Anyone else starting C25K Monday, 8/15?



  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Finished W6D2! Went a little slower in the beginning to ensure that I could get it done. It felt pretty good even if I was exhausted from a long week. Got the 25 minutes left for the week! I think I will do it on Sunday.

    How are you all doing???
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Well, I have 2 days of week 3 down. W3D3 either tonight or tomorrow afternoon. I am stressing about week 4... I am having a hard time getting through 3 minutes, let alone 5.
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    Haven't been on here much lately, but had to share my C25K accomplishment! I was on W5D2, but accidentally started W5D3. I was running my little heart out and finally thought "It's gotta be close to 8 minutes!" I looked at my phone, and lo and behold, it said I had 10:30 left! At this point, I couldn't stop and start over, so I thought "What the heck!? I'll just go for it!" And I ran the whole 20 minutes! Considering the longest I've ever ran is 5 minutes, this is quite an accomplishment and I am sooooo proud of me =) I had a grin on my face from ear to ear that last minute of my run! Now I know I'll be able to do the 30 minute runs coming up soon!
  • llingriff77
    I'm starting W2D1 today, never been a runner and my speed is very slow but I'm determined to get to the end of the programme and I've signed up for a 5K at the start of December (12 weeks today) very determined to run the whole thing.
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Haven't been on here much lately, but had to share my C25K accomplishment! I was on W5D2, but accidentally started W5D3. I was running my little heart out and finally thought "It's gotta be close to 8 minutes!" I looked at my phone, and lo and behold, it said I had 10:30 left! At this point, I couldn't stop and start over, so I thought "What the heck!? I'll just go for it!" And I ran the whole 20 minutes! Considering the longest I've ever ran is 5 minutes, this is quite an accomplishment and I am sooooo proud of me =) I had a grin on my face from ear to ear that last minute of my run! Now I know I'll be able to do the 30 minute runs coming up soon!

    Great job! You deserve that grin. Look into a 5K that you can run in October!
  • littlehokie
    Haven't been on here much lately, but had to share my C25K accomplishment! I was on W5D2, but accidentally started W5D3. I was running my little heart out and finally thought "It's gotta be close to 8 minutes!" I looked at my phone, and lo and behold, it said I had 10:30 left! At this point, I couldn't stop and start over, so I thought "What the heck!? I'll just go for it!" And I ran the whole 20 minutes! Considering the longest I've ever ran is 5 minutes, this is quite an accomplishment and I am sooooo proud of me =) I had a grin on my face from ear to ear that last minute of my run! Now I know I'll be able to do the 30 minute runs coming up soon!

    that's awesome! It's probably better you didn't know going into it!
  • bourgeoisk
    bourgeoisk Posts: 16 Member
    I did Week 6 Day 3 today. I'm not going to lie. It wasn't easy. I did stop to walk three times for literally 5 seconds each which completely tells me it was a totally mental thing. My pace for the 20 minute run last week was 15:23. This week for the 25 minute is was 14:08!

    Wow! Good luck to everyone else pushing through the program. My first 5k is in 13 days! Eeeeep!
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Just finished W6D3 and it went well. Was slow enough in the beginning to finish without a serious struggle. I also added two more 5 minute intervals on the way home.

    Looks like there is no more walking for me. Week 7 is three 25 minutes. LOOK OUT - HERE I COME!
  • pokyfamily
    It's so great to hear of your accomplishments and struggles. It is totally inspiring me as I start week 3 tomorrow. I ran a 5k on Sat am for my W2D3 and had to walk a little. I am excited about the week ahead, although before I read your posts, I was considering sleeping in. Thanks so much everybody for being such inspirations.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Hi all!!!

    First of all, well done everyone, for keeping at it and pushing yourselves that bit further everytime! been catching up and brilliant to see how everyone is doing!

    sorry, iv been alitle MIA this week. Been off work all week and messes with my daily routine etc. etc. not even been logging properly this week either, but im back with venence!

    One thing i have kept with, however, is running! :D

    11th September 2011 at 11:08 i embarked on my first 5K race, it was a charity run for a local cancer care centre and i raised £129 for them! Thanks to all who sponsored me :)

    I knew i couldnt run the whole 5K so i did a 8 minute run and 2 minute walk routine and completed it in a respectable 37 minutes 55 seconds! (remembering im only on week 7 of C25K)

    Since, I have been running continuously (without walk stops) on my runs but not to the 25 minute runs as im meant to. so im going to restart W7 going forward from tomorrow.

    1 of my extra runs i did, was a hard training session, instead of a 'normal' run. Its the hill of Doom some of you might have seen me mention before; its a 1.25 mile VERY steep continuously climbing hill.

    The first time i tried it, i had to walk almost half of it, even though i was on 8 and 5 minute runs in C25K, as it was that gruelling! i thought i was going to die when i reached the top lol i have had afew encounters with the hill since, and come out improved, but still simular results lol

    However, on Friday i ran to the top, non stop! i thought i was going to collapse into a big pile of mess, but after a 2 minute walk i was good to run all the way back down, which i did! 4k in 31 minutes 14 seconds. half of which is going up the crazyest hill you have ever come across, i was ever so proud! lol

    Tonight sees me take it that bit futher; i hope, by running all the way up and all the way back down, not stopping for a walk at all. ill let you know how i got on tonight... :)

    Happy running peoples!!! :)
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Smoked it!!!!

    Mt. Doom conquered!!! 1.25 miles up and 1.25 miles back down, no stopping and continuous running for 29 minutes 45 seconds!

    week 7 is looking bright :)

    Happy running peoples! :)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Completed W4D1 tonight!! It kicked my butt....
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Bit off more than I can chew! So I tried to do W7D1 last night and was only able to run 19 minutes instead of the 25. However, it is my own fault. I decided that I had to get the run in and did it after my pilates class. Since no one else showed up for the class, it was a great session just for me and it killed my butt. Still determined, I started the run. Those rubber legs couldn´t manage! At least I tried and still made 19 minutes. I will kick it next run!

    Have some good runs!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Bit off more than I can chew! So I tried to do W7D1 last night and was only able to run 19 minutes instead of the 25. However, it is my own fault. I decided that I had to get the run in and did it after my pilates class. Since no one else showed up for the class, it was a great session just for me and it killed my butt. Still determined, I started the run. Those rubber legs couldn´t manage! At least I tried and still made 19 minutes. I will kick it next run!

    Have some good runs!

    Grear dedication! :)

    I haven't delt well all week, I'm on week 7 but last night was a 5k instead of just stopping at 25 minutes, I had to have 2, 2 minute walks inbetween as I was getting stitch, the first one was around 18 minutes, but I completed the 5k in 37 minutes
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I need some advice... So last night I started my W4D2 session only to realize about halfway through that the podcast I was listening to was for W5D1. I was doing well, so I just kept with it and completed the session. -- THREE 5 minute walks! I am ecstatic! -- I found W5D1 to be very doable. It was a challenge, but I didn't find it too difficult.

    From this point...Should I move on with W5D2 tomorrow? Or, maybe repeat W5D1 again before mvoing up? I don't think that I should go back to W4 though... I am not quite sure if I am ready for two 8 minute runs, but before last night I wouldn't have though i could do three 5 minute runs either... I am running 5K on Sunday (a little early, I know) and it would be nice if I could manage to do W5D3 during the race.

    I think in writing the above, I may have talked myself into trying to complete Week 5, but would love any input!
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    From this point...Should I move on with W5D2 tomorrow? Or, maybe repeat W5D1 again before mvoing up? I don't think that I should go back to W4 though... I am not quite sure if I am ready for two 8 minute runs, but before last night I wouldn't have though i could do three 5 minute runs either... I am running 5K on Sunday (a little early, I know) and it would be nice if I could manage to do W5D3 during the race.

    I think in writing the above, I may have talked myself into trying to complete Week 5, but would love any input!

    I accidentally skipped W5D2, and didn't notice it until 10 minutes into the 20 minute run! I went ahead and finished it, and continued on to W6D1. I guess I don't see the point in going backwards now. If you were able to do it, good for you!!! Go ahead and move on! Goodluck on your 5K! I got 3.01 miles in on W6D1, so I'm sooooo close!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I need some advice... So last night I started my W4D2 session only to realize about halfway through that the podcast I was listening to was for W5D1. I was doing well, so I just kept with it and completed the session. -- THREE 5 minute walks! I am ecstatic! -- I found W5D1 to be very doable. It was a challenge, but I didn't find it too difficult.

    From this point...Should I move on with W5D2 tomorrow? Or, maybe repeat W5D1 again before mvoing up? I don't think that I should go back to W4 though... I am not quite sure if I am ready for two 8 minute runs, but before last night I wouldn't have though i could do three 5 minute runs either... I am running 5K on Sunday (a little early, I know) and it would be nice if I could manage to do W5D3 during the race.

    I think in writing the above, I may have talked myself into trying to complete Week 5, but would love any input!

    First of all best of luck on your 5K! :)

    If it was me I would continue on W5D2, specially if you completed D1 without any real issues. However for the race I would replicate the W5D2 again and not try for the 20 minute run during your race. You don't want to brun up all your endurance in the first 3k and then walk the next 2k. I think running the times of W5D2 at a steady pace, should see you to the end, and maybe alittle left for a sprint finish :)

    Doing this will most likely set you in good stead for W5D3 to do it in your own time. I say this as iv had a very simular expernce as my first 5K race was at the exact same point as yours, although I never skipped a week :p lol

    Ultimately it is your decision, obviously. But do what you think will give you best chance to succed.

    Happy running :)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I need some advice... So last night I started my W4D2 session only to realize about halfway through that the podcast I was listening to was for W5D1. I was doing well, so I just kept with it and completed the session. -- THREE 5 minute walks! I am ecstatic! -- I found W5D1 to be very doable. It was a challenge, but I didn't find it too difficult.

    From this point...Should I move on with W5D2 tomorrow? Or, maybe repeat W5D1 again before mvoing up? I don't think that I should go back to W4 though... I am not quite sure if I am ready for two 8 minute runs, but before last night I wouldn't have though i could do three 5 minute runs either... I am running 5K on Sunday (a little early, I know) and it would be nice if I could manage to do W5D3 during the race.

    I think in writing the above, I may have talked myself into trying to complete Week 5, but would love any input!

    First of all best of luck on your 5K! :)

    If it was me I would continue on W5D2, specially if you completed D1 without any real issues. However for the race I would replicate the W5D2 again and not try for the 20 minute run during your race. You don't want to brun up all your endurance in the first 3k and then walk the next 2k. I think running the times of W5D2 at a steady pace, should see you to the end, and maybe alittle left for a sprint finish :)

    Doing this will most likely set you in good stead for W5D3 to do it in your own time. I say this as iv had a very simular expernce as my first 5K race was at the exact same point as yours, although I never skipped a week :p lol

    Ultimately it is your decision, obviously. But do what you think will give you best chance to succed.

    Happy running :)

    That is a good idea to repeat W5D2 on Sunday! I am terrified of "failing" and giving up as a result. I am going to do W5D2 tonight. If all goes well, I will do the same on Sunday. Thanks for your response!
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    WOO HOO! Just finished W7D2 with a great afternoon run in the autumn sun with a cool breeze. I was able to make the 25 minutes this time. It wasn't too bad and I was able to get a little farther in comparison to W6D3. I made a better plan than last time. I did pilates this morning and waited 5 hours before doing the run. I will kick the D3 too!

    How are you all doing? Have some great runs!
  • bourgeoisk
    bourgeoisk Posts: 16 Member
    I just finished Week 7 Day 2 today. I did take one 30 second walk break inside the 25 minute run because of a cramping issue but jumped right back in as soon as it passed. Ran my furthest distance so far...2.53 miles. And my run pace was 13:02. I'm super pumped as that's a full minute and a half from what my run pace has been so far.

    My first 5k is next Disney World!!!

    I'm struggling with trying to decide if I want to run the entire thing or just set a run/walk/run ratio I'm comfortable with. The course is through Animal Kingdom which is pretty hilly. The race is not chip timed so I was thinking of doing the run/walk/run thing. The following weekend I have a chip timed 5k where I'll try to run the whole thing.


    Thanks in advance!!