Over 200 new Year New Me Part 50

Well, happy 50th thread to us!!!!!!


  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I'll get us going this morning with my weigh in and goals.


    Goals for the next month: I'm going to strive to lose 8.9 pounds - that puts me in ONEDERLAND!!!!!! Even if I don't hit it in 4 weeks, I want this goal sitting out in front of me so I can see it every darn day. July is my 1 year anniversary on MFP and I want to be under 200 by the end of that month. So that would be 2.25 pounds per week in that 4 week span.

    Non-weight goals: STOP EVENING EATING! I've been grazing around after dinner lately, and that needs to STOP. Froyo at Sweet Frog limited to once per week. Up the intensity of my runs. Yoga every Tuesday.

    Oh, and this came in my inbox this morning - for everyone who's stumbled and can't seem to find the motivation: http://www.jillianmichaels.com/fitness-and-diet-tips/suffer-a-setback?xid=nl_LosingItWithJillianMichaels_20110624
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awesome goals, Allison!

    Who's up 1.5 pounds for the week? This guy!
    I ate poorly this week but not THAT poorly. I think baby may have packed on a ton of weight this week because she *definitely* feels a lot heavier to me.

    My goal for this month is to lose at LEAST 20 pounds! :bigsmile:
    We're full term tomorrow and I'm not sure if it's just wishful thinking or what but I really feel like I only have another week or week and a half of pregnant fun time left. With the way I feel and the things that've been going on in the last week, I'd seriously be surprised (and oh so unhappy :laugh:) to make it to July 16 (or later).
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    My goal for this month is to lose at LEAST 20 pounds! :bigsmile:

    I snorted when I saw this. I think you can manage it!!! So glad you're at full term - you must be so excited to meet her!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    I completely forgot to weigh in this morning, which is sad considering my jeans are feeling loose again and I've had to go a notch tighter on my belt in the past two weeks. Woo hoo!

    My goals again are:
    1. Lose 6.8 lbs. this month, which would bring me to an even 170 lbs.
    2. Run at least once per week. A friend is trying to convince to train for a half marathon by the end of the year and I'm seriously considering it!
    3. Do strength training, even if body weight exercises only, twice weekly.
    4. Limit the ice cream to three times weekly maximum. I've gotten in the bad habit of eating it nightly again.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 10 glasses
    Exercise: 2 hours volunteering
    Proud: I didn't let the stubborn rider suck me into a battle of wills last night. These kids can be masters at it!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    My goals are as follows
    *100oz of water daily
    *Lose 9.2 pounds...would be me BACK at 210...
    *Workout 3 times a week at least
    *OWN the Warrior Dash!

    Thank you Allison for the new thread!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Yay for a new thread and yay to the new goals

    momma.............:explode: .....0.0%

    My goals for this month

    Lose 8 pounds.

    Weekly goal

    2 pounds per week
    150 minutes of exercise per week

    daily goal...90 ounces minimum per day!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks to Allison for starting this thread! WOW - 50!!

    Loving all the goals we're setting - let's stay on them.

    I've got an honest ticket and an honest current weight of 173.5. I'm less than thrilled about this, but know that I can meet my July 22 goal because I've lost all this weight before!

    OK, lots of things to list....

    Weekly weigh-in:
    momma.............:explode: .....0.0%

    Goals for the next month:
    Lose 8.5 lbs to be at 165.0 on July 22 (ideally I could be here on July 18, as that's my 30th birthday, but we'll say July 22)
    Water goal: 96 oz/day
    Exercise goal: Exercise at least 4 times week, with one being running (Thanks for the idea Heather!)

    Thursday's check-in:
    Cals - Under with exercise!! Even after I went CRAZY on some yogurt-covered pretzels...yowsa!
    Water - 120 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga - LOVING BEING BACK!
    Proud - Went to hot yoga without a friend (silly I know, but I held myself accountable!) and didn't just throw the day away after the pretzel incident.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I totally forgot to check in for yesterday, so here it is:

    Calories: 38 under
    Water: 88 ounces
    Sodium: a little under
    Exercise: about an hour, a little Zumba, but my buddy and I walked out since the instructor was SO BAD, then we walked for 45 minutes to make up for it
    Proud: I knew I'd be having dinner with a good friend, so planned ahead and modified all my eating around what I wanted for dinner (it's a "treat" meal than can very easily bump me over in cals and stuff if I'm not careful). And I didn't eat all the chips that come with the sandwich!

    Today's an iffy day...going out for lunch with a colleague, then driving 3 hours to NC to visit with family this weekend. All my meals will be out of the house and I really need to focus in order to ensure I don't go crazy. My parents are great, though. They've sent me their favorite 3 restaurants and I got to pick the final choice for dinner based on the menu options. But, I brought my gym clothes and plan to hit the hotel's gym both mornings. I am back in the zone!

    Heather - great goals! I love that you're considering a half marathon....I'm still afraid of that distance after having so much trouble with the 8 miler. We'll see how I feel after the 10K in spring.

    Jess - jealous that you and Heather get to meet and hang out! I'm checking out those Warrior Dashes now to see if it's something I could be interested in. It's good to see you here more often and love that it's one of your goals. We missed you!

    Momma - thanks for this great idea to get us all back here and motivated again.

    Lauren - you can definitely lose that weight again. Going to yoga on your own and not letting the pretzels get the best of you is a great sign that you're determined and motivated!

    I am so hopped up on caffeine and excitement that the scale is moving again that I am very very chatty. Both online and in my office. :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Allison-I'm really going to try to be here more often. I get so side tracked during the day now and next thing I know I've missed pages worth of stuff. And to be honset I don't have the attention span to sit here and read through pages at a time. I think I have ADHD or something! But I'm gonna try more often! And I'm pretty stoked to get to meet Heather. I'm working on a meeting with Cris hopefully as well! :drinker: Just so happens Heather lives where my best friend went to college and only a few hours from where I'm from. WOOHOO!!

    I would just like to state my victory I've had had for the last couple weeks. Found a way to cut calories in cake..yes cake..I'm sure some of y'all have heard it. Diet coke cake. You take ANY box of cake mix and mix it with ANY diet drink...and bake it on 350 for about 30 minutes...deliciousness!! So...the guy that I've been dating...we have been trying out different kinds of cake with different drinks..so tasty. Each time I've only had a bite or two...and left the cake at his house. :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm in a chatty mood and nobody is here. :sad:

    So I'll talk to myself. I have a love for the Transformer movies..and I thought the new one came out at midnight Tuesday/Wednesday morning...well I just found a theatre right down the road from where I work that got the okay to show it in 3D IMAX on Tuesday at 9 PM. I'm so freaking excited!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Weekly weigh-in:
    momma.............:explode: .....0.0%

    I know I shouldn't let the scale bug me, and I should be ok with staying the same for 1 week ... but I was SO sure I was going to have a good loss that I was really dissappointed to see the same number on the scale this morning as last week. I worked out really hard last night and 'felt' smaller, so the scale and measurements (they didn't change either) were a downer this morning. But I have to shake that off and keep trying.

    Goals for the next month:
    My weekly goal
    1. 1 pound per week
    2. at least 240 minutes of cardio and 60 minutes of weights per week
    3. at least 90 ounces of water everyday
    4. eat more protein and vegetables!

    Thursday's check-in:
    Cals - Under with exercise-although I did have kind of a high carb dinner late last night - that probably didn't help my weigh-in this morning
    Water - at least 90 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of step and 40 minutes of body pump
    Proud - felt like an 'athlete' at step
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: There's a new guy and we didn't know about this?? You better give us the details, girlie!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I know I shouldn't let the scale bug me, and I should be ok with staying the same for 1 week ... but I was SO sure I was going to have a good loss that I was really dissappointed to see the same number on the scale this morning as last week. I worked out really hard last night and 'felt' smaller, so the scale and measurements (they didn't change either) were a downer this morning. But I have to shake that off and keep trying.

    It is so hard to stay motivated when you don't see a loss when you expect one - we ALL know how you feel!

    And Jess....details on this new boy???
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess: There's a new guy and we didn't know about this?? You better give us the details, girlie!

    I'm keeping him in hiding!! .:bigsmile: ...I like him and don't want to jinx it! We've been seeing each other for a few weeks and things seem to be going really well! Not a jerk face at all like my ex bf turned out to be. Of course, they are all so wonderful and fabulous in the begining. We will see what the coming weeks brings. He lives about 40 minutes from where I work...an hour from where I live. So we see eachother at lesat once a week if not more. Trying to talk him into the Transformers movie on Tuesday night! HA!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Nice Jess, good luck with this one
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Team goals for June 24, 2011-July 22, 2011

    1. 8.9 pounds (2.25 per week) ♥ONEDERLAND♥
    2. No evening eating,
    3. up intensity of runs,
    4. Yoga on Tuesday

    1. 20 pounds (7.5 of that, baby spy )

    1. Lose 6.8 lbs. (1.7 per week)
    2. Run at least once per week.
    3. Do strength training, even if body weight exercises only, twice weekly.
    4. Limit the ice cream to three times weekly maximum.

    2. 100oz of water daily
    3. Lose 9.2 pounds..(2.3 per week)
    4. Workout 3 times a week at least
    5. OWN the Warrior Dash!

    1. Lose 8 lbs (2 per week)
    2. Exercise 150 mins per week
    3. Drink at least 90 ounces of water daily
    4. Do strength exercise at least 2x per week

    1. Lose 8.5 lbs ( 2.12 per week)
    2. Drink 96 ounces water daily
    3.Exercise 4x per week with 1 running day


    1. Lose 4 lbs (1 per week)
    2. at least 240 minutes of cardio and 60 minutes of weights per week
    3. at least 90 ounces of water everyday
    4. eat more protein and vegetables!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I would really like to join your group! Could someone give me the over and under about what you all do every week, when you weigh in, etc... Thank you!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi sweetie

    We just started a new challenge today. We have decided to post our goals for the June24-July22 If you look at the post above it kind of explains the type of goals we are setting. We weigh in every Friday and we put our weight loss and the percentage of weight we lost. The "biggest" loser percentage wise is suppose to choose our challenge for the week. We have been a bit lazy about that recently though. Also we chit chat through out the day although some of us have been getting kinda quiet. We also ask that each day you post a check in. I am going to check in right now so that you can see what it is

    Calories: Okay but not great. Hopefully not over
    Water: No
    Exercise: No

    Proud: I am proud that even though this check in looks real bad I know it is not. It is just one day and I will be up and running tomorrow.

    So that is how we post daily, my post tomorrow will look much more lifestyle change friendly. I was running around a lot today and I have not had an opportunity to log all my food.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Sorry I'm late... I have had an awful afternoon. To the point where I can actually feel the tension in between my shoulder blades like it's a rock that someone stuck in there.


    Anyway. I'm not going to further my bad day by weighing in... I'm boated and PMSy and I'd rather just post my goals and move on to next week.

    Get to 199 by 8/15
    64 ounces of water per day
    stick to paleo diet 5 days of the week, no overdoing it on Saturday and Sunday
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I am so sorry I've been slacking these past few weeks :(
    Besides the graduation and promotion ceremony the last few weeks I have also been going dress shopping, fir my brothers wedding... And yea it's such a headache :(

    I have not looked at the past threads because when I do check to read, something happens and I become so far behind on posts (sorry!)

    It's so hard to check the thread on my phone and I am bearly home anymore with my roller coster of a life, however, i am gonna try to check in through safari instead of the app ( that only gives me access to upload my food/exercise and view my wall (home page).

    Months challenge
    Lose 10 pounds....
    Drink 100oz water a day
    Exercise 5 days a week