TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    woke up feeling crazy nauseous this morning so I skipped my workout but I did complete a series of stretching. i may have to skip onthe hard exercise today but i plan to go for a stroll at lunch as long as it's not too hot. sorry girls. hopefully i feel better tomorrow so I don't fall too far off track. in the meantime, slow walking and stretching will have to do. blech :sick:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Team Challenge:

    Lynda- I don't think any of you know this but Lynda is the one who told me to check out MFP, we were friends on another site, so for that I am so greatful. I was about to give up and she inspired me to keep going. Lynda you are a great and caring friend, an awesome motivator and such a strong women. You inspire me everyday with your determination. I am so glad you are my teammate and friend.

    Renuka-Renu was also my friend from a different website and I am so glad she decided to join me here. Renu, you are so determined and you always offer kind words of encouragment, we are lucky to have you as our teammate and friend. I think it is awesome that you teach dance, maybe one day we will meet and you can teach me.

    Tamra-I have enjoyed having you on our team, you were one of the first to sign up for team Green and I remember being super excited about it. You are a great motivator and such an inspiration to us all with your 50lb weight loss, you make me want to try harder everyday. By the way I love your family pictures on your profile. We are lucky to have you on our team.

    Deanna-First of all everytime I see your profile picture I smile. I love that your profile talks alot about your kids you seem like a great mom. You are a great teammate and supportive. You have motivation and drive and I need that to help me try harder. I am so glad you are on our team. I love your recipe by the way.

    I am so glad we have a strong team and I am grateful to all of you for being here to help motivate and inspire me along the way, not only are you my teammates but I consider you friends.
    *Sorry if this went on to long.


    thank you. I needed a compliment today :happy:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Hi girls, I posted this on the main thread but I wanted to get the opinon of my teammates as well so I'm copying it here:

    Question for the group:

    What are your thoughts on a "cheat day"? I'm not talking about going way over the top and eating mcdonald's three times a day followed by an entire cake and ice cream sundae. I'm talking about giving your body a rest from rigorous workouts, and maybe enjoying a treat or two (wthin reason) that would normally be bypassed. And not on a regular basis, but like for instance once every 3 months...

    The reason I ask is this: I've been on this healthy eating path for about 3 months. I have not gone over my calores once. I generally stick to 1000 -1200 calories a day and make sure I am getting at least 45 mins of exercise in a day. In particular the last week I've been pushing really hard, waking up at the friggin crack of dawn to do the 30 day shred workout and I am seriously almost religious with my calorie counting. And I'm stressed out. I feel good because I'm getting good results (26lbs down yay!) and I don't want to fall off course because I have a lot more to lose. But I woke up this morning and felt sick. Nauseous, exhausted and just generally like crap. So I skipped my morning workout (still walked but at a much more lesurely pace and did my strecthing) and once I felt a little less like throwing up I had my breakfast. Now, I'm feeling better. So I'm wondering if that was jsut my body's way of telling me to chill out and take a bit of a break for a day?

    I could really use some feedback on this. Like I said, I do not want to fall off the wagon in a big way, I fully intend to jump back on the 30ds schedule tomorrow, but I'm just worried that maybe I'm pushing myself too hard. Which would obvoiously be bad in the long run since I want long term, lasting results.

    Anyways, I'm rambling. As you can probably tell, I'm feeling very guilty for even thinking about taking a day off. Thoughts?

    Oh, and before any of you mummies get any ideas about the cause of my nausea I PROMISE you that I am not pregnant! LOL! Definitely not!

    Thanks! Lynda
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi girls, I posted this on the main thread but I wanted to get the opinon of my teammates as well so I'm copying it here:

    Question for the group:

    What are your thoughts on a "cheat day"? I'm not talking about going way over the top and eating mcdonald's three times a day followed by an entire cake and ice cream sundae. I'm talking about giving your body a rest from rigorous workouts, and maybe enjoying a treat or two (wthin reason) that would normally be bypassed. And not on a regular basis, but like for instance once every 3 months...

    The reason I ask is this: I've been on this healthy eating path for about 3 months. I have not gone over my calores once. I generally stick to 1000 -1200 calories a day and make sure I am getting at least 45 mins of exercise in a day. In particular the last week I've been pushing really hard, waking up at the friggin crack of dawn to do the 30 day shred workout and I am seriously almost religious with my calorie counting. And I'm stressed out. I feel good because I'm getting good results (26lbs down yay!) and I don't want to fall off course because I have a lot more to lose. But I woke up this morning and felt sick. Nauseous, exhausted and just generally like crap. So I skipped my morning workout (still walked but at a much more lesurely pace and did my strecthing) and once I felt a little less like throwing up I had my breakfast. Now, I'm feeling better. So I'm wondering if that was jsut my body's way of telling me to chill out and take a bit of a break for a day?

    I could really use some feedback on this. Like I said, I do not want to fall off the wagon in a big way, I fully intend to jump back on the 30ds schedule tomorrow, but I'm just worried that maybe I'm pushing myself too hard. Which would obvoiously be bad in the long run since I want long term, lasting results.

    Anyways, I'm rambling. As you can probably tell, I'm feeling very guilty for even thinking about taking a day off. Thoughts?

    Oh, and before any of you mummies get any ideas about the cause of my nausea I PROMISE you that I am not pregnant! LOL! Definitely not!

    Thanks! Lynda

    I have a little something on occasion, I have tried having a "cheat day" but it tends to make me feel awful. I prefer to have something once in awhile when I really crave it or when I have friends and family over. Maybe your just not eating enough calories daily, some days I feel like this so I eat a little extra (usually healthy) and it helps.

    *Ladies..I feel like **it today. TOM has arrived and I just feel anoyed at everything so I am going to take it easy today, watch a movie, take a nap and then maybe later I will see if I feel like working out. I wish I didn't feel so sluggish and just plan pissed off at nothing! Hopefully tomorrow will bring a new and more positive atitude my way.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I have a little something on occasion, I have tried having a "cheat day" but it tends to make me feel awful. I prefer to have something once in awhile when I really crave it or when I have friends and family over. Maybe your just not eating enough calories daily, some days I feel like this so I eat a little extra (usually healthy) and it helps.

    *Ladies..I feel like **it today. TOM has arrived and I just feel anoyed at everything so I am going to take it easy today, watch a movie, take a nap and then maybe later I will see if I feel like working out. I wish I didn't feel so sluggish and just plan pissed off at nothing! Hopefully tomorrow will bring a new and more positive atitude my way.

    Yeah, I think that what I'm going to do. Take a bit of a break from the rigorous exercise today. I'm going to a football game tonight where there is sure to be lots of yummy foods. I might indulge a little bit, bu tI will be sure not to go overboard, and tomorrow I'm back to it. I think I'm getting enough calories day to day, I never starve myself, I just make healty, lean choices and stop when I am full. I don't ever feeel hungry or unsatisified so I think I'm doing ok there.

    Sorry you are feeling crappy today. Maybe you are in the same boat as me and jsut need a day to chill. Enjoy your movie and have a great day! Tomorrow let's get back on the horse together!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I have a little something on occasion, I have tried having a "cheat day" but it tends to make me feel awful. I prefer to have something once in awhile when I really crave it or when I have friends and family over. Maybe your just not eating enough calories daily, some days I feel like this so I eat a little extra (usually healthy) and it helps.

    *Ladies..I feel like **it today. TOM has arrived and I just feel anoyed at everything so I am going to take it easy today, watch a movie, take a nap and then maybe later I will see if I feel like working out. I wish I didn't feel so sluggish and just plan pissed off at nothing! Hopefully tomorrow will bring a new and more positive atitude my way.

    Yeah, I think that what I'm going to do. Take a bit of a break from the rigorous exercise today. I'm going to a football game tonight where there is sure to be lots of yummy foods. I might indulge a little bit, bu tI will be sure not to go overboard, and tomorrow I'm back to it. I think I'm getting enough calories day to day, I never starve myself, I just make healty, lean choices and stop when I am full. I don't ever feeel hungry or unsatisified so I think I'm doing ok there.

    Sorry you are feeling crappy today. Maybe you are in the same boat as me and jsut need a day to chill. Enjoy your movie and have a great day! Tomorrow let's get back on the horse together!

    I think we should all take a day off from the exercises.. Like what Leslie Sansone says in her videos..surprise the muscles... so you take a break and when you workout again...the results would be great....

    Have tried my crunches today... it was awesome... I tried 5 different sets of crunches so that I won't give up and I'm feeling great...If it wasn't in the challenge, I would never try those and think crunches are always difficult... Even when practicing yoga, i used avoid I always thought that I wont be able to do those and today I said to my belly come one- give it a try and i did...Yay!!!

    All challenges met for the day

    Also, I tried a weird thing today... there was a workout video on exercise tv which I wanted to try... I felt it was funky dancing..hahaha...and I did it for 20 mins... In fact, I wanted to give it after 5 mins as it was very tired, but managed to complete the full 20 mins...I am glad that no one was around... I felt I was really looking funny...heheh

    So howz everyone doing???

    My team challenge is still pending.... will do it soon... :-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Ok Ladies...Here I am... Have gone through all your profiles although I dont think I needed to do that since we already had so many interactions here on our team thread...

    Karie- First thing what I noticed is that you are really beautiful and your baby is a cutie too.... You are a great leader and truly inspiring one too... Thanks to you for starting this challenge and I'm glad that you are our team captain... I am sometimes surprised, how you manage so many things... We started a challenge here and then again on the other website... even before we started the challenge, I used to read your replies on the other websites and you made sure that you replied to each one of them... Amazing Lady!

    Lynda- Even though you were on the other website too, but didn't really have so much to interact... It was here I came know the" real Lynda"... I feel you are really a cheerful lady and your messages says it all... I like the way you put across your thoughts.. sometimes funky, sometime serious advise.. fun loving.... You are a true example of "never give up" kinds... You keep inspiring others, now that you are back to work but you never compromise on your workouts... but yeah, i think you should bring up your calories a bit

    Deanna- You have always been there when we needed some motivation.. Also, you manage 3 kids and thats awesome... I feel you a perfect mom... One of the reasons for you to be healthier is coz you want show your kids a healthy lifestyle is... I am sure you will be a ideal mom... and those mud run stuff was truly amazing...

    Tamra - I like your kid's name and she has a cute smile too...same as yours... :-) I can see a confident mother there... I just loved the way you put across yourself on your profile info...Fit, not skinny, healthy but not thin...perfect... :-) As mentioned previously, you have had some obstacles, but I am really glad that you are still with us..

    Ladies... I am so happy that we have a wonderful team and all of you are doing great... I am so addicted to this thread now... My day starts and ends with mfp, esp this team thread... I feel this is one of the most active threads where members have so much to share, so much to offer, so much to look forward to and above all motivate and encourage each other

    Love you all... :smile:

    Was it too long...lolzzzz
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    So I was having a rough day and to top it off I forgot that I had offered to watch my 2 neices (2 and 3yrs old) for awhile today. I was just in an awful mood so I decided I needed to just get out and get some exercise. I have a double jogging stroller and a hiking backpack to carry my little guy in. We got ready and started down the road, it was tough pushing the stroller and having my son in the backpack but I was determined to get to the park about a mile away. We got 3 and a half blocks from the house and it started too pour rain not just a little but I mean hail and rain! We turned around I starting running, the kids where crying. Wgat a way to end my day, I need a nap! After all is said and done, I can now laugh about it but I am ready to just start over with a new day tomorrow.

    Hope you all had a great day!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Team Challenge:

    Lynda- I don't think any of you know this but Lynda is the one who told me to check out MFP, we were friends on another site, so for that I am so greatful. I was about to give up and she inspired me to keep going. Lynda you are a great and caring friend, an awesome motivator and such a strong women. You inspire me everyday with your determination. I am so glad you are my teammate and friend.

    Renuka-Renu was also my friend from a different website and I am so glad she decided to join me here. Renu, you are so determined and you always offer kind words of encouragment, we are lucky to have you as our teammate and friend. I think it is awesome that you teach dance, maybe one day we will meet and you can teach me.

    Tamra-I have enjoyed having you on our team, you were one of the first to sign up for team Green and I remember being super excited about it. You are a great motivator and such an inspiration to us all with your 50lb weight loss, you make me want to try harder everyday. By the way I love your family pictures on your profile. We are lucky to have you on our team.

    Deanna-First of all everytime I see your profile picture I smile. I love that your profile talks alot about your kids you seem like a great mom. You are a great teammate and supportive. You have motivation and drive and I need that to help me try harder. I am so glad you are on our team. I love your recipe by the way.

    I am so glad we have a strong team and I am grateful to all of you for being here to help motivate and inspire me along the way, not only are you my teammates but I consider you friends.
    *Sorry if this went on to long.



    That was nice and I'm overwhelmed...yippeee.. Team green rocks...:happy:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Ok Ladies...Here I am... Have gone through all your profiles although I dont think I needed to do that since we already had so many interactions here on our team thread...

    Karie- First thing what I noticed is that you are really beautiful and your baby is a cutie too.... You are a great leader and truly inspiring one too... Thanks to you for starting this challenge and I'm glad that you are our team captain... I am sometimes surprised, how you manage so many things... We started a challenge here and then again on the other website... even before we started the challenge, I used to read your replies on the other websites and you made sure that you replied to each one of them... Amazing Lady!

    Lynda- Even though you were on the other website too, but didn't really have so much to interact... It was here I came know the" real Lynda"... I feel you are really a cheerful lady and your messages says it all... I like the way you put across your thoughts.. sometimes funky, sometime serious advise.. fun loving.... You are a true example of "never give up" kinds... You keep inspiring others, now that you are back to work but you never compromise on your workouts... but yeah, i think you should bring up your calories a bit

    Deanna- You have always been there when we needed some motivation.. Also, you manage 3 kids and thats awesome... I feel you a perfect mom... One of the reasons for you to be healthier is coz you want show your kids a healthy lifestyle is... I am sure you will be a ideal mom... and those mud run stuff was truly amazing...

    Tamra - I like your kid's name and she has a cute smile too...same as yours... :-) I can see a confident mother there... I just loved the way you put across yourself on your profile info...Fit, not skinny, healthy but not thin...perfect... :-) As mentioned previously, you have had some obstacles, but I am really glad that you are still with us..

    Ladies... I am so happy that we have a wonderful team and all of you are doing great... I am so addicted to this thread now... My day starts and ends with mfp, esp this team thread... I feel this is one of the most active threads where members have so much to share, so much to offer, so much to look forward to and above all motivate and encourage each other

    Love you all... :smile:

    Was it too long...lolzzzz

    Renuka- Thank you for your kind words as always, I really needed it today.
    We are a strong team for sure and it is nice we have build a friendship along with it.
  • hey ladies! Just checking in! Today was a busy day! I had to do a ton of grocery shopping and we even stopped at the farmer's market.
    I was thrilled to get this stuff for $10: 6 ears of corn, a small bin of donut peaches, cauliflower, and a big bin of cucumbers!!

    A local farm also gave us 2 huge zucchini and 2 butternut squashes. At the store i got 2 things of strawberries, salad stuff, and yummy water melon! Woot! Im all excited:) Now I have to look for a zucchini bread recipe (for my hubby) and a recipe for roasted squash!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Ok Ladies...Here I am... Have gone through all your profiles although I dont think I needed to do that since we already had so many interactions here on our team thread...

    Karie- First thing what I noticed is that you are really beautiful and your baby is a cutie too.... You are a great leader and truly inspiring one too... Thanks to you for starting this challenge and I'm glad that you are our team captain... I am sometimes surprised, how you manage so many things... We started a challenge here and then again on the other website... even before we started the challenge, I used to read your replies on the other websites and you made sure that you replied to each one of them... Amazing Lady!

    Lynda- Even though you were on the other website too, but didn't really have so much to interact... It was here I came know the" real Lynda"... I feel you are really a cheerful lady and your messages says it all... I like the way you put across your thoughts.. sometimes funky, sometime serious advise.. fun loving.... You are a true example of "never give up" kinds... You keep inspiring others, now that you are back to work but you never compromise on your workouts... but yeah, i think you should bring up your calories a bit

    Deanna- You have always been there when we needed some motivation.. Also, you manage 3 kids and thats awesome... I feel you a perfect mom... One of the reasons for you to be healthier is coz you want show your kids a healthy lifestyle is... I am sure you will be a ideal mom... and those mud run stuff was truly amazing...

    Tamra - I like your kid's name and she has a cute smile too...same as yours... :-) I can see a confident mother there... I just loved the way you put across yourself on your profile info...Fit, not skinny, healthy but not thin...perfect... :-) As mentioned previously, you have had some obstacles, but I am really glad that you are still with us..

    Ladies... I am so happy that we have a wonderful team and all of you are doing great... I am so addicted to this thread now... My day starts and ends with mfp, esp this team thread... I feel this is one of the most active threads where members have so much to share, so much to offer, so much to look forward to and above all motivate and encourage each other

    Love you all... :smile:

    Was it too long...lolzzzz

    Renuka- Thank you for your kind words as always, I really needed it today.
    We are a strong team for sure and it is nice we have build a friendship along with it.

    btw...I would love to teach you dance...:smile:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I hope you are all having a great day! We went to a parade in our small town this morning.(by the way I am from a small town called Del Norte in Colorado) Harper (my son) loved it! Now its time to clean the house and then my workout. I have been taking my normal 45 min walk and I have also been adding in step ups on a park bench they have at the park, it is a short one but I can feel it for sure. I will update later what I accomplished today. Talk toyou all soon.
  • Happy Saturday everyone!!!!

    I have been very accomplished so far today! I did 30m on the elliptical, 15 minutes of dancing and I also completed my lunges and crunches for the day!!!! Woot!!!!!

    My daughter and I were supposed to go to the carnival today, but it has been pouring here all day! Boo!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I had a great work out today, I feel back on track again! Have a great day ladies.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I'm just back from 5 hours of I have taken a day off today, however I had lots of walking...

    One more dissappointing thing is that my weight has gone up...I was waiting for my TOM, hasn't still arrived, i felt i was bloating... yday I was down by 2 i was at 153lbs...I got my new weighing scale today and I'm already 164lbs...whats happening?? no idea... Anyways, im still on the track..whatever may be my weight, i will go on and on... now im not bothered about my weight, the more i think about, more im worried...

    I am just going to continue this and lets see on wednesday where I stand...

    Good part is that my hubby is also becoming diet conscious now... i asked him weigh himself in the new scale...and he was up and he like strict diest from today...hahah...i kept him telling but he never listened to me and now he has to listen to the
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    not feeling so hot again today:( taking today as my rest day...
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    not feeling so hot again today:( taking today as my rest day...

    I hope you feel better!

    I went grocery shopping the other day and remembered hearing or reading something in the past "always shop on the outside edges of the grocery store, the closer to the middle the more processed foods there are." so I stayed on the outside only and I bought all really great food. I was very proud of that and I have a fridge full of yummy fresh food.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I'm just back from 5 hours of I have taken a day off today, however I had lots of walking...

    One more dissappointing thing is that my weight has gone up...I was waiting for my TOM, hasn't still arrived, i felt i was bloating... yday I was down by 2 i was at 153lbs...I got my new weighing scale today and I'm already 164lbs...whats happening?? no idea... Anyways, im still on the track..whatever may be my weight, i will go on and on... now im not bothered about my weight, the more i think about, more im worried...

    I am just going to continue this and lets see on wednesday where I stand...

    Good part is that my hubby is also becoming diet conscious now... i asked him weigh himself in the new scale...and he was up and he like strict diest from today...hahah...i kept him telling but he never listened to me and now he has to listen to the

    Glad your hubby is joining you, don't worry about the scale, wait until wednesday and hopefully it will look better. I know you are doing all you can at this point and that is awesome!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!!!!

    I have been very accomplished so far today! I did 30m on the elliptical, 15 minutes of dancing and I also completed my lunges and crunches for the day!!!! Woot!!!!!

    My daughter and I were supposed to go to the carnival today, but it has been pouring here all day! Boo!

    I am so glad you are back on track! Way to go!!!
This discussion has been closed.