Shrink or Sink: Row the World Challenge, Full Boat



  • my3doxiesandme
    Today is really a rest day for me but I will post some calories because I have already taken the dogs on one long walk this morning and will do another one this afternoon.

    I will earn burn a lot of calories this weekend.

    Have a great day!!!
  • meghanspuppy
    I am such a computer loser, can someone tell me how to add the boat? Apparently, it's not working! :blushing:

    I'm a computer loser, too and can't get it to work, either!! :grumble:
  • my3doxiesandme
    I am such a computer loser, can someone tell me how to add the boat? Apparently, it's not working! :blushing:

    I'm a computer loser, too and can't get it to work, either!! :grumble:

    You copy the link and then paste it in the Signature at the top of the screen.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Good day everyone - rest day for me today. Good thing too because we have a heat advisory .. expecting the heat index to be 105 degrees today.

    Tomorrow morning is my long run ... Im expecting around a 2K burn! :)
  • getnfitn2011
    Hello all!!
    Whew, just had my work out burned 522 so far today but will probably do a little more later. First just wanted to say nice to *meet* you all...second LETS DO THIS!!! For those that have a rest enjoy it =) for those that don't let's bring it!!! This weekend is going to be a challenge I'm sure ya'll are probably gonna have the same get together, BBQ's and the like....I am I am planning on swimming most the time so I will have a pretty good burn the next three days!!! I have to run...have a blessed holiday and be safe everyone!
  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272
    I am such a computer loser, can someone tell me how to add the boat? Apparently, it's not working! :blushing:

    I'm a computer loser, too and can't get it to work, either!! :grumble:

    You just copy the link that Samerah posted above, and go on the signature tab at the top of this page, and paste it in the box. I think that should do it. : )
  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272

    Hi Mary Anne (we nearly have the same name... lol...!)

    When you do get started with ChaLean Extreme, come & join our friendly group here -

    Hi Marianne S! Oh my gosh, my last name starts with "S" too. This is getting weird....... ;-) Thanks for the heads up on the Chalean Extreme group!
  • my3doxiesandme
    Are we going to have a daily thread or do we post our information here daily?
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Are we going to have a daily thread or do we post our information here daily?

    Our capitan (o capitan!) will let us know how he wants us to check in once he gets the official spreadsheet for tracking all of us.

    I'm off for the weekend! I'll try to keep track of my calorie burns but won't be logging in. Hope you all have a great 4th!
  • my3doxiesandme
    I understand that and saw the post this morning with the link for the spreadsheet.

    I just wanted the question answered so I know where to post my information.

  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    I understand that and saw the post this morning with the link for the spreadsheet.

    I just wanted the question answered so I know where to post my information.


    Oh, sorry! I hadn't seen it yet, now I'm curious too..

    Here's the link for anyone else who didn't see it:

    capitan? What say ye? Also my calorie burn is 1200 for today, I'll track my cals over the weekend and we can see how flexible their rules are about adding them after the date...
  • meghanspuppy
    Checking in, Capt. Rob. Great calorie burn day for me today - 1792 so far! I plan on taking it pretty easy for the rest of the day, so that should be it for today.
  • my3doxiesandme
    My calorie burn for the day is 265.

    I will have a better day tomorrow. I have a long walk planned
  • AAJoseph
    AAJoseph Posts: 53 Member
    Cals burned today cap'n: 846
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I prolly won't burn much over the weekend between the holiday and it also being my bday weekend.
    I'm still really out of shape as I've apparently not been doing the right kinds of workouts over the last year and a half and am just now really getting my footing with that (sad, isn't it?). My metabolism and endurance are still really low - I'll burn around 400 on Mondays (except this one, of course) with my Pump class (which has left me STILL sore!!!) and roughly the same on Thursday with my Hip Hop Hustle class. Both are HRM verified.

    Mostly, my goal at this point is before the end of the month, to have my endurance high enough that I can actually make it to either the Weds. PM spinning class or the Fri. A.M. class. I'd consider it a small miracle to burn 1000 a week at this point. :-p So, we'll see.....

    I wish I could say I'd be one of your big hitters..... but the one thign about me is that even when I'm dyin' in classes, I don't quit. Which is why I end up so damn sore! LOL I really do push myself to the limit. So know that I really am giving my all.
  • my3doxiesandme
    Calories burned for 7/2 are 1024
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    7/2 - 334. According to MFP anyway... fishing. Seriously?? 334 FISHING?
    How fitting. lol!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oh captain my captain ... I have contributed to the boat.
    My burn is 1790 calories! :)

    (I ran 9 miles in the hot hot summer sun)
  • 001971
    001971 Posts: 22
    Calories burned for 07/01 : 600
    07/02: 745
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    up it to 554. yay! :-) Keep this up and I might actually lose a pound or two by the end of the week. heh.