Over 200 new Year New Me Part 50



  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I'll start us out this morning.

    Allison...............-1.6...............weight previously lost

    I'm down most of my 2 pound gain from last week, which is good, I suppose. I've met every other goal I've set for myself this month, so I need to focus on that.

    Yoga on Tuesdays: check
    Pushing myself in my runs: check
    No night snacking: check

    Tonight is hot rock massage night! This is going to relax me in preparation for hitting Nordstrom's sale tomorrow. I need fall/winter clothes because I don't have ANYTHING.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Allison...............-1.6...............weight previously lost
    Lauren..............-1.5...............weight previously lost

    Good to know I lost that gain from last week (though I have NO idea how!).

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Over by 350 (and that was WITH Chipotle for dinner!)
    Water - 88 oz (so close to 96!)
    Exercise - Usual mile walk
    Proud - Eh....got a bowl instead of a burrito to save those extra cals???

    July 22 goals
    Weight - Clearly still 6 lbs away from 165...oh well. I've been in a bit of a funk lately, so onward.
    Exercise - AWFUL this week - nothing. See the funk above.
    Water - 3/7 for 96 oz days
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Allison...............-1.6...............weight previously lost
    Lauren..............-1.5...............weight previously lost
    Meokk..............+12.8..............:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hi ladies - just swinging by to see how you are all doing. I see the group is pretty slow moving these days - where is everyone!!!!!
    I've got my work cut out for me replying to the pregnancy ladies - that board is nuts !!!! They often get through about 4 pages per DAY.
    So I know all about Julie but I'm totally behind on you guys - any big news?? everyone doing well??

    I'll be 26 weeks along tomorrow and all is well with the pregnancy - baby girl kicks me like crazy, my weight gain has been moderate - I'm trying for 20 lbs overall but will be happy if I can keep it under 25 to be honest. Hubby has been amazing throughout, and I can't ask for much more than that really.

    So - how about a challenge ?!?!?
    How about all of you pledge to lose the same amount that I will be gaining between now and Oct 22nd (ish). That should be somewhere between 8 and 13 lbs which makes it only 0.5 - 1 lb per week. I know you can do it :drinker: :drinker:
    WHO'S IN ???????
    I'll check in every Friday and post my gain and see what you all have lost :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Victoria -- I'M IN!! :drinker: I plan to lose that much by next Friday. :laugh: And I think you'll be able to keep your weight gain to 20 pounds. Even with me not exercising more than cleaning and walking, eating WHATEVER I want, and retaining a ton of water, I have only gained 8 pounds in 3rd tri. It's really too bad I gained so much the first 16-17 weeks but it was the holidays and my metabolism was so off from losing weight there's really no wonder why I gained what I did. I was up 2 pounds from last week at my appointment so according to my doc records I've gained 30 pounds. It's really 39.6 for the last 40 weeks though. After I put on so much at first, my goal was to keep the total under 40 and I've just barely done that. Way too much but I'm incredibly confident about my ability to lose it after baby's here. :smile:

    On that note, I'm pretty sure I'm not making my July goal next Friday, ladies. Ah well.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Allison...............-1.6...............weight previously lost
    Lauren..............-1.5...............weight previously lost
    Meokk..............+12.8.............. (hee hee ... all baby)

    Meokk - I like your challenge, I'm in! Good to hear from you Lilspy, we were all wondering about your progress. I was induced with both my pregnancies, once with a cervical gel - (that took a long time to get things moving), and once with some sort of drip - I didn't much like that but it did work. Both times they broke my water (which isn't the funnest experience) and things really start moving after that. Good luck!

    I was happy with the scale this morning to have lost my 1 pound gain from last week and another pound overall. I am .2 away from losing 30 pounds but I am going to round it up and say WOO HOO to 30 pounds gone! I am feeling great!

    We are heading to a cabin on Leech Lake tomorrow in northern Minnesota, hopefully will be more fun and relaxing than our college tour vacation was last week. I think the food may be even more challenging though, I need to make a plan. I am going to make a few of the recipes from my nutrition class recipe book. I took another class this morning - just a 2 hour 'Jump start your metabolism' class. It mainly covered all the things my longer weightloss class did - but was a good reminder and motivator for me.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I was running behind schedule this morning and completely forgot to weigh myself, so I'll have to use tomorrow morning's weight.

    Julie: I'm betting you have your baby tonight since it's a full moon!

    Jess: Yay for restarting Insanity and having the bf do it, too!

    Lauren: I love Chipotle. I have a chicken fajita bol (no rice) every Wednesday.

    Meokk: The challenge sounds good me me. Count me in!

    lstpaul: Have fun at Leech Lake!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over (but intentionally)
    Water: 11 glasses
    Exercise: 2 hours volunteering
    Proud: That I have an awesome boyfriend.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I realized I didn't check in on Friday. I apologize. I've kind of been off in la la land!


    Meokk-Glad to hear your pregnancy is going so well! Thanks for stopping in and saying hello! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Julie-I really hope that little girl shows soon. I know you are beyond ready. I love your posts on fb with all your projects though! Hang in there girl.
    Heather-Are you ready for Saturday? This girl isn't! I'm so freaking sore from Insanity!!!

    I now remember why I hate the begining of Insanity!! The last time I did it I gained before I lost. So yep...as of this morning I'm up almost 6 pounds. But I'm so sore I can hardly walk. EVERYTHING hurts!! But...no pain no gain right!? It'll come back off.

    I leave Thursday for my road trip up to the north so I'll check in with my weight then. I wont be on much after that cause I wont have access to a computer. I wish I could get on the board through my app. We leave Thursday when I get off work and are driving straight through to Minnesota. Just me and my bestie!! I stocked up on energy drinks and we plan on packing stuff to make sammiches and and have other snacks. Keep the costs low and hopefully not gain weight. Can't wait to get some Wisconsin cheese though! Were in Minnesota Friday and Saturday for the Warrior Dash and then we head over to Wisconsin Saturday evening and are there till Tuesday morning. I can't wait!! I'm ready to get away!!

    How was everybodies weekend!?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess, I'll be seeing you THIS Friday!! I'm doing happy dances here! It's supposed to be 88 degrees and sunny on Saturday, but low humidity...so far. You know how weather forecasts can change quickly.

    This weekend was lovely. I had the house to myself for part of Friday evening and almost all day Saturday. I spent the weekend being domestic (rare thing for me!). I made homemade iced coffee (AWESOME!), had all meals at home except Friday night when my sister brought Chipotle home for both of us, cleaned the kitchen and got all of my laundry home. It was so relaxing and a great way to stay out of the extreme heat and humidity (for Minnesota).

    Checking in for the weekend:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 9 glasses
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Got all my grocery shopping done for the next two weeks and made my homemade coffee.

    Calories: Over
    Water: 11 glasses
    Exercise: 2k with my sister...it was her first race and she ran the whole thing! (1.2 miles). I barely broke a sweat and was able to talk the entire time. I've come a LONG way since the days of weighing 208 and being out of shape. It was a nice reminder of that fact. Also, the bf's sister and two nieces also ran and it was their first race, too!
    Proud: Of the four ladies who ran their first race!

    Calories: Over
    Water: 12 glasses
    Exercise: Walked the three blocks to the pet food store with my mom and carried the 18 lb. bag of cat food home instead of driving. It was 94 degrees and super humid!

    Have a great day!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    So - how about a challenge ?!?!?
    How about all of you pledge to lose the same amount that I will be gaining between now and Oct 22nd (ish). That should be somewhere between 8 and 13 lbs which makes it only 0.5 - 1 lb per week. I know you can do it :drinker: :drinker:
    WHO'S IN ???????
    I'll check in every Friday and post my gain and see what you all have lost :flowerforyou:

    That is such a cute challenge. It's great that you are including everyone on here in your pregnancy. I imagine it will be extremely easy to get back in the swing of dropping the weight after pregnancy by keeping your connections on here so strong.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess, I'll be seeing you THIS Friday!! I'm doing happy dances here! It's supposed to be 88 degrees and sunny on Saturday, but low humidity...so far. You know how weather forecasts can change quickly.

    That's a cold front for me!! I'm gonna need sweats!! We've had over 100+ for I think like 20 days straight or something. I can't wait to get away. I read there was a small chance of rain. I don't even remember what rain is anymore.
  • EHmommy
    EHmommy Posts: 7 Member
    I never got a chance to check in on Friday. I was down 1 pound! Yay!! My goal for last week was to get moving, but I guess I'll make that my goal for this week also. I just can't seem to fit it in. My youngest is not sleeping through the night and still gets up 2-4 times a night. If not for that, I would try getting up before everyone else and exercise then. As things are right now, I just feel like I need that extra sleep to function. I'm starting not slack on tracking my calories also. I need to get back to that this week also.
    How exciting that you guys are awaiting new babies!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Where is everybody?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm here... just busy not having a baby. :laugh:

    Little miss Maisie Charlotte has 39 hours to make a move on her own. If she doesn't, she's being evicted on Wednesday!

    I had an ultrasound today to check everything since I'm now past my due date & all is well. I'm very happy for that, but seriously, she needs to GET OUT!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I'm here! Just busy with work - traipsing around outside in the heat to try out our new onsite game.

    Will try and check in tonight.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hello Ladies, I am home!!! I had a wonderful week. I think I mostly maintained while I was gone. The food was higher calorie but I tried to walk after every meal and when I say walk I mean up a hill....Oh my was it hard.

    Julie, I was hoping to return to a baby girl already arrived. Well, that is okay she will be here no later than Wed. so congrats for that

    I am not sure I will have time to catch up so if someone who is in the *know* would like to leave me a summary I would so appreciate it. This week is very busy. Getting laundry done and getting physicals, dentist appointments, and college stuff ready before all 4 of my monkey's return to school....not to mention paying bills and going through mail.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Welcome back Momma! Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation!

    I'm really feeling like doo doo. I hope I perk up soon so I can workout when I get home. I have a date with Shaun T!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Just a quick check in to say hello! My 30th birthday was yesterday and it was quite a lot of fun. Took a half day to see Harry Potter - so cool!

    Over in cals and under in water this weekend. This week is going to be tough - it's so hot and we're so busy!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: Glad you had a happy birthday!

    Sherry: Welcome home! The thread has been a bit quiet, with most of us just anxiously awaiting the arrival of Julie's baby. Oh, and Jess and I being excited that we get to meet on Friday!

    Jess: We've had a lot of rain here lately, so I'd be happy if there wasn't any on Saturday. We're supposed to have 100 degree weather today and tomorrow. We've been at over 90 degrees with high humidity for a few days now. We're not used to that up here! We plan on taking the boat out after work; I'm going to use my life jacket to float effortlessly in the water for a few hours to stay cool.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 12 glasses
    Exercise: None, unless I can count meandering around the mall for an hour. But I didn't exert myself by any means, so I'm not counting it!
    Proud: Although I spent more than I planned at the MAC counter, I didn't go hog wild like I would have liked to. I have too many trips coming up that I need to save for.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I don't remember what rain is. I wouldn't mind seeing it!! LOL
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Welcome back Momma24! I was just checking in to see if lilspy had her baby ... no news yet I guess? We are vacationing up north this week - food is a challenge but I am trying to get in an hour walk/run every day to work off that coffee cake! My mom brought banana bread and coffee cake, and last night I just had to have some, but doing better so far today.