Over 200 new Year New Me Part 50



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good evening ladies !!

    I lost nothing , i think i am going to change my ticker back as i have been above my ticket for over a month now :sad:

    Today it was 270.4.

    Here are my goals for the next month

    Goal # 1 - 8.0 lbs -- 1 of those weeks is vacation, so hopefully every other day i will make up for the few days i know i won't do great
    Goal #2 - at least 64 oz water a day (i knwo that sounds low but i have major issues with water)
    Goal # 3 -To do some type of strength training at least 2 -3 week at the gym.

    Check in for today -
    Cals - under
    water - non
    exercise - 1 hr arc trainer and 20 min strength training
    Proud - that i sooooo didn't feel like working out tonight and i still did.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma=thanks so much for checking in on me you know I have had a tough time getting things back together but THANKS so much for staying with me.Love you

    Jess- thanks for starting a new thread

    Julie -have you had that baby yet

    Sorry I have been gone for awhile I just needed a break before I broke and seems like I have already! No weight loss but I am back to exercising 1 hour and 30 minutes daily tomorrow I will be back to nutritional foods and sticking to it.I am so sick of this weight controlling my life .I am done and I will lose weight.I feel horrible since I have gained some back and I no longer want to feel this way.So here is to my new start and not quitting until I reach my goals and beyond.BTW what is the challenge Momma is talking about
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Goal #1 Lose 10 pounds
    Goal #2 getting my eat habits back in tact
    Goal #3 drink my water
    Goal#4 Meet my goals this year
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls!! Sorry Im late with goal posting my son had his tonsils and adenoids taken out Friday and also had tubes put in his ear so its been hard to get online. Hes doing ok, having lots of trouble eating but hes finally taking in fluids which is good. Hopefully this will be the end of constant doctor visits. If you are the praying kind please pray for a quick recovery!

    My goals are until the end of July because my 1st dress fitting is July 30th!

    -get a better grip on eating (I have been eating somewhat within calories but would like to be within at least 90% of the time and eat less junk- drive thru food)
    - re-start c25k and keep with it
    -try some insanity (my sister is doing it and I told her I would do some of the workouts)
    - reach ONDERLAND (I was at 207.4 this morning and would like to be at least at 199 come dress fitting day)

    Well thats it for me for this month

    Ill post next friday!



    Julie- been thinking about you a lot this month! Hope ur feeling well and get to meet ur little girl soon! lots of love!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    lol Julie that was cute!! Hate to say it but first babies come whenever they please and usually it is later than sooner.Good luck hope you are feeling well
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Weekend check-in...
    Cals - Over by 300, not too shabby
    Water - 88 oz (1 cup short of my goal)
    Exercise - 45 min of Zumba - such fun!
    Proud - Went to Zumba then met up with a friend for a light dinner afterwards

    Cals - Over by 636...grrr
    Water - 64 oz - so much harder for me to get my water in on the weekends!
    Exercise - Jonathan and I walked about 2.5 miles
    Proud - Got out and walked with Jonathan, it was a gorgeous day!

    Cals - Over by 515
    Water - 64 oz - dang you weekend!
    Exercise - Walked about a mile
    Proud - Err....not much to be proud of today in terms of food!

    I signed up for two Zumba classes this week (Wednesday and Friday) and will be going to yoga on Thursday. Now I just need to get that run in someday...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Awestfall - so nice to see you back here!
    Sweetie - welcome!

    I am NOT happy with the scale ... not only did I not lose anything last Friday when I thought I for sure would see a loss - but now I am up almost 4 pounds over the weekend! I DID NOT eat THAT poorly! (although I did have a couple of bad choices). I am worried that this gain I am seeing is hormonal. I stopped taking birth control pills a few weeks ago - since I was only taking them to try to 'regulate' my periods and moods when I started peri-menopause a few years ago and was really having trouble with moodiness and irregular periods. Since I haven't had a period for over a year my doctor told me to try going off the pill now to see if I'm in menopause. I am having little hot flashes often - so I'm guessing that is a bad side-effect of not taking the pill, and I'm starting to wonder if the hormone change is effecting my weightloss in a negative way. I actually expected going off the pill to be helpful with weightloss - but maybe not. I need to give it a couple of months though I guess to see how I feel. The only other thing that has really changed is that I INCREASED my exercise ... and I wouldn't have thought that could make me plateau/gain either.

    checking in for the weekend:
    calories: I can't even remember what I ate ... that isn't a good thing
    exercise: good - an hour of turbo kick at the Y
    water: ?

    calories: didn't track, and made the mistake of french fries AND fried green beans - so was probably over
    exercise: very good - 2 hours at the Y
    water: good

    calories: didn't track, probably over but not terrible
    exercise: mowing lawn
    water: probably low

    proud: back at it today, even though I am still frustrated
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know that I am not going to be here for a couple of days. I hope that this will not affect my 2 pound goal for the week. We are headed for the coast and we will be eating fresh bread, creamy clam chowder and sea food.:love::explode: That is how I feel about it. But we will be walking for hours and hours so that will be good. This is the first time that my husband and I are getting away ALONE in 13 years.:love::love: :love: :love:
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Hey everyone!

    I went to NC to visit with family this weekend and while I made (on the whole) good choices, there was some splurging that I'm hoping doesn't derail me too much. I was well under maintenance both days, and will be back at the gym all this week, so I should definitely see downward movement - fingers crossed!

    Calories: 292 over
    Water: 88 ounces
    Sodium: 197 over
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I'm glad I didn't stop at Chick fil a or something for dinner on the road. I waited until I got to NC and then had a light(ish) dinner with my parents.

    Calories: 249 over (not bad when you consider ALL my meals were in a restaurant)
    Water: 80 ounces
    Sodium: 130 over
    Exercise: 30 minutes on the treadmill
    Proud: I made healthy choices at all my meals, trying to keep it reasonable.

    Calories: 444 over
    Water: 72 ounces
    Sodium: 377 over
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I suppose that I'm proud I didn't go totally crazy last night, but I still had some froyo with a lot of toppings and then some pita chips. I'd originally planned to have a light salad but was just craving sweet and salty.

    Momma - have fun with your hubby! How nice that you two are taking a trip just the two of you!
    lstpaul - you're back at it, even with discouraging results, and that's what matters. Going on/off the pill is a big deal for your body, so hopefully it'll be adjusted soon.
    Lauren - where do you run in NYC? At the gym or outside?
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    In other news, have any of you done the 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michaels? I just ordered the DVD and was curious if you all have experience with it.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Allison, I either run at the gym on the treadmill or outside around Marcus Garvey Park. The park is 0.8 miles around and the OCD in my likes to know how far I'm running/walking, so I like to keep track there. I've run in Central Park a few times, but it's about a mile from my place and the getting to/from can be a bit of a pain.

    I've done the Shred and I like it. I sweat like crazy and I definitely feel it. Make sure you add some stretching at the end of the workout because I don't think she does enough to counter all the work you've done.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    I was over everyday this weekend... life has been crazy stressful lately. Trying to get a grip on it!

    I'm up 5 pounds from last Friday... I know it's water and the lurking TOM... but still annoying.

    Sherry - Congratulations on your weekend away with the hubby!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know that I am not going to be here for a couple of days. I hope that this will not affect my 2 pound goal for the week. We are headed for the coast and we will be eating fresh bread, creamy clam chowder and sea food.:love::explode: That is how I feel about it. But we will be walking for hours and hours so that will be good. This is the first time that my husband and I are getting away ALONE in 13 years.:love::love: :love: :love:
    Have a WONDERFUL time!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Sherry - Have fun with hubby.

    Check in -6/27 -
    Calories - still under by like 500 so i am sure i will be trying to eat something later.
    Water - 16 oz not good :sad:
    Exercise - 56 minutes on the arc trainer
    proud - that i didn't feel up to the gym and i made it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh momma, that sounds lovely!! :love: :smooched: :heart:
    (or, it would if I didn't hate seafood :tongue:)

  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Yesterday's check-in:

    Calories: 145 under
    Sodium: 309 under
    Water: 96 ounces
    Exercise: 1 hour of personal training
    Proud: I went to 1/2 price burger night at my fave local hangout and allowed myself a basic burger as long as I had a side salad instead on fries. Had a lot of fun (even bumped into my trainer) and won a round of trivia!

    I'm bumping up my personal training sessions to twice a week now that I'm working and have income. :happy: He seems pretty good at pushing me, which I need, and he's on track to help me reach all my goals for the coming weeks/months.

    Hope you all have a good Tuesday!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Sherry, that sounds wonderful! Enjoy the time....and the pilates! :wink: :blushing: :love:
    Allison, I love that you're kicking it into high gear again and that you had a great time last night. Good choices!!
    Teresa, keep on the water and the weight will go down!

    Checking in for Monday
    Cals - Over by 86 w/exercise - not too shabby!
    Water - 96 oz - CHECK!
    Exercise - Walked my usual mile commute
    Proud - Made good choices last night at dinner - stayed away from the potato salad, didn't have seconds on this amazing cheesy leek gratin...so good!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for Monday:
    calories: over - but not too terrible
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: I didn't track so probably low
    proud: didn't make a potato for dinner - didn't need it
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hmm, looks like I forgot to check in here yesterday! Wonder how that happened.

    Sweetie: Welcome to the group!

    Sherry: Thanks for re-posting the goals. Have a great time with the hubby!

    Jess: I hope everything goes well with the new guy! Last night I had a dream that I was running a half marathon and had to wait for them to post a check-in time to continue the second half (weird, I know), but I was looking around asking "where's Jess. She was supposed to be here." I have no idea where that dream came from, but apparently we're supposed to do a half marathon together after Warrior Dash! haha.

    Julie: Love the website link!

    Allison: I've done 30 Day Shred workouts, but didn't stick with it the whole time. Personally I like Level 2 better than Level 1 because I hate push-ups. They're good workouts, but I agree about having to add a lot more stretching at the end. I think it was Laila that stuck to the program the longest and would have the best input. Cris also did some 30DS.

    Checking in for the weekend.
    Calories: OVER
    Water: UNDER
    Exercise: CHECK
    Proud: That my horse loaded and did awesome on the trail ride!

    Calories: Over
    Water: 9 glasses
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Spent time with friends instead of going home to do laundry.