Shrink or Sink: Row the World Challenge, Full Boat



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey guys ... I got some burn to report...

    2100 for 10 mile hill run today...
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    Hey guys ... I got some burn to report...

    2100 for 10 mile hill run today...

    amazing!! You rocked it!!!
  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272
    Hey guys ... I got some burn to report...

    2100 for 10 mile hill run today...

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!! And Thank you! lol
  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272
    7/9- 145
    It was a rest day, but I came home from work tonight so keyed up ,I had to take a walk.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    321 for Sat. ;)
  • 7/8 211
    7/9 984
    7/10 596
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    7/1/11: 752
    7/2/11: 730
    7/3/11: 614
    7/4/11: 417
    7/5/11: 1,075
    7/6/11: 615
    7/7/11: 600
    7/8/11: 764 X 2=1528
    7/9/11: 208 (rest day, walked around)

    Saturday was a rest day for me. I ate at a buffet and did more social events than focusing on exercise and dieting.

    When I have a rest day, I usually don't count the non-exercise cals, but for this challenge, I will start to so that it reminds me to also keep being active. Saturday, went to the beach, walked around costco, did a lot of walking from here to there to the next place, etc...those cals count for me because I'm set at the lowest activity levle (sedentary) on MFP.

    Good burn ***emmaleigh47 ***!!!!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Non-exercise calories:

    I count anything that increases my heart rate.

    If I'm leisurely doing laundry, I don't count it. If i'm hauling up and down the stairs all day doign laundry and a million other things, I'll count it. I count sex, yard work, cleaning, etc - IF and ONLY if my heart-rate goes up sufficiently to "feel it". I don't HRM these activities though so my calculations are estimated and I do tend to err on the low side as that's a better way to go than the alternative.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    7/10 - 1762

    Why can't today be double burn day? Lol
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    oh holy lord... you guys I got up at noon, hungover, and I'm still dragging my butt around the yard and even contemplating still running trails this evening. All for you guys! I totally would have crapped out today if it weren't for that challenge. I'll post my burn later tonight but thanks for the motivation!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    MUTH3RLUVX2--thanks for the info on HRMs that you researched. I want an F7 now! I will make that a mini goal for myself if I have some extra money.

    You're so welcome! I suppose all the info is still accurate, then? Polars are what everyone recommended when I was asking around before I got mine. I think I got mine just before they did the full transition - I'm NOT looking forward to it going out eventually and having to replace it with a more expensive model! :( Hopefully, by then, i won't really need one!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    696 today - having to cut your yard with a weed eater is great.... especially when your legs are too sore for a full body work out! LOL I can do way more cals in yard work than anything else; I wonder if I'll be able to break 500 at Pump tomorrow night?
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    Hello all,

    Here is my burn for the weekend.

    Sat, 7/9 481
    Sun 7/10 306

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    7/9: rest day, nada

    7/10: 1520 (polar FT7 HRM, 3 hrs of yard work for ~1000 cals, 1 hr hiking ~500 cals)
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    7/9: rest day, nada

    7/10: 1520 (polar FT7 HRM, 3 hrs of yard work for ~1000 cals, 1 hr hiking ~500 cals)

    Sweet! This kind of confirms that mine is probably close! so glad you did this today too! Thanks for posting the details.
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    7/1/11: 752
    7/2/11: 730
    7/3/11: 614
    7/4/11: 417
    7/5/11: 1,075
    7/6/11: 615
    7/7/11: 600
    7/8/11: 764 X 2=1528
    7/9/11: 208 (rest day, walked around)
    7/10/11: 928 (walked in the mall 60 min & parked REALLY FAR from the mall on purpose, 85 min on stairmaster, 10 min stretch)

    I did amazing today to make up for yesterday's all out eating day.

    Let's hope we make a huge stride in our travels!

    **muth3rluvx2** Mine was getting a low battery reading beginning 2011 (purchased the Polar F6 in 2008), it will go out about 3 years is what they say, but I didn't even use it for a whole lot during this time. Maybe a few times. Only since Jan 2011 I've been using it 5-7 days a week for an ave of 60-90 min each day. The authorized service dealer also said that the strap needs replacement every 3 years. Bummer, mine is reading 50% inaccurate according to them. They offered to give me a discount which was nice for a completely new one. That is something you could do if you needed to buy a new strap, but make sure the new strap wasn't sitting in their inventory for so long.

    **EVERYONE** thank you for all of your heart rate monitor responses. I have been hearing great things about the BODY FIT MEDIA hear rate monitor. It calculates non exercise cals too. I still think POLAR is top of the line for the exercise ergonomics and utility, but will continue my search and update you all with what I decide.

    Here's to a new great start of the week!


  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    7/1/11: 752
    7/2/11: 730
    7/3/11: 614
    7/4/11: 417
    7/5/11: 1,075
    7/6/11: 615
    7/7/11: 600
    7/8/11: 764 X 2=1528
    7/9/11: 208 (rest day, walked around)
    7/10/11: 928 (walked in the mall 60 min & parked REALLY FAR from the mall on purpose, 85 min on stairmaster, 10 min stretch)

    I did amazing today to make up for yesterday's all out eating day.

    Let's hope we make a huge stride in our travels!

    **muth3rluvx2** Mine was getting a low battery reading beginning 2011 (purchased the Polar F6 in 2008), it will go out about 3 years is what they say, but I didn't even use it for a whole lot during this time. Maybe a few times. Only since Jan 2011 I've been using it 5-7 days a week for an ave of 60-90 min each day. The authorized service dealer also said that the strap needs replacement every 3 years. Bummer, mine is reading 50% inaccurate according to them. They offered to give me a discount which was nice for a completely new one. That is something you could do if you needed to buy a new strap, but make sure the new strap wasn't sitting in their inventory for so long.

    **EVERYONE** thank you for all of your heart rate monitor responses. I have been hearing great things about the BODY FIT MEDIA hear rate monitor. It calculates non exercise cals too. I still think POLAR is top of the line for the exercise ergonomics and utility, but will continue my search and update you all with what I decide.

    Here's to a new great start of the week!



    Body Media is not a heart rate monitor. It does calculate how many calories you burn, steps you take, and minutes of actvitiy. It has a hefty initial price, and a monthly price too ... but 100% worth it and I cannot live without mine!

    Oops forgot to post my calories
    According to Body Media - 500 calories for housework all day today
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    696 today - having to cut your yard with a weed eater is great.... especially when your legs are too sore for a full body work out! LOL I can do way more cals in yard work than anything else; I wonder if I'll be able to break 500 at Pump tomorrow night?

    this needs to be updated to 857. :)
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    7/11: 902 cals (polar FT7, 94 min, 7 mile run)
  • 001971
    001971 Posts: 22
    7/09: 600
    7/10: 660
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