Twenty Pound Somethings Week 11



  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning,
    Katy & Cathy, Love the attitude. Remind us of it when the holidays are here. It's great to feel that you can have what you want and not overdue it.

    I really enjoyed my day yesterday, birthday party and a wedding. I didn't count calories and I'm sure I over did it a bit. I danced and almost wore my HRM to the wedding, but it didn't match my I had a great time and am back on plan. Already went for an hour walk with hubby this morning. Had raisin bran for breakfast and I'm hungry now, so I'll probably have an apple. I don't have a plan for dinner yet.

    I'll check in later. Tomorrow I won't be on until later in the day if at all.

    Have a wonderful day.:happy:
  • pdxmomof2
    Good morning all!

    Sounds like everyone had great things going on this weekend. For me it was yard work, yard work and more yard work! Trying to take advantage of this summer like weather we are having here in Oregon. It is unusual this time of year. I did go out to dinner last night. We walked up to a local chicken wing place. It is the best. I shared a meal with our neighbor so it was not too bad. Had some chicken strips, a salad and some sweet potato fries. I only ate to fill my stomach but not to get stuffed. I felt good about it even though it wasnt the best for me.

    Today is more yard work. Had my Kashi Cinnamon Harvest Cereal with milk for breakfast.

    Snack is a Kashi Soft Baked Apple Spice snack bar( Kristin always has these but in a different flavor, I finally found them at Target and bought Ripe Strawberry and Baked Apple Spice)

    That is all I have planned so far today. I am hoping to take a walk this evening but we will have to see how much the yard work wears me out!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good morning all!

    Sounds like everyone had great things going on this weekend. For me it was yard work, yard work and more yard work! Trying to take advantage of this summer like weather we are having here in Oregon. It is unusual this time of year. I did go out to dinner last night. We walked up to a local chicken wing place. It is the best. I shared a meal with our neighbor so it was not too bad. Had some chicken strips, a salad and some sweet potato fries. I only ate to fill my stomach but not to get stuffed. I felt good about it even though it wasnt the best for me.

    Today is more yard work. Had my Kashi Cinnamon Harvest Cereal with milk for breakfast.

    Snack is a Kashi Soft Baked Apple Spice snack bar( Kristin always has these but in a different flavor, I finally found them at Target and bought Ripe Strawberry and Baked Apple Spice)

    That is all I have planned so far today. I am hoping to take a walk this evening but we will have to see how much the yard work wears me out!

    Amy? I think thats right. Don't worry about it too much if you don't get to your walk. I've been finding that yard work burns a lot of calories. Many times more than an aerobic workout depending on what exactly your doing and how hard you are working.

    I finally made my 100 cal. pack cookies and they are really good. Mine came out a little larger so I did the math & each cookie is 15 calories. It is a long recipe, but if anyone is interested I can post it during the week.

    I'm having a hard time getting my water in today. Tomorrow will be hard too. Hopefully the scale will be good to me on Tue. :happy:
  • pdxmomof2
    Please post your cookie recipe! I dont usually have a sweet tooth but it seems that when you are supposed to stay away from it you all of a sudden want it. I seem to be going through that right now!

    I do think that the yard work is burning the calories. We are building a shed in our back yard and have to dig out an area for it. Shoveling seems to work up a sweat. And I have done alot of pulling weeds too.

    Well, break time is over! Back to the grind!

    Chat with you guys later!

  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey everyone!

    Walked for 63 min, burned 700 cals. Dinner was old el paso burrito kit...I had 2 burritos-but on low carb tortillas. Went and saw "Nights in Rodanthe" and it was pretty good! i read the book and much prefer the book but that is usually how it goes. Most of it was filmed on Hatteras Island. I am going to Rodanthe for a week after Christmas and I am soooo excited to get to explore the island and go see all the lighthouses near..I am a lighthouse :heart: R!!! I am also going to try and find the beach house they used as the "inn" in the movie! Cant wait!! :bigsmile:

    So Im just gonna be studying for a while tonight before bed! May check in again later- Hope everyone has a great evening!!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! Sorry I haven't posted since Saturday morning! Saturday night was CRAZY! My husband was T-R-A-S-H-E-D!!!!! I was up until 4 in the morning taking care of him. Only had some wine to drink and really didn't eat bad at all...did have some of the sweets but not much, plus I was running around all day doing stuff. Yesterday was a waste of a day! Didn't do ANYTHING, ate HORRIBLY, NO exercise, and let's just say the Chinese place LOVED us that we just aren't going to talk about it!

    New day today! Here's the plan...

    1 c. Multigrain Cheerios, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 med. banana, 10 red raspberries, 1/2 c. strawberries, 8 oz. PlumSmart Lite juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar-free Vanilla-Caramel creamer, 1 Kashi TLC Baked Apple Bar...YUM!

    2 sl. Village Hearth light wheat bread, 4 sl. turkey lunch meat, 1 sl. Kraft Free Swiss, 1 small cucumber, 1 tsp. mustard, 14 baby carrots, AE YoLite yogurt, diet coke.

    Afternoon Snack:
    All Bran Crackers, 1 med pear, Kashi TLC crunchy Pumpkin Spice Flax granola bar.

    HomeMade black bean soup, Homemade green salad with spritzer dressing.

    PM Snack:
    Depends on remaining calories.

    Exercise plan--1/2 hour run, 1 hour BodyPump.

    Need to work hard since I haven't technically workout out since last Thursday, so I might be sore tomorrow...but scared for new weigh in! Oh's my own fault!

    Have a great day ladies!!!
  • cassangelidy
    Good Morning!!

    Its quiet this morning ladies!! :) Sounds like everyone had fun at their events!! I went to my friends house on Saturday and had red wine and a chicken dish. I had 800 calories left when I went there and I'm 99% sure I stayed within calorie. Yesterday I didn't count my calories, but I didn't over eat and I made good choices. I did Shred level 1 on Saturday and on Sunday I just did some ab work. I'm feelin BOTH today..YIKES!

    Today's food...

    Breakfast sandwich and coffee 285
    Cottage cheese and apple 160
    Chicken Caesar Wrap 290
    Granola Bar 150
    Lemon Chicken, Broccilli and Rice (around 500) <--doing that in my head
    Protein Smoothie 210

    Total for the day is about 1595

    For workout I'm doing Shred Level 1 again and I'm going to TRY to do Turbo Jam Cardio Party. So if I do both of those that's about 800 calories burned...sooooo we'll see. :)

    Hey have you guys seen the infomercials for Barry's Bootcamp?? I can't stay the guy...way annoying, however the workout looks AWESOME!. Thoughts?

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!!:heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey Cass! NO idea on Barry's Bootcamp...I don't think I've seen the infomercial. Sounds like you had an EXCELLENT weekend...Good for you!

    I'm just getting the last bunch of things finished up here at work. Can't believe I start my new job on Wednesday! CRAZY! I both excited and nervous! But since I don't have a TON of work today and tomorrow, I will probably be on here to chat...hope SOMEONE is on!

    Have a good morning!:drinker:
  • cassangelidy
    Oh you know I'll be on sister friend!! Its the last day before weigh in...I GOTTA EAT CLEAN!! :) yeah...I did have a good weekend, sounds like you had fun taking care of hubby...haha....Don't you love those nights? lol I bet you are SOOO excited for your new job!! :)

    I'm hungry and its not time to eat...AHHHHHHHHHHH hahaha:bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yeah...babysitting the hubby is ALWAYS interesting! I always have to chuckle when he's hugging the toilet and crying to me about how "sorry" he is and how he's "NEVER" going to do it again...YAH RIGHT! :laugh: TOO funny!!!! :laugh: I'm always just so glad it's not me! :wink:

    Yes...we will see what the scale brings tomorrow...I'm WAY scared! Oh well. Yes...I AM exctied for Wednesday! Just hoping the transition all goes smoothly and I find my groove quick! I will for SURE keep you all posted on how it goes!

    Be back in a bit!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...I pulled out the pear I brought for my afternoon snack, and it's bad!:sad: No fruit this afternoon...what will I do?!?:sad: I'm seriously heartbroken!:brokenheart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hey, just been lurking the last few days. just one of those moods. picking back up. i have these ups and downs. back on the up again. anyway, been trying to find a house for DS. just using his VA is making it hard. they have to been in great shape and for his max amount it's just going to be hard.
    making flatout pizza for lunch. smells so good. oh, there went the buzzer. be back later.
  • cassangelidy
    ::hands over her apple:: Here you can have mine. I brought an extra. You gotta REEALLY reach for it though.

    Seriously though...thats a TOTAL BUMMER!!! I've gotten into the habit of bringing a couple days worth of fruit and granola bars to work...just in case I get the munches and need something NOW. That way I don't go to the vending machine. I have a whole container of cottage cheese that stays here and a container of oatmeal for those days I don't eat breakfast at home.

    That is such a bummer....:frown: looks like your PM Snack will be a fruit salad or something. :laugh:

    Today is a really good day. I'm so so sore from my standing abs workout entire core (back and front) are is on-point and I am excited to get home and workout! I better have lost this week...I'll be :grumble: if I didn't....
  • cassangelidy
    hey, just been lurking the last few days. just one of those moods. picking back up. i have these ups and downs. back on the up again. anyway, been trying to find a house for DS. just using his VA is making it hard. they have to been in great shape and for his max amount it's just going to be hard.
    making flatout pizza for lunch. smells so good. oh, there went the buzzer. be back later.

    HI Cathy!! Missed you lately!! Sorry the house hunting is frusterating...I think we all know about the ups and downs...I'm glad you are on an UP...I hope to see you on here lots and lots. :)
  • pdxmomof2
    Good morning ladies!

    It has been busy already. Got up late. Was soooo tired last night. Walked little guy to school. Then went for a quick walk for 1/2 hour. Then had a meeting with some other parents about International Walk and Bike to school day. Trying to get all the kids to walk or bike on October 8th.

    Now I am at home catching up on email and having a snack. Have to go in about 20 min and walk to pick up the little one at school. Then it is off to the store to get dinner.

    Todays food is -

    breakfast- Kashi Cinnamon Harvest Cereal with 1/2 cup milk. (needed something else but no time!)
    Snack- Kashi Soft Baked Ripe Strawberry snack bar (Kristin, I am loving these! ), also 2 scrambled eggs(weird combo , I know but I needed some more to keep things even and I was craving savory after the sweet!)

    Lunch- Chipotle Black Bean Garden Burger w/ 1 slice pepperjack cheese on top, 1/2 apple, carrot sticks

    Snack- 1 quinoa muffin(making these for first time today, found in Everyday Food Mag) 1/2 apple

    Dinner- Baked Tilapia w/spicy rub, red potatoes, Steamed veggies

    Snack- maybe 100 cal popcorn bag

    This is the first day since joining this challenge that I have it all planned out. I feel good about it. I feel good about weigh in but I may not be able to go until wednesday. My DH has a meeting with a client at the normal time I go to Weight Watchers. I may have to attend Wednesdays meeting instead. I do feel like all the water weight from that TOM is gone. Maybe a little more too?! Lets hope!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Amy...Yay for planning! You can do it girl!:drinker:

    Cass...thanks!:flowerforyou: I'd LOVE your apple! Yep...planning on cooking an apple for dessert tonight! With a little cinnamon! YUM!

    Well...heading out to the field in a bit to help with some harvesting...only for a couple hours. Gives me something to do!:wink:

    I'll check back later!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hey ladies! No way I can catch up on all the posts over the weekend but I wanted to say hi! The trade show was GREAT and I will definitely do more of them. However, I don't think this weekend was at all good for my goals here... From Friday to Sunday I had very little to eat all day then total garbage food in the evening (because I was working non-stop until 2 both nights to keep things ready and organized etc).

    Okay, must run! Looking forward to being able to check in properly again! :flowerforyou:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Chipper, I love the flat out mini shells about 100 calories each. Is that what you use for your pizza?

    Katy, sounds like your doing good as usual.

    Amy, The cookies turned out great, a little larger than expected so I figured the calories for the entire batch & divided; they are about 15 cals each. I will post the recipe tomorrow.

    Kristen, glad to hear your back on track.

    Hi Pedal, Glad you had a good show.

    Cass, thats great you could get in both exercise dvd's; that would be a killer workout.

    I got home from class earlier than expected today. Monday's post will probably be much later for the next 10 weeks.

    1: raisin bran & soy milk
    2: apple & 6 almonds
    3: fiber one bar, 10 baby carrots, 3/4 light yougert
    4: skim milk & my mini homemade cookies 15 cal. ea.
    5: Chili & cornbread muffin
    6: popcorn

    Exercise: 45min.-1hr walk/jog

    Have a great day!:happy:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey Hey! ME again! Just sitting here, hungry...prolonging giving in and eating my granola bar. It's only 3 here and I work till 4:30 and then to the gym. I have a head ache and feel kinda poopy...maybe from the lack of exercise since Thursday and the crappy eatine yesterday...I dunno...:noway: Oh well. Tomorrow is a new post (don't forget!:wink: )so look for the new thread. SO super scared about the weigh in! Oh well...another day!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    deb...yea, u used the "flatout" that you get at walmart. mine was the lowcarb one, since that's what i have to watch. i put fat free swiss cheese than a few slices of deli lunch meat, olives, roma tomatoes, mushrooms, and baked for 12 mins. it was only 390 cals. soooooo good. DH made himself one too. i exercised real heavy this morning (1097) and after putting in all my meals/snacks, i still have 1117 left to eat. DH says you can eat this or that. i said no i have weigh in tomorrow, don't want the salt. oh, well, i am sure i will find something to eat some of them. i not hungry today either. which is good.
    snack time,
    ttyl, cathy