Anyone else starting C25K Monday, 8/15?



  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    I'm joining an athletics club this week, and will be doing C25K this evening during my separate gym sessions to keep me going :)

    good luck :)
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    I got a free app for my BB, its just vocal prompt to start running and walking, but has all the days on it. I will se how i get on with the free one as i think the paid for one you can add music too. I shall see how well I get on first, when I ran before I never used music as I never felt entirely safe being plugged in. Will be doing my first session this evening, after my eldest gets back from work for babysitting duties. I am looking forward to getting back into running again - its a great stress reliever!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Hi all! Tonight I am on Week3 Day2, hope I can still join your fun? :)

    I was a complete slob before I started this, and now I am loving not only running but found myself walking and biking out doors on my days off!

    I week runs are D1 Saturday morning D2 Monday night D3 Thursday night.

    I used a free app on my bb called Endomondo for tracking my cal. Burnt distance and speed, and just a simple stopwatch on my wristwatch for the times.

    I dreded the start of week 3, after having a few baf moments on day 1 inparticular of week 1 and 2, but I supprised myself so much by doing it to the secxond at a good steady pace all the way through. Never in a milliom years did I ever think I'd be able to do that as well as I did, this programme works! For me anyway, hope it works for you guys!

    Please add me as a friend, I'm always looking for people doing C25K at any stage! :)
  • dewpetals
    dewpetals Posts: 68 Member
    How do we log our days into our exercise journals here on MFP? As walking/running?
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I'm going to start this today too...after work tonight! A littler nervous as i'm definitely not a runner but i'm going to give it a go!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I'm going to start this today too...after work tonight! A littler nervous as i'm definitely not a runner but i'm going to give it a go!

    just a couple of things iv learnt doing this so far that might help you.

    Stretch!!!!! big one only takes 5 mins but prevents injury, remember before and after, youll thank your self for doing them the one day you forget to!

    Try not to eat at least 2 hours before if you can, or even longer if its a massive pile of steak pie and chips your dad made you (this is personal experience, i thought my stomach was going to implode, then pack up and walk away from me lol), that was W1D3 that happend to me, and never ever ever again, i just have a soup with brown bread a couple of hours before now as i never want to relive that pain! lol

    Endurance! remember this programme is about getting you out running, not sprinting to finish line, this programme helps you find a pace that suits you, you can speed up later when you have stamina, no 4 minute miles ok?! :)

    Thats just what iv learnt, no doubt you will ignore me like i did (lol) others ,and learn it for yourself in due course! But thats part of the fun :)

    oh and finally, your going to hurt all day tomorrow! Which proves that it working :)

    Enjoy your running!
  • livinglifeandlovingit
    Just wanted to see if anyone else was planning to start the C25K program tomorrow, or this week? I am NO runner, but am interested in challenging myself to try something new. I have a lot of weight to lose, and I might look like an idiot, but I want to give it a shot anyway :)

    Who's with me?? It's not required that you also look like an idiot while running, just to be clear ;)

    Hey I am starting today. So feel free to friend me if you would like. I joined a little late and it would be great to have someone to start with me. Let's keep each other motivated
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Day 1 complete, took at nice comfy pace and was fine, just cos it says run it doesnt mean flat out, lung bursting (well thats my story:laugh: ) I wasn't built for speed!:noway:
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    I was inspired to start from a friend and this program is awesome. I used to be an avid runner but haven't seriously ran anywhere in a long time. I completed W3D1 today and feel great!

    @ ooooooGravy - how did it go? I was afraid of W3 too but it turned out ok. I even ran an extra 2min to bring it to an even 20 of intervals with the warm up and cool down. I hear W5 is really tough.

    Great tips about things to keep in mind. Especially to go at your own pace. We have a treadmill at home and I'm sure the dogs think I'm crazy. There are a lot of weird sounds coming out of the room I'm in but I always feel great after.

    Looking forward to completing the program with y'all.
  • meliturtlee
    I want to start today as well but there are several in the app store? Which developer did you guys go with?? Couch to 5k here I come :)
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Don't get caught up in needed the c25k app for your phone, it's not free. I google searched c25k and found the program website easily. Then I printed the schedule and put it up beside the tv. I run on a treadmill for now so tracking is easy but when I'm outside I use RunKeeper on my phone. It's a free app and works great. You can program intervals and there is coaching, which you can set to your personal motivational needs ;)
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    I started W1 last week and I am in LOVE with running/jogging/turtle crawling... whatever you want to call my pace, it's faster than what I did when I was sitting in front of the computer playing in the chat rooms. (I am only at 3.5 mph)

    I started walking first for about 3 weeks before I had found out about c25k and when I heard about it I jumped on it. I think I'm glad that I was walking first. I didn't find it too hard. However, I am doing it at a slower pace. (I'm 211 pounds now, I was about 215 give or take when I started) This week I am starting W2D1 and I'm so excited and pumped up.

    If you don't mind that I'm not on W1, I would love to be added.... Motivation will fly both ways...

    I'm doing the program on the treadmill, so I use the treadmill version. And I find that the 20 minutes goes by so fast! I'm just watching the 60 seconds go by and the 90 seconds go by and the 60 seconds go by.... and before you know it's time to cool down.

    To answer someone's question: is the site to get more info.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I was inspired to start from a friend and this program is awesome. I used to be an avid runner but haven't seriously ran anywhere in a long time. I completed W3D1 today and feel great!

    @ ooooooGravy - how did it go? I was afraid of W3 too but it turned out ok. I even ran an extra 2min to bring it to an even 20 of intervals with the warm up and cool down. I hear W5 is really tough.

    Great tips about things to keep in mind. Especially to go at your own pace. We have a treadmill at home and I'm sure the dogs think I'm crazy. There are a lot of weird sounds coming out of the room I'm in but I always feel great after.

    Looking forward to completing the program with y'all.

    Tonight went really well! almost burnt myself out on my first run going abit quick trying to get past aload of chavs stood on street corner with bottles of white lighting, but evened it out in the 3 minute run and and paced myself back out and did really well! sop proud of myself! looking forward to thursday and and completing this week, really dreding week 5 though lol :s
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    I am interested but i don't know what it is! i will def look it up! friend me!
  • optimusmom
    optimusmom Posts: 18 Member
    I'm on week three and it has probably taken me over a month to get there because: 1) I'm lazy and 2) owie shin splints. I had no idea that there were different versions! Mine is an app on my Blackberry. Where could I find other versions?
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I want to start today as well but there are several in the app store? Which developer did you guys go with?? Couch to 5k here I come :)

    if you have a smartphone, download a free one to messure your cals. burnt, distance etc. and just a simple wristwatch to time the run/walk splits.

    I use a free app on my Blackberry called Endomondo, help track my progress and really good extras on computer to analyse your runs etc. being a geek i love this lol and iv got my water resistant watch with stop watch i used for swimming a few years back, only cost me £18 back then i think.
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    Just finished day 1 of c25k! So far so good. I incorporated it into the first 2 miles of my usual 5 mile walk and not only did it feel great but it made the rest of my walk seem so much easier than usual! Excited for day 2 wednesday!
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    Did W2D1 today, went pretty well. . Also signed myself up for my first 5k, so now I HAVE to keep training!! Great job everyone!
  • JonClaw
    JonClaw Posts: 13 Member
    Did Week 1, Day 1 today.

    Holy crap, I'm unfit. I completed it, but another round of jogging and walking would have finished me.

    I did this on a treadmill however.
    5 mph for jogging, 3.3 mph for walking.
  • Kahlagrace
    I am not doing the C25K program, but I started running and did 2 mins start and each day I added more. Im now up to 7 mins. I like it better that way so Its what I want. Once I get to 10 mins I plan on staying at that and uping my pace. That is always a idea if the program doesnt work. Good luck all!!