TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Everyone is doing fantastic. Sorry I haven't been on much in the last 5 days. My daughter was sick. My husband just started a new job and starts swing shift tomorrow, so we tried spending alot of time together over the weekend.

    I am off track. Going down the wrong road. I go through this at least once a month. No more excuses. Tomorrow is a new day for sure.

    I am so glad you are back, we missed you! I was getting worried we lost you. I am glad you are ready to get back on track, we are here for you!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    HI everyone!
    I had an okay day we had a surprise birthday party for my sister at my house so I had to prepare for that. I did have a small peice of cake but I didn't eat very many calories early in the day. I got 2 of my sisters to go on a walk with me tonight so that was fun. One of my sisters(the thinnest one) said "geez what are we doing here, speed walking" I thought that was funny and I took it as a compliment.

    *we need to vote on our recipe by tomorrow to submit to the main thread so lets take a vote ladies!

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    7/29- done
    7/31- done

    Push ups and jumping jacks


  • yankeefamily05
    My Recipe:

    Tamra's Rice Pilaf

    Ok guys, this is my "version" of rice pilaf. I made this on Friday. I used white rice ( it is all I had) , but I am sure brown rice would be just as delish. This dish actually tastes better the NEXT day. Im convinced!!!!

    Anywho here it is.

    2 Cups of Low Sodium Chicken Broth
    2 Cups of Minute Rice

    Use the chicken broth in place of the water called for in the minute rice. Just bowl the broth, drop in the rice take it off the burner and cover.

    next, take some nonstick spray to a pan. Saute 1 yellow onion and 1 red pepper. Once these are softened drop the rice in and viola..

    This make a great side dish for any protein. This actually comes out to 65 calories a serving. You can add virtually any veggie you would like!!! The chicken broth actually gives the rice SO much flavor!
  • yankeefamily05
    8/1-mowed again/weedwacked

    Tomorrow- will do this too

    Definately got all my sleep in this week.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I am too tired today as well...but i thought will post on this thread and go to bed directly...

    Cardio was good, jjs- done, push ups done... Tomorrow is going to be a fresh day...I am all set... I am nervous to look at the scale and Wednesday is approaching... Please not this week again, i want to contribute to weight loss at least this week....

    Good night all
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi gals!
    Just wanted to say that I had a great day today. My mom offered (actually insisted) on taking my son for a few hours so my hubby and I could have some alone time. Exactly what we needed! How do moms always know what to do to make their babies feel better?!? :heart:

    Also, completed all my exercise goals and stuck to my diet. AND.... when I weighed myself this morning I was back on track. No idea why it went up but it seems to be on it's way back down. so yay!

    And finally, I'm LOVING the 30 day shred. I plan to wake up extra early tomorrow so I can squeeze in a workout before I hop on my bus to work. So I'll be up bright and early but what can I say? I'm looking forward to working out! I can honestly say I NEVER thought I would say that.

    I'll chat with you all in the morning. Have a great sleep!

    Hi Lynda,
    Alone time?? What is I need some with ny husband too. I am so glad you are back on track. Yay!! I want to try the 30 day shred, I think i will try it this winter when I am stuck inside.
    I too look forward to working out it is a great feeling, I am loving it!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I am too tired today as well...but i thought will post on this thread and go to bed directly...

    Cardio was good, jjs- done, push ups done... Tomorrow is going to be a fresh day...I am all set... I am nervous to look at the scale and Wednesday is approaching... Please not this week again, i want to contribute to weight loss at least this week....

    Good night all

    Hi Renu,
    You are so good at saying hello and I am sure you had a hectic few days. I am nervous about Wednesday too, but we are doing all we can. Talk to you tomorrow and sleep well,
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Great job!!!

    I killed it today!! I felt great too!! I am giving 30DS a whirl again! I got horrid shin splints the last time I did it but hopefully not this time. I went to the gym this evening too. I'm very proud of myself for doing the tredmill again!! Hopefully I can keep it up and i didn't over work my body!

    Don't forget to post your recipes!

    You are killin it on that treadmill, congrats!!! Great job!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Here's my recipe:

    Smart Pork Pasta Toss
    What You Need:
    220 g whole wheat spaghetti, uncooked 1/4 cup Kraft Extra Virgin Olive Oil Aged Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing, divided 1 lb. (450 g) pork tenderloin, cut into 1-inch pieces 1 cup chopped red onions 3 cloves garlic, minced 1-1/2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 1/3 cup 25%-less-sodium chicken broth 6 cups loosely packed baby spinach leaves 1 cup Kraft 4 Cheese Italiano Light Shredded Cheese, divided

    Make It:
    COOK spaghetti as directed on package, omitting salt. Meanwhile, heat 2 Tbsp. dressing in large skillet on medium-high heat. Add meat; cook 5 to 6 min. or until done, stirring occasionally. Remove from skillet; cover to keep warm.

    ADD remaining dressing, onions and garlic to skillet; cook and stir 2 to 3 min. or until onions are crisp-tender. Add tomatoes; cook 1 min. Add broth and meat; stir. Bring to boil, stirring occasionally.

    DRAIN spaghetti. Add to ingredients in skillet with the spinach and 1/2 cup cheese; mix lightly. Top with remaining cheese.

    serving size = 1-3/4 cups (425 mL)per serving

    Calories 470 Total fat 12 g Saturated fat 4.5 g Cholesterol 75 mg Sodium 480 mg Carbohydrate 52 g Dietary fibre 7 g Sugars 5 g Protein 41 g Vitamin A 50 %DV Vitamin C 40 %DV Calcium 30 %DV Iron 35 %DV
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Emotional Challenge:

    My weight affects my family more than I like to admit. I feel so ashamed of myself that I get very down, depressed about how I look and feel. Even now that I'm working towards change, I still get down because I feel like my body isnt responding fast enough (as you all saw from my lil breakdown the other day). It has had an enormous effect on my sex life, which of course makes my husband miserable. Because he too has been overweight he is convinced that the reason I am barely interested in sex is him, when in reality it's because I am physically repulsed by myself. I catch sight of myself in the mirror and I am honestly disgusted. My way of coping is to make self depracating jokes "haha I'm so fat" but that in turn makes my husband sad because hates to hear me speak bad of myself. So when I get down I'm just a teary mess. Luckily my son is young enough that he has yet to notice Mommys weight and self esteem issues. I'm praying that the results of all this hard work pay off so that by the time he starts to recognize these things I'll be in better shape physically and emotionally.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge:

    My weight affects my family more than I like to admit. I feel so ashamed of myself that I get very down, depressed about how I look and feel. Even now that I'm working towards change, I still get down because I feel like my body isnt responding fast enough (as you all saw from my lil breakdown the other day). It has had an enormous effect on my sex life, which of course makes my husband miserable. Because he too has been overweight he is convinced that the reason I am barely interested in sex is him, when in reality it's because I am physically repulsed by myself. I catch sight of myself in the mirror and I am honestly disgusted. My way of coping is to make self depracating jokes "haha I'm so fat" but that in turn makes my husband sad because hates to hear me speak bad of myself. So when I get down I'm just a teary mess. Luckily my son is young enough that he has yet to notice Mommys weight and self esteem issues. I'm praying that the results of all this hard work pay off so that by the time he starts to recognize these things I'll be in better shape physically and emotionally.

    Great response, I can relate for sure. This will make us change so much and our sons will only know us as the strong beautiful women we are.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    We need to vote for our recipe we want to put on the main post right away!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    We need to vote for our recipe we want to put on the main post right away!

    I haven't tried them all yet. But I give my vote to the pizza mushroom thing. That sounds amazing!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    We need to vote for our recipe we want to put on the main post right away!

    I haven't tried them all yet. But I give my vote to the pizza mushroom thing. That sounds amazing!

    thanks for your vote! I am going to vote for Renu's recipe only because it is so different, I haven't tried it but sounds good. The Mushroom Pizza is amazing!

    So thats
    Mushroom Pizza-1
    Renu's Recipe-1
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    We need to vote for our recipe we want to put on the main post right away!

    I haven't tried them all yet. But I give my vote to the pizza mushroom thing. That sounds amazing!

    thanks for your vote! I am going to vote for Renu's recipe only because it is so different, I haven't tried it but sounds good. The Mushroom Pizza is amazing!

    So thats
    Mushroom Pizza-1
    Renu's Recipe-1

    I would also vote for the mushroom pizza, it sounds so yummy... also its protein packed and I struggle so much to get proteins in my meals naturally.. I would have to substitute for turkey though... Being pure veggie, its really hard to try out the recipes as it is... But for sure, will try it out once i'm settled here...
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    We need to vote for our recipe we want to put on the main post right away!

    I haven't tried them all yet. But I give my vote to the pizza mushroom thing. That sounds amazing!

    Okay I am going to post the pizza so we get our point for this challenge hope you all agree.

    thanks for your vote! I am going to vote for Renu's recipe only because it is so different, I haven't tried it but sounds good. The Mushroom Pizza is amazing!

    So thats
    Mushroom Pizza-1
    Renu's Recipe-1

    I would also vote for the mushroom pizza, it sounds so yummy... also its protein packed and I struggle so much to get proteins in my meals naturally.. I would have to substitute for turkey though... Being pure veggie, its really hard to try out the recipes as it is... But for sure, will try it out once i'm settled here...
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge

    I have 5 sisters and there are only 2 of us that have been heavier, the other one's are either average or a little over. It' hard to have family pictures taken because I always want to hide but I am the most outgoing sister in my family being the 2nd oldest so I usually end up in front looking huge! My family doesn't really say much but I know it is talked about behind my back.
    My husband has never voiced an issue with my weight and has always told me I am beautiful, he is great at giving comliments to me. I know there are issues between us because of my weight mostly because I don't feel as sexy as i used to, I was heavier before I had my son by nor this heavy and I was always super confident but with my pregnancy my body changed and that took away alot of the confidence I once had.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    2nd week challenge:
    Cardio: 45min and 100 jumping jacks 4x/week - 1pt
    Strength: 25 pushups4x/week - 1pt
    Emotional: How do you deal with weight in your family? - 1pt
    Recipe Challenge- 1pt
    Sleep Challenge: 1pt

    Karie: 5

    Remember to post your points tonight. Just past and copy. Also make sure you vote for your favorite recipe on the main thread.
    I hope you all had a great day!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    2nd week challenge:
    Cardio: 45min and 100 jumping jacks 4x/week - 1pt
    Strength: 25 pushups4x/week - 1pt
    Emotional: How do you deal with weight in your family? - 1pt
    Recipe Challenge- 1pt
    Sleep Challenge: 1pt

    Karie: 5
    Renuka: 5

    Remember to post your points tonight. Just past and copy. Also make sure you vote for your favorite recipe on the main thread.
    I hope you all had a great day!