30 Day Slimdown



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Good job girls on day #10...woo hoo

    Daisy, congrats on the weigh-in...you must be excited to see RESULTS
    Spgabby, WTG on doing the WHOLE thing
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    You guys are doing great!!

    Today was day 7 for me, a rest day. Tomorrow is Day 8 and 30DS Level 1.

    Keep on rocking, ladies!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Day 10 done! Hurray! One 3rd is done! And my weigh in went well. I lost just over 2lbs and 2.5 inches. I am glad as I was really nervous!

    Today it was quick NMTZ. I did pretty well. It was the first time I could do the surrender ones with the weights. Before I always just held my arms up and this already hurt. I felt much stronger in my arms today. I was dripping with sweat though. I too like NMTZ!

    I did take some before and 10 day after pictures and I can really see a difference in myself. Can't wait to see what the next 10 days will bring! Let's hope it'll all go well!

    Have a great day everyone!


    Day 10 and I did ALL of NMTZ...didn't think I would make it through but I did! :smooched:

    Well done! Seems we were all on a high on day 10 :smile:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm taking a rest today. My body is so sore from NMTZ! I feel that I need a recovery before jumping back into Level 1 of ripped in 30 again.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 12 BFBM done! I remembered now why I dont like this one. I hate Burpees and standing mountain climbers! So ready for NMTZ's tomorrow.

    Thanks for the suggestions on getting my weight loss going again. I think I have been really lazy in drinking my water, so I am going to start there and make sure I get in plenty of water!! Everyone have a great Thursday!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I'm taking a rest today. My body is so sore from NMTZ! I feel that I need a recovery before jumping back into Level 1 of ripped in 30 again.

    I hear ya!! I, too, was so sore the next day. You really get a great workout with this one!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Well done on the surrenders daisy :drinker: I too managed to make it through all of them without dropping the weights (just!) so it is nice to start to see some progress.

    susanjackson - enjoy NMTZ tomorrow! I enjoyed it much more this time than I did the first time, though some of the circuits are incredibly hard - circuit 2 and whichever one it is with Saleema at the front with looooooooooads of plank work spring to mind! I'm not at all surprised you are having a rest tomorrow idauria!

    I have the 30DS tomorrow, I think I will try level 3 if I'm feeling brave!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Well done on the surrenders daisy :drinker: I too managed to make it through all of them without dropping the weights (just!) so it is nice to start to see some progress.

    susanjackson - enjoy NMTZ tomorrow! I enjoyed it much more this time than I did the first time, though some of the circuits are incredibly hard - circuit 2 and whichever one it is with Saleema at the front with looooooooooads of plank work spring to mind! I'm not at all surprised you are having a rest tomorrow idauria!

    I have the 30DS tomorrow, I think I will try level 3 if I'm feeling brave!!

    I found Level 3 easier than Level 2!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I found Level 3 easier than Level 2!

    Me too!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I found Level 3 easier than Level 2!

    Me too!

    Ooh, that sounds promising! I was looking at what's coming up on the schedule and noticed that later we have to do level 3 followed by level 2 (or 2 followed by 1) that should be, um, interesting!!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I found Level 3 easier than Level 2!

    Me too!

    And me too!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 13 NMTZ's done! Feeling good this morning!:happy: We will be out of town all weekend, so I may have to pick up on Monday with Day 14. I plan on adding 6 Weeks 6 Packs Level 2 into the mix next week, somewhere! Everyone have a great Friday and a great weekend.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Day 4 done! I did Ripped in 30 level 1 again. I think I like this better than the shred. Oh and I used my new HRM. I bought the Polar ft4 that so many people recommended on here. It worked great! It told me I burned 204 cals.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi all!

    Day 12 done BFBM! Oh god it was hard! Although I did much better then when I did it first time around. I don't really dislike it, I think I kind of like it but I am glad I don't have to do it again for a week :happy:

    It is a great time at the moment as we are so close to the half way point and I find it very motivating and then it is only 5 days till the 20 day mark. And then the big finale! The last 10 days look hard! I will be going away the weekend after the next. Luckily the Friday is a rest day anyway as this is the day where we'll be travelling up north. I will try my best to get exercise in...We'll see!

    Great to see that everyone is still going strong! Almost half way now ladies :drinker:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I wish I was halfway through but I'll get there. I am going away next weekend for my sister's wedding and I won't be able to bring the DVD and weights with me so I will be missing 4 days. I should be well rested though when I resume!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I am procrastining with the QTZ...good job to all that have stayed on track!!!
  • tifffanyD
    tifffanyD Posts: 44 Member
    Y'all are doing SO fantastic! I hope you don't mind that I keep posting here, even tho I am finished with my 30 days... it helps to have people to share the journey with!

    Well yesterday I woke up sick (actually was sick all through the night before with a sore throat)... so I haven't done as well as I wanted.

    Yesterday I was wanting to do level 2 and 3 of the shred, plus cardio. I did manage to do level 2 of the shred before work and some cardio on lunch (2 mile walk away the pounds... low impact and didn't bother me being sick since no jumping)

    Today I was wanting to do yoga and an hour of zumba (before I got sick). This morning I said I wasn't going to do any workout today... but I did end up doing another 2 mile walk away the pounds... so better than nothing.

    Tomorrow I am/was planning on going to a theme park for the day... so it is my day "off". Off being that I am not doing specific intense exercise, but if I am able to go I will be walking 5+ hours... so def still being active.

    Hope I can kick this bug and be back at it on Sunday... I want to move up to the next yoga level and do some more intense cardio!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    idauria - over 200 cals burnt in just 20 mins is really great, ripped in 30 is def high on my list of the next DVD to get, though I ordered a new one yesterday (a Davina box set which should keep me going for a while: a one hour workout, and then 3 30 minute ones) so it may be a while

    Tiffany - sorry to hear you were sick yesterday, hope you are better today :flowerforyou:

    I did level 3 of the 30 DS yesterday, I really felt the first circuit as my thighs were still a little sore from NMTZ the day before. I managed it twice though adn def enjoyed it more than level 2 - not sure if its easier but if you're enjoying it it goes quicker! I think my issue with level 2 is that very first strength exercise in circuit 1 where you squat as low as you can and then do a shoulder press type thing absolutely kills me, so I am thinking I might have another look at it and practice doing it - with no weights, then 1 lb then 3 lb etc. I think the rest of it is fine. I really enjoyed the travelling pressup on circuit 3 and think it will be good for building my ability to do press ups etc full length.

    Did BFBM this morning, finally finished without missing a single jump - at last, I must have had it at least 2 months!! Need to find out what tomorrow is, but guessing 30DS...
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well done shoppie! I don't think I could do level 3 twice in one day. I like the traveling push ups too, they are hard and it hurts, but in a good way. My back, chest, and shoulders feel really strong after that set. My issue with level 2 is those darn chair squats with the V fly. Killers! I also don't care for the oblique twists. For some reason they bug me. Today is BFBM for me. I haven't done it in a while, since before I hurt my back a few months ago so we'll see if I can get through the whole thing. I might have to modify and work my way up. I'll let you know how I made out.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    that;s the one I hate idauria, the chair squat with v fly I just didn't know its proper name! :laugh: Good luck with BFBM x
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