team yellow!



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    why does there have to be 50 windshields???? they are hard to do so many.....i am thinking about 6 would be good...:laugh: :laugh: ....will get them done after dinner......running errands all day....left the house at 830 and did not get home ti,, 4pm!! no time for extra workout today but water is good
  • dontstopnow
    hey hi hello! hopefully everyone is doing well. today i'll start off with a little update on our team. jen (the woman in charge of the challenge) was finally able to get a response from verna this morning. unfortunately she has too much going on and had to drop out of the lots to lose challenge and is no longer a member of our team. jen also said she sent a message to someone on the standby list so hopefully with in the next few days we'll have a new addition to our awesome little team. i'll keep you all posted on that. til then we'll just all keep on doing the best we can!

    speaking of our best, yesterday was our best points day so far. 210 points with just the four of us! i'd say that was a pretty kick butt day so kudos to each of you ladies for working so hard. our total is currently up to 495 points for this week.. and we're no longer dead last! see girls? already slowly but surely moving up in the ranks. lets keep this great momentum going strong! points do start over each week, though, so, there's always an opportunity to start fresh.

    remember wednesdays challenges are-
    Nutrition - Under Sodium
    Exercise - 50 Woodchops (25 on each side)

    quick little question i thought i'd throw in: when you all do the woodchops do you use weights or anything? i used a small medicine ball last time and i think i'll do the same tomorrow. maybe even use the slightly heavier one! all about progress, right?

    as far as todays challenges go, i did both! as well as two miles on the treadmill. just like last time, those windshield wipers kicked my butt. hopefully they get easier as we go along, because, i agree with karen - 6 was enough for me, lol!

    okay girlies i think that's all on my agenda for tonight. have a good night/day! <3

    "Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful." (:
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    hi all yestrday was a vry bzy day but I managed to do both challemges and xtra one hour of so happy that im finally getting into this challenge....windshield wipers are hard but I also hope that they'll get easier:D..n i use water bottle for woodchops..i hope they'll work:D
  • dontstopnow
    hey girls! i'm happy to report that we've got our new team member. Jerzeeblondie is now a bold brave beauty! (:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    yesterdays cahllenge grandson helped me by holding my legs in the air when i was trying to do the windshield wipers!!! like i needed any extra resistance!!!
    on to todays challenge........have a great day and welcome to jerzeeblondie
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Hey beauties! I'm glad to be joining this challenge. I'm 25 from New Jersey and so ready to get this weight off! Two years of working 2 jobs and going to school full-time and I managed to put on more weight... now that I lost both jobs and graduated I have more time to focus on ME! Although I'm looking for a new job and starting graduate school in the fall, I'm trying to stick to a schedule so I can always get healthy meals and a workout in. I've been trying to walk/jog at least 3 miles a day... using a walking video or getting my butt outside when I can.

    I'm going to be getting my workout in about an hour so I'll post how many miles I manage... I'm aiming for at least 3 miles, but will try to push myself to complete 4 miles. I should be fine with sodium, but can someone explain what woodchops are? lol never heard of them before I don't think.
  • dontstopnow
    Hey beauties! I'm glad to be joining this challenge. I'm 25 from New Jersey and so ready to get this weight off! Two years of working 2 jobs and going to school full-time and I managed to put on more weight... now that I lost both jobs and graduated I have more time to focus on ME! Although I'm looking for a new job and starting graduate school in the fall, I'm trying to stick to a schedule so I can always get healthy meals and a workout in. I've been trying to walk/jog at least 3 miles a day... using a walking video or getting my butt outside when I can.

    I'm going to be getting my workout in about an hour so I'll post how many miles I manage... I'm aiming for at least 3 miles, but will try to push myself to complete 4 miles. I should be fine with sodium, but can someone explain what woodchops are? lol never heard of them before I don't think.

    welcome again! we're glad to have you! i feel you on finally having the time to focus on getting healthy. it's so nice. i hadn't heard of woodchops before this challenge, either! haha. here's a little video that gives you a general idea on how to do them. just do 25 each direction!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    That helped a lot, thanks. I have seen these done before, just never knew that is what they were called. I don't have a ball to use, but I guess a 5-10 lb weight should be good enough. I've been at my computer researching long enough... now off to get my exercise in.... normally I have it done by this time of day.

    p.s- How does everyone post so much without feeling like they are at a computer all day? lol I use my ipod touch to post my status and food, but I'm not able to go to threads from it, which I wish I could, would make things so much easier!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Just finished my workout, well have to go do the woodchops still but wanted to double check the video to make sure I did them right.
    Here is my workout for today- did a 3 mile walking dvd and 20 minutes on the elliptical.

    Now time to do the woodchops, so I'll let you know later if I made the full 50 and how I did with my sodium. Hope everyone is kicking butt with this challenge today!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    I did the 50 woodchops, they were actually a little harder then I thought they would be... I didn't think I'd feel much from doing them but I did! I definitely like adding them to the workout though. And under my sodium for the day, yay!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    hi all yestrday was a vry bzy day but I managed to do both challemges and xtra one hour of so happy that im finally getting into this challenge....windshield wipers are hard but I also hope that they'll get easier:D..n i use water bottle for woodchops..i hope they'll work:D

    great job samerene!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Great job everyone on getting the challenges done!! and extra kudos to those who did more cardio than required!!!
    i completed the challenges but no time to get a workout in as i was again running errands all day but this time with my 3 rd old grandson! tonight i put 40 pounds of blueberries in bags then into my freezer.....with the strawberries and raspberries in there as well as bread and meat it is now very full!!!
    i am definitely going to the gym in the morning so will be able to add to our totals.....did not lose any weight this week but maintained from last seems that whenever i lose a bit my bodiy bounces back up a bit then sneaks down again as if to check and see if that new weight is ok......takes a while and makes me crazy!!! it seems that each pound is harder to lose now than before....
  • dontstopnow
    very good job to everyone! tuesday's total points was 95. we are all doing fabulously at keeping up with the daily challenges and i'm super proud! (:

    today i did both challenges, 5 miles on the spin bike and 1 mile on the treadmill. also did 20 minutes of strength training!

    reminder for thursday-
    Nutrition - Under Calories
    Exercise - 50 crunches

    i don't know about you girls but i'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of challenges are up for us next week! okay, that's all for today. have a good night/day! <3

    "The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so shall you be."
  • dontstopnow
    Great job everyone on getting the challenges done!! and extra kudos to those who did more cardio than required!!!
    i completed the challenges but no time to get a workout in as i was again running errands all day but this time with my 3 rd old grandson! tonight i put 40 pounds of blueberries in bags then into my freezer.....with the strawberries and raspberries in there as well as bread and meat it is now very full!!!
    i am definitely going to the gym in the morning so will be able to add to our totals.....did not lose any weight this week but maintained from last seems that whenever i lose a bit my bodiy bounces back up a bit then sneaks down again as if to check and see if that new weight is ok......takes a while and makes me crazy!!! it seems that each pound is harder to lose now than before....

    i have to say congrats on being down 102 lbs so far. the weight that you have lost definitely inspires me! sorry there was no change this week, i know how frustrating that can be. keep at it, though. you'll get to your ultimate goal weight in to time.
  • Jerzeeblondie
    very good job to everyone! tuesday's total points was 95. we are all doing fabulously at keeping up with the daily challenges and i'm super proud! (:

    today i did both challenges, 5 miles on the spin bike and 1 mile on the treadmill. also did 20 minutes of strength training!

    reminder for thursday-
    Nutrition - Under Calories
    Exercise - 50 crunches

    i don't know about you girls but i'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of challenges are up for us next week! okay, that's all for today. have a good night/day! <3

    "The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so shall you be."

    Just curious, how many points is everything worth? And is there a goal to how many miles we should be trying for each day?
    I'll have no problem staying under my calories, but crunches are not one of my favorite exercises lol but I can manage 50 as long as they are not bicycle crunches! ahhh
  • dontstopnow
    ah! sorry i didn't mention point values when i sent you the message yesterday. exercise challenges are worth 10 points, nutrition challenges are worth 5. 1 mile of exercise = 10 points. also! 20 minutes of additional cardio (you can't count the time spent doing the daily exercise challenge) that isn't measured in miles accounts for 10 points. there isn't a goal per se. just do what you can! every mile helps out our total (: and i definitely don't want anyone getting hurt, so! push yourself, yes.. but not to crazy extremes.

    though, the points may be changing.. jen sent me a message and would like input from everyone! so when you get a sec, go to the thread below and check it out. she wants to keep everything fair and fun!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Well I did a 5 mile walk/jog today! I'm doing the crunches later before or after dinner.
    I think the way the points work is pretty fair, because it takes 20 minutes to get a real good calorie burn so that should equal 1 mile for every 20 minutes. I checked out the thread and my opinion is that if it is changed to how many calories are burned that would be unfair to everyone, because everyone will burn different calories just based on their weight/height. I think keeping it a distance/minute calorie burn is better... it encourages you to do more exercise without having to go too crazy just to get the calorie burns that someone who weighs more than you would be getting from the same exercise.

    But either way just let me know what is decided. And burn those calories team!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    having a quiet at home day with my son, DIl and grandson ( who live with me)....nice not to be so busy for one day...
    off to the gym to earn us some points.....
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wahoo....made it to the gym for 1.5 hours....did 1 hour of cardio (elliptical and circuit) and waaay too many crunches....:laugh:
    water is over the top....still have 600 calories left over and can't think of anything more i want/need......even had an ice cream cone for a treat with real dairy ice cream
    worked out so hard i was shaky
    hope everyone is doing well with their foods and activity today
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    oh my week's workouts will be hard!! with my knees there is no way i will be able to do the lunges next friday but the rest should be ok.....what is with the number of 50 reps tho?????