I have to ask, how do you feel about the Osama news??



  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member

    I heard Obama killed him with his bare hands :laugh:

    I think chuck norris had something to do with it.

    Chuck Norris is a d bag.

    Now I'm offended

    lol whatever dude
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    I think how you feel about it really depends on how old you were on 9/11, what you remember of your feelings on that day, and how it affected your life. I know that morally I shouldn't be celebrating a death of any human, but I can't help it. I am celebrating. I remember sitting there with my kids who were babies at the time and all I could think about was the tragic loss of life and how scared I was to be raising young children in this changed world. It was terrifying. Yes I'm sure there will be hard times to come and it is still scary, but I slept a little better last night night knowing he was gone.

    I had recently got married and was living in London when 9/11 happened. I had an audition in Central London that evening, and the place was like a ghost town, everyone had been evacuated. My friend was working in the MOD that day and heard about it before it hit mainstream news, so rang me, and in my husband's office someone was on the phone to their sister in the WTC when the first plane hit. Even in London it was a big deal.

    When our 7/7 bombings happened, I was due to give birth the next day. It was my parents wedding anniversary, and my father had called me from a train on the way into Waterloo to say he was going in for a meeting. We didn't hear from him for a few hours after that as all the phone networks went down. I had several friends on trains that were blown up, luckily none killed, but some injured badly. The hospital I was meant to be giving birth in was closed to all but burns victims, and we had sirens going all night past the house transporting people from other hospitals.

    I remember with absolute clarity both days, but I can't celebrate death.

    By celebrating I don't mean dancing in the street and throwing a party. Like I said I may be morally wrong. I think about this and I feel this, but in me deep, down I am celebrating. Right or wrong I can't help it. I am only human and I am imperfect.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Muslim culture (like Jewish) they have to bury a body in a day.

    why are we concerned with respecting the culture of the dead terrorist!?

    There are codes of conduct, even in war.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Muslim culture (like Jewish) they have to bury a body in a day.

    why are we concerned with respecting the culture of the dead terrorist!?

    There are codes of conduct, even in war.

    our enemies do not respect such codes. I do not find them to be necessary either.

    I think treating the body in any particular way to "respect the culture" is merely an action based on fear. Fear that if we don't, they will jihad all over us. That is what I object to.
  • sunnyk8
    sunnyk8 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm sure Osama had instructions as to what his followers needed to do in case of his death, so naturally it is scarry. We need to be very aware adn vigilant about what's going on around us.

    I also think it is really freaky that also on 5/1 in 1945 Hitler also died. http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/may/1/default.stm

    well, he didn't die yesterday. He died a week ago and they have been waiting to make the announcement b/c they wanted DNA proof. Just sayin'

    Really? It was reported on several sites he died yesterday because they said the raid begain at 4PM Washington D.C. Time.

    I'm not familiar with DNA testing, but I'm certain there are methods to get testing done on a rather quick turnaround time if needed. Considering the tests were probably ordered by the White House, (and the test can be done quickly), they may have had the proof rather quickly after his death.

    my understanding is (from the prez's speech) they got him a week ago, but have waited to announce. This may be wrong....but that's what I thought I understood.

    No, I believe a week ago, President Obama decided to carry out the operation. The operation itself occured yesterday.
  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member
    I feel it is a long time coming for this justice to be served! I am thankful that we have one less terrorist among us on this earth! That does not mean that there are not more, it just means we have stood up to a terrorist and are sending the message to the world that we will continue to and always will fight terrorism! It says we are not cowards and we will fight for what is right and what is good!

    This pang of conscience about celebrating an evil man's death that seems to fill many of our fellow humans is an interesting dynamic of fear! The Karma Factor is an interesting motivator toward humane behavior in some cases but, for many it does not seem to phase them and that includes terrorist who do their evil deeds without thought for the consequences that justice will visit on them. Fear is the enemy not the action of justice nor the celebration of victory! To live in fear of retaliation because of this is indeed the culprit of many emotionally unstable behaviors in society!

    I believe our Government is full of knowledge and vigilance over these events and will do their best as far as human agency can against the evil's promoted by terrorist and their followers!

    May God give America and her Government His grace and direction in this fight against terrorism!!!
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91

    I should add I am much more disturbed by the news of the death of Gaddaffi's son and grandchildren. That really upset me. They were innocent, no matter what a monster their father/grandfather is.

    I agree with this 100%. I can't believe that happened, it's such a terrible tragedy.

    I personally think that the celebrations are overkill. I am happy that the threat of Bin Laden is gone, I am happy that we don't have to worry about him anymore. But we can have tact about it, it is still a lost life. As much as I'd like to celebrate his death, I have to think about how I would like our men and women treated at the hands of the enemy. I do not see our people as terrorists, but it's possible that others do and would defile and make a mockery of our people and that would be entirely heartbreaking. This is a great country and should lead by example.

    I don't like that everyone immediately jumped into "See?! Obama cleaned up another one of Bush's messes!" The guy got a tip, he followed it, and American troops killed a known and hunted terrorist. I don't think the man deserves a medal. I'd have said the same thing had this happened 10 years ago.

    My political views seem to mesh more with what freerange said....I'm scared more about the reaction of this country than the reaction of other countries. I don't want America to be viewed as cowardly, weak, or submissive. THAT is scarier than anything to me. We are more at risk for attack, regardless of motivation, when it appears we will cower and beg for mercy rather than fight back. This is a great nation full of amazing, brave, strong men and women and I am tired of people in power making it look like we are more than happy to bend over and take whatever anyone else thinks we deserve.

    Beautifully said.
  • betterthanmama
    betterthanmama Posts: 57 Member
    We officially need more Chuck Norris and less political, religious and other BS in MFP.

    I should have stayed away from this thread...
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Big up to USA troops on finally tracking him down and "removing the threat", but I fear what will come next, we will never be free from terrorism in some form or another. These people are too stupid and naive to realise it's never gonna solve anything.

    Respect to Obama and the troops tho ;)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm sure Osama had instructions as to what his followers needed to do in case of his death, so naturally it is scarry. We need to be very aware adn vigilant about what's going on around us.

    I also think it is really freaky that also on 5/1 in 1945 Hitler also died. http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/may/1/default.stm

    well, he didn't die yesterday. He died a week ago and they have been waiting to make the announcement b/c they wanted DNA proof. Just sayin'

    Really? It was reported on several sites he died yesterday because they said the raid begain at 4PM Washington D.C. Time.

    I'm not familiar with DNA testing, but I'm certain there are methods to get testing done on a rather quick turnaround time if needed. Considering the tests were probably ordered by the White House, (and the test can be done quickly), they may have had the proof rather quickly after his death.

    my understanding is (from the prez's speech) they got him a week ago, but have waited to announce. This may be wrong....but that's what I thought I understood.

    No, I believe a week ago, President Obama decided to carry out the operation. The operation itself occured yesterday.

    I have re-watched it, and while there may be merit to that explanation, I can also interpret it to mean they launched the operation a week ago, but have waited to announce until there was confirmation.

    Is there another source that can clear this up?

    Also, what started this was the claim that Hitler died on 5/1. Wiki has his death date as 4/30. Anyone?
  • Therapist_mama
    Therapist_mama Posts: 135 Member
    I feel it is a long time coming for this justice to be served! I am thankful that we have one less terrorist among us on this earth! That does not mean that there are not more, it just means we have stood up to a terrorist and are sending the message to the world that we will continue to and always will fight terrorism! It says we are not cowards and we will fight for what is right and what is good!

    This pang of conscience about celebrating an evil man's death that seems to fill many of our fellow humans is an interesting dynamic of fear! The Karma Factor is an interesting motivator toward humane behavior in some cases but, for many it does not seem to phase them and that includes terrorist who do their evil deeds without thought for the consequences that justice will visit on them. Fear is the enemy not the action of justice nor the celebration of victory! To live in fear of retaliation because of this is indeed the culprit of many emotionally unstable behaviors in society!

    I believe our Government is full of knowledge and vigilance over these events and will do their best as far as human agency can against the evil's promoted by terrorist and their followers!

    May God give America and her Government His grace and direction in this fight against terrorism!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hitler was confirmed dead on May 1, 1945.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I hear Osama's body was buried at sea or lost at sea (haven't read all the details) I hate when the US gov't does something but has no proof, not cool.

    Either way this will probably help Obama win the next election.

    This is NOT True...supposedly it was "Symbolic." But even that is NOT true, it is an insult for a Muslim to be buried at sea. Of course rumors are going to spread...The President said, "WE HAVE Custody Of The Body!" Believe THAT!

    Now, relative the question: REVENGE feels good. But we live in a "new" world since 911. SHYTT is going to jump off, but I will NEVER live in fear again. When you call for revenge (because something has been done to you/us) and it comes...You better not turn your back. Whenever one takes up revenge, they better be willing to be a warrior. That's the World we live in today. Americans are warriors, even the scared ones. American Presidents have NEVER been afraid to pull the trigger...some just do it differently...THIS President is "Cool, Calm and Calculating" He would rather use a scalpel than a sledge hammer...That Man is DEADLY!
  • maureenB7
    maureenB7 Posts: 55 Member
    I am praying for our troops and for peace.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Muslim culture (like Jewish) they have to bury a body in a day.

    why are we concerned with respecting the culture of the dead terrorist!?

    There are codes of conduct, even in war.

    We weren't at war when the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were hit. This is retribution.
  • mkspriggs
    mkspriggs Posts: 26 Member
    I am a proud soldier right now. We have worked so hard to get this man and finally it pays off. This finally shows all Americans that we stand by them and back them. so for the 7000+ that has died by his actions THIS WAS FOR YOU!!!!!

    As far as things to come. No matter what happens it was going to happen anyway this wont trigger anything but if there is something it might speed it up. Im sure he left hundreds of ideas with his top guys and they will want to try but our government atleast does a great job getting info to us to take care of this problem. For right now rejoice and be happy for the families we have avenged.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hitler was confirmed dead on May 1, 1945.

  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    What I find sick is the amount of people here worried about what might happen, worried that us taking him out will cause retaliation, all but saying “maybe we should have just left well enough alone”. That is sick and saddening to me.

    We have become a country of cowards.

    It’s a darn good thing all of your Grand Parents didn’t show the weakness I’m seeing here, else we would all be speaking German, or Japanese.

    This POS deserved to die a horrendous, torturous death 3000x over, and they should take his head and put it on a spike at ground zero.
    Absolutely true!! It's a good day to be an American!! God Bless the USA and God Bless our troops!!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Bush didn't go after Bin when he had the chance or have we forgotten? After 911 he went into Iraq instead after Saddam.

    Actually you need to go back, take your Bush goggles off and read some history.
    1) We went into Afghanistan first 10/7/2001
    2) We didn’t go into Iraq until 3/20/2003
    3) We are not “in” Pakistan even now
    I of course can’t say for sure, but I’m pretty sure if Bush knew Osama was in Pakistan he would have sent a team after him.

    And if you want to talk about who had a chance to take out Osama (for a fact) let’s talk Clinton.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I am a proud soldier right now. We have worked so hard to get this man and finally it pays off. This finally shows all Americans that we stand by them and back them. so for the 7000+ that has died by his actions THIS WAS FOR YOU!!!!!

    As far as things to come. No matter what happens it was going to happen anyway this wont trigger anything but if there is something it might speed it up. Im sure he left hundreds of ideas with his top guys and they will want to try but our government atleast does a great job getting info to us to take care of this problem. For right now rejoice and be happy for the families we have avenged.

    We need an applause smiley.
    Thank you for your service, and for these words.
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