TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I am rocking the workouts today! Hope everyone else is feeling the burn too :)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Hey Lynda,

    Nice to hear from you!

    My leg is aching like hell today..did a little bit of stretching today... no other cardio today but will certainly walk...i think i did a lot of walking yday and my nerves are pulling from inside...all signs of TOM...bhooooooo
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am rocking the workouts today! Hope everyone else is feeling the burn too :)

    Yay!!! You get it Girl! I am so glad you are on track! It's like a liitle kick in the rear for me, I will be working out today because of that, thanks!

    Renu- I hope your ankle feels better! Take it easy and take care of yourself, it's seems you have had quite the week maybe you need to just read a book or take a nap. Have a greeat day.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Today I planned on going for my walk but instead mowed the lawn, I also did my lunges and added push-ups, leg lifts and squats, so not a bad day. I had a sandwich for lunch on eating right sandwich thins with cream cheese, avacado, tomato and sprouts with cucumber on the side it was super yummy!
    Hope you all had a great day!
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Options start ( i hope anyway LOL) this weekend wasn't Horrible on eating but i diidn't body i think needed the rest....and i was not feeling good at all on Saturday....feeling a little better today so hopefully it's in the pass...
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Okay gals, here is my advacne warning: I am all kinds of emotional today as it is my son'ts first day in daycare so this may get a little sappy... Here goes!

    Deanna: You have great outlook! You are always so positive and seem so excited to set a good example for your kids! I find it inspirational that you are able to make time for yourself to exercise even with 3 children. That seriously blow my mind! I have only one and still I struggle to find the time but it helps to know that if there are mommies out there like you, who have so much more going on, and you manage to make time then I know I have no excuse. Thank you for that!

    Tamra: I feel like we are kindred spirits. I feel how hard you try, and you've come so far already (50lbs! holy crap!) that you are such an inspiration. Also, I appreciate how upfront you are when you are feeling discouraged. I get that way too and it helps to know that I'm not the only one that feels like that. But then I look at your phenomenal loss and I'm inspired to keep going. I want my ticker to say 50lbs lost! Keep going strong because you are such a fantastic motivator for me!! And, I beleive it was you that introduced me to the 30ds... which I kinda hate you for! lol! but since I'm losing inches form that workout I guess I owe you an big thank you even tho my abs are aching all the time!

    Renu: what can I say except thatnk you for being you! You are one of the sweetest ppl I've ever met - and we haven't even really met! You always have a kind word to say and are so sweet in the way you express them. I feel like you're my big sis looking out for me and always, never failing in your encouragement.

    Karie: while it's true that I intro's you to MFP, you intro'd me to these lovely 3 ladies as well as the entire support system of SAHMU. Serisoulsy, you are amazing! I look at what you have created here, with all these mommies from all over the place coming together for support and encouragement and I am in awe of you. And then I remember that you are doing this on 2 sites and my mind is quite literally blown. Even though we have never met I think of you as one of my best friends. Someone I can turn to when I'm having a bad day, someone who will kick my *kitten* when I'm slacking off (not that I really have but I KNOW you would!) and most importantly, someone who always has my back and is there with a supportive word. Thank you for creating SAHMU, thank you for adding me to team green and thank you for doing everything that you do here.

    Team green: even though we've never met face to face, you all know more about me than a lot of my closest friends. Thank you for sharing, for listening and for supporting. I know for sure that I would have given up without you and I'm so glad you are here to keep me on track.

  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Okay gals, here is my advacne warning: I am all kinds of emotional today as it is my son'ts first day in daycare so this may get a little sappy... Here goes!

    Deanna: You have great outlook! You are always so positive and seem so excited to set a good example for your kids! I find it inspirational that you are able to make time for yourself to exercise even with 3 children. That seriously blow my mind! I have only one and still I struggle to find the time but it helps to know that if there are mommies out there like you, who have so much more going on, and you manage to make time then I know I have no excuse. Thank you for that!

    Tamra: I feel like we are kindred spirits. I feel how hard you try, and you've come so far already (50lbs! holy crap!) that you are such an inspiration. Also, I appreciate how upfront you are when you are feeling discouraged. I get that way too and it helps to know that I'm not the only one that feels like that. But then I look at your phenomenal loss and I'm inspired to keep going. I want my ticker to say 50lbs lost! Keep going strong because you are such a fantastic motivator for me!! And, I beleive it was you that introduced me to the 30ds... which I kinda hate you for! lol! but since I'm losing inches form that workout I guess I owe you an big thank you even tho my abs are aching all the time!

    Renu: what can I say except thatnk you for being you! You are one of the sweetest ppl I've ever met - and we haven't even really met! You always have a kind word to say and are so sweet in the way you express them. I feel like you're my big sis looking out for me and always, never failing in your encouragement.

    Karie: while it's true that I intro's you to MFP, you intro'd me to these lovely 3 ladies as well as the entire support system of SAHMU. Serisoulsy, you are amazing! I look at what you have created here, with all these mommies from all over the place coming together for support and encouragement and I am in awe of you. And then I remember that you are doing this on 2 sites and my mind is quite literally blown. Even though we have never met I think of you as one of my best friends. Someone I can turn to when I'm having a bad day, someone who will kick my *kitten* when I'm slacking off (not that I really have but I KNOW you would!) and most importantly, someone who always has my back and is there with a supportive word. Thank you for creating SAHMU, thank you for adding me to team green and thank you for doing everything that you do here.

    Team green: even though we've never met face to face, you all know more about me than a lot of my closest friends. Thank you for sharing, for listening and for supporting. I know for sure that I would have given up without you and I'm so glad you are here to keep me on track.


    Wow Lynda..nice writing... :-) I didn't even know that I was sweet...lolzz..
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Happy Monday to all.. Hope everyone had good and healthy weekend.. I was bit struggling in the weekend, but my leg is fine now and back on track... I wont do much of hard core exercise, however will do some yoga and stretching(which won't strain my ankle) plus will do my lunges and crunches...

    Catch you all later
    Go team green!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Confession time: I ate nutella yesterday. Lots of it. Bythe spoonful. I blame it on the fact that I was emotional about Caleb starting daycare today... that and that stuff is friggin delicious! Anyways, I still came in under my calories but I'm paying for it today. My weight was up 1lb (altho that could be the TOM bloat beginning as I am due for that lovely visitor anyday) but also, I am craving sugar today like nobody's business!!! The more you have the more you want right? I'm like an adict that has fallen off the wagon. Luckily, I left the nutella at home and I am at work. I brought a super healthy lunch and I have already decided that if I'm tempted by the hazlenutty goodness again when I get home that I'm gonna toss the jar on the garbage. Most importantly I'm going to go for a walk at lunch and take the stairs twice to try an burn that lb off. Also, I'll be doing my regular workout tonight. Sigh, why do the good things have to be so bad... Or should I say, why are the bad things always so good...

    Hope everyone else is having a good Monday!

    Renu, glad to hear your leg is feeling better! Smart decision to continue to take it easy on it - try to ease back into your more strenuous exercises slowly so as not to hurt yourself again. Most importantly, listen to your body! It'll tell you how much it can handle.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Lynda- First of all I want to say thank you for your kind words, you are an amazing writter, you put your words together so well, it made me tear up:cry: and yes even though we have never met face to face I do consider you on of my best friends and like you I have shared more with you than most of my closest friends and family. Thank you for being here for me.

    Renu- I am glad you are feeling a bit better, I am glad you are listening to your body and taking it easy but still doing what you are able to everyday.

    Deanna-Yes today is a new day and I am confident you will rock this day! I am glad you are back on track today.

    Tamra- Where ya been Girl!? Hope you had a great and healthy weekend.

    I hope you all have a great Monday, I decided to get my workout in early today so I feel pretty good!
    Talk to you all soon,
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Lynda- First of all I want to say thank you for your kind words, you are an amazing writter, you put your words together so well, it made me tear up:cry: and yes even though we have never met face to face I do consider you on of my best friends and like you I have shared more with you than most of my closest friends and family. Thank you for being here for me.

    Renu- I am glad you are feeling a bit better, I am glad you are listening to your body and taking it easy but still doing what you are able to everyday.

    Deanna-Yes today is a new day and I am confident you will rock this day! I am glad you are back on track today.

    Tamra- Where ya been Girl!? Hope you had a great and healthy weekend.

    I hope you all have a great Monday, I decided to get my workout in early today so I feel pretty good!
    Talk to you all soon,

    Karie and Lynda,

    Thank you so much.. I was just thinking if I was doing right and your words did comfort me a lot... :-) I agree with Karie on tears too.. I had tears in my eyes and I did notice it after I read your post, but didn't realize it...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Confession time: I ate nutella yesterday. Lots of it. Bythe spoonful. I blame it on the fact that I was emotional about Caleb starting daycare today... that and that stuff is friggin delicious! Anyways, I still came in under my calories but I'm paying for it today. My weight was up 1lb (altho that could be the TOM bloat beginning as I am due for that lovely visitor anyday) but also, I am craving sugar today like nobody's business!!! The more you have the more you want right? I'm like an adict that has fallen off the wagon. Luckily, I left the nutella at home and I am at work. I brought a super healthy lunch and I have already decided that if I'm tempted by the hazlenutty goodness again when I get home that I'm gonna toss the jar on the garbage. Most importantly I'm going to go for a walk at lunch and take the stairs twice to try an burn that lb off. Also, I'll be doing my regular workout tonight. Sigh, why do the good things have to be so bad... Or should I say, why are the bad things always so good...

    Hope everyone else is having a good Monday!

    Renu, glad to hear your leg is feeling better! Smart decision to continue to take it easy on it - try to ease back into your more strenuous exercises slowly so as not to hurt yourself again. Most importantly, listen to your body! It'll tell you how much it can handle.


    I have been waiting for my TOM since one week and it never came..hahaha.. and I'm bloating from 2 days, my weight shoot up and now its bit down... but anyways keep going... I am sure you can burn that extra one lb easily today through your walk and stairs climbing...

    One want to share one more thing here...was reading an article on why men lose weight faster than women... Leaving other reasons apart, one of the reasons was that ladies are emotional, that reflects in their way of eating, we think through our heart.. Men are more practical kind of..they have checklist kind it this and that as per the checklist... they listen to their brain...:smile:

    Go team green
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I have a question.. If kids are going to school, do the parents really get to negotiate the fees with the school management? I had group of ladies wanting their kids to join my dance classes and before everything else, they start to bargain saying other teacher charges so much, then why are you charging this amount? I felt so weird, if they were really interested in the classes, would they really bargain comparing one teacher to another... and above all I am very much charging the market rate and previously I had reduced the number classes so that they can afford to pay me less on a monthly basis... I wish I could tell on their face, if it seems to be costly, my doors would be closed for them..

    Its not about the fees, I feel its about the respect for the person who is teaching, her dedication, her efforts to make the kids understand.. I even told them teaching kids is really hard when compared to adults.. Above all, they should respect the art form.. Am I going wrong somewhere?
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Hey girls!!! Today was a much better day!! I got my 30DS in and went to the gym! And made a yummy dinner LOL!!! I hope everyone had a great day today!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I have a question.. If kids are going to school, do the parents really get to negotiate the fees with the school management? I had group of ladies wanting their kids to join my dance classes and before everything else, they start to bargain saying other teacher charges so much, then why are you charging this amount? I felt so weird, if they were really interested in the classes, would they really bargain comparing one teacher to another... and above all I am very much charging the market rate and previously I had reduced the number classes so that they can afford to pay me less on a monthly basis... I wish I could tell on their face, if it seems to be costly, my doors would be closed for them..

    Its not about the fees, I feel its about the respect for the person who is teaching, her dedication, her efforts to make the kids understand.. I even told them teaching kids is really hard when compared to adults.. Above all, they should respect the art form.. Am I going wrong somewhere?

    Considering that you are charging a fair market price then I don't think yo uhave anything to apologize for. Anyone teaching a class of anysort (especially to children!) is providing a valuable commodity and it should be treated as such. Don't get me wrong, I love a bargain, but at the same time you have to respect the person's time. Maybe try telling parents about the amount of time you put into planning each lesson as well as any recitals (assuming you have them) or compare to other studios that charge the same rate but are less negotiable when it comes to # of classes the way you are.

    I commend you for teaching children. Dance is an artform as well as important physical activity and teaching it to kids must be difficult. Good luck!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hey girls!!! Today was a much better day!! I got my 30DS in and went to the gym! And made a yummy dinner LOL!!! I hope everyone had a great day today!!!

    Good for you! I've skipped my 30ds workout yesterday and this mornign but I am planning to do it tonight after my son goes to bed. I usually don't hav eto much trouble getting up in the morning to do it but with TOM due any day I am so exhausted!!! Waking up that extra 30mins early is just too much. But I'll kick *kitten* on it tonight!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'm freaking out about tomorrow's weigh in. I just want to apologize in advance because I may actually be up from last week. In which case I blame it on a combination of constipation (sorry - TMI) and preTOM bloat. But still...devastating beyond belief. I feel like I'm letting you all down. I just feel disgusting today.

    I'm hoping that after I take my walk and do my 30ds workout tonight I'll feel better. See you all in the morning.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm freaking out about tomorrow's weigh in. I just want to apologize in advance because I may actually be up from last week. In which case I blame it on a combination of constipation (sorry - TMI) and preTOM bloat. But still...devastating beyond belief. I feel like I'm letting you all down. I just feel disgusting today.

    I'm hoping that after I take my walk and do my 30ds workout tonight I'll feel better. See you all in the morning.

    Don't freak out, it will all work out. If you are up this week or don't lose any you will next week. I had that same feeling Thursday, I felt so awful but it pasted and I am better now. Hang in there and hope you completed your workout today. Have a great day try not to stress about the scale.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I have a question.. If kids are going to school, do the parents really get to negotiate the fees with the school management? I had group of ladies wanting their kids to join my dance classes and before everything else, they start to bargain saying other teacher charges so much, then why are you charging this amount? I felt so weird, if they were really interested in the classes, would they really bargain comparing one teacher to another... and above all I am very much charging the market rate and previously I had reduced the number classes so that they can afford to pay me less on a monthly basis... I wish I could tell on their face, if it seems to be costly, my doors would be closed for them..

    Its not about the fees, I feel its about the respect for the person who is teaching, her dedication, her efforts to make the kids understand.. I even told them teaching kids is really hard when compared to adults.. Above all, they should respect the art form.. Am I going wrong somewhere?

    Considering that you are charging a fair market price then I don't think yo uhave anything to apologize for. Anyone teaching a class of anysort (especially to children!) is providing a valuable commodity and it should be treated as such. Don't get me wrong, I love a bargain, but at the same time you have to respect the person's time. Maybe try telling parents about the amount of time you put into planning each lesson as well as any recitals (assuming you have them) or compare to other studios that charge the same rate but are less negotiable when it comes to # of classes the way you are.

    I commend you for teaching children. Dance is an artform as well as important physical activity and teaching it to kids must be difficult. Good luck!

    Lynda is right, I completely agree! You are awsome Renu for teaching dance don't let them talk you into charging less, you are worth it I am sure. Unless of course they are super low income or something then maybe you could work something out. Anyway good luck!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'm freaking out about tomorrow's weigh in. I just want to apologize in advance because I may actually be up from last week. In which case I blame it on a combination of constipation (sorry - TMI) and preTOM bloat. But still...devastating beyond belief. I feel like I'm letting you all down. I just feel disgusting today.

    I'm hoping that after I take my walk and do my 30ds workout tonight I'll feel better. See you all in the morning.

    Don't freak out, it will all work out. If you are up this week or don't lose any you will next week. I had that same feeling Thursday, I felt so awful but it pasted and I am better now. Hang in there and hope you completed your workout today. Have a great day try not to stress about the scale.

    Picked my son up from the babysitter and took the long way home so I got in a good powerwalk. spent the whole evening chasing him around, giggling and playing and then after he went to bed I completed my 30Ds workout. OMG I FEEL BETTER!!! Is anyone else finding that they look forward to exercise now? I seriously used to hate it - now I feel like something is wrong if I don't get a chance to exercise! Sorry for being a downer earlier. I think I was just stressed and needed an outlet. I got my outlet and now I'm good. My weight still might suck tomorrow but I've done all I can do and will just keep going strong :happy: