30 Day Slimdown



  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Day 17 NMTZ's complete. I am not seeing any weight loss lately at all. Is anyone else? I need to measure again just to see if maybe I am losing inches. It is getting very discouraging!:sad:

    I haven't lost anything yet. I haven't measured either so I don't know if my body is changing. I don't have much to lose so I think it's going to come off slowly if at all. Don't get discouraged though! I am sure your body is changing even if you don't see it.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    susan - try and keep going, I have only recently come out of a phase like that, I maintained for nearly a month despite netting only 1200 ish cals per day the whole time. Its one of the reasons I wanted to up my cals and sure enough weight has started to come off again.

    Daisy - you asked how long the 30 lbs has taken, I started when my DD was 4 weeks old and it has taken 4.5 months. I had about a month off though - 2 weeks hols and then 2 weeks to lose the weight gained while away :laugh:

    Nisijam - one of my victories is I have finally done a real push up too! :drinker: I can even do a proper side plank :drinker: (note the singular :wink: :laugh: )

    spgabby - GREAT compliment! :bigsmile:

    I must admit I had to really kick my *kitten* to make myself work out this morning, I did L3 followed by 2 and found my upper shoulders absolutely killed and I was dripping with sweat so must have achieved something! I wish I had written this earlier this evening actually, I have just stuffed my face and this is reminding me of why I am doing this :devil: The exercise I find ok to motivate myself usually, but not today. We had friends over and had pizza, garlic bread and choc fudge cake and I just appear to have decided 'what the heck' and ate what I want. I know I've been eating too much since about Sat and although weigh-in was Tues I think I may pay for it next week..

    My friend has cancelled our wak tomorrow night but I am going to go on my own as I really do need a day off the workouts - my knees in particular!!
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    susan - try and keep going, I have only recently come out of a phase like that, I maintained for nearly a month despite netting only 1200 ish cals per day the whole time. Its one of the reasons I wanted to up my cals and sure enough weight has started to come off again.

    Daisy - you asked how long the 30 lbs has taken, I started when my DD was 4 weeks old and it has taken 4.5 months. I had about a month off though - 2 weeks hols and then 2 weeks to lose the weight gained while away :laugh:

    Nisijam - one of my victories is I have finally done a real push up too! :drinker: I can even do a proper side plank :drinker: (note the singular :wink: :laugh: )

    spgabby - GREAT compliment! :bigsmile:

    I must admit I had to really kick my *kitten* to make myself work out this morning, I did L3 followed by 2 and found my upper shoulders absolutely killed and I was dripping with sweat so must have achieved something! I wish I had written this earlier this evening actually, I have just stuffed my face and this is reminding me of why I am doing this :devil: The exercise I find ok to motivate myself usually, but not today. We had friends over and had pizza, garlic bread and choc fudge cake and I just appear to have decided 'what the heck' and ate what I want. I know I've been eating too much since about Sat and although weigh-in was Tues I think I may pay for it next week..

    My friend has cancelled our wak tomorrow night but I am going to go on my own as I really do need a day off the workouts - my knees in particular!!

    Thanks...wow 30lbs in 4.5 months...I've been at this since November 2010...but I'm so HAPPY for You it continues to inspire me..

    I completed Day 17 today NMTZ - man that's a hard workout! But I made it...Now all my stomach muscles are screaming “STOP THE MADNESS” BUT Looking GOOD and FEELING GREAT!
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 17 NMTZ's complete. I am not seeing any weight loss lately at all. Is anyone else? I need to measure again just to see if maybe I am losing inches. It is getting very discouraging!:sad:

    To be honest I have not seen any weight loss either...I thinkt he inches are showing...I have to measure every week for another challenge that I'm doing...so I did see some slight changes in my measurment...so I don't think you get the 5lbs a week or 20lbs in 30 days like she promises, but I think you do get stronger...and the inches start to show a little faster...

    So I say all that to say DON'T GIVE UP...:flowerforyou:
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 18, I did Level 1 of the 30DS. Just could not find the motivation to get up in time to do both Levels that I was suppose to do. Hopefully after work today I can make myself do Level 3. (SInce my Level 2 is messing up). I did have some slight loss on the scale this morning, so feeling better today about it.

    Thanks for the support yesterday when I was feeling down. I wish I didnt care so much about the number on the scale!

    Everyone have a great day!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    With the speed of weight loss, bear in mind when i started I was only 4 weeks after giving birth so I'm sure some would have come off naturally! It has certainly got a lot slower - in the last not quite 2 months I have lost 7 lbs, so around 1 lb per week average.

    susan - despite knowing its not all about the scales, we still all care what the scales say! :laugh: You are going the right way and I'm sure you will see a difference at the end, but sometimes we all need others to remind us that it isn't all about that number on the scales.

    I am enjying my day off, but my knees and ankles are now properly hurting so I'm feeling a bit twitchy about recommencing tomorrow. I have NMTZ and then BFBM next 2 days, its the shred that seems to really kill my joints - does anyone do extra warm ups as I'm wondering if that's the issue?
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Day 10 done! Today was quick nmtz. Good thing too because I didn't have time for the whole thing. Tomorrow I'm supposed to do level 2 of the shred and I am wondering if I should do it because I have been doing level 3 of the shred and level 1 of ripped in 30. Level 2 does still kick my butt so I don't see harm in doing it or should I just do level 3?
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Idauria - I think either will be fine, L2 is hard but different exercise. L3 followed by 2 I found REALLY hard, especially on my shoulders
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Idauria - I think either will be fine, L2 is hard but different exercise. L3 followed by 2 I found REALLY hard, especially on my shoulders

    Yeah I think I will do level 2 and when she stacks the workouts I will probably do 2 and 3 like you. It seems all her workouts are hard on the shoulders. Mine are pretty sore after doing qnmtz this morning. I am just glad that when she does chair squats she doesn't make you do the v flyes, only anterior raises, which are a lot easier, but still killer! Tomorrow will be my last workout until Wednesday. I am leaving tomorrow for my sister's wedding which is on Sunday. She is getting married out of state so we're going tomorrow so we do the rehearsal on Saturday plus everything else we need to do before the wedding. So it will be a nice rest for me!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I am enjying my day off, but my knees and ankles are now properly hurting so I'm feeling a bit twitchy about recommencing tomorrow. I have NMTZ and then BFBM next 2 days, its the shred that seems to really kill my joints - does anyone do extra warm ups as I'm wondering if that's the issue?

    I was wondering if you take fish oil and/or the glucosamines with chondritin? They may help with joint pain.

    I am suffering after a late night out with friends and vodka :sick: So, I think I will use this as a rest day and do NMTZ tomorrow. I'll catch up tomorrow.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    No, I don't take any supplements at all atm, but I think I will have to invest in some!

    It was NMTZ for me today, and I was even more ridiculously careful with the lunges but I must admit some of them i could really feel the pressure on my knee. I saw my GP in he end yesterday and she thinks it is mechanical rather than muscular i.e. overuse. So no more double-workouts for me, maybe on top of constantly lifting and carrying the kids its just too much??
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 19 NMTZ's completed. I just absolutely love this workout. After I get past that first circuit, of course. Like everyone has said its a killer on my arms! While doing the hollow man and scissor kicks I did see some muscle protuding from my legs today!! Woo hoo!! Everyone have a great Friday!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Week #1, July 15th thru July 26th

    1884 cals burned
    4 real push-ups
    Bumped weight to 8 lb. for chest flys and back rows
    Only burned 150 calories with shred #1 which is down from the 180s, means that my heart is getting stronger
    Punching squats with 3 lb. weights

    Week #2
    Day 9, July 27th, Shred #2...197 cals
    July 28th, HANGOVER :sick: Late night out with friends + vodka = No exercise and trash eating
    Day 10, July 29th, QTZ (even circuits)...224 cals & 50 mins. of C25K & dog walking...392 cals

    Off to work....Have a great Jillian day!!!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Day 11, Level 2 of 30DS for me. It still kicked my butt, although I only burned 176 cals. However I found the workout to not be as strenuous as I used to. I still hated the chair squats with the V flyes, but I really wasn't dying until the second set. I can tell that I am getting stronger and my stamina is increasing. Yay!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 20 Banish Fat Boost Metabolism complete! I plan on working out tomorrow and taking my rest day Tuesday since I m going out of town that day. Everyone have a great weekend!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    yay for progress idauria!

    I move my rest day every week susan *nod* Weds will be my night off this week I think. I also did BFBM today, I worked hard and sweated loads BUT like idauria I can definitely see an improvement week on week in my strength when I do BFBM - I made it the whole way through again and was going at a more 'normal' exertion for the exercises I find hard like squat jumps, scissor jumps etc. Was interested to note i felt no pressure at all from my knee today, I think BFBM has the least squats, do you think I'm right? Its that or the warm=up for the 30 DS just isn't doing it for me.

    I'm feeling a bit stressed about fitting my workout in every day this week, my DS1 is off school so we have quite a few daytrips etc and not sure how the hell I'm going to fit them in, especially the longer ones. Will do my best though!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Week #1, July 15th thru July 26th

    1884 cals burned
    4 real push-ups
    Bumped weight to 8 lb. for chest flys and back rows
    Only burned 150 calories with shred #1 which is down from the 180s, means that my heart is getting stronger
    Punching squats with 3 lb. weights

    Week #2
    Day 9, July 27th, Shred #2...197 cals
    July 28th, HANGOVER :sick: Late night out with friends + vodka = No exercise and trash eating
    Day 10, July 29th, QTZ (even circuits)...224 cals & 50 mins. of C25K & dog walking...392 cals
    Day 11, July 30th, Shred #2...184 cals

    I worked a double last night, 16 hours, slept 5 hours, woke up and did Shred #2. I will walk the dogs later.

    Shoppie, I am like you with lots of activity in the house. Make it a priority for yourself. Maybe, some other things can wait - or - hubs and make dinner, get the kids ready for bed, etc. Good luck with the hectic week.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 21, I did not take a rest day today, since I am taking it Tuesday. Completed 30 Day Shred Level 3 and Level 1. My level 2 is still messing up!:cry: I cut out the cool down on Level 3 and the warm up on Level 1. Was cutting it close with getting exercise in before church. Everyone have a blessed Sunday!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    nisijam - thanks, one of the problems is DH tries to fit in his exercise too, its bedlam! Managed before setting off today, but I am going to Brighton for the day tomorrow and can't fit it in before I go - I can't set my alarm early as my toddler gets up when he hears it!! I have decided to go walking tonight as then if I miss tomorrow completely it can be my day off and i'll pick back up Weds (hopefully!)

    I did NMTZ today, again really feeling it in my knees, BFBM is def much lighter on them :-\

    Haven't heard from daisy in a while?
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    susanjackson - sorry your L2 is messing up, I still find that the hardest one overall.

    I did BFBM today as per schedule, I noticed yet another improvement in my ability to do it without stopping, though I still worked really hard on it. I am due to take my rest day tomorrow as I'm walking in the evening. I also weighed in today and lost another pound, bringing my total on this challenge up to 5. My eating has been even worse today though, I won't keep getting away with it and need to get it back in check pronto!!

    Where'd everybody go??
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