30 Day Slimdown



  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    idauria - argh, Chinese food is a killer! Well, to be honest, for me any restaurant food is lethal pretty much! Interesting you didn't find ripped in 30 much harder than 30DS (albeit level 2 versus 1) as that and shred it with weights are the 2 I'm most interested in. I actually think I do need a JM break though (:noway: :laugh: ) - at least for a little while. And yes, I just thought 'stuff it I'll do it all with NMTZ as I had the time :laugh: )

    I can handle most restaurant food pretty well but when it comes to Chinese there just isn't any healthy alternative. But I eat it so very rarely. It's not my favorite food to eat so once I have it I'm good for a long while. As far as the dvd's go, I think the cardio portions on 30DS, at least for level 2 are more intense than ripped in 30. But I think you get a better overall workout from Ri30. Neither of them are a cake walk though that's for sure! Today I have NMTZ on tap. It seems I've been doing that one a lot lately. I didn't have time this morning so I will probably do it later. Tomorrow I am supposed to do 30DS levels 1 and 2. That should be interesting. When I did 30ds the other day I still got a decent workout out of it but RI30 is more challenging I think.

    Yay for you only having 2 days left!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I actually came home after work and did 30 DS Level 1. I am pretty shocked that I made myself do it!! Lol:happy:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I actually came home after work and did 30 DS Level 1. I am pretty shocked that I made myself do it!! Lol:happy:

    Yay! You go girl! I was supposed to do NMTZ yesterday but I didn't have a chance to do it early in the day and then I went out. By time I got around to getting any exercise in it was after 8pm and I didn't want to do something that was an hour long so I did level 3 of 30 DS instead. I am planning on doing NMTZ right now. Oh and I am super depressed because I had the audacity to weigh myself this morning and it was up a pound!!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 28 BFBM finished. Once again I only had time to do this workout. Hopefully tonight I will be able to do Quick NMTZ's. (Or maybe the whole video, depending on how tired I feel)!

    Idauria - I cant weigh myself in the evenings because I always seem to weigh more!

    Everyone have a great day!:happy:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I just finished NMTZ, burned 245 cals. I think I know why I was up a pound(this might be tmi)...but after I wrote my last post I went to the bathroom and I noticed that AF had arrived earlier than expected. At least that's what I hope is causing the weight gain! I am working out almost every day and yes, I have had mishaps with my eating but I would think that all the exercise would be able to overcome all that.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    idauria - good burn! :drinker: Af def affects my weight, by up to 4/5 pounds. It still hasn't returned since I had my baby (presumably cos I'm feeding her) but not looking forward to when it does! And what exactly *is* a cake walk?? JM says that and I infer it means not easy but where on earth does that come from??

    susanjackson - you are doing great! :drinker:

    Well I was genuinely really shocked to have lost 2 lbs this morning! :bigsmile: I can only assume that for me the exercise is doing it. Despite this I had to really force myself to do level 3 followed by level 2 this morning, I really didn't want to. i did it though. I finish tomorrow and just have NMTZ to go, will publish my final results including measurements then :drinker:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    idauria - good burn! :drinker: Af def affects my weight, by up to 4/5 pounds. It still hasn't returned since I had my baby (presumably cos I'm feeding her) but not looking forward to when it does! And what exactly *is* a cake walk?? JM says that and I infer it means not easy but where on earth does that come from??

    susanjackson - you are doing great! :drinker:

    Well I was genuinely really shocked to have lost 2 lbs this morning! :bigsmile: I can only assume that for me the exercise is doing it. Despite this I had to really force myself to do level 3 followed by level 2 this morning, I really didn't want to. i did it though. I finish tomorrow and just have NMTZ to go, will publish my final results including measurements then :drinker:

    Lol, yes, cake walk means that it's easy. I have no idea where that expression came from either! Good for you for being down another 2 pounds! I have a question though. When you do 2 workouts back to back do you do the cool down after the first video and the warm up before the second? The one time I did 2 videos together, I skipped the cool down and warm up. I figured that the point of doing both workouts was to keep the momentum and calorie burn going and having to go through the cool down and warm up kind of defeats that, no?
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Ok, taking a rest day today...I'm so crampy and tired and my lower back is killing me! Maybe if I feel up to it later I'll pop in a DVD but definitely not right now. Good luck today everyone!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I am back! Well not really! Oh I so fell off the wagon! Well to my defence I just didn't have the time to exercise!
    I pretty suddenly started a 2nd job. So that meant getting up at 7.30 finish one job at 6 straight to the next and finished at 11. Yes of course I could have gotten up at 6.30 and exercise but I was so exhausted just by working I really couldn't do that!

    Now I have been away for a few days and I think weight wise I am about where I am started. I am really disappointed but at the same time I am trying to not being too hard on myself. I will start exercise again! I am not sure if I'll restart or do something else! I will start the 17 day diet so and I think maybe the workouts are a bit too hard for the first cycle. So I think what I will do is to start Ripped in 30 on Monday! Is anyone else in?

    And to all you ladies a big well done!! You can be very proud!! And thank you so much for checking on me!!! :flowerforyou:
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 29 30 DS Level 3 and Level 1 complete. I so did not want to get up and workout today! The only reason I did was because I want tomorrow to be my last day on this workout!. I plan on measuring tomorrow and hopefully I will see some changes because I am not seeing much on the scale.:sad:

    Shoppie: Congrats on getting just 1 lb away from your goal. That must feel great!

    Idauria: I know exactly how you feel, if it wasn't day 29 for me I would not have worked out this morning.

    Daisy: Welcome back. Glad everything is well with you.
  • tifffanyD
    tifffanyD Posts: 44 Member
    shoppie... I found this:

    Cakewalk is a traditional African American form of music and dance which originated among slaves in the Southern United States. The form was originally known as the chalk line walk. The dance takes its name from competitions held on plantations prior to Emancipation, in which prizes, sometimes cake, were given for the best dancers.

    The term "cakewalk" is often used to indicate something that is very easy or effortless. Though the dance itself could be physically demanding, it was generally considered a fun, recreational pastime. The phrase "takes the cake" also comes from this practice.

    Unfortunately, now I want to eat some cake.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    idauria - when I did them back to back I missed the cool down from the first and warm-up from the second too *nod* for exactly the reasons you describe. I logged the total time to reflect that obviously :smile: Sorry you are feeling poorly, hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    susanjacksno - I am pretty chuffed! :bigsmile: I am away at the inlaws this weekend, plus obviously now have finished this challenge and I think i will rest for a bit before starting something new so will prob gain next week but will try to minimise the damage - I am really committed to reaching goal by the end of this month and that is totally achievable even with a rest :drinker:

    Diasy -welcome back! it must be tough with studying and jobs on top. You are right not to be to tough on yourself too, if I do that i only ened up emotionally eating because I feel bad about myself (*bangs head on wall*) I don't have ripped in 30 and think I require a bit of a JM break, but good luck with your new challenge :flowerforyou:

    Tiffany - ooh interesting! Funny that its not on our UK google! I love understanding language and the origins of phrases, I did a languages degree and I think that has stayed with me.

    So, drumroll please for the results....

    I lost 7 lbs in weight
    0.5 inches off the top of my thighs
    2 inches off my underbust (!!!)
    2 inches off my nipple line (honestly I think this is more to do with dropping feeds or my baby so will exclude from total inchage)
    0.5 inches off my arm tops
    0.5 inch off my waist
    and...wait for it....

    a jawdropping THREE INCHES off my saddle bags!! (my widest part) - holy moly that's an inch every 10 days!!!

    Total inches lost (excluding boobs) = 6.5 inches.

    Being totally honest, I was a bit disappointed the waist didn't shift much BUT I lost 2 inches off my waist the month before from doing BFBM so I think that was my big waist change. It has made me realise the saddle bag and chest change has totally changed my shape. Overall I'm chuffed to bits!! :bigsmile:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    So, drumroll please for the results....

    I lost 7 lbs in weight
    0.5 inches off the top of my thighs
    2 inches off my underbust (!!!)
    2 inches off my nipple line (honestly I think this is more to do with dropping feeds or my baby so will exclude from total inchage)
    0.5 inches off my arm tops
    0.5 inch off my waist
    and...wait for it....

    a jawdropping THREE INCHES off my saddle bags!! (my widest part) - holy moly that's an inch every 10 days!!!

    Total inches lost (excluding boobs) = 6.5 inches.

    Being totally honest, I was a bit disappointed the waist didn't shift much BUT I lost 2 inches off my waist the month before from doing BFBM so I think that was my big waist change. It has made me realise the saddle bag and chest change has totally changed my shape. Overall I'm chuffed to bits!! :bigsmile:

    That's so exciting to see those results! I had to laugh at the nipple measurements. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that before! But good for you, it's a big accomplishment. Don't be disappointed at all. You're still seeing changes and that's all that matters. After the initial losses things start to slow down anyway so you might not see huge changes happen quickly anymore. The important thing is that you stick with it and you will still see changes. I am waiting to see my changes. I actually ordered a measuring tape in the mail and it should be here any day. Not that I am eager to measure myself and certainly not until after my period ends! But I swear I am the only person who exercises every day and gains weight! I swear my belly is bigger now. Hmph!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    shoppie... I found this:

    Cakewalk is a traditional African American form of music and dance which originated among slaves in the Southern United States. The form was originally known as the chalk line walk. The dance takes its name from competitions held on plantations prior to Emancipation, in which prizes, sometimes cake, were given for the best dancers.

    The term "cakewalk" is often used to indicate something that is very easy or effortless. Though the dance itself could be physically demanding, it was generally considered a fun, recreational pastime. The phrase "takes the cake" also comes from this practice.

    That's awesome! Thanks for looking that up! It's interesting to see where words and phrases originate.

    Unfortunately, now I want to eat some cake.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 30 NMTZ's complete! I could not find my tape measure this morning, so during lunch I plan on going and buying another one and I will measure tonight. Hopefully my measurements will show something because I show a .08 weight loss since doing the slim down! While I love all these workouts on there own, I dont think my body handled the constant changing of workouts. I was able to get into my size 8 pants today and I am wearing them and they feel great. So I am pretty excited about that!!

    Shoppie - I am so happy you had great results! Congrats

    Idauria - I will be checking back in to see how you progress.

    I will post measurements tonight or tomorrow morning.

    Everyone have a great Thursday!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I did 30 DS levels 1 and 2. I didn't think I could do it but I did! Not only could I complete both but I didn't feel sluggish getting through the second level either. I practically sailed right through the chair squats with v flyes! Not that they were easy but I can definitely tell that I am stronger and have more stamina. Woo hoo! Oh and both levels together burned 298 cals!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Oh and one more thing, I weighed myself before I got into the shower before and I had lost that nasty pound!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I'm out for a while, I sprained my ankle Saturday before last, and doing lunges and jumping jacks has been out of the question. The good news is that it's much better, and I'm able to do a lot more now. I can do a little jogging (although buttkicks aren't working for me yet) so pretty soon I'll be back on it!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm out for a while, I sprained my ankle Saturday before last, and doing lunges and jumping jacks has been out of the question. The good news is that it's much better, and I'm able to do a lot more now. I can do a little jogging (although buttkicks aren't working for me yet) so pretty soon I'll be back on it!

    I'm sorry you've been injured! Hopefully before long you'll be as good as new and will be able to get back into the routines.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Day 20 done - BFBM! Burned 297 cals, not as much as previous times but still good I suppose. That's 6 days in a row of exercise for me. I am going out of town this weekend so I won't be doing any and I need the rest!
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