Men on a Mission - Part 2



  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    No change in my weight this week...still at 379, but considering some of the stuff I let myself eat this weekend, I'm pretty glad.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Sorry Eats, it seems I posted your numbers from a previous weigh in. I'll remedy that on the next chart. It seems like a few of the guys are going through a pretty rough plateau right now. My advise is to just stay the course and it'll turn around. I just went through a 4 or so month plateau. I'm sure I could have been a bit more aggressive in getting back on track but I think I needed this time to get myself in order. I didn't stop eating right or anything like that but I think the mental aspect is much bigger than we realize. Just checking in here helped me more than you guys will ever know. Keep up the great job men.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I'm definitely going to kick up my routine a notch. I'm going to a four day work week so I will make sure I hit the bike and weights before work each day since I will be getting home so late. I will do one body part and 30 mins on bike each day. If you don't see me log it please kick my butt!
    Then we have two days a week planned for working on the landscape and house. I've got a ton of lanscaping to do and some remodeling inside. We have an 18month plan to sell and then find flatter more horse friendly property and start over. Now that I 've had ten years with the horses to learn I have a better understanding of how to set the next place up. Most importantly will be no washes or arroyos so the hay truck can get in and a taller barn so I never have to lift a bale of hay again except to bust it open to feed. :-)
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Sorry guys, was away this weekend and that &#&^$ phone was returned by HTC but still not fixed. So sent it back again. No logging therefore last couple of days. This in combination with that weekend: LWW 112.4 CWW 114.0.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Thanks t. No worries on the chart posting. I think my body has a monthly plateau. (Can it be my time of the month?) I lose weight two weeks out of the month and then either gain/stay the same for two weeks. I think it has something to do with the way I eat. On the weeks when I eat higher fat and and get my carbs from massive amounts of vegetables, I lose more. When I go with more fruits and lower my fat intake, I tend to stay the same. It works though because when I do post losses, they are usually pretty big...6 pounds or more.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I had a few extra minutes so went ahead and updated this weeks results to include Eats and Bigeddy.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I'm definitely going to kick up my routine a notch. I'm going to a four day work week so I will make sure I hit the bike and weights before work each day since I will be getting home so late. I will do one body part and 30 mins on bike each day. If you don't see me log it please kick my butt!
    Then we have two days a week planned for working on the landscape and house. I've got a ton of lanscaping to do and some remodeling inside. We have an 18month plan to sell and then find flatter more horse friendly property and start over. Now that I 've had ten years with the horses to learn I have a better understanding of how to set the next place up. Most importantly will be no washes or arroyos so the hay truck can get in and a taller barn so I never have to lift a bale of hay again except to bust it open to feed. :-)

    StevLL, sounds like you have some serious work ahead of you. Also sounds like you have a pretty good plan on how to get there. Just don;t over do it and no worries, we will be here to kick your butt when needed.
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA, been a busy week and a half or so and I had a really bad week last week (only got to the gym on Monday and I pretty much took the week "off" diet wise) and was ashamed to get on here and post my results.

    CW (as of Sunday 8/21): 368.6
    LWW: 361.4

    Up 7.2 lbs...but I'm glad to report that the majority of that was due to high sodium intake as I have already dropped those 7.2 lbs plus a few more this week and it's only Thursday. So it's a BIG week for me, although I'm not sure it really counts (lol), but it is definitely great to see the numbers on the scale going down again after gains the past two weeks. Hope everyone is doing well and have a great weekend! I'll report back on Sunday.

  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Slight variation this week.
    Down to 130.2kg

    I hope all is well with you guys in the US at the moment.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    No Loss yet. Bad day today since we went to Olive Garden to celebrate my daughter's baptism.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    No Loss! Frustrated. Gotta get my sodium right. I was at 322.4 on Thursday and today I'm back at 327. I' know I'm pushing my calorie limit, but not that much. Too tired for excercizse tonight, but look out tomorrow I'm goonna kick some butt.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    CW: 380
    LWW: 379

    Up a pound. Travelling on a VERY limited budget kinda left me at the whim of those who were buying. It was hard to make smarter choices so I usually just got whatever. Today I'll ease back into things and tomorrow I can roar back in.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    OK guys, here is this weeks results. Looks like other than Paul, the rest of us had a pretty rough week. Some had it a little rougher than others. But no worries, today starts a new week.

    I had a 3 pound gain this week. I knew I was not going to do well on the scale but didn't think it would be this bad. Our best friends daughter got married this weekend. She is also like a daughter to us and since about mid week, we were pretty heavily involved in wedding preparation and this completely threw me off track in eating and exercising.

    This Wednesday is mine and the wife's 27th anniversary. My daughter is engaged and believe it or not, her future in-laws have the same anniversary date as us. Small world. So, we kind of did a joint anniversary party yesterday. Voila! 3 pound increase.

    I'm back on track today though so let's all have a great week.

    Congrats to Paul on losing this week!!!

  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I'm a day late but I was traveling yesterday.

    LWW: 368.6
    CW: 361.4

    Lost the 7.2 lbs I gained last week, so I'll definitely take it. The number would have been a few pounds higher but I had a bachelor party this past weekend with mass beer and bbq consumption, tried to keep it in check as much as possible but we all know how that goes sometimes. Great job everyone, here's to another big week!

  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Again late, but still in the race. Finally some good news:
    LWW 114,0
    CWW 113,5

    Let's keep it up this way. Still waiting for that damn phone, don't know why it is taking so long for repairing it. Found out the hard way that logging works better for me than restraining my self at this moment in time. Cheers to you all
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Woo Hoo! Down 3.8 this week. Not sure how today will go, Brother-in-laws b-day and might partake a little. Tomorrow will be hitting Pinnacle Peak for a hike again and 1 week from today is Warrior Dash.
    LW 277.6, CW 273.8
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Still no weight loss this week. This is beginning to get real frustrating as it has been 7 or 8 weeks. However, I do see changes continue as my arms are looking more defined and it appears I actually have shoulder and bicep muscles now. My smaller pants also look baggy now and I may have to buy a new pair or two for work.....again. Nice problem to have.

    Keep up the great work guys! We can do it!!!!!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Great job Tim! WTG! Taco that scale was kicking my butt the last 4 weeks, but I triumphed. You've got a ton of NSV's that trump the scale anyday! Bigeddy way to stay in the race!

    I'm back boys and loaded for bear. CW320.2 LWW326.8 I really feel like it's only 2.4, becuase the other 4lbs was totally water weight as I've worked hard on my soduim this week and that seems to be the key. Althought you would think with the mondo double water pill I take that would not be an issue but I can litterally gain 5-8lbs in a day and if I am up and down all night I can lose it completely by morning.
    Big NSV too. Need to get in and see doctor because BP consistently below normal now, so I think it's time for another med to go. That would be sweet.

    Rock on men!
    My focus this week is going to be reduce sodium & increase fiber with more veggies and fruits.

    Ps... also to increase my time with Hoots, so I'm moving to a 4 day work week. I'll still put in the same amount of time, but a little more from home and not so many at the ranch.
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Busy week at work so not been keeping up with the diary. No suprise that I've no loss this week, maintaining food but lacking gym time.
    It's a devil to break through a plateau and it gets real depressing as the weeks go by and only miniscule losses occur.
    Keep with it guys.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    LWW 113,5 CWW 114,0

    Back at weight two weeks again, good thing is that I know why ;-) At least no parties planned this week, maybe that will help..

    Keep up the good work guys!