Twenty Pound Somethings Week 11



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options's 2:30 here and I'm leaving in an hour. Have my Chocolate Cherry Kashi granola bar left still which I'm gonna eat in a few. Then to the grocery store. Any yummy recommendations?

    Yeah...I'm a little scared for the holidays. My family is pretty healthy, but my in-laws...another story. Green bean casserole, seven layer salad, corn and macaroni casserole, stuffing, turkey, ham, and steaks, and LOTS of pies with ice cream...makes it tough even to pick anything I usually just have a little of everything. Has worked okay in the past...this is just how it is and will always be. Oh well.

    Sucks...I'm out of work, but like I said above, here for another hour...:grumble:
  • cassangelidy
    As for grocery shopping...I'm sooo into chicken caesar wraps for lunch and chicken soft tacos for are SUUUPER easy to make and good for you if you choose the right stuff. ie. Light Caesar dressing, light sour cream, fat free cheese or non at all....

    We all have each other now to keep ourselves on track this year!! :) With our challenges...this is going to be a snap...well maybe not snap...but A LOT easier than before. :) too....don't tell my boss...hehee
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    As for grocery shopping...I'm sooo into chicken caesar wraps for lunch and chicken soft tacos for are SUUUPER easy to make and good for you if you choose the right stuff. ie. Light Caesar dressing, light sour cream, fat free cheese or non at all....

    We all have each other now to keep ourselves on track this year!! :) With our challenges...this is going to be a snap...well maybe not snap...but A LOT easier than before. :) too....don't tell my boss...hehee

    Cass...question on these chicken do you cook your chicken. I hate taking the time to cook seems to take me a while. What do you do? Or do you get pre-cooked chicken?

    Let me rephrase...I don't mind making chicken and preparing for dinner, but when I make lunch I want something fast.
  • cassangelidy
    As for grocery shopping...I'm sooo into chicken caesar wraps for lunch and chicken soft tacos for are SUUUPER easy to make and good for you if you choose the right stuff. ie. Light Caesar dressing, light sour cream, fat free cheese or non at all....

    We all have each other now to keep ourselves on track this year!! :) With our challenges...this is going to be a snap...well maybe not snap...but A LOT easier than before. :) too....don't tell my boss...hehee

    Cass...question on these chicken do you cook your chicken. I hate taking the time to cook seems to take me a while. What do you do? Or do you get pre-cooked chicken?

    No on the precooked chicken...its too expensive and I don't know what they put in it...perservatives and such....Cooking chicken takes no time at all :wink: What I do is take a boneless skinless chicken breast raw and cut it into thin 1/4 inch wide....put a tiny bit of olive oil...usually less than a tablespoon and cook it on medium high. You have to stir it often so that all sides get cooked, but heres the key....take it off the burner when just the last little bits are pink...the chicken will continue to cook in the pan after you have taken it off and this will prevent it from getting too dry and tough. I usually cook up 2 or 3 chicken breast this way and put it in a tupperware and then I have lunches for a few days (for both hubby and I)...or dinners either way. :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    As for grocery shopping...I'm sooo into chicken caesar wraps for lunch and chicken soft tacos for are SUUUPER easy to make and good for you if you choose the right stuff. ie. Light Caesar dressing, light sour cream, fat free cheese or non at all....

    We all have each other now to keep ourselves on track this year!! :) With our challenges...this is going to be a snap...well maybe not snap...but A LOT easier than before. :) too....don't tell my boss...hehee

    Cass...question on these chicken do you cook your chicken. I hate taking the time to cook seems to take me a while. What do you do? Or do you get pre-cooked chicken?

    No on the precooked chicken...its too expensive and I don't know what they put in it...perservatives and such....Cooking chicken takes no time at all :wink: What I do is take a boneless skinless chicken breast raw and cut it into thin 1/4 inch wide....put a tiny bit of olive oil...usually less than a tablespoon and cook it on medium high. You have to stir it often so that all sides get cooked, but heres the key....take it off the burner when just the last little bits are pink...the chicken will continue to cook in the pan after you have taken it off and this will prevent it from getting too dry and tough. I usually cook up 2 or 3 chicken breast this way and put it in a tupperware and then I have lunches for a few days (for both hubby and I)...or dinners either way. :)

    Perfect...thanks! Although I'm getting a lot better, I'm definetely still learning in the cooking department. And with EVOO...that's GREAT! Thanks! I will make some this weekend and use this week!!!! Yum!

    1/2 hour left...still ticking...
  • cassangelidy
    girl I had to teach myself everything about cooking...its totally a try it and see what happens kind of thing. :laugh: My mom is a great cook, but never really showed us how...and when my hubby and I went BROKE...I had to learn to cook and feed us for I'm all about the quick, easy, cheap. And now I can add healthy. heheheh
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Sounds like mom and grandma are EXCELLENT cooks...same with Michael's mom. But I never really learned from having to learn on my own. And we've been broke for a LONG time so I understand about cheap. Thank goodness I will actually have a good paying job now so maybe I can start buying ever better options!:wink:
  • cassangelidy
    Kristin, check out Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover....that book helped my husband and I pay off $55,260 in the last year and 4 months. We still have a little bit of debt left, but we should be done by February. And please believe me...we DO NOT make a bunch of money. No where close to $100K a year...BUT...we were facing a divorce after only 2 years of marrage and we looked at each other and needed to do something different. So we decided to live like no one LATER...we can live like NOBODY ELSE!!! (that's a Dave Ramsey quote!)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Cass...I will! Things are looking better for us now, but we were struggling for quite some time! I will check it out!

    I'm getting ready to leave work here in just a few minutes and head to the grocery store. Not sure when I'll be on tonight, but at some point for sure. Gonna be busy though tonight and tomorrow, so posting will be more limited. Have a FABULOUS rest of the day and I'll chat with you later Cass!!!

    ALL YOU OTHER LADIES...Have a GREAT rest of the day also!!!!!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey ladies!
    Hope your afternoon was great!
    I didnt go for my walk today- just havent had the energy after my PT! :yawn: I didnt even go shopping! Foodwise I ate a cinnamon raisin protein bar and some popcorn this afternoon followed by 1/2 a Quiznos italian sandwich. Im finished with food for the day unless I eat some grapefruit or something fresh like that. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better energy day for me :smile:

    I will probably go ahead and go to bed within an hour or two...

    Have a great evening !!

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Girls,

    Kristen, Thanks for doing all that figuring. I probably could go for the 20% too.
    Also, I want to let you know what I do for chicken. I like to cook my own(usually 6 pounds at a time) , so I will marinate for 5 hours to overnight in an italian dressing or a marinade I make up. I grill the chicken just so it may be slightly pink in middle, (it never really is, but if I think about cooking it that way I don't over cook & when I reheat it later it will continue to cook all the way through). I slice up most of it and freeze it in small packages; lunch for one, dinner for 2-4, etc. This gives me healthy meals at a moments notice. It thaws very fast when frozen sliced & in small packages. Hope this helps.

    Cass, Tight budgets are everywhere & I found your story very inspiring. I think I will see if this book is available at our library. How old is it?

    I stayed within calories today and feel very satisfied. My exercise was not as vigorous as it should have been. It works out much better when I get it in early in the day. Today I did it at 6pm and ate dinner afterwards.

    Have a good evening.
  • cassangelidy
    just poppin in real quick to update my food....

    Deb, Total Money Makeover is a few years old...its a NY bestseller...I'm positive your library has it. Anyone who wants more from their money should read that book....Like Dave says...its the same advice your grandma would give you, except "we keep out teeth in" he says that on his radio show! lol. He is on over 350 radio stations perhaps you should see if he is on in your city. :)

    Anyhow...I LOOOOVE your idea about freezing the chicken.... I think I might try that. I'm getting ready to do major grocery shopping....hmm....

    I didn't get a good workout...actually I pooped out after only 7 just wasn't feelin it tonight.

    I'll talk to you ladies soon!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Wow, I can't even BEGIN to catch up on posts right now :laugh: Kristin, Cass, you girls have the gift of the gab :wink:

    Set-up went really well tonight and I'm really excited about the trade show starting tomorrow! In fact, I already had a sale hahaha Another exhibitor saw something he really liked and decided to buy it because he figures this one item will sell out before he has a chance :bigsmile: I hope he's right :tongue:

    Well, last minute things to work on... I'll check in when I can!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gals! Checking's late...I'm tired! I went out running errands and didn't get home until late. We re-arranged our living room...more to do tomorrow plus I still have ALL my cleaning to do tomorrow since I didn't get to it tonight. Need to return some tupperware that's missing some lids (ANNOYING!:grumble: ) and a belt that's too big (YAY:bigsmile: ...but a pain!:grumble: ) So...gonna try and do that tomorrow or maybe wait till Sunday. tomorrow. But bed so I can hopefully get my butt up in the morning to spinning.

    Have a good night ladies and I'll check back tomorrow!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...darnit! No spinning for me this morning! I woke up with this stupid headache and decided that with everything going on today, I would try and get rid of it! SO mad!:explode: Oh well...I'll get over it. Got a TON to do today so I'm thinking I will burn some calories while doing it! But...still going to try and eat carefully so not to go over my limit. I did buy some wine for myself this evening (the hubby ordered a keg, but I'm not so much a beer person). Anyways...gott run and get started on things, and probably won't be back until tomorrow. So...have a great day my girlies and I'll talk to y'all tomorrow!!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good morning!

    Pedal, I hope things go great for you today!
    Kristin, Im sure you will burn tons of calories running around so busy!
    Cass- 7 minutes is better than nothing :wink: Dont worry bout it :smile:
    Deb- That is a great idea for the chicken! And its cheaper the more you buy together.

    Just replying to those last few posts..
    Didnt mean to leave anyone out, but I hope you guys are doing well too Chipper and Amy!

    Today I got up and made french toast - I ate one piece and then ate 1 cup of grapefruit and drank tons of h2o already! I feel good! About to get ready and go to the park to walk and let the lil one play for awhile. I have a bridal shower this evening so I may or may not be back on today- depends if I get everything taken care of and still have a lil time!! Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!!

    :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi All,

    Started this morning out bad, aches & pains in my bod, so I didn't exercise and I went to Tim Hortons & had a coffee & muffin. Going to a birthday party and then the wedding. I'm afraid this may not be good for tuesday. Hope you ladies are having a better day than me.
  • cassangelidy
    GOOOOD Saturday Everyone!!!

    I got up this morning with the kiddo...:grumble: I hate when she wakes up early on a weekend. Well, that got me motivated to try Shred again (that's what I did yesterday and pooped out after 7 mins.) Well, its definitely a great workout. I'm for sure going to add it into my week because it is GREAT for the muscle building. Every post online I have read says how you see definition within two week...blah I figure if I'm doing my cardio in the morning....Shred 3-4 times a week and then Turbo Jam 3-4 times a week...I'll be good. :) It might sound like a lot of exercising, however, I don't go to the gym on if I do a workout in the morning and then one when Reagan is napping...then that's nice and spaced out and it will keep my metabolism up. Thats why I like to do exercise in the morning and then after keep the metabolism up....Well see if I know what I'm doing in the next few weeks by the weigh I lose, or not lose. hehehe

    It sound like you all have SUPER FUN things to do today!! Remember to keep your food in check. :) I'm not doing a whole heck of a lot today....visit with a friend is about guys have a really good time!!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    TOOOOOOOOO much reading...........
    holidays for me as a diabetic, and i don't feel bad or hurt feelings.
    just have 1 to 2 tablespoons or 1/4 to 1/2 cup of everything and you don't feel left out or have any pitty parties. when DH has a piece of pie i take off a sliver of it for me. this way i get to taste it all and not over eat or stuffing myself. it does work wonders. i also do this when we eat chinese at buffet. i get what i want, the taste satifies me enough.
    i over ate today and didn't do any workouts. but, you know what life goes on and it doesn't bother me one bit. i still fit into my new jeans that are sizes smaller.
    see you later, off to get japanese for dinner.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    chipper- I totally agree with your mentality!! When I went to the bridal shower for a friend yesterday, I didnt cut myself off from anything- I had half a piece of cake and 2 glasses of Pinot. I enjoyed myself and didnt make myself feel guilty bc I know that wont wreck my progress and it wont make me stall out and quit!

    Plus, in changing your lifestyle you gotta realize that life happens-celebrations, holidays and the like- you just gotta decide how you are gonna handle them :smile:

    So today- foodwise: bfast fiber one and skim milk and a protein shake/snacks- grapefruit, carrots, kashi bar or something/lunch- soup maybe/dinner- who knows! lol

    Exercise- Walking at the park for atleast 30 min. (about to go do this)

    Hope everyone has a great day :flowerforyou: