Ripped in 30, starting 1st Aug...join me!!?



  • Hi ! I just finished week 3, and let me tell you, its a killer ! I can feel the change though ! my thighs feel and look so toned ! Im going to try to week 4 this week ! I'll be doing this video week by week till i finally reach my goal :) goodluck to everyone ! but i was wondering, how many calories are lost in each workout? please help me out? thanks !
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Hi ! I just finished week 3, and let me tell you, its a killer ! I can feel the change though ! my thighs feel and look so toned ! Im going to try to week 4 this week ! I'll be doing this video week by week till i finally reach my goal :) goodluck to everyone ! but i was wondering, how many calories are lost in each workout? please help me out? thanks !

    We are all very different in terms of how many calories we burn. For me it's only about 200 for each sessions, but others are up at 350-400. I use a Heart Rate Monitor to get an accurate reading, but if you don't have one you could just try logging it as 'circuit training - general' and record the result.

    Good luck with week 4!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Hi ! I just finished week 3, and let me tell you, its a killer ! I can feel the change though ! my thighs feel and look so toned ! Im going to try to week 4 this week ! I'll be doing this video week by week till i finally reach my goal :) goodluck to everyone ! but i was wondering, how many calories are lost in each workout? please help me out? thanks !
    I track mine with a HRM. I burned about 300 in week 1, 350 in week 2, 300 in week 3, and 275 in week 4. I'm not sure why I burn so much less in week 4. Not like it's easy or anything. Maybe I'm just stronger?
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    just making it to week 4 is an accomplishment IMO. That woman really loves to torture people in the plank position!

    You guys and gals seen any weight loss? I'm juggling the same pound the past few weeks. I got excited last week and though I had lost, but it came back and went down, up , down, up, down, etc... I feel stronger and have a teeny bit more tone in my arms and legs, but i'm not sure that's all due to ripped or the supplemental jogging I do as well.

    This is a strange one. According to the scales, I've lost a teeny tiny amount of weight, but I am visibly and significantly shrinking; I am having to spend money on new clothes (that I can't afford) because my old ones really look ridiculously baggy now. And since starting Ripped, I've gone down a bra size, and have gone from UK size 8 trousers to almost size 6! Before I did any reading, I was thinking that this was happening because I was building muscle while losing fat. However, according to the 'experts', you can't build new muscle on a calorie deficit. So why is this happening? Is it simply toning of existing muscle or what?

    I am seeing a little bit more definition, and I know things are happening from the way my muscles ache, but the loose skin is also becoming more noticeable (to me). Can't afford surgery (!), so I'm just hoping it will disappear, or I'll have to learn to live with it. Hey ho. :ohwell:

    Oh, and my face is getting more wrinkled ... :frown:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Oh, and my face is getting more wrinkled ... :frown:

    Was it Meryl Streep who said at as certain age you have to chose between your face and your *kitten*? So she chose to sit on it! I'd rather be slim and a bit wrinkled tho.

    I'm getting nowhere with the weight, the last 6 weeks i've gone from 120 to 118, to 117, to 120, to 119..... it's all my belly, water weight fluctuates there so much, and it really messes with clothes fitting. I'd be a UK8 too, if i could fasten the waist! It's not so bad first thing, but later in the day... I look pregnant sometimes.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Oh, and my face is getting more wrinkled ... :frown:

    Was it Meryl Streep who said at as certain age you have to chose between your face and your *kitten*? So she chose to sit on it! I'd rather be slim and a bit wrinkled tho.

    I'm getting nowhere with the weight, the last 6 weeks i've gone from 120 to 118, to 117, to 120, to 119..... it's all my belly, water weight fluctuates there so much, and it really messes with clothes fitting. I'd be a UK8 too, if i could fasten the waist! It's not so bad first thing, but later in the day... I look pregnant sometimes.

    Face v *kitten*? Love it!!!

    I don't need to worry about it actually, because I'm going to win the lottery soon and then I'll be able to afford the surgery ...

    I'm so with you on the belly water retention thing - exactly my problem. We are about the same weight, too. However, I am finding that now that my tummy muscles are tightening (thanks to Jillian), it doesn't look as bad as it did. There is hope!

    Just clicked on your profile and noticed that you are based in Bahrain - cool! (or hot, in fact!). I have a friend moving out there in a couple of weeks to work, and she is a bit concerned about how stable her job will be in the winds blowing across the region. Has everything been OK for you?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Just clicked on your profile and noticed that you are based in Bahrain - cool! (or hot, in fact!). I have a friend moving out there in a couple of weeks to work, and she is a bit concerned about how stable her job will be in the winds blowing across the region. Has everything been OK for you?

    I'll 'friend' you and send you a message, to give you the full details!
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    Day 2/Week 1... again... :wink:
    I'm not losing hope.
    (I always manage to bring up the rear somehow... LOL!!! :laugh: )
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Day 4 level 4 done!!! Just one more :bigsmile:

    Come on peeps you can do it, keep going the end is so near...well ok Shannonbas has started again, but we can all do it!!!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    I'll do day 4 later today. I think my minor results have been because I was not eating enough. I forced myself to eat much more yesterday and I feel pretty good energywise today and was about 0.2lbs lighter than the day before, so maybe there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon. I'm not counting my chickens yet though. Its been hard to transition from a food restrictive stage to a force-myself-to-eat-so-my-body-will-give-up-the-fat stage.

    And I STILL haven't decided what I am going to do after Saturday!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I've just done day 4, level 4 in front of my 90-year-old mother-in-law, who laughed uncontrollably from start to finish. Hmm, didn't think it was THAT funny. She then said I should go on X-factor with the routine. She even tried to join in for the cooldown. Madonna eat your heart out! :laugh:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Oh no Maggie, can't believe your mil did that! Well done for seeing it through, don't think I would have been able to whilst being laughed at! My legs are aching today, as a result of running in heels from one platform to another to catch the last train after my night out. I really wanted a kebab but my crippled feet couldn't make it as far as the kebab shop, which I guess is a good thing really lol! But I had Sloppy Guiseppe pizza when I got home instead, far fewer calories! I seem to have lost 1lb since yesterday, but won't log it as probably just water weight.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I can't comment on status'

    with my phone, only on threads so thought I'd ask here. Who is Irene that people are referring to on their status's?
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I can't comment on status'

    with my phone, only on threads so thought I'd ask here. Who is Irene that people are referring to on their status's?

    It's the hurricane that's hitting the USA at the moment.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Quotes from mother-in-law:

    "Oooh, you look slim; I think you've done enough exercising now, you should stop now." Then later, when she saw me in my exercise gear, "Oh, but you are still well-covered, aren't you."
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! How dumb do I feel!?!? Oooh your mil is far too blunt.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Now i'm depressed, my 3rd rest day- i need to start week 4 but now my hip pain has become knee pain! dammit i'm too young for arthritis. also it's my night to stay up late before night shifts, need to make room for snack calories!!

    I also still haven't been able to try my new HRM.

    Any ideas of calories i can burn while off my feet? Keep it clean!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Now i'm depressed, my 3rd rest day- i need to start week 4 but now my hip pain has become knee pain! dammit i'm too young for arthritis. also it's my night to stay up late before night shifts, need to make room for snack calories!!

    I also still haven't been able to try my new HRM.

    Any ideas of calories i can burn while off my feet? Keep it clean!

    This may be a bit late, as I see you've done Calisthenics (sp?), but how about that boxing thing that JM does - you could do it sitting?
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Now i'm depressed, my 3rd rest day- i need to start week 4 but now my hip pain has become knee pain! dammit i'm too young for arthritis. also it's my night to stay up late before night shifts, need to make room for snack calories!!

    I also still haven't been able to try my new HRM.

    Any ideas of calories i can burn while off my feet? Keep it clean!

    I'm betting you can figure out some chair aerobics with some hand weights! Try googling something like that! I'm betting that kind of stuff gives you a great core workout.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    FINISHED! I'll take a nice evening of rest and relaxation, and post my results from Ripped tomorrow. I still haven't figured out what I want to do next! Anyone have any suggestions?
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