DITR Round4 Week1



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I might eat maintenance for a while if I plateau. we'll see how next week's weigh in goes
  • journey2size10
    QOTD Saturday:
    What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    I've hit plateaus quite a few times, lol. At first, I would go off plan from frustration and end up gaining some weight back then losing it again and in the process bust the plateau...
    Now, I switch things up, whether it be less food or more food, different macros as far as less carbs, more fat, more protein or kicking up the exercising or switching the types of exercise and it gets the scale moving again.
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    I started eating my cals as I was only eating 800cals to start with it took me a long time to get over the fear of eating more and gaining weight
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    I'm currently experimenting with zig zagging and so far its been going pretty well... havent hit a platau since starting doing it!
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    QOTD Saturday:

    What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    I'm kind of at a plateau now. I'm going to eat more and probably zigzag. I'm really pushing at the gym right now. I am considering taking a couple extra rest days next week.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Hey Boss! who's the winner? Am Sure PINKS :wink:
  • sistermooooon
    Friday's QOTD: Who has been the most inspirational/motivating person to you since you started trying to improve your health and why?

    OhOh! I'm behind on Friday's question.....So here goes.....My 13 year old son. He comes to the track with me some days and pushes me to do another lap and to run. He's so encouraging!!!! My 12 year old daughter has been fabulous as well with the compliments and motivation. She's already planning on what clothes of HERS I will be wearing when I 'get skinny'. :) Love my babies!!!!
  • sistermooooon

    QOTD Saturday:

    What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    I'm already planning for when this happens. I'm going to change up my work out routine. I'm going to stop getting on the scale so often and watch how my clothes are fitting and how healthy I feel as my gauge instead.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    QOTD Friday: I don't really have anyone that motivates/inspires me. I have been pushing myself so hard that I haven't looked to others. I actually tend to get a little jealous when I see people that only weigh lik 120 pounds on here and are a size 2. So many people look to them as motivation, but I am constantly saying, why not me? I know this is a personal issue I need to deal with, but until then, I guess I am my own motivator. My parents support me and so do my friends and all the amazing people on this website, but support is quite different from motivation!

    QOTD Saturday: I have never reached a plateau!!! There have been times when I would fluctuate up and down, but the next week I would always be back down again. Maybe it's because I am not super super strict on my eating habits. I have days where I eat 2-3 slices of pizza hut pizza, or eat a box of sweet tarts...now that's not usually too often, but it happens, and I usually don't regret it too much unless I see a weight gain. But, since I have been consistantly losing, I'm not changing anything.
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Until recently i've been fluxuating inbetween 248 and 250. What i did was to up the intensity of what i was doing and ride it out.
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    I haven't reached a plateau yet as I've just started losing weight.. But when I do.. I will just increase my eating a bit and less exercise and then see what the scale does and then get back on it again!
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    When I had a plateau that lasted a month I just kept increasing my exercise gradually and modifying my diet. I didn't try any shock tactics to force my weight to move. I just knew that my hard work would pay off eventually as I started to build on my foundations. Then it was kinda like someone popped a cork and I lost 8lbs in about two weeks that I haven't put back on since. My weight loss has slowed again but is going steadily downwards once more. I just know that I don't have a deadline for this weight loss, and I can do everything at my own pace as long as I know I'm doing it right.
  • twistedsista0408

    I feel like I'm on a plateau right now. It seems i've been around this weight forever. I'm exercising like never before, I'm careful to measure out my portions and be under my calorie goal. I'm the type who has to see results or I get really bummed out. I've been doing ok tho, because I've started measuring and I can see results there so that gives me the encouragement I need. Also, when I first reached this weight, no one seemed to notice, but now i'm getting compliments so that helps too.

    When I weighed on Friday, I was bummed with only one pound lost. But I went on my walk anyway and cried and vented to my friend the whole time. But I still worked out and I still watched my eating. I'm not falling backward this time. No way, not ever again.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    What do you do when you reach a plateau, what works for you and how do you stick to it?

    Believe it or not, I eat more. Not the crap I ate last week but eating all my calories. I like the word “zig-zag” that I’ve seen a couple of people use. I also zig-zag and don’t let me body fall into a rut or get used to a routine. I haven’t hit a plateau yet. I’ve had a couple of weeks where I didn’t lose any weight but rightfully so based on my poor food choices. Another seemingly insignificant thing is I try and get enough sleep.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Hey guys!

    So today is my partners turn to ask a QOTD but I havent heard back from her since Wedneday so I guess I'll be asking one again!


    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    I make a fresh huge salad that will last me a couple days! I throw in tomato, spinach, onions and bell peppers for the week and in the morning before work I but in some chicken from last night's dinner or some tuna for protein! also, maybe some black beans, garbanzo beans or/and feta! orrr a summer salad with spinach.feta,strawberries/ shredded almonds and a light vinaigrette!:)
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    Grilled anything, chicken, shrimp, chops, or steak. It's easy to pair with rice, veggies, and a fresh salad.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    I er .... don't cook. Much. If I am going to cook I tend to do something very simple that uses non-perishables (Because I don't cook I don't have much in the house, so perishables mean extra time for me). Lately its been:

    1 package of spinach and sun dried tomato chicken sausage (got these at costco, 5 in a pack, about 120 calories per sausage)
    2-4 ounces of barilla PLUS (pasta with added fiber and protein)
    Olive oil (1-2 tbls, depends on how much pasta I'm making)
    Garlic (cook it in the oil)
    Italian seasoning (Cook that in the oil too, although I hate dry spices my bf loves it and it *is* really easy)
    Onion (if I have it, white onion goes in the oil too, red onion I personally like sliced thin and small but raw)

    I heat up the sausage in a pan, take it out and set it aside, then I cook the oil and garlic and other seasoning in there and toss the pasta in once its done. Quick and filling, but you'll notice there aren't any veggies or fruit. I more or less get my veggies in at lunch.
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    I love stir fry, and its pretty cheap too.... just veg, stir fry sauce and then some meat ( i use the veggie alternative quorn) takes a matter of minutes and tastes great!
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    Has to be my egg salad. Boil 2 eggs, and then just chop up some lovely greens and feta cheese with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil! Yummm xx
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    Hey guys!


    What is your favorite healthy recipe to make when youre on a time crunch?

    omelets! i just throw in any veggies i have and sometimes a little cheese. pop in a piece of toast and i'm done!

    btw sorry i didn't get to do the QOTD. doing some kitchen remodeling over here and have had no time for anything except for making sure the kids stay out of there! i promise to be checking in more often this week!