30 Day Shred Group - July



  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    I'm tracking as circuit training.
    Just did L1D3. I really hope it gets easier in the next couple days. I hate exercising but I love how I feel after.
    Also, I noticed yesterday that my calves are just the tiniest bit cut. On the outside of the calf, in the right light, you can see a line running the length of the muscle.

    After 3 days? Awesome!!!!

    How many calories does it say you burn each time?

    Can you tell I'm procrastinating? I've cleaned half the house and washed my weights and watched the trailer 3 times... I'm nervous. LOL!
  • huntersmom13
    huntersmom13 Posts: 9 Member
    Well, I would love to join as well. I started the 30 day shred this evening and was shocked at how out of shape I am. The weights were no problem, but the cardio and ab work kicked my butt. I may be on level 1 the whole 30 days:embarassed: I thought I would be able to handle it pretty well since I have been getting up and walking 4 miles before work for the past several weeks, and I just completed my first week of c25k and it wasn't hard at all. My son walked in on me and laughed and said if I was at the Biggest Loser Ranch that Jillian would have been "in my face" screaming for me to work harder!!

    I can do this. Biggest problem for me is that I leave for vacation on July 8th, so I hope I stay motivated enough to keep it up then.
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Well, I would love to join as well. I started the 30 day shred this evening and was shocked at how out of shape I am. The weights were no problem, but the cardio and ab work kicked my butt. I may be on level 1 the whole 30 days:embarassed: I thought I would be able to handle it pretty well since I have been getting up and walking 4 miles before work for the past several weeks, and I just completed my first week of c25k and it wasn't hard at all. My son walked in on me and laughed and said if I was at the Biggest Loser Ranch that Jillian would have been "in my face" screaming for me to work harder!!

    I can do this. Biggest problem for me is that I leave for vacation on July 8th, so I hope I stay motivated enough to keep it up then.

    LOL @ your son! Everyone is saying they are stronger only after a couple days so if you keep it up you'll be kickin' *kitten*!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Ok ladies... Day 1 of 30DS is done! Only 29 more to go. :laugh:

    I was surprised at how well I did! I thought for sure it would be too hard for me. That's not to say I didn't modify some things, like the push-ups. I can't do real ones and I can't do girlie ones cause they kill my poor knees so I did push-ups against a steady chair. Still a pretty good workout and I'm making my way to real push-ups.

    I can't imagine how this would have been if I hadn't been running the last three months, I think I might have keeled over with all the jumping jacks and "jump roping". And FYI - "jump roping" without a rope make you feel like a jack-*kitten*, don't let anyone see you.

    What size weights does everyone use? I switched off between 5 and 3. 3 for the ones like the lunge and lift up to the eyballs part. Oy, that one was even hard with 3! But 5 for pretty much everything else.

    Well I got a pretty good sweat going for only 20 mins worth of work and according to MFL and the "circuit training" exercise in the database, I burned 189 calories. Not bad considering I never had to put shoes on!

    And um... my arms are shaky. Had trouble holding the phone up to my ear.
  • slheflinVA
    slheflinVA Posts: 47 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 yesterday...

    Waist - 32"
    Hips - 38.5"
    Thigh - 23"

    I cannot wait to see these numbers go down!! I probably won't get to do it tonight since I won't get home until late, so day 2 will probably be tomorrow, but I may force myself anyway...
  • slheflinVA
    slheflinVA Posts: 47 Member
    What size weights does everyone use? I switched off between 5 and 3. 3 for the ones like the lunge and lift up to the eyballs part. Oy, that one was even hard with 3! But 5 for pretty much everything else.

    And um... my arms are shaky. Had trouble holding the phone up to my ear.

    I started out with 5 lbs, but after a few of the very first move decided that 5 lbs was NOT a good idea. I didn't use any weights the rest of the time. I have some weighted gloves that I'll probably use for now and work back up to the 5. My arms are shaky too!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I've been walking since February and I was doing Carmen Electra Fit to Strip Disc 2 for 2 weeks before starting this so maybe that has something to do with my new little cut. But the cut showed up during 30DS. I'll take any reason I can to stick with this. I need a jumpstart. I've only lost 2.5 pounds in over a month and I need a little more results to keep my motivation. The cut on my legs will give me at least another week.

    I've been doing the girlie pushups too. I have a rolled-up blanket that I keep next to my mat so my knees can have a little padding.

    I have 3 pound weights which are doable (barely) for everything but the side lunges. I use a couple 8 oz balls for that and my arms are still screaming by the end.
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    i would like to join up for july!. This is a 2nd 30 day shred for me and i completed day 1 today with no modifiers and 5 pound weights. :smile:

    i did the first one in May
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    i would like to join up for july!. This is a 2nd 30 day shred for me and i completed day 1 today with no modifiers and 5 pound weights. :smile:

    i did the first one in May
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    i would like to join up for july!. This is a 2nd 30 day shred for me and i completed day 1 today with no modifiers and 5 pound weights. :smile:

    i did the first one in May

    ...i meant to add the first 30ds i did it the "easy way' with 2 pound weights and couldn't finish ALOT of the exercises when starting. It's amazing how quickly you can get stronger if you keep pushing it with what you can do.

    I do suggest everyone at least measure at starting. I lost no weight but did lose at least an inch (&up to 3) everywhere the first time around. i hope to do so again.
  • mooglie
    mooglie Posts: 4
    hi! just started today too! using 2kg weights... need the support alright!! could feel the pull so bad in my abs. think this kicked my butt waaaay more than my 3km jog.
  • aly1221
    aly1221 Posts: 55
    STARTING TODAY!!!! SOO EXCITED but not looking forward to being crazy sore! good luck everyone!!!! =D
    ps. if you don't have the dvd you can find it crazy cheap on amazon!! :happy:
  • coggins6170
    I am a total DORK when it comes to sit ups, I can do them on the sit up bench but not on the floor. I have seen alot of good responses for the DVD. I will pick it up and try along with the group. Need a change in routine.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm way ahead of you all, but thought I'd give you some info on my progress.

    I just finished Level 2/Day 7 this morning. I haven't taken a day off yet. On Level One I was crazy sore for about the first 5-6 days. So if you can make it thru that, then it should get easier for you. Trust me its worth it.

    I am only using 2 lb weights as I have 2 torn rotator cuffs. My shoulders are crazy sore when I'm doing the workouts, but they aren't bothering me when I'm done which is good. I'm hoping it gives me some upper body strength that I so desperately need. I am starting to do some of the Natalie moves, rather than all Anita. So I'm getting stronger. You will be able to do it too, I'm sure, as long as you stick with it! :bigsmile:

    I had been trying to get out of the 190s since January & FINALLY am starting to see the scale move downward again! YAY! I started June 13th at 190.8 lbs & currently am down to 187.8lbs --- 3 lbs lost AND at the halfway point I measured (day 15) and have lost 2 inches overall! I finally saw my waist go down a 1/2 inch, which it hasn't since December! :bigsmile:

    So good luck to you all & I hope you can stick with it! :drinker:

    Also I run quite a bit - at least once a week a 5k if not more. I'm currently training for an 8K on July 9th & a 7 mile race on July 30th.
  • wisawofgren
    wisawofgren Posts: 17 Member
    L1D5 completed yesterday.... Man do I hate jumping jacks.... The rest is fine but boy oh boy do I hate those jumping jacks.....
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    i started yesterday, i don't feel sore or anything so i'm thinking i need to go to level 2... ? will we be posting weekly weigh-ins or how does this work? i just joined myfitnesspal yesterday so i'm new to all this

    If you want to move on, go for it, it's up to you.

    I will be weighing in weekly but today I also did measurements and "before" photos. After the 30 days I'll post the before/after photos to see if there's a difference and same with measurements.

    ok an update.. yesterday i bumped it up to level 2 and let me tellk you, wow..., i think level 2 is the right catergory for me... i felt every bit of it :)) although i am still not sore, i think it's probably because my muscles are already trained, i've been working out 4-5days a week fo the last 2 months. i even went to a zumba class yesterday and i feel great. i have yet to do day 3 today... i have a carido-step class i want to go to in 2 hrs and then tonight before bed i will do day 3.
    i will do measurements and before and after pics.. i'm in :))
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Started last month, got derailed, ready to start again. July 1 sounds good!
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    This is a quote from my Jillian Michaels Slim Down app. It was her tip from June 23 regarding the 30 Day Shred:

    "When my DVD, 30-Day Shred, first came out, a lot of people asked me if it could be done every day. That's a great question, because I normally recommend alternating workouts that exercise the muscles in the front of your body with ones that exercise the muscles in the back of your body — so you don't overtax your muscles. The way I designed 30-Day Shred, though, is to hit all your muscle groups without overworking them, so it's safe to do on consecutive days. That doesn't mean it's a cakewalk —you'll definitely feel the burn!"

    That said I have started the shred in the past. It hurt my knees although I loved it. I am going to start again tonight and do it every other day with C25K on the off days. I will give my body a one day break every week for recovery.

    The Shred is great and I am glad to see another group starting. Take measurements before you start...you'll be amazed.
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    I've been walking since February and I was doing Carmen Electra Fit to Strip Disc 2 for 2 weeks before starting this so maybe that has something to do with my new little cut. But the cut showed up during 30DS. I'll take any reason I can to stick with this. I need a jumpstart. I've only lost 2.5 pounds in over a month and I need a little more results to keep my motivation. The cut on my legs will give me at least another week.

    Have you done measurements? Everyone has said weight fluctuates a lot with 30DS because you really are building a lot of muscle. You'll really see it more in measurements and photos. So don't get discouraged by the scale, you're doing awesome!
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member

    ...i meant to add the first 30ds i did it the "easy way' with 2 pound weights and couldn't finish ALOT of the exercises when starting. It's amazing how quickly you can get stronger if you keep pushing it with what you can do.

    I do suggest everyone at least measure at starting. I lost no weight but did lose at least an inch (&up to 3) everywhere the first time around. i hope to do so again.

    That's awesome, I love hearing that! So motivational, I can already picture my first push-up! LOL!

    Inches! Yes it's all about inches! Thanks for sharing.