Quitting Smoking and Dieting Support



  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Greetings All! I'm feeling much better. I crossed the seven month milestone on the 3rd. Today, I went to the gym and I'm back to watching what I eat. I think the best thing is even though I haven't lost in weight since my last weigh in, I haven't gained either. Whew!
  • Lttlbird
    Hiya quitters! Well, tomorrow will be my 5th month quit. I had a couple of "tests" last weekend being around smoking. I kinda felt like having one. I know I can't and I didn't, but deep down, I really wanted to have one.
    I have done poorly with my diet lately too. I think I justify eating since I gave up smoking. I've gained 15 lbs since I quit. For those of you who haven't gained, what keeps you from gaining weight?
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Hiya quitters! Well, tomorrow will be my 5th month quit. I had a couple of "tests" last weekend being around smoking. I kinda felt like having one. I know I can't and I didn't, but deep down, I really wanted to have one.
    I have done poorly with my diet lately too. I think I justify eating since I gave up smoking. I've gained 15 lbs since I quit. For those of you who haven't gained, what keeps you from gaining weight?

    The first month I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted. I was not about to try to fight the food battle and the quit battle at the same time. The next month I started working on my food. The 3rd month I started working out. I didn't weigh myself until the third month.

    If you're going to eat to make up for quitting, try eating fruit instead of chips.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    This past Tuesday, I just celebrated my 12th year of quitting smoking. I was a standard 1 pack a day / 2 packs on weekends (cause of drinking) and I don't miss it one bit. Not even when I'm around my smoking friends, or when I have drink now. My friends used to tell me that just being around me made them smoke more because I smoked so much. Not anymore :happy:

    I did allow myself to gain weight during that time because it was more important for me to focus on one thing and that was quitting smoking. I've lost and gained weight over the years, but now I'm determined to focus on the weight. All things in time.

    Congrats on all your quitting efforts everyone!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    day 130 :drinker:
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    I haven't smoked in two weeks today. :)
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I haven't smoked in two weeks today. :)

    That's awesome!! You're pretty much passed the hardest part! Now it's all about staying strong and in control! Good job and good luck!!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    140 days smoke free for me! how's everybody doing??
  • Lttlbird
    140 days smoke free for me! how's everybody doing??

    Great job craft!! It's been 5 months and 4 days for me. Honestly, I've missed cigarettes the past couple weeks. Not sure why now. I haven't cheated - and I don't plan to. I know 'just one' will do me in!!
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    140 days smoke free for me! how's everybody doing??
    194 days... as the ticker shows!
    Now I don't think of smoking even for a ten days or more in a row!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    so, the other night i ran for the first time in years. and by "ran", i mean, i RAN until i couldn't run anymore. it felt really awesome, and i went pretty far, too! WAY farther than i thought i would! i don't know exactly how far it was, but it was to the stop sign down the street AND BACK!!!! it was cool having my lungs actually work! :bigsmile:
  • Lttlbird
    so, the other night i ran for the first time in years. and by "ran", i mean, i RAN until i couldn't run anymore. it felt really awesome, and i went pretty far, too! WAY farther than i thought i would! i don't know exactly how far it was, but it was to the stop sign down the street AND BACK!!!! it was cool having my lungs actually work! :bigsmile:

    LOVE this!!!!
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Hi All!

    So many great things happening here. Quitting, resisting, running! Way to go!

    I have now been smoke free for 1 month, 1 day 19 hours and 44 minutes! That's a total of 32 days!!!

    I kind of fell off the grid to do it, but i had to put my head down and only focus on Carl. I definitely gained all the weight back that I lost, but I'm (kind of :ohwell: ) okay with that, Carl was/is the priority.

    I had one of those smoke dreams that you were talking about. I had a terrible day at work and I would have pushed an elderly lady down the stairs for a cigarette, but fortunately there were no stairs or senior citizens around me so I stayed smoke free. That night I had a dream that I went to the store, bought a pack, and smoked it. I woke up so pissed and disappointed in myself. It's funny though because the moment that I realized it was a dream was probably the proudest I have been of myself.

    Now I'm trying to find the motivation to start working out and watching what I eat again. Some days are better than others but Carl finally got his mail forwarded to another home! His visits are much shorter than they used to be :drinker:

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    k8es, i totally get what you're saying. you're done with the hardest part, and now you can start to enjoy the cool stuff about quitting, like being able to BREATH!! i totally stopped losing weight when i first quit, too, but almost exactly 30 days later, my body adjusted and started losing again. you're doing great and keep up the awesome work!! :drinker:
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    i made it six weeks but then i started again. it has been a couple weeks now since i have had a smoke free day, i am up to half a pack a day and have been wanting them more and more. i went out of town last week for work and plowed through an entire pack that day. I have been kind of down/depressed lately and the thought of going through quiting again doesnt sound very appealing, how do i regain the motivation i had a couple months ago when i was sure i wanted to quit since right now, i really dont.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I passed my 7 month mark a couple of weeks ago.

    Gavini - We all need to tell you or remind you about Carl.

    I'll start - Carl stinks. He goes with you everywhere. Lots of people hate Carl, and Carl always wants you to go outside when it's freezing or when it's pouring outside.

    Carl costs you a lot of money, and you never get any benefits from Carl.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    it'll be 5 months for me in a few days! i saved over $500 and a whole day of my life :drinker:

    i feel awesome :flowerforyou:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    it'll be 5 months for me in a few days! i saved over $500 and a whole day of my life :drinker:

    i feel awesome :flowerforyou:

    Craft - Good for you...

    in just over 7 months, I have avoided 5650 cigarettes and saved $2053.

    Good riddance Carl. I don't ever want to figure out how much you cost me in previous years. :laugh:
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and congratulate everyone that is keeping their quit today.

    I just past 40-some months (I don't count anymore, although I know my quit date to the minute) and I am thankful everyday for my quit.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i went on the elliptical last night, just for 15 minutes, but it felt fantastic. my heart rate was only 115 instead of some crazy number that flashes red LOL and i didn't get that out of breath. i started smoking when i was 17, so i've never worked out as a non-smoker before. this could be fun!

    just felt like sharing :bigsmile: