Last 10 pounds Club



  • sexyharleymama
    Happy Thursday!!! TGIF tomorrow :bigsmile:

    Tenacity over excuses. Passion over pretense. Love over lethargy. You are strong... beyond measure... and though you may break, though you may falter, you may fall and flounder, you can never fail, for your heart remains invincible. Never quit. Get up. Get UP. GET UP!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank-you fischer! I'm up! Now to get moving!! :tongue: The clean-up after my Bunco party will help to alleviate some of the intake excess! I tried to be moderate but it is a night that focuses on food!
  • sexyharleymama
    Happy Friday!! I hope everyone has had a SUPER FANTASTIC week!!!! :bigsmile:

    I wish I knew how to get pictures in these things, but I don't, so I will just have to relay just the message:

    No matter what happens, no matter how far you seem to be away from where you want to be, never stop believing that you will somehow make it...

    Have a unrelenting belief that things will work out, that the long road has a purpose, that the things that you desire may not happen today, but they will happen.

    Persist and persevere, your desired path remians possible.

    from Calming Your Inner Storm

    You are very welcome Hoosier :flowerforyou: We all have to have those days once in a while where we don't have to focus on how many calories is this or that. As long as 95% of our days are good, I say live once and awhile. But really everything in moderation or you will fail. I don't think depriving ourselves will help us to be successful for the long term. :happy:

    Anybody dressing up for Halloween?
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I'm not dressing up for Halloween but I am taking my daughter to stuff 3 nights in a row beginning tonight. She is Rapunzel, wig and all. Hoping they all give out the cheap crappy candy because I only eat the good chocolate, lol. At least I'll be walking a lot.

    Hoosier--I agree with fischer, one night won't kill your progress!

    "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them." -Michael Jordan
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I made several healthy snacks and tried to focus on them. Did a check weight this morning and it looks like I have headed down in weight - HOORAY!. I only count my Monday as official though. Another thread has a Thursday weight check-in so, :ohwell: if I must I will weigh for the cause!:wink:

    I'm thinking no costume but might come up with something to be able to participate in an offer of fajitas in a near-by neighborhood! :tongue:

    I'm probably closer to 80% on track. Could be why I'm moving slowly but at this point I think that is where my life allows me to comfortably be. I am definitely learning to take advantage of those day in which I can comply 100%
  • sexyharleymama
    Happy Monday!!! and Happy Halloween!!!!

    "The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone."
    – Orison Swett Marden

    Today is going to be a challenge. It has been a tradition for us to get a pumpkin shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's on Halloween for a quick and easy dinner before Trick-or-Treating. My new work place does a costume contest Halloween party that you RSVP for. Since I knew I was going to be having pizza for dinner, I was not going to participate in the pizza party. However, peer pressure from my Controller, I "had" to sign up. So, now I am having pizza twice today :grumble: So I really have to keep a close watch on eating anything else today. At least pulling the kids in the wagon will be some exercise :tongue:

    I am very stalled out. Things have been so crazy in our house since September. I don't know if it was a good idea for both my husband and I to do school at the same time. Oh well, it is what it is, and I just have to work with what I have.

    CW 137.8
    LW 137.8
    GW 135 (but then will probably shot for 132 to 135)

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!! And that everyone will have a super week!!!:bigsmile:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    SW: 160
    CW: 137.1
    GW 132

    Happy Monday all!! Here is my official weigh in.. down .6 of a pound! Slow but sure for the last few weeks. This week I was 2 days short of exercise but stuck pretty close to my calories. Another week and I will be in the 136 range! :love: Looking forward to that! I know I am lighter midweek but again, nothing like a post week-end weigh-in to keep me honest!

    Don't be discouraged 03bfischer! :flowerforyou: I would NOT consider maintaining at this point in your life as a stall.You are so close and holding.. that's great!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hey all....sorry I've not been around so much lately. I've been a little bit down lately but that is probably more reason to stay plugged in with this thread. I officially hit the 130's about 3 weeks ago and no matter how much I seem to try, I just can't make it stick,, argh!! I seem to be losing the same 2 lbs over and over. Guess that is normal isn't it? Gosh it's just frustrating though and I feel like I'm not very inspirational lately. Also running caused me to get shin splints which I'd never experienced before so I've had to give up running for awhile and I love to run!! Problems with my back too and going to the chiropractor every week to get straightened out so I haven't been able to go at it full force. I have been doing the elliptical more since it doesn't have such an impact on my back. Anyway enough cry baby stuff lol.

    Good luck with your temptations today bfisher! Pizza is one of my biggest weaknesses! My kids are now past trick or treating age so I'm glad I don't have to have those treats around to tempt me!!

    That's awesome on your weight loss Marjie!!! Have you been doing anything different or just being consistent?
    Happy Halloween ladies:):)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hey all....sorry I've not been around so much lately. I've been a little bit down lately but that is probably more reason to stay plugged in with this thread. I officially hit the 130's about 3 weeks ago and no matter how much I seem to try, I just can't make it stick,, argh!! I seem to be losing the same 2 lbs over and over. Guess that is normal isn't it? Gosh it's just frustrating though and I feel like I'm not very inspirational lately. Also running caused me to get shin splints which I'd never experienced before so I've had to give up running for awhile and I love to run!! Problems with my back too and going to the chiropractor every week to get straightened out so I haven't been able to go at it full force. I have been doing the elliptical more since it doesn't have such an impact on my back. Anyway enough cry baby stuff lol.

    Good luck with your temptations today bfisher! Pizza is one of my biggest weaknesses! My kids are now past trick or treating age so I'm glad I don't have to have those treats around to tempt me!!

    That's awesome on your weight loss Marjie!!! Have you been doing anything different or just being consistent?
    Happy Halloween ladies:):)

    Yaaay! :flowerforyou: You are back! I totally understand the down thing... We work so hard at this but well, sometimes we just have to keep at it. Honestly, I cannot point to any one thing that got me moving after hovering around 139 to 140 since MARCH!! I had been under 135. But a few things I have done...

    * I got pickier about my calories
    * started using protein powder
    * Started weight lifting (and stopped lately) Plan to get right back to it!
    * Got away from hard core cardio alone
    * Not purposely, but I have been changing up the amount of calories I eat a day. This has been a result of trips, celebrations, company and then trying to get back on track. (hmmm..)

    What I am still working on...
    * SLEEP
    * Less time at this keyboard
    * Moving more generally (direct result of the above):tongue:

    I do wonder if our bodies need a bit of adjustment time as we continue to whittle away at the pounds?

    Angela, you look so awesome and will be back on your feet soon, just treat yourself tenderly. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend if she were in your position! Tenderly and positively! That's what I would like to do for you! :heart: You are such a positive person for all of us!

    Oh, and I loved this quote that someone posted... attributed to Jillian Michaels:
    "Think of it this way: if you got a flat tire, what would you do? Change the tire? Or get out of the car and SLASH the other three tires? No! Get back on the road! Don't dwell on it, don't beat yourself up. That gets you nowhere."
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks a bunch Marjie for your tips and love the quote too!! How true it is. I think our bodies seem to just get satisfied sometimes at a certain weight or stuck lol. I'm still doing lots of strength training which think helps tremendously. My arms are nice and have some great muscle tone to them and wow my legs are really shaping up too. I don't think I've ever had muscle tone in my legs before so thanks again for helping me focus on the positive:) Sometimes we just have our own little pity parties but have to stop and realize how far we have came so far.
  • sexyharleymama
    "The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it."
    – John Ruskin
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Thanks a bunch Marjie for your tips and love the quote too!! How true it is. I think our bodies seem to just get satisfied sometimes at a certain weight or stuck lol. I'm still doing lots of strength training which think helps tremendously. My arms are nice and have some great muscle tone to them and wow my legs are really shaping up too. I don't think I've ever had muscle tone in my legs before so thanks again for helping me focus on the positive:) Sometimes we just have our own little pity parties but have to stop and realize how far we have came so far.

    Definitely so much to be proud of!! You will keep seeing those results and more I'm sure!
  • sexyharleymama
    Thought I shook my funk. One week out and feeling me slipping back in. My life is to upside down I just have a hard time staying up. :sad:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Yes I can totally relate with "the funk" bfischer!! I finally got out of mine today lol. Hoping things go better for you real soon girl:) Happy hump day all.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Thought I shook my funk. One week out and feeling me slipping back in. My life is to upside down I just have a hard time staying up. :sad:

    Hey there fischer :heart: Sometimes we just need to separate the things we can control from those we can't and focus on a few items we have the ability to affect. All is not lost! Hold the ground you have already claimed and enjoy the positives that came with it. It's your life, a better day for gaining more personal territory will come! This is for me as well as you!! :flowerforyou:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    The loss I had yesterday got me out of my funk. Was only .4 of a pound but every bit at this stage helps. We are like the tortoise and the hare....we are going at it slowly which is the correct way and we will eventually win!!! Persistance always pays off:)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    You are right, Kylakesgal, it will be slow during the last 10 lbs but we WILL get there!

    Don't forget to change your clocks today :)

    I did my 10K today and it was great! My goal time was 1:08. They had the 1st mile mismarked, when I passed the mile 1 sign, I was at 10:43 which was way too slow for the first mile if I was going to make the 1:08, but I felt really good and didn't feel like I was that far off from my hopeful pace of 10:00/mile. At mile 2, I was at 18:53...NO WAY did I run an 8:00 mile, so I know the first one must have been marked a few tenths of a mile late, lol. One big steep hill but otherwise nice and flat. It was pretty cold for me, 46 degrees at start time, which feels pretty cold given that it was 75 degree here on Wednesday and I absolutely cannot stand to be cold at all. I won my age group (there were only 4 of us in the age group) so that was a great, my time was 1:01:48!!! :noway: :bigsmile: I couldn't believe it when every mile I was just under a 10:00/mile pace.

    Then I got new running shoes. Mine have been hurting for about 2 weeks but I think I would have been worse off with new, non-broken-in shoes than with my old ones, so I held off and went to buy them right after the race. I felt so blessed to find my running shoes at Academy Sports for $69 instead of the $99 I was about to pay for them at ****'s Sporting Goods. :bigsmile:

    So the exercise and shopping was great today but my stomach is churning from all the CRAP I ate today. It tastes good but my stomach just does NOT like grease and butter and fried foods anymore. I seriously pay for it later, lol.

    What are you all up to this weekend? What about setting a mini-goal by Christmas for all of us? I am setting mine at 133.5. I didn't make the 135.0 by the time my husband got home, but I did go from 136.5 to 135.5 so still an improvement. My MFP goal was 135.0 but I would still like to get a little closer to 130 if I can!

    I'm making the decision to make crafts this year for Christmas-y type things instead of baking things or buying food. :flowerforyou: That should help a lot around the holidays because I can usually decently control myself in public but not at home on the couch at night....
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hope everyone has enjoyed a nice weekend:) Not liking the new time change lol. It's just after 5 pm here and completely dark. I was in the bed last night by 10 pm and ready to rise by 6 am.

    Congrats on your 10K bstamps!!! That is way cool and brrr on 46 degree weather! Very nice NSV for you:):) You rock! I know I need to invest in a good pair of running shoes. What brand do you prefer bstamps? Shin splints got me awhile back and I blame it on my shoes. They were new but I know I should have spent more money and got a better pair.

    My goal by Christmas is to weigh 135 lbs. Right now I'm at 139.2 (officially holding in the 130's now), and I think it is a do-able goal but if I don't hit it, I'll just reset it:) My weekend was way too short. I was only off today and so much to do. I've mostly been cleaning, doing laundry, etc. I'll be putting in mega hours this week (55+ hours) so my workouts will not be as good as usual but I'm doing like you said bstamps on focusing on my nutrition as much as I can.

    This year, the holiday cooking will be much different since I will be choosing more healthy options. I love to cook when I have time so if any of you have healthier versions of some of the most popular holiday foods,, please share. I will not gain weight this holiday season lol.
  • sexyharleymama
    Happy Monday ladies!!!!!! I hope everyone has a super fantastic day and a grand week!!!! :drinker:

    Super Fantastic job bstamps!!!! That is a great time, good for you :flowerforyou:

    Attempting to pull myself out of this funk. I have been so up and down lately. So hard to stay consitantly supportive, i apologize.

    I tried to start Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred back in August, but then school for me and my husband started and everything went out the window. I decided I was going to start 10/1, things went cockoo and that didn't happen. So then I said I would start it 11/1, then things went bonkers and I got sick :grumble:

    But instead of saying, I will start 12/1, I got my butt up at 3:45 am this morning and gotterdone :noway: Then I kicked my husband out of bed so he could do his workout :bigsmile:

    I plan to be at 132 by new years :bigsmile:

    CW 137.8
    LW 137.8 holding steady
    GW 135 (but then will probably shot for 132 to 135)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!!!!!! I hope everyone has a super fantastic day and a grand week!!!! :drinker:

    Super Fantastic job bstamps!!!! That is a great time, good for you :flowerforyou:

    Attempting to pull myself out of this funk. I have been so up and down lately. So hard to stay consitantly supportive, i apologize.

    I tried to start Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred back in August, but then school for me and my husband started and everything went out the window. I decided I was going to start 10/1, things went cockoo and that didn't happen. So then I said I would start it 11/1, then things went bonkers and I got sick :grumble:

    But instead of saying, I will start 12/1, I got my butt up at 3:45 am this morning and gotterdone :noway: Then I kicked my husband out of bed so he could do his workout :bigsmile:

    I plan to be at 132 by new years :bigsmile:

    CW 137.8
    LW 137.8 holding steady
    GW 135 (but then will probably shot for 132 to 135)

    Impressive! way to take control! :flowerforyou: