TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Wednesday Weigh ins:
    Starting weight: 244.8
    Starting MFP Weight: 233.8
    Week 1 Weight: 228.2
    Week 2 Weight: 224.2
    Weekly +/-: -4 :happy:
    Total +/-: -20.6lbs
    60 day goal: Hit 208lbs
    Goal: 165 lbs

    I lost 4 lbs this week!!!! I am so excited! This is working, I had no loss last week but I just keep telling myself this will pay off and here it is!

    Lynda- Congrats on your loss!!!


    I knew you would do it this week.. Congrats on your weight loss... Excellent job!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Looks like we got 28 out of 30pts this week! Great job ladies!

    Yayyyy!!! Awesome...
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Sorry for weighing in late as I had terrible back ache today, probably because of those cleaning and shifting stuffs... anyways, I am letting you ladies down once again... the scale has gone up to 155lbs again, back to my initial weight... I am feeling so bad coz all of you are doing so well and I am just not able to contribute to weight loss..

    Something is seriously going wrong here... I guess I had to exercise more, diet wise I did eat outside one of the days, otherwise my diet is okay...

    Try not ot be too hard on yourself. As Karie mentioned it might be muscle weight. Or it could be related to the stress and challenge of moving. Somtimes when under extreme stress our bodies go into "hibernation" mode and store up more fat than we usually do because our systems get screwed up. Almost like our bodies go into shock, does that make sense? I'm not sure if I articulated that well. But what I mean is you've been through a lot, cut yourself some slack :smile:

    You are a phenomenal motivator and always push yourself so don't ever worry about letting our team down. Take it easy for a day or two, let your back heal before you go hard. We don't want you to get hurt!

  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Wednesday Weigh ins:
    Starting weight: 244.8
    Starting MFP Weight: 233.8
    Week 1 Weight: 228.2
    Week 2 Weight: 224.2
    Weekly +/-: -4 :happy:
    Total +/-: -20.6lbs
    60 day goal: Hit 208lbs
    Goal: 165 lbs

    I lost 4 lbs this week!!!! I am so excited! This is working, I had no loss last week but I just keep telling myself this will pay off and here it is!

    Lynda- Congrats on your loss!!!

    Thanks and congrats to you too!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Starting MFP Weight: 270
    Starting SAHMU: 223
    Week 2 Weight: 220
    Weekly +/-: -0.0
    Total +/-: -50
    Goal: 180

    Hoping to get out of the 220's by next week. 0 pounds loss. Makes me sad, but at the same time im brushing it off and moving on.

    Great attitute! Keep on track and you'll see the results you are looking for!
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Keep the great attitudes up ladies!! You CAN and WILL do this!!

    I'm down 2 more pounds this week!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Sorry for weighing in late as I had terrible back ache today, probably because of those cleaning and shifting stuffs... anyways, I am letting you ladies down once again... the scale has gone up to 155lbs again, back to my initial weight... I am feeling so bad coz all of you are doing so well and I am just not able to contribute to weight loss..

    Something is seriously going wrong here... I guess I had to exercise more, diet wise I did eat outside one of the days, otherwise my diet is okay...

    Try not ot be too hard on yourself. As Karie mentioned it might be muscle weight. Or it could be related to the stress and challenge of moving. Somtimes when under extreme stress our bodies go into "hibernation" mode and store up more fat than we usually do because our systems get screwed up. Almost like our bodies go into shock, does that make sense? I'm not sure if I articulated that well. But what I mean is you've been through a lot, cut yourself some slack :smile:

    You are a phenomenal motivator and always push yourself so don't ever worry about letting our team down. Take it easy for a day or two, let your back heal before you go hard. We don't want you to get hurt!


    Lynda, Karie,

    Thanks lovely ladies... :smile:

    I was feeling really low in the morning...But I'm alright now, super excited for this week's challenge.. This week is just wonderful... I can do bit of yoga for stretching, crunches would help us reduce our tummy fat... and water challenge is you know i was struggling to take in more water...yay!!!

    I will do only walking today as my back wont support for other exercises.. Need to have a look of my new gym...haven't been there... so I will go full swing from tomorrow... Also, I would get back to my dancing only 3 times a week..the good part in this Indian classical dance is it burns a lot of calories... we dance in the squat position....

    Go team green!!!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    On the food challenge, i guess mushroom pizza goes to the main thread...Yay!!!

    Shouldn't we post it there so that we can have final voting....
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    I'm doing great with my water intake! i don't care to drink water but i already have over 70 oz of water down! and it's only 3pm!!! (of course i pee like crazy lol) but i've been drinking water like this for 21/2 weeks now!

    how are you guys doing with it?
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Just completed my 3 miles Leslie walking... I love it!...would like to try her other videos as well.... Water wise I have completed 40 oz ....
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Just completed my 3 miles Leslie walking... I love it!...would like to try her other videos as well.... Water wise I have completed 40 oz ....

    Way to Go Renuka!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    TOM is here...boohoohoo! I really don't want to workout but of course I will. I hope you all have a great day!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Ohh Karie... I am just waiting and waiting for my TOM...its already time, but no signs of it

    And Yay!! for green team... for the weight loss and staying in this challenge....

    I am all set today...and I did my cardio yesterday, did drink lots of water... will add crunches and lunges today....

    I will get my new weighing scale by next tuesday hopefully.... I am waiting for it badly...

    Sorry I forgot to say my hello last

    Great going!! Go team green....
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    8/3- Done
    8/4- Done

  • yankeefamily05
    TOM is in 4 days for me too! Weird!!!

    Anyways, I just wanted to apologize. I am really sorry I haven't been around too much. I will be writing this weeks challengeson my dry erase board in the kitchen! I am aiming for a 5 along with at least a 2 lb loss. It is going to be hard.

    I started my grocery list for the week. I am buying plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Along with WALNUTS...mmmm:) Any other healthy ideas? Please let me know. My husband and I have been having some financial trouble, hoping it is in the past. This week has been terrible food wise. I don't have any fresh produce except bananas. But starting this week, I will be buying a ton. I realized just how CRAPPY i feel when I don't eat a good diet....

    Love you girls! YOu are all doing a kick *kitten* job!:)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    TOM is in 4 days for me too! Weird!!!

    Anyways, I just wanted to apologize. I am really sorry I haven't been around too much. I will be writing this weeks challengeson my dry erase board in the kitchen! I am aiming for a 5 along with at least a 2 lb loss. It is going to be hard.

    I started my grocery list for the week. I am buying plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Along with WALNUTS...mmmm:) Any other healthy ideas? Please let me know. My husband and I have been having some financial trouble, hoping it is in the past. This week has been terrible food wise. I don't have any fresh produce except bananas. But starting this week, I will be buying a ton. I realized just how CRAPPY i feel when I don't eat a good diet....

    Love you girls! YOu are all doing a kick *kitten* job!:)

    Healthy snack ideas: air popped popcorn, low fat yogurt (I like Source by Yoplait, only 35 cal and delicious!), if you have a sweet tooth the jello chocolate mousse is super good (60cals - in the refirgerator section), Ryvita snack bread (many flavors available but my fave is the whole grain) Light babybel cheese, cheeries, watermelon (not expensive this time of year and provide ample snacking oppurtunity) strawberries, raw veggies (baby carrots, celery sticks, cucmber)

    One habit I got into that I found helped me make the most of my healthy snacks is to wash and cut everything up into bite sized pieces and then store in containers. That way when you want a quick andful of something you don't have to waste time washing and cutting. Also makes it very easy to throw some healthy snacks into a baggie when you are heading out the door. It really cut down on my temptation to eat the less healthy options when I can see all my tasty, healthy snacks waiting for me. I do it as soon as we get home from grocery shopping, so it take about an extra 15 or mins to put your groceries away but make sup for it in the long run. Also, ther eis way less food waste in my house when I can see it all (I genuinely forget what is stored away in my crispers. I feel like an ididot sayign that but you would not belive how much produce we used to waste cuz I'd never open the dang drawer!)

    Good luck!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    TOM is in 4 days for me too! Weird!!!

    Anyways, I just wanted to apologize. I am really sorry I haven't been around too much. I will be writing this weeks challengeson my dry erase board in the kitchen! I am aiming for a 5 along with at least a 2 lb loss. It is going to be hard.

    I started my grocery list for the week. I am buying plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Along with WALNUTS...mmmm:) Any other healthy ideas? Please let me know. My husband and I have been having some financial trouble, hoping it is in the past. This week has been terrible food wise. I don't have any fresh produce except bananas. But starting this week, I will be buying a ton. I realized just how CRAPPY i feel when I don't eat a good diet....

    Love you girls! YOu are all doing a kick *kitten* job!:)

    I agree with Lynda...even I do the same...I get all the veggies and cut them and store in the really helps... keep something handy like carrots, grapes... Also, for yogurt I prepare fresh at really helps and my hubby loves it...he says he doesnt like to get yogurt from stores and my home made yogurt is thick as ice cream... I also get almonds, raisins...walnuts is a very good option... Another way of getting veggies is preparing soups and having them before reduces your intake and not too many calories too... You get those canned soups also in walmart...I just tried out those and mixed some water and milk and they taste yummy and whole tin is of only 100 calories... Hope this helps...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Completed my cardio (Leslie brisk walking +cardio challenge), lunges, stretching as well... water- I am almost there...yippeeee...

    Have you tried those workout videos on exercise TV...they are awesome... I get bored easily with the same routine cardio exercises daily... so I would try one video after another... they have pretty good collection of free videos...kickboxing, cardio challenge, yoga, pilates and so on... It helps me to stay motivated to get my cardio done...

    Good going ladies...

    Go team green...
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    i felt like crap for most of the day, but now i feel better this evening and got my house picked up! And got day 4 of the 30 DS done! I'm glad I feel better!! I get my oldest DS back tomorrow from camp I can't wait!!!!

    some of my go to snacks are yoplait vanilla yogurt (only kind i like is vanilla), pretzels, popcorn, and sugar free jello... love jello esp when you add a lil cool whip on it! (fat free)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Team Challenge:

    Lynda- I don't think any of you know this but Lynda is the one who told me to check out MFP, we were friends on another site, so for that I am so greatful. I was about to give up and she inspired me to keep going. Lynda you are a great and caring friend, an awesome motivator and such a strong women. You inspire me everyday with your determination. I am so glad you are my teammate and friend.

    Renuka-Renu was also my friend from a different website and I am so glad she decided to join me here. Renu, you are so determined and you always offer kind words of encouragment, we are lucky to have you as our teammate and friend. I think it is awesome that you teach dance, maybe one day we will meet and you can teach me.

    Tamra-I have enjoyed having you on our team, you were one of the first to sign up for team Green and I remember being super excited about it. You are a great motivator and such an inspiration to us all with your 50lb weight loss, you make me want to try harder everyday. By the way I love your family pictures on your profile. We are lucky to have you on our team.

    Deanna-First of all everytime I see your profile picture I smile. I love that your profile talks alot about your kids you seem like a great mom. You are a great teammate and supportive. You have motivation and drive and I need that to help me try harder. I am so glad you are on our team. I love your recipe by the way.

    I am so glad we have a strong team and I am grateful to all of you for being here to help motivate and inspire me along the way, not only are you my teammates but I consider you friends.
    *Sorry if this went on to long.
