


  • BK120
    BK120 Posts: 107
    My NSV was going shopping and being able to fit comfortable in a size 20. When I started my weight loss I was in a size 28 and sometimes a 30.
  • DebsFernandez
    Sorry for being a day late with my entry. I was just not in the mood for anything yesterday. I have been sick the past 4 days, but have still been keeping up with stuff, just not as hard as before.

    Anywho, my NSV this week was:
    I saw my boyfriend's mom and right when she saw me said said I am looking really good! Which, I think coming from her is pretty good that she even noticed. She even grabbed my clothes and said " I remember when these fit you real tight, and now look, they are soo loose. Be proud!" and I said "I am!!" Lol. I dont know if that counts really, but I felt pretty good! Haha.

    Oh yeah, also I lost another 2lbs!! I didn't think I was gonna lose anything cause I haven't been doing as much and still eating pretty much the same or trying (sometimes less for being sick :(...).

    Anyways, it was a pretty good week this way, despite how I was feeling!! :)
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    I have no change in wt to report :P
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    jrdoty8986 will be the new team captain for the entire challenge starting Sept 1. Still weigh in to me on 8/31/11 for your last weigh in with me. Check out the main Challenge forum to find the link to the September Challenge and check in with her if you still wish to keep going :)
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Ok everyone. Tomorrow my class starts. I will still take everyone last weigh in. My last day as team captain will be Aug 31 which is Wednesday. If you wish to continue with a September challenge, please contact jrdoty8986 with your starting weight by Sept.1st. It was wonderful being your team captain but I have to keep my studies my first priority. Hope you understand. I will still be around for the Sept challenge just not as team captain. Good luck to all of you on your journey.
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    duplicate post
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks Tiffy for all your hard work! I managed to loose 2 lb since friday :) it is amazing what a camping trip wil do. I will record my weight on wednesday none the less. Hope your studies go well.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks Tiffy for all your hard work! I managed to loose 2 lb since friday :) it is amazing what a camping trip wil do. I will record my weight on wednesday none the less. Hope your studies go well.
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Thanks Tiffy for all your hard work! I managed to loose 2 lb since friday :) it is amazing what a camping trip wil do. I will record my weight on wednesday none the less. Hope your studies go well.

    Aww you are too sweet! I am pretty sad that I have to give it up because you all are such wonderful people! Thanks for making this month's challenge amazing and stay focused on your goal!
  • DebsFernandez
    Just one more day!!! We are all doing so great!!

    I am just 2lbs away from the goal. Down side is, it's that time of the month, lol. So I think being close to the goal is all I'm going to expect for me :P

    Keep it up everyone!! :D
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Well I lost 2 lb this week and so a total of 6lb this month, not the target but I am pleased none the less.
  • DebsFernandez
    Bah, gained 1lb since weigh-in. I have read a lot of ladies posting about how they lose or gain when it's that time of the month. I see the frustration. It's a good thing it only lasts a week or less, lol. Hopefully all goes back to normal when the week is over. Boo to the gain!! Haha.

    @caroltina: Congratulations on losing 2lbs!! At least you are no longer on your plateau :D. Keep it up!!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Ok here are the last results for the Blue Team for August!!!!

    The FaBLUElous Blue Team has lost a total of:


    ***BANG BANG BANG***

    583.7 pounds!!

    Holy Moly that's a lot of weight!!!!!!!! Congrats to everyone for all of their hard work and for making that challenge SUPER fun! I look forward to joining you guys for the September Challenge with Jrdoty8986! It will start a new month and everyone can start off fresh!!!! Good luck to everyone with their amazing journey and I wish everyone many blessings!!!! Keep your head up no matter what and know that you can do it if you put your mind to it! Reach way up there and grab that star! bring it down and tell people that you have done it on your own!!!! :smooched:

    I want to give a special shout out (WOOT WOOT) to:
    for losing the most weight with a giant WHOPPING:
    17 Pounds!!!!!!

    Again thank you all for a wonderful challenge and good luck!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Ok here are the last results for the Blue Team for August!!!!

    The FaBLUElous Blue Team has lost a total of:


    ***BANG BANG BANG***

    583.7 pounds!!

    Holy Moly that's a lot of weight!!!!!!!! Congrats to everyone for all of their hard work and for making that challenge SUPER fun! I look forward to joining you guys for the September Challenge with Jrdoty8986! It will start a new month and everyone can start off fresh!!!! Good luck to everyone with their amazing journey and I wish everyone many blessings!!!! Keep your head up no matter what and know that you can do it if you put your mind to it! Reach way up there and grab that star! bring it down and tell people that you have done it on your own!!!! :smooched:

    I want to give a special shout out (WOOT WOOT) to:
    for losing the most weight with a giant WHOPPING:
    17 Pounds!!!!!!

    Again thank you all for a wonderful challenge and good luck!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

    ((((((( ADTeachTX
    18 POUNDS GONE!!!!!! WOW!!!! CONGRATS!!!! ))))))))
  • DebsFernandez
    Blue Team you guys did an amazing job!!

    And congrats to the ones who lost the most!

    And to everyone else for doing such a great job for August!!

    @tiffypooh2u: "you can do it if you put your mind to it" Lol you made me think of that one old school song that says something like, you can do it put your back into it, or however it goes. I don't know why I thought of that, but it made me giggle to here at work :P
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Blue Team you guys did an amazing job!!

    And congrats to the ones who lost the most!

    And to everyone else for doing such a great job for August!!

    @tiffypooh2u: "you can do it if you put your mind to it" Lol you made me think of that one old school song that says something like, you can do it put your back into it, or however it goes. I don't know why I thought of that, but it made me giggle to here at work :P

    HAHA I LOVE THAT SONG!!! That's so funny!