Quitting Smoking and Dieting Support



  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    i have found that eating an orange really helps. the toughest time for me to go without a cigarette is right after a workout so i have been peeling and eating an orange as i walk from the gym to my office. i have seen some others say that helped them to so maybe there is something to it.

    i have cheated twice in the last month, but other than those two days i have been smoke free. most of the day i dont even think about it, but when i do, i really miss smoking and am so envious when i see people enjoying a cigarette.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    after workouts were tough for me too, and now that i think about it....oranges did help! probably because it gave my hands something to do lol

    good luck to all the new quitters! you can do it!!

    and congratulations to everyone who's sticking with their quit!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    craft, love the before and after pictures in your siggy!

    try some deep breathing exercises, breathe in through your nose for a count of 5, hold for 20 counts and blow out through your mouth for a count of 10. If you can hold for 20 do sets of 4/16/8. Do these about 10-20 times and they should make you more calm.

    Day 18 for me and I am still fiddgetty, I am still taking a walk around the buildings at the same time I used to smoke. I can smell the smokers a mile away now..... can't believe I used to smell sooooo bad. You just don't realize how bad it was but you will pretty soon. :laugh:

    Smoochi, good luck and stay strong! Peter, way to go on the camping trip. I did light up the smoke while drinking and gagged it right out.
  • AppleAmerica
    I used to smoke cigarettes for years! I was a smoker from 17 years old to 26 years old. I went cold turkey. What happened was I realized back then I was making smoking my stress reliever... and... when I discovered that was my problem I just started to de-stress in healthier ways. So I started working out and I starting writing in a journal every single day. It worked a whole lot! Now I can't stand the smell of cigarettes at all. I mean for a woman who smoked 2 packs a day!!!! That is HUGE! I'm rooting 4everyone who is quitting cigs!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I can smell the smokers a mile away now..... can't believe I used to smell sooooo bad. You just don't realize how bad it was but you will pretty soon. :laugh:
    That's when I knew it myself, and let the healthy part of myself drive it into the "addiction, stress relief" whatever other side of someone that makes them want to smoke. That nasty smell, I would smell 30 feet away, and when someone was close. I can't stand it.
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    I think the smell of smoke keeps me from smoking - the smell of a smoker talking to me, how the elevator at work smells, following the smelly smokey couple in the grocery store - just gross!!
    I am going to happy hour with several people that smoke this evening. Smoking isn't allowed in the bar but I know when they go out to smoke and come back, I'll "smell" them. This will be a big test for me and I hope I'll still be grossed out by the way they smell.
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Morning ALL! Thought I would check in. Craft, sorry I missed your 100th day. Happy 100+. Glad to see so many people supporting each other and quiting.

    I've passed my 6th month and even though things have been stressful professionally and personally, I have not smoked. Because of my work schedule I have not been working out and because of personal/family drama I have been eating junk. I know that's not right BUT the good news is I have not smoked even in those moment when I wanted to. I am so thankful for my support group because they have been great. Anyway, after this weekend I should be back on my regular schedule and back to eating right.

    I'm glad I recognized this week was going to be stressful and I made it through. Aha! Stress happens with or without a cigarette. I think I just had lightbulb moment lol. Take care everyone!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'm glad I recognized this week was going to be stressful and I made it through. Aha! Stress happens with or without a cigarette. I think I just had lightbulb moment lol. Take care everyone!
    Great job krb.

    Exactly. Stress happens in life. Sadness happens in life.
    It's how we choose to deal with these emotions and situations.

    Great job.

    Lttlebird - it is gross. I know I used to be one that smoked in my car (windows open a little bit), and smoked in my previous house. Now I can't go over to one of my friends house who smokes in his house.

    When they come back in from their smoke, just think to yourself, how much healthier you are getting from not smoking.
    oh I bet you will be grossed out when they come back in.
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    Great job krb for not letting the stress take you back to smoking!!!

    I did fine yesterday at happy hour. Didn't have the urge to go out and smoke at all. One of my friends asked if I still think about smoking and my honest answer to her was 'Yes, however the feeling is for a couple minutes, then it's over.' That was the feeling she worries about and the feeling I always worried about when I smoked - that I would never get over wanting to smoke. I love feeling this power and strength over smoking!!!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I had to put my dog to sleep yesterday. it was horrible. i had one craving (well, it was more like a "thought" about smoking) at some point during the day, but it lasted for a second, and then was gone. i had such a bad day yesterday, but i still managed to do well with my food. i'm glad i was able to get through the day without turning to food or cigarettes for comfort. i didn't even have coffee yesterday because i knew i would be working today and would have at least 4 cups!

    so i was stuck home alone last night during a thunderstorm feeling really depressed. a year ago i would have stuffed my face and smoked a pack of cigarettes out the bathroom window. sure, i sat on the couch and watched movies on netflix but i did a few jumping jacks and crunches here and there. and even though i didn't feel like cooking, i managed to find a Healthy Choice microwavable meal and some frozen peas for diner.

    a really terrible day, but i'm at least proud of myself that i was able to go through the day without wanting to smoke or eat an entire tub of ice cream.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Aww, I'm so sorry about your dog. What a very bad terrible day. Glad you were able to get through it without smoking or eating.

    I find I still have a problem at the "trigger" times, my normal 10:30 and 3:00 break times, after lunch on the weekend. (funny, lunch at work doesn't trigger the feeling) So I think of smoking more then. And this morning after my tea I was feeling/thinking smoke. But yeah, the feeling is only there for a few minutes.... unless I dwell on it. :laugh:
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all! Mind if I join in? I am on day 5 of no smoking. I used the patch for a few days but forgot to put the patch on this afternoon and have been ok. I bought some homeopathic tablets that seem to have been helping. I am wondering if I am setting myself up to fail if I give up the patches too soon though. Yesterday and the day before (Days 4 and 5) were probably the hardest days so far. I wanted to smoke ALL day. I thought about it ALL day long. Today it's short strong urges.

    I figure if I smoke now it's going to taste like *kitten* and then I will want to smoke another one to feel that happy buzz and then it doesnt stop :(. I feel like this is never going to end!
  • mlpaint
    mlpaint Posts: 85 Member
    Ok now that I am reading back in this thread I am starting to freak out a bit. So if I used the patch the nicotine is still in my system so I have to go through all of the stress again now that I have stopped using it? I really just want to cry right now :(
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    I have three cigarettes left in the pack ... tomorrow is the day! I just re-read this entire thread. It feels like I was reading someone's diary :happy: Thank you to all of you who have shared your struggles and shared your successes. It is nice to know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel regardless of how steep and long the tunnel may seem.

    I have my Allen Carr book (finishing that tonight), oranges, gum, green tea and have bookmarked all of the websites you all suggested. Does anyone have a suggestion for an iPhone app?
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I have quit'n'tell Iphone app, it's cute but not sure how much help it is. I think it was more helpful the first few days.

    Melanie, the patches will be a lower dose with each new step which is designed to bring you down gradually. I hope you made it through Saturday night.
  • chazspk
    chazspk Posts: 159 Member
    Bump...Giving up in a few days so want to have this 2 look back on....x
  • briandews
    Just a tip: I have recently quit smoking, mostly to benefit my long-distance running that I enjoy, and the cigarettes were sloweing me down. My little trick is the Nicorette mini lozenges - come in very convenient containers, and keep my crazing away all day. Now, I was only a 3-4 cigarettes a day smoker so I do not miss it, I just needed to get rid of the cravings and this product works.
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Hey guys. 56 hours smoke free! Yesterday (day 2) was a bit of a struggle but no one was hurt or injured. The BF and I both have today off so I think we may have to plan some activities to keep our mind off of all of this.

    I've decided to name my problem/addiction/craving. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Carl, the little monster that lives inside of me and lives off of the 4000 chemicals in cigarettes. Carl's kind of an *kitten*, my friends don't like him, and he doesn't let me do all the things I want to do. I'm always going to the store to make sure I have stuff that carl likes, which is really expensive.

    I decided to stop accommodating carl in hopes that he will go away. Let me tell you, when I stopped feeding him, Carl starting to get very annoying. He is bugging me all the time especially first thing in the morning or after meals. It has taken me a while to get here, but now I am learning to say SHUT UP Carl, GO AWAY!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    i know Carl

    Carl is a jerk
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    WTG. You're learning what an azz Carl is.

    He costs you so much money, and what does he give you in return, nothing.
    Don't you hate when you had to go to the store for Carl late at night, or when he drags you outside in the freezing cold.
    When you can't sit through a movie, or a show because Carl drags you outside every 2 hours.

    When you go out, socializing, there's a lot of people who don't like Carl. He smells aweful, and he's so clingy that everywhere you go people can smell that you were with Carl.

    I've dropped my Carl 6 months ago, and I'm so happy I finally did.
