Men on a Mission - Part 2



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    This weeks big winner is Stevll with a 6.6 pound loss. Fantastic job Steve. Taco, I have no doubt you will be turning it around here. Until then, your NSV's are even more amazing. I might currently be showing a little improvement on the scale, but I haven't had any of the NSV's you've had lately. Let's focus this next week and make it a good one. If you have any ideas for topics, post them up.
    Way to go guys.

  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    I forgot to weigh in this weekend so count me as a zero.

    Question for everyone: What exercises do you do if you have bad knees?

    A couple of months ago I bought Active 2 for PS3 and liked it a lot; however, it made my knees hurt. In one of my knees I am missing half of the cartiledge so Active 2 was a little too high in the impact area. On the other knee I had surgery to repair a ACL/MCL tear. Once the knees healed from doing Active 2, I started back on the elliptical and started pushups, situps, and squats. Things feel better now. Just was curious what else I could do to make the exercising more entertaining.
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Count me as zero also. Work settling down now so back to the gym this week.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well, I guess I should be a little disappointed this week because I have a 5 pound gain but I'm not. We spent a long weekend down in Oregon with friends and family participating in the Warrior Dash. I beat last year's time by more than 22 minutes. The eating was off the charts but had an absolutely fantastic time and am looking forward to doing even better next year. I think I also am carrying a bit more water weight than normal also.
    LW - 273.8
    CW - 278.8

    Most haven't posted this weekend so I will wait and hopefully others will post their results today and I'll try and get the chart up later.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    CW 315 LWW 320.2 down 5.2lbs which was a total suprise. My guess is it's a lot of water weight as I didn't eat really yesterday and didn't drink as much as normal. Tim i'll bet it's just water weight and within a couple days it flushes.
    It feels like I've been eating all the time this week and last week and yet losing weight with ease. I'm thinking one of two things are happening. I've been kinda grazing so that litterally every two hours I'm eating something and for the first time I actually really kinda of feel hungry. (sounds bad that at almost 50 I'm just now learning what true hunger feelings feel like) It seems like my energy is through the roof and I never feel full, but seem to be satified. The second option is I have a tapeworm, but I'm really hioping it's the first one and a metabolism change.

    Big NSV last week and this week. My doctor allowed me to come off all my BP oral meds and just use my patch and my water pill. I am consistently running mid-100teens/mid 60's to low 70's. The reason this is so big is that eight months ago I was wearing two patches, on five meds, plus a water pill and my doctor was estatic when I would be under 160/110. I think all the energy the past couple weeks is from not being on the BP meds.

    Stay strong ya'll it was a crazy two weeks and I will get back into posting and commenting this week.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Well, I guess I should be a little disappointed this week because I have a 5 pound gain but I'm not. We spent a long weekend down in Oregon with friends and family participating in the Warrior Dash. I beat last year's time by more than 22 minutes. The eating was off the charts but had an absolutely fantastic time and am looking forward to doing even better next year. I think I also am carrying a bit more water weight than normal also.
    LW - 273.8
    CW - 278.8

    Most haven't posted this weekend so I will wait and hopefully others will post their results today and I'll try and get the chart up later.

    Tim I'll bet you have some inflamation too from the race and with increased sodium from eating out, I'll bet you lose the extra and post a nice loss after everything balances out. Awesome job on the 22min shave off your time!
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Small loss overhere: LWW 114,0 CWW 133,3.

    As to the Tllstaco question about exercises: fortunately my knee is still reasonably intact, although running is not really an option for me. So for me badminton, walking en cycling. And what I tried 2 years ago was .... salsa dancing. If your knee isn't in too bad condition, this can be fun... Will start tonight with the first lesson of the new season, hope I can remember something from before summer ;-)
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Here are this weeks results. StevLL is the biggest loser with Bigeddy following. I am at the back of the pack this week but not worried.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Hey guys I won't be near a scale till tuesday, but I was 313.6 Friday morning, so i'll take it as my loss this week. 1.4lb loss CW 313.6 LWW 315.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Down 3.2 pounds this week. Didn't erase the entire gain from last week but headed in the right direction.

    LW 278.8
    CW 275.6
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Still no weight loss. My weight is bouncing all over the place right now. Probably because of my sodium intake. On a positive note, biceps are more solid, I actually am getting shoulder muscles that I can see. Legs are definitely more solid too. Today on my workout I did 450 squats, 95 situps, 83 pushups in several sets. Trying not to stress about the scale, but it is difficult.

    Congrats to all of those who lost!
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Slight increase this week. Up to 131.2kg.
    Well done all who have shifted some this week.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Here are last weeks results. Looks like I am leading the pack going into this week. Would love to see one of you others just blow me out of the water next week. Lets push ourselves just a bit more. I plan to really try and focus on my eating this week.

  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    And the verdict weight loss again. I mixed it up a little bit this week and tried to keep my net calories low. My average net calories was 1500/day. I had hoped I would see an impact but I didn't.

    On the NSV front, I have spent a lot of time climbing this week at work. Climbing distillation towers and stairs in the process unit are MUCH easier this year. Seems I am in better shape. Not toting around an extra 40 lbs up and down helps!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I'm up 2.4lbs, but I'm sure it's water from sodium. not bummed, cause feeling like I'm getting smaller. Shorts and pants are hanging off me and I have the next size down ready to go. CW 316 LWW 313.6. I was at 312 last wednesday, but I got cocky and over did sodium high foods. Okay, back on track and back on the bike this week.

    Good luck all let's do this!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well, it seems like some of us have been a bit remiss in checking in. I hope they have just been busy lately and will soon be back on board. This weeks biggest loser is actually the person that did not gain anything. Taco, I know it has been extremely frustrating not seeing the scale move week after week. I applaud that you still push yourself and I am certain that sooner or later, the weight will begin to drop off for you. Just keep at it my friend.
    I am up 1.6 pounds this week and I'm not really sure what happened. I had a pretty good week last week. It seems that the weekends are my downfall though. Went on an all day motorcycle ride on Saturday eating at a dive, hole in the wall place for lunch. Yesterday went to a B-day party for a 1 year old and ended up with a burger and some cake. But like StevLL, I am not feeling bad about this, as I am physically feeling better than ever and am feeling the difference.
    Only 3 of us checked in this week and here are the results.

  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Sorry guys for not checking in. Busy weekend and a motivational dip. No logging done so pounds are up: LWW 114,0 CWW 115,1.

    Pulled my self together and started logging again as of this monday. Tim, thanks for your reminder, appreciate it. Will be back this weekend with some good news!!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Up 1.2lbs to CWW 317.2 LWW 316. Been crazy four weeks. Taking three days off to chilax and regroup. HAven't pedaled the bike or touched the weights for two weeks and I think that is when has me down and feeling moody. Will figure out how to get back into the game.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Still no change. My weight fluctuates all over the place right now.

    StevLL, keep the faith. You can do it!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well gents, it's Monday morning and another week and week end is behind us. It seems a few of our brothers have dropped off lately. If you are MFP friends with any of them, could you please give them a shout out that we want them back. Also, if you have any other male friends that you think might benifit from this to give them an invite. I think a little more participation and fresh motivation may be what the doctor is ordering.

    I don't know how I did it. I was expecting to have a gain this week and was very pleasantly surprised to have lost .8 pounds. StevLL, I know you and Hoots have been having a rough and busy time lately. I have no worries you will be coming back strong. you guys are in my thoughts. Taco, no change again but at least your weight is now fluctuating. Maybe your body is finally going to decide to jump off or at least slowly climb down this plateau that has been giving you fits. Bigeddy, posted are your numbers from last week that you provided. You (as you already know) are also up a bit. Lets get back in the game guys.

    Here is last week's numbers. Looks like I take the top spot with a .8 loss.
