DITR Round4 Week1



  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117

    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    Salad with whatever leftover meat is in the refrigerator.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Saturday:

    What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    been fortunate so far since I've started that I've only seen bumps around TOM which generally have meant bigger losses a week down the road... my plan this time is when I hit a plateau is to re-evaluate my weight loss goals. Right now, my daily calories are hovering right around 1200, so that may be a time to reset and add some food. I'll also look at my workout routine and see if there are things I could do to shake that up as well.


    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    this one is quick on the preparation time but takes a while to bake - take skinless-boneless chicken breasts and season with either salt and pepper or southwest seasoning (salt, pepper, various chili powders, etc) then dump a bunch of fresh salsa on it (canned will probably work too but we do it after having tons of tomatoes in the garden). then we just bake it until done. It's turned out to be the moistest and tender version of baked chicken we've done!
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Um I can't cook so anything that can be chucked on my George forman grill.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    QOTD Saturday:

    What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    I haven't hit one yet thankfully. I imagine I will take the advice of everyone here and switch things up a bit. Perhaps zig-zag..I was always curious about that.


    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    On a major time crunch I will throw together a veggie and egg white scramble. Sometimes I will throw some pre-sliced ham or something like that and salsa in. Mmm yummy, super low cal and it all takes less than 5 minutes!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    :wink: By the way GREAT job this week ladies!!! I just finished tallying up all the teams weight loss and we have a clear winner!:drinker:

    The winning team, biggest losers and whether DITR won will all be announced tomorrow morning in a new Week2 thread post!! I will add a link for that into the blog as well. :flowerforyou:

    Keep it up ladies!
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member

    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you're on a time crunch?

    Since the garden in starting to get harvested, it is usually cooking up some yellow zucchini. I throw it in a pan with a little bit of margarine, garlic powder and water. Then I just let it cook covered until it is tender.
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    :wink: By the way GREAT job this week ladies!!! I just finished tallying up all the teams weight loss and we have a clear winner!:drinker:

    The winning team, biggest losers and whether DITR won will all be announced tomorrow morning in a new Week2 thread post!! I will add a link for that into the blog as well. :flowerforyou:

    Keep it up ladies!
    Aw don't leave us in suspence
  • journey2size10


    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    Hardest for me during workyear is breakfast time! So, I would make an egg fritatta to eat for the week.
    I would chop up all the veggies I like (bellpepper, onion, mushrooms, jalapenos, spinach)
    Miix veggies with egg whites and add salsa, pour into baking pan. Bake in the oven @ 400 degrees for about an hour . Each morning I will put a slice in the microwave after sprinkling some shredded cheese on it. Love this recipe!
  • TwinMom12409
    Sorry I have been MIA- it has been an insane weekend!

    Friday's QOTD: Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?
    My boys are my inspiration. Everything I do- I do for them. I want to set the best possible example for them and I want them to be healthy and have a healthy momma.

    QOTD Saturday:

    What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    When I reach a plateau I get frustrated and normally give up. I am trying to change that. I know that with all the lovely diamonds I will be successful.


    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    SMOOTHIES! I take 1/2 C Dannon lite and fit vanilla yogurt, 1/2 C blueberries, 1/4 OJ and 1/2 C strawberries- blend and go. YUM!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member

    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you're on a time crunch?

    At the moment i'm really liking No pastry quiche. I use 2 eggs and a cupfull of skimmed milk for the basic quiche mix and then add in whatever veggies are at hand. The mix fills a 6 hole muffin tray, And only takes about ten mins to cook
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Been busy this weekend, sorry I haven't posted.

    Saturday's question... I'd have to regroup and figure out ways to change things up to get the numbers moving again. Change in exercise seams to work well for me.

    Today's question... I really just pull leftovers when I'm in a time crunch. I just have to make sure to measure it out to avoid over-eating. If I were to make something though it would be a salad. Boring I know but I have 4 kids and keep pretty busy so I just use what I've got:wink:
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Saturday:

    What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it? Zig Zag'n calories help me push past my plateau plus eating more food.


    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    Egg whites and toast and turkey sauage. It take maybe 10 mins to make in the morning. Better than a bowl of cereal.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428

    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    If I'm in a time crunch (usually in the morning) I like to just crab something and go. So for me I like to have stuff that you don't have to cook. I grab things like nuts, string cheese, cereal, fruit, yoplait smoothies, peanut butter sandwich, applesauce, etc.

    One recipe I like for dinner that is not time consuming is to make a pizza. I use a tortilla wrap, add 1/4c tomato sauce, sprinkle some italian seasoning, add some shredded cheese (sometimes I even use the string cheese), and veggies (I usually add onions and green bell peppers). Bake it in the oven until the cheese is melted. I've also made a BBQ chicken pizza almost the same way. Just use 2 tbsp bbq sauce, shredded cheese, onion, and grilled chicken, and sometimes I add a piece of turkey bacon (cooked & crumbled). So good!
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member

    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when you're on a time crunch?

    I like to make soup. Chicken soup with lots of veggies. If I dont have time, then I grab a Progrsso Light.

    I back at work today. Sent the last 4 days taking care of my daughter. She had a small surgery don on 7/21. She is doing better than I thought she would. I can now walk around the house and warm herself food.

  • yanina6
    yanina6 Posts: 12
    Hi DITR....I'm so glad to be part of this group. I, like many others, look forward to shopping....I also have a few dresses that I look forward to fitting into. I normally exercise but was so discouraged because I was not seeing any results. However, now that I'm been on the MFP my eating habits are more regulated which has allowed me to lose some pounds. Small results really motivate!!