Anyone else starting C25K Monday, 8/15?



  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I started C25K on 8/16. I really like the iphone app but am struggling with the endurance required during week 2! I feel like I am sucking wind big-time and barely making 15 minute miles. I'm nervous since I signed my family up for a Disney 5K on Oct. 1 and they have time limits. I registered us for the 13-16 min. mile group and while my DH and kids can do that with ease, I will struggle. I've been trying and training for months and lost weight and exercise almost daily.

    I guess I just have to keep plugging along and let the chips fall....

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to checking in on this thread and following everyones' progress.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    I just finished W2D2.....I think the running bug finally bit knees are starting to feel it. They're a little sore today, but not unbearable. Any suggestions? And what about shoe suggestions?
  • livinglifeandlovingit
    I just finished W2D2.....I think the running bug finally bit knees are starting to feel it. They're a little sore today, but not unbearable. Any suggestions? And what about shoe suggestions?

    Hey there glad to hear that you have survived the first week. I started this challenge but not at the beginning since I was able to run for approximately 10 minutes before I started feeling winded. Anyway, back to you...I do these knee rotation warmups before I walk and it really seems to help. It is like hoola hooping with the hoola hoop around your knees instead of your waist. Not sure if that makes sense to you. I also rotate between three pair of running shoes: Nike free, luna lites and Adidas. My adidas shoes, I am not sure what the name of them are but they have these circular soles on them. I find them light and comfy. I have tried the birthday shoes and they were okay also. I hope this was helpful. If you ever have any suggestions post them. I like to read about what everyone has found to work for them.
  • livinglifeandlovingit
    I completed w6d2! OMG I did not think that I was going to survive! sheesh.
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    It's great to hear that everyone is doing so well and persevering! Today was a weights day for me but yesterday I completed my third round of week 4 and it's on to week 5 tomorrow!

  • littlehokie
    I started C25K on 8/16. I really like the iphone app but am struggling with the endurance required during week 2! I feel like I am sucking wind big-time and barely making 15 minute miles. I'm nervous since I signed my family up for a Disney 5K on Oct. 1 and they have time limits. I registered us for the 13-16 min. mile group and while my DH and kids can do that with ease, I will struggle. I've been trying and training for months and lost weight and exercise almost daily.

    I guess I just have to keep plugging along and let the chips fall....

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to checking in on this thread and following everyones' progress.

    Hang in there, the first few weeks were the hardest (I thought), I'm almost done with week 4 and it's getting much easier to get through the runs and fun too. I'm also not sore as I was in the beginning.
  • littlehokie
    I did W4D2 today and it went great, the 5 minute runs are getting a little easier and I even added an extra 5 minute mile at the end b/c I wanted to hit the 3 mile mark.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    I'm back on track after stalling out and hoping others are staying strong. I did a combo of w3 and w4 today and it went great. Even added a second 5min run and a 2min at the end to even out my total time.

    Keep doing it and dont worry about speed for now. Putting in the time is half the battle!
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    Week 5 #2 today. Last interval day before the 20 min run on Fri. Yikes. So far I haven't had any trouble but I haven't run a solid 20 in a loong time.

    Went ahead and signed up for my Race for the Cure on 9/17. Not much time to train...

  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    W2D3 completed last night. It was a tough run and my jog times are still in the 14:30 minute/mile range....quite sucky but I go on. I was so ticked at my DH last night. He can sprint a mile, no problem. I was plugging along during one of my "run" sessions and of course, I'm slower than slow and he decided to jog alongside me. Well, I look over and he looks absolutely ridiculous, like he's walking on the moon. He wasn't mocking me, he was genuinely trying to stay with me but it was annoying. When you work as hard as we all have at fitness and you have this reminder of how far you still have to go (like his moonwalk/jog), it's frustrating.

    Whew...anyway, on to W3 tomorrow!!
  • littlehokie
    W2D3 completed last night. It was a tough run and my jog times are still in the 14:30 minute/mile range....quite sucky but I go on. I was so ticked at my DH last night. He can sprint a mile, no problem. I was plugging along during one of my "run" sessions and of course, I'm slower than slow and he decided to jog alongside me. Well, I look over and he looks absolutely ridiculous, like he's walking on the moon. He wasn't mocking me, he was genuinely trying to stay with me but it was annoying. When you work as hard as we all have at fitness and you have this reminder of how far you still have to go (like his moonwalk/jog), it's frustrating.

    Whew...anyway, on to W3 tomorrow!!

    Don't worry about your speed, that will come after endurance! You are doing a great job, keep it up!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks! This thread is encouraging thanks to folks like you.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    got in my W3D1 today a little behind schedule and it kicked my butt may have to repeat this week.
  • I've been reading all of your posts and enjoying them. I've noticed that some of you repeat days or weeks. What makes you decide to do this if you don't mind writing about it.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Tonight will bring me to a point of which i have never achieved in my 25 years of plodding through life! 20 minutes of constant running.

    I am to run for 20 minutes continuously or for 2 miles (W5D3), i have my journey mapped so i dont need to worry about cutting short or being hilly if i have to add on. I have already achieved more than ever before doning this program by running more than once a month lol, running for enjoyment, running a 12 minute mile, running up huge hills, running for 8 straight minutes.

    tonight i hope for a 10 minute mile and running for 20 minutes, im ready for it! 5k race in 10 days! This is the first big step :)
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I did it!!!! 20 minutes of continuous running! Of god I am so proud! I went in with a possitive attitude and it paid off! Did 21 minutes and 15 seconds and covered 1.8 miles the pace will come but thr main fact is I ran for that long! Iv never achieved that in my life and that is a true milestone for me! Only to think 5 weeks ago I was knackered after doing the second set of 1 minute runs and 90second walks! Iv come a long way! And got lots more in front of me and I'm really looking forward to it! If I can do this anyone can! :) happy running peoples!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I did it!!!! 20 minutes of continuous running! Of god I am so proud! I went in with a possitive attitude and it paid off! Did 21 minutes and 15 seconds and covered 1.8 miles the pace will come but thr main fact is I ran for that long! Iv never achieved that in my life and that is a true milestone for me! Only to think 5 weeks ago I was knackered after doing the second set of 1 minute runs and 90second walks! Iv come a long way! And got lots more in front of me and I'm really looking forward to it! If I can do this anyone can! :) happy running peoples!

    I am so proud of you!!!! I hope I am as successful once I reach that part of the program!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I've been reading all of your posts and enjoying them. I've noticed that some of you repeat days or weeks. What makes you decide to do this if you don't mind writing about it.

    I am in week 3 and have not yet repeated a day or a week, but I would repeat in the following instances:

    - If I started a new week and was not able to complete the day's intervals as prescribed (at all), I would go back and complete the previous week to bump up my stamina and confidence.
    - If I was really close but not quite successful, I might keep trying until I succeeded and then do 3 days of that week before moving on to the next week.
    - If on the 3rd day of a week I was able to complete the session but it was extremely difficult, I might complete one more day of that weeks interval session before progressing to the next level.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    W3D2 was a little better than D1 so we'll see how it goes. I have repeated days or week if I still felt winded at day 3. just to build stamina to move up the next level I did week 1 3 times because I was so out of shape for running then I added 2 extra W2 sessions and felt I could move up but then took 3 rest days between and W3 is tough but I keep going.
  • littlehokie
    I did it!!!! 20 minutes of continuous running! Of god I am so proud! I went in with a possitive attitude and it paid off! Did 21 minutes and 15 seconds and covered 1.8 miles the pace will come but thr main fact is I ran for that long! Iv never achieved that in my life and that is a true milestone for me! Only to think 5 weeks ago I was knackered after doing the second set of 1 minute runs and 90second walks! Iv come a long way! And got lots more in front of me and I'm really looking forward to it! If I can do this anyone can! :) happy running peoples!

    that is awesome, congratulations!! You'll only get faster and farther from here on out!