic video (35) - 240 min
    Fri: 60 min walking on Treadmill at the Gym - 300 done/60 to go

    Happy Memorial Day to all you movers out there!! Enjoy!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5500
    Mon: 1153 calories burned (C25K, arm circuit, Insanty Cardio Circut & walk 5 miles)--169
    Tues: 519 calories burned (spin & back circuit)--81
    Wed: 1071 calories burned (C25K, glutes circuit & walk 6 miles)--138
    Thurs: 818 calories burned (spin, back circuit, & Insanity Power & Resistance)--122
    Fri: 913 calories burned (walk 6 miles, Insanity Pure Cardio & Insanity Recovery)--158
    Sat: 924 calories burned (spin, arm circuit & walk 4 miles)--144

    Total: 5398 calories/ minutes 812
    Left to go: 102 calories/minutes 0 (zero) +452

    Mollie1037 we look forward to seeing you back and rolling next week. Hope all is well:flowerforyou:.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 3.25 mile walk 50/204
    tuesday: 4.5 mile walk 75/277
    wednesday: yoga 35/106
    thursday: yoga 25/71
    friday: nada
    saturday: 3.2 mile run 32/288
    total so far: 217 minutes/946 calories

    i had a really un-motivated week this week :( i decided not to run to try to help my foot heal and then promptly fell off the wagon with both eating and exercising and the scale reflects my lack of motivation!!!! ugh up at or above 130 consistently for the first time in a year!!!! not good for morale...BUT i will not let it get me down...i went for a run today and even though it was rough going, it felt good to run again...i am determined to lose the lbs that have crept back on :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 99 minutes of brisk walking and dog walking
    Tuesday, 90 minutes of Birkham yoga...25 minute walk to little league game
    Wednesday, 25 minutes walking to little league game
    Thursday & Friday, nada
    Saturdy, 57 minutes alternating walking and running

    Total: 271 minutes

    Andrea...sorry you had an unmotivating week...did you try the yoga yet? I am starting the C25K program this week. Wish me luck!!!

    MissKash...We go month-to-month...Monday thru Sunday

    Ms. Mollie, sometimes we just need to walk away and come back with a fresh attitude
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    360 Moving Minutes - Week 4

    Monday (May 23) - nada
    Tuesday - 60 minutes walking/jogging 466 calories burned (HRM)
    Wednesday - nada - bad weather
    Thursday - nada - storm
    Friday - work, work, work. I didn't even get to take lunch ;-(
    Saturday - 75 minutes walking/jogging 705 calories burned
    Sunday -

    Minutes Left - A LOT
    Total Calories Burned - 1171

    I will be able to get something for Sunday. The family is having a kickball game - that should be fun. I get to show family that I can actually run - YEAHHHH for me!!!

    A side note - I burned so many calories today because I ran more than walked. I used today as a punishment for my granddaughter. She got in trouble and was suspended from school - the last week of school. I took her to the park with me and made her run - she hates to run. We did 4.15 miles. She thought she was dying!!! I will torture her a few more times for my pure enjoyment. I bet the next time she thinks about clowning at school, she'll remember our run!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hope everyone is doing great!

    Thanks Kim and Aablacknell!

    @VJ150 - Keep up the good work on running!! Funny story about your grand daughter......:-) Some do hate moving like we did when were kids. With the new age of technology, many kids would rather sit in front of video screens, computers, etc than move their bodies.