The meanest thing anyone has ever said.....



  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    OMG he needs to be junk punched right in his man business!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am sure he isn't exactly a prize himself and you don't need someone like that in your life you are far better without him!
  • BeckyRayJohnson
    What a horrible thing to say to anyone let alone some one you are in a relationship with!! I am more than glad you dropped his sorry self.
    I know from the time I have been here that you will find forgiving encouragement and fit right in. There are many journeys here...some with a long way to go and some with a shorter way but a need to change their habits. This is a great place to learn from. You will find out what others eat to maintain or lose and you will learn new tricks to dealing with the desire to eat when not really hungry. You may be like me and yo-yo a bit...have trouble with changing the desire to eat the whole pie but it is understood here and they just seem to make you want to do better the next bite. Not feel a lot of shame. We don't want to shame each other because we all have to learn to take better care of ourselves. I look forward to the day I see you in the success stories. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I want to add my "omg what a piece of *kitten* he is" comment here. I can tell you are beautiful just by your picture. I'm glad you've decided to do this for you, and nobody else!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I am so sorry that he said such disrespectful things to you. No one deserves to be called names or told basically that they are unloved bc they are overweight. You are far better off without him. He obvisously had no love for you. I am glad you blocked him from your phone and do not use what he said as depression use it as motivation. This site will help you reach your goals. And who knows maybe someday soon you will get married to a real man and see his worthless *kitten* and rub it in his face that you're with someone who loves you.
  • HeatherMarie1174
    Wow ... I don't even know what to say ... I agree with everyone else that you do not need that kind of negativity in your life ... PERIOD! Just wait until you reach your goal ... you will be even hotter than you are and he will still be a JERK!!!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Please tell me you dumped his a** and did not just block his calls!
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    Hello Everyone,

    Today I start my diet. Just like everyone else here....I hope we are successful and make goals. I'm here because my boyfriend last week said to me. I would not marry you at the size you are now. But I know you COULD BE beautiful. Then he said....Let's get real....You can get anyone to "screw you"....but no one will marry you, cause your fat. Well he is now blocked from my phone and I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing this for ME. I don't have tons of friends so I'm looking forward to this website because I know people will understand the struggles that I am facing. I am definately a person who "eats for what's eating me". But I hope by the posts I read from others it keeps me motivated. So good luck to everyone and stay POSITIVE!!!! Pam
    OH MY GOD!!!!Good that he sadi that to you now so you can get rid of him before you make a mistake and marry him. NOW you lose the weight look hot and he can eat his heart out when you marry a better man!!!!What an *kitten*!!!
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    WOAH!!! Sounds like you dumped a majority of the weight right there! Good for you for kicking his booty to the curb. What a DB!! :heart:
  • DEE4560
    DEE4560 Posts: 139
    I can't really write what was going through my mind when I read what he said to you but from the look of responses I think you have more support then needed. NO ONE deserves to be talked to like that. NO ONE!!!
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    My husband tells me I'm beautiful every day! He doesn't care what weight I am. That's the kind of man you want to have around!!! :)

    ^^^THIS!!!! Hold out for someone that actually deserves you! I am at a loss for words... I am so sorry you had to hear that. What a pig. I really hope you find someone amazing that is worth your time and energy. In the meantime, stay true to yourself and keep doing this for YOU! Congrats on finding the website, it is truley an amazing tool and a great source of inspiration. Keep your head up and stay strong, hunny! YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • ZannahDia
    ZannahDia Posts: 65
    Wow! What a d*ck! I'm glad you blocked him though, and I'm glad your doing this for you! You deserve better than him anyway :)
  • ScratchMj
    ScratchMj Posts: 76 Member
    Good for you! I am glad to see you did not stick around with him!

    Good luck on your journey, you will do great!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Oh. My. God. Please tell me he's blocked from more than your phone - like from your life - FOREVER!

    You COULD BE thinner, but you ARE beautiful! And you deserve so much better than to be treated like that! You do have one thing to thank him for - whenever you falter in your resolutions, just think about how abso-freakin-lutely fabulous it will feel to see him when you're thinner and you can rub his nose in it!!! I know you have to do it for yourself, but in a pinch, that should help keep you going! :o) If you ever do see him, be sure to tell him that you were lucky cuz you could lose the pounds, but he'll never lose the *kitten*!

    But seriously, you are a beautiful lady and you are in the right place. This site is really great, having people to cheer you on is awesome! So I'm sending you a friend request and looking forward to helping each other through our struggles and our victories!
  • widmar
    widmar Posts: 72
    That is sooooo horrible. I am so sorry he said that to you. At least you know he's not worth being with before it got to be too late. Good luck with everything!!! You seem like a strong person, so you can do this!!!
  • electricnarwhal
    WOAH WHAT THE HECK?! He should want to marry you because he loves you for who you are and wants to spend his life with you. What a jerk thing to say... I'm glad you got rid of him. He doesn't even deserve you. You're a beautiful woman and I wish you the very best on your weight-loss journey! You don't need that negativity from him. :) You'll be surrounded by lots of wonderful, helpful, positive people around here.

    That just blows my mind that people who are supposed to love you, say things like that. If my boyfriend ever said anything like that to me, I would slap him so hard upside the head and be gone. :explode:

    GOOD JOB and good luck! :drinker:
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Hey, you know why he said that? HE is insecure and scared YOU would leave HIM. He wanted to make you feel terrible so you'd stay. So there ya go. He's trying to say you're not worthy, while he knows deep down he's not worthy. SHAKE HIM OFF!!! And, please don't go back to him. Let me tell you something- there is always gonna be a man who will love you and find you sexy even at your biggest or bigger than you even are. Men want you to think not, but there are plenty of men who love large, small, short, tall women, women of ALL kinds, and good men too! You don't need him. Get yourself healthy, physically and mentally and you'll find a great man when he comes along!! ♥ and hugs your way.
  • ktovsen
    ktovsen Posts: 2
    When that S*********h sees the new Knockout Pam, he's going to be falling all over himself just to squeek out a pathetic apology and Pam will be like, "excuse me, who are you!?" Good for you Pam for trying MFP, because it's not a diet, it's a REAL and PERMANENT weight loss solution and you don't ever have to revisit those aweful words from MR WRONG again because you have a whole new future to look forward to! I'm on your team.....GO PAM!
  • Gretchen27
    Gretchen27 Posts: 82 Member
    WOW!!!! No one deserves that! I really hope that U can avoid this guy in the future and know that U are worth so much more at any size. :flowerforyou:
  • norcalbowler
    norcalbowler Posts: 49 Member
    That's horrible! I'm glad you told him to kick rocks. You don't deserve someone telling you that. Glad you are doing it for yourself and not for him!
  • etjaneausten
    etjaneausten Posts: 36 Member
    Wow. You deserve so much better. What a prissy little pr1ck.