30 Day Slimdown



  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I'm still here! Just took a couple days off. Day 23 NMTZ's complete. I did the whole workout instead of just the quick circuits, since I missed a couple of days working out. Scale moving again, finally, so everything is good!!

    Shoppie - Is it just us left??
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Ok, back from my sister's wedding and back to work! I just finished BFBM and I still hate it, lol. By the end I just want to die. But on the bright side, I burned 350 cals! Good thing too because I ate way too much wedding cake the past few days! I really need to get back on track now. I have another wedding to attend in two weeks but at least I'm not in the wedding party at that one. I hope everyone is doing great! Keep it rolling, as JM likes to say!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    susanjackson - sorry your L2 is messing up, I still find that the hardest one overall.

    I did BFBM today as per schedule, I noticed yet another improvement in my ability to do it without stopping, though I still worked really hard on it. I am due to take my rest day tomorrow as I'm walking in the evening. I also weighed in today and lost another pound, bringing my total on this challenge up to 5. My eating has been even worse today though, I won't keep getting away with it and need to get it back in check pronto!!

    Where'd everybody go??

    Well you must be doing something right if you're still losing weight! Great job! I'm still here btw, I was gone for 4 days for my sister's wedding in another state.
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 24 Completed - BFBM...Nice workout
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 24 BFBM complete. The one thing I do like about this workout is there are no weights used. Gives my arms and shoulders a break! Only 6 more days left in this challenge! Everyone have a great Thursday!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Day 13 NMTZ done. I would be further along had I not had to miss 3 workouts. I burned 257 cals, which is more than I burned the last time I did it. I really have to watch my diet now after indulging the past several days. I don't even like the way I feel. So no more cake for me. I wish I was going to complete this challenge the same time as everyone else but I started later. I will still keep going though. I am already thinking about what I'm going to do next. Any ideas?
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 25 completed...QUICK TROUBLE ZONE (35 mins of NMTZ) AND 30 Day Shred 2 - DONE!

  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Could not get up this morning to workout and heading out of town this weekend, so I will maybe get to exercise Sunday, but I'll be back on Monday for sure. With another off day on the schedule I should still be able to finish this challenge by next Friday. Everyone have a great Friday and a great weekend!:smile:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Omg, I just did level 1 of 30 DS and QNMTZ. I can't move my arms! But I did burn 321 cals.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    NMTZ plus 30 day shred is really rough :noway:

    idauria - my plan at the mo is vague, I'm thinking I will possibly repeat the last week or so when I do finish, I'm so close to goal now and this has really helped me - i might see what weigh-in this week brings though as if I stay the same I can't keep going for too long and I do still have 3 lbs to shift. I have bought some Davina DVDs and am going to be trying those out when I've finished, I may actually post a thread asking if anyone wants to join in (though Davina is rather UK-centric and there aren't that many Brits on here comparatively speaking...)

    I did NMTZ and level 3 of 30DS yesterday, today was a day off on the schedule but I did BFBM as my eating has been rubbish, but I regretted it as I then spent all day at a wildlife park with the kids and am completely and utterly knackered!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 13 NMTZ done. I would be further along had I not had to miss 3 workouts. I burned 257 cals, which is more than I burned the last time I did it. I really have to watch my diet now after indulging the past several days. I don't even like the way I feel. So no more cake for me. I wish I was going to complete this challenge the same time as everyone else but I started later. I will still keep going though. I am already thinking about what I'm going to do next. Any ideas?

    I have no idea what I am doing next. Have you done the 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30, yet? They are both really good workouts!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I have both the shred and ripped in 30. I haven't done either straight through because I always get bored doing the same thing every day. This is why I wanted to do the slimdown. I could just go back to doing the elliptical and add my own weight routine(I have a set of free weights and a bench at home). I don't think I want to spend any more money on dvds right now, although there are many dvds on Netflix on demand so I could try some of those. I put some on my queue a while back but then I got into JM. In the meantime I am not seeing any changes doing this routine but I am to blame for that. I just can't seem to fully commit to healthy eating. I am good until the afternoon and then I am looking for snacks. Then I always want something after the kids go to bed. I know I am stronger and my stamina has improved but my belly is getting bigger, or at least that is my observation. My husband thinks I am insane.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I am not seeing any changes doing this routine but I am to blame for that. I just can't seem to fully commit to healthy eating. I am good until the afternoon and then I am looking for snacks. Then I always want something after the kids go to bed. I know I am stronger and my stamina has improved but my belly is getting bigger, or at least that is my observation. My husband thinks I am insane.

    this is me the last week or so to a tee. Even though I lost a lb last week, I'm certain I didn't lose inches, possibly even gained them. I got fantastic results just doing BFBM as I was committed with eating healthily and I'm really frustrating myself by not eating well, its only myself I'm letting down, I don't know why i do it?? I try so hard doing the exercise, and fitting it in ain't easy, so why oh why do I go and undo it by eating high sugar rubbish?? :explode:

    I def wouldn't do shred or ripped in 30 on its own as I think the warm up is too short for me, I find it much better after I have done NMTZ or BFBM and I think that's cos I'm properly warm.

    I did NMTZ and level 2 of 30DS, i now do the 2 really hard circuit with 1 lb weights as I just can't get through it with 3 lbs :blushing: Killed myself exercising but ate badly - again :angry:
  • tifffanyD
    tifffanyD Posts: 44 Member
    Argh I have been struggling with the eating lately too! Just not seeing the pounds come off and without that as motivation I am having some problems. Plus being sick and on meds really messed with me. I am doing Ripped in 30 now (just started week 2!) and also doing Leslie Sansone walking vids for extra cardio... have a lot of events this weekend (ie bad eating) but hopefully after that I can dive back in. I need to recommit!!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I ate pretty well yesterday although I never got around to exercising :( I am taking more rest days than I am supposed to but I will return full swing tomorrow. If I can just get my snacking under control I think I can nail this. My actual meals are fine, it's the snacking that can do me in. I hate that when I get hungry I tend to look for "bad" foods rather than good ones. I am getting better at it though.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I did better with my eating today - thank goodness for that as JM likes to say at the end of her workouts! I did BFBM followed by NMTZ straight and it was HARD, I was shaking loads and very wobbly the first circuit, I could feel my body thinking 'what? Noooo, we get a break now!' - just goes to show how accustomed your body gets to a particular thing!!

    Anyway, my day off tomorrow so walking with a friend, then just 2 more days to go. Having reflected, I think I will be lucky to maintain this week and have pretty much zero chance of a loss and I think its time I moved on really, so once I get to Weds I will weigh and measure myself and share the final result! :bigsmile:
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I did better with my eating today - thank goodness for that as JM likes to say at the end of her workouts! I did BFBM followed by NMTZ straight and it was HARD, I was shaking loads and very wobbly the first circuit, I could feel my body thinking 'what? Noooo, we get a break now!' - just goes to show how accustomed your body gets to a particular thing!!

    Anyway, my day off tomorrow so walking with a friend, then just 2 more days to go. Having reflected, I think I will be lucky to maintain this week and have pretty much zero chance of a loss and I think its time I moved on really, so once I get to Weds I will weigh and measure myself and share the final result! :bigsmile:

    That's so great that you were able to get through both of those videos! That is so hard core! I don't know if I will be able to do those videos back to back. I do see on the plan that day 28 is supposed to be BFBM and quick trouble zones, so I gather that you elected to do the entire NMTZ on your own. Kudos to you! I am still only on day 16, I lost 3 days last week when I was away. I didn't exercise yesterday but I did manage to get in some this afternoon. I was supposed to do level 2 of the shred but I did level 1 of ripped in 30. I actually think that the shred is more intense, but maybe that's because I am comparing level 1 to level 2. Tomorrow will be NMTZ again. I am so sore after that one but in a good way!

    I totally wrecked my eating today. I was good until dinner....we had Chinese food. Enough said.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    After taking Friday and Saturday off I did Day 25 -Quick NMTZ's and 30 DS Level 3. ( My Level 2 is still messed up). I will not be taking a rest day tomorrow since I just had 2 off. So I will move on to Day 27 in the morning. However ,I do not see me getting up in time to do both workouts before I go to work, so I will probably do one when I get home, we will see.

    I am with you ladies on the eating. My snacking has been horrible!:cry: I also think its because I have not seen the results doing this workout like I saw when I did the 30 DS and Ripped in 30. Of course those were done when I was bigger, so of course I had more weight to lose at that time. I will be done with this workout this week and will take my measurements and see how I did.

    Everyone have a great evening!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    idauria - argh, Chinese food is a killer! Well, to be honest, for me any restaurant food is lethal pretty much! Interesting you didn't find ripped in 30 much harder than 30DS (albeit level 2 versus 1) as that and shred it with weights are the 2 I'm most interested in. I actually think I do need a JM break though (:noway: :laugh: ) - at least for a little while. And yes, I just thought 'stuff it I'll do it all with NMTZ as I had the time :laugh: )

    susanjackson - I'm sure my results aren't as good as I got from a month doing BFBM alone :sad: But, as you said I was larger in the first place AND it was the first time I had focussed on exercise since, um, probably after I had my second baby! So it was bound to have more effect. It will be interesting to weigh and measure properly on Weds though - we shall see!

    I still can't believe I only have 2 days left!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Day 27 NMTZ's complete. As I thought, I just could not make myself get up early enough to do 30 DS. Here's hoping that I have some motivation when I get home this afternoon to do it!
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