30 Day Slimdown



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I think I may be demented - I had cake at my friend's party so came home and did L2 of 30 DS and one go on each circuit of BFBM - we need a psycho smiley!

    Going to swim tomorrow and take the day off JM to compensate, then back to normal Tues.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I took a rest day yesterday and did 30 Day shred level 2 today. :happy:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am starting the 30 slimdown tomorrow. But instead of doing Level 1 of the 30 DS I am going to do Level 1 of Ripped in 30. I've been doing level 3 of 30ds so I think going back to level 1 will be easy and RI30 looks a lot more challenging. I also might do level 2 of 30ds for some of the level 1s as well since in some ways I think that's harder than level 3. In any event, I am going to do something every day with a rest day on Sundays. I don't mind exercise, I actually like it, the hard part for me is diet which sucks because that's really what makes or breaks weight loss. I wish calories burned with exercise was enough to melt the fat. I find that I do really well in the early part of the day but in the late afternoon I start falling apart, looking for snacks. I have been doing better since I started logging my food here. I hope I can really get my act together starting tomorrow because I am in my sister's wedding in two weeks and I really would like to see my belly shrink a little by then.
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 6 done!! Woohoo and hurray! I can't believe we did the first week!

    I did quick NMTZ I then fancied to do a bit more but something relaxing. I was looking for my Yoga DVD's but couldn't find them so did XStretch. Out of P90X it was my first time but I enjoyed it. I feel great now and feel like I well deserve my rest day tomorrow!!

    I am going to a festival tomorrow so will do a bit of walking but will have a drink but hey it is Sunday and rest day!

    Starting a new job on Monday so all is good!

    I wish you all a great weekend!

    Shoppie: Thank you for the link! I think I will go for the Polar 4. I am only a poor student so that will do. I will have to wait a couple of months though unfortunately!

    Well I finished Day 6 Today...was too busy yesterday, but heck I got it in...did 30 mins of the NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES for the Quick Zone Workout...looking forward to tomorrow...have a couple of friends coming over for the workout!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Day 5 done! This was my first time doing BFBM... I'm not sure if I just wasn't feeling motivated, or if I genuinely don't enjoy that workout as much as the others. It did pick up for me in the middle - but during the beginning and end, it was all I could do not to hit the Stop button and do ANY OTHER WORKOUT. I pushed through, but it was hard to dig deep when I didn't want to be doing it in the first place.

    I'll be doing 6W6P tomorrow, in lieu of the Trouble Zones. Hit it hard, ladies! (and any gents... don't want to leave the guys out. :smile: )
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    collinsky - some people do not like BFBM - its seems to be a bit of a marmite workout (hmm, do you guys have marmite? You either love it or hate it basically!) I love it as I think it is an excellent workout and I have seen fat just melt off me.

    Idauria - will be v interested to hear how you find ripped in 30 after 30 DS as I think most of 30DS is a bit easy for me tbh, without wanting to sound cocky (I still can't do push-ups!) - is the workout longer? I think thats a lot of my 'issue' with the 30 DS, if I do it twice thorugh it certainly kicks my backside, but just once leaves me feeling a bit frustrated on the cardio front, I like a good cardio blast!

    I am doing BFBM today :smile:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Ripped in 30 is based on the same 3-2-1 premise as 30DS so the workouts are the same length. I was just about to go and do it but then my friend called to invite me to go blueberry picking so I will workout when I get back. I'll let you know how tough it is. I watched it once and there weren't any moves that I can't do. I have been working out on and off for a while so I can actually do regular pushups. I can do about 15-20 at a time. I give you credit for doing 30ds twice in row! I don't think I could do it. Usually by time it's over I am cooked!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Everyone is doing really well - collinsky, well done for sticking in there! I did all of NMTZ this morning, I am toying with doing level 2 of the shred later too as although I do think NMTZ is good its def much more toning and I'm not at all convinced about how many cals it burns. Lik Daisy, I can't wait for an HRM but I have a long way to go yet. I'm not a poor student, I well remember those days, but I am a very poor parent as all my money goes on the kids!!

    I have a challenge with my friend I usually walk with tomorrow, we are doing BFBM together. She has never done it and I said if she can get through it wihout stopping I will give her a bottle of wine! She is pretty fit so I think its a fair challenge as she has a chance - but I don't think she'll do it as I still can't!! This does mean though I have no obvious day off so think I will make it Tues as I'm going swimming anyway, so it will be an easy day to take 'off' JM.

    I can imagine that money is tight having kids. Oh I can't stand money :wink: I am a so called mature student. I am 31 so once I am done I will seriously consider becoming a mum myself. I will make sure I'll buy a HRM before though :happy:

    I love you determination! Well done on doing so much!! And you have to let us know how your friend did!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    So Day 8 done! Wow! Day ten falls onto my weigh in day. It will be interesting to see what my results are so far. I am a bit worried though as my diet really wasn't that great! Well I had a few drinks which I think is just as bad or even worse than a bad diet. We'll see. Did anyone of you took before pics? I did. I might take some pics on day 10 to compare. I can see a little difference in myself though.

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Ok, ripped in 30 level 1 done! Darn it was hard! She does a lot of back work and I already have some lower back stiffness so I am feeling it now. I am also drenched in sweat. I think it's the hardest 20 mins yet! I am scared of the other two levels! This is why I elected to do the slimdown. I can't see myself doing this every day without totally killing my body.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Thanks for the feedback on the Ripped. :flowerforyou: I am v interested in checking that out.

    Day 3 here, NMTZ, off to do it right now :grumble: I also need to do my W5D3 of the C25K. It's going to be a long day. I'd better get started. I should not have had that bottle of wine last night. :sick:

    I don't know why I just don't like this one, I'd much rather do the BFBM :ohwell:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    July 15th, Shred #1...182 calories
    July 16th, Shred #1...186 calories
    July 18th, NMTZ...437 calories

    Brutal plank circuit...
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    How do you know how many calories you are burning? I am thinking of buying a HRM byt unfortunately all the accurate ones require wearing a chest strap. I am afraid that it will be really uncomfortable. But I don't trust MFP to accurately calculate my calories.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I use a HRM with a chest strap. The chest strap doesn't bother me when I am exercising because I am more focused on surviving the workous.

    MFP is off by a lot when I use them to calculate my calories. There are so many variables that can't be factored like exertion level, fitness level, resting heart rate.

    I'm 5'4" and 174 lbs...maybe that could help you calculate
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    When I add circuit training to the exercise log it says I only burned 174 cals but it feels like I am burning way more than that. I would like a more accurate way to calculate calories burned so I might end up investing in a good HRM. I have a cheap wrist only HRM but it's difficult to use. You have to actually stop what you're doing and put your fingers on the sensors to get a heart rate, which is not only annoying but most of the time I can't even get a reading.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    My friend failed but she did come close - bwa ha ha ha ha! :laugh: We did BFBM followed by level 2 of the shred and my thighs are KILLING me! Happily a day off for me tomorrow, my first in 8 days. Also weigh-in so hat should be interesting. I have upped my eating as I decided I was eating too little, though as for you others I dont like how inaccurate I suspect the cals burnt is. I was really surprised by how many cals NMTZ burnt for you nisijam - just goes to show you don't necessarily need to be blasting cardio to burn!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Shoppie, so funny about your friend...:laugh: ...to be a fly on the wall!! I bet your legs are killing you. Mine were shaking like I was sprayed with a can of raid...my husband calls it "nerve agent casualty".

    I find that when I input my data via MFP...it's usually over by 25%....NMTZ is a nice calorie burn, for sure...funny that you should mention upping the calories because I have just been food-focused with nagging hunger for DAYS. Yesterday, I just had a day with rest and food, food, food. However, I'm back on it today.

    I weigh in on Wednesday for an elimination competition I am running. It's set up like Biggest Loser and every week someone gets eliminated. We are down to the final 6 from 18. I will probably be starting another challenge in September if anyone is interested.

    Oh, has anyone done Ripped in 30. I just bought it today and even the cover looks scary!

    Well, I have to get supper going and get ready for the C25K job...
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 9 30 Day shred Level 3 done yesterday and Day 10 Quick NMTZ's done today. I was out of pocket yesterday and didn't have a chance to post. Everyone is doing great! I love doing a different workout every day!:happy:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I definitely couldn't only do the 30DS, I know that. My day off has been kind of exhausting, I have done 2.5 hours of gardening and am totally knackered! Estimates of cals burned vary from 580 on one site through 700ish on here up to 890 on another site so I guess it must be at least 550 - amazing! Oh, and I weighed in this morning and was 2 pounds down :bigsmile: I know its not loads but I'm really chuffed as it puts me at 2 stone total loss (28 lbs for you Americans!) and just 1 lb more gone and I will officially no loner be overweight (on the BMI scale) :drinker:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Today was day 2 of the 30 day slimdown for me. I did level 3 of 30 ds instead of level 1 which means tomorrow is NMTZ and I am scared! I haven't even watched it yet but from what I hear it's pretty intense. Wish me luck!
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