Anyone else starting C25K Monday, 8/15?



  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Oh Sarah! I'm so happy to see that I'm not the only one going at 3.5 mph. I do my warm up and cool down at 3mph but I do my walk/jog at 3.5. I have tried to go up to 3.7, but it's hard when I have to walk. I'm not there yet.... ~high 5~
  • kernowprincess
    kernowprincess Posts: 135 Member
    Did my first run last night. Turned into a bit of a fiasco. Forgot to take water with me, not recommended. Started my route wrong and ended up doing my first 60 seconds trying to run up a very steep hill. I ended up with 1.5 miles in 30 mins with walk speed of 20 min mile and run speed of 14 min miles. Not too good. I found the 60 second run quite hard and probably ended up walking half of them. Heart rate hit 155 at one point, a little too high for me. Oh well, at least I went out and tried it. Hopefully a better run on Friday.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Did my first run last night. Turned into a bit of a fiasco. Forgot to take water with me, not recommended. Started my route wrong and ended up doing my first 60 seconds trying to run up a very steep hill. I ended up with 1.5 miles in 30 mins with walk speed of 20 min mile and run speed of 14 min miles. Not too good. I found the 60 second run quite hard and probably ended up walking half of them. Heart rate hit 155 at one point, a little too high for me. Oh well, at least I went out and tried it. Hopefully a better run on Friday.

    Hey - you did it! Don't worry about your speed. That will come. Just focus on getting out there and getting the miles in. If you are finding it too hard to finish the run segments, the best thing to do is slow down. Once you get to the point of running 5K, then you can work on speed. Great job!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    ooooooGravy, I will pray for overcast skies on the day of your 5K. I am excited to see your progress because you are only 2 days ahead of me in the program. I will be researching 5k's more around mid-end of Oct.

    Thank you, Just completed W3 not an hour ago! I feel amazin! i didnt want to stop! The last 90 second run turned into a more than 2 minute run! So proud of myself! swimming tomorrow and rest on Friday and W4 starts very early Saturday morning! I used the free search on to find races and thats the only viable one around the right time for me, with it coming to winter, races are thining out by time i complete the program.

    plus the money for entry free is to a good cause, so im ready for it!, website says 24 days i think :S lol
  • littlehokie
    HI there! Would love to join this group. Finished W2D2 today and felt great, I continued at the end and ran the last 5 cool down minutes and then walked for my cool down. I used to be a college athlete 10 years ago but a few kids later need to get back into shape. I did 2.72 miles and my run pace was 10:31 min miles.

    I feel great and am so happy to have this program to keep me going!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I've been thinking about trying it. I've been walking 3-4 laps around the track and running 1/8 mi. + 1/8 mi. or 1/4 mi. straight. I don't know if I will make it to the 5K, but if you want company along the way, feel free to add me to the group.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    I've been thinking about trying it. I've been walking 3-4 laps around the track and running 1/8 mi. + 1/8 mi. or 1/4 mi. straight. I don't know if I will make it to the 5K, but if you want company along the way, feel free to add me to the group.

    Welcome! This is a great program. So many that didn't thimk they could run at all are finding out that they really can do it! And we are all at different points in the program so we will be here for a while celebrating each others successes.
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    I am interested in joining the group. I just finished Day 3 of Week 1 last night. I am no runner as my lungs can´t keep up with what my body wants to go. I am trying to go a little slower. Add me to the list! Good luck to everyone!

    Here´s my update!!!

    I actually did W2D1 on Tuesday, the next day, after finishing W1D3 since I had time and energy. It went fine. My legs could feel it at the end. I decided to rest for a day and plan to do D2 tonight!

    For info, I am using the podcast from Chubby Jones. She has several different ones for each week which I find nice. The music is new and interesting for me (even if some were made in 2009). I tried the NHS podcast and found it didn´t get me going, plus I found the tip of having a banana as a nutrition snack at the end a little over the top. Both are FREE in case anyone is interested.

    Keep it up everyone! I am interested in some updates!!!!
  • tevez032
    tevez032 Posts: 47 Member
    Finished week 6 yesterday. From now on its constant jogging 25/28/30 mins. I'm covering about 4.5k in the 25 minutes so far, which I'm happy with. Speed can come later!

    I've found the jogging part is still knackering and intense, but as soon as I finish (well, a minute or two later) I feel like I could jog some more.

    The biggest difference I have noticed is that my recovery is WAY quicker than it was before I started. I no longer have to lie down with my feet in the air for 20 minutes! :-)
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    The biggest difference I have noticed is that my recovery is WAY quicker than it was before I started. I no longer have to lie down with my feet in the air for 20 minutes! :-)

    haha iv found that, i finished W3D3 last night, and when i got home, and danced round with the dogs for abit to cool down, when i first started, i walked in and slumped down like id been shot! and Would move for at leadt 20 minutes, then i only crawled in shower lol
  • littlehokie
    Finished week 6 yesterday. From now on its constant jogging 25/28/30 mins. I'm covering about 4.5k in the 25 minutes so far, which I'm happy with. Speed can come later!

    I've found the jogging part is still knackering and intense, but as soon as I finish (well, a minute or two later) I feel like I could jog some more.

    The biggest difference I have noticed is that my recovery is WAY quicker than it was before I started. I no longer have to lie down with my feet in the air for 20 minutes! :-)

    That's great!! I feel like these first few weeks have been going by slow (i'm on W2D3)
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm on week three, training for Race for the Cure in September. I've been using podcasts that count out the time for you and play music. They rock! They are free at the Itunes store. I'm loving Chubby Jones (who plays club type music) but there are others. I don't know about you, but I tend to zone out so if someone else is keeping track of time all the better.

    I've done Couch to 5k several times and it's a great program. You have to take it slow and sometimes repeat weeks before you go on. The jump from the intervals in week 6 to straight running in week 7 can be a killer.

    I did two 5ks last year but I haven't run much since last fall except for High Intensity Interval training (which I didn't do as regularly as I should have). When I first got on the treadmill to run it sucked, but things improve quickly.

    Glad to join a group on the journey!

  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    The biggest difference I have noticed is that my recovery is WAY quicker than it was before I started. I no longer have to lie down with my feet in the air for 20 minutes! :-)

    haha iv found that, i finished W3D3 last night, and when i got home, and danced round with the dogs for abit to cool down, when i first started, i walked in and slumped down like id been shot! and Would move for at leadt 20 minutes, then i only crawled in shower lol

    Agreed! The first wk after running for 60sec, I had to put it on 2mph to recover but in wk3, I am recovering at 3.5mph and feel cooled off and energetic 5min after finishing instead of lying on the floor creating a puddle of sweat and then yes, crawling into the shower.

    I have also noticed after walking the dogs, I cool off bf they do! It's very inspiring to wear out a 2 year old doberman.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I started 8/1 and just finished Week 3 yesterday. I'm 6'4" and have weighed as much as 385lbs!
    If I can get off the couch and do it, anyone with healthy joints, can too!

    If you like this kind of encouragement, and want more and like to return it as well, hit me up as a friend!
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    I did W2D2 this evening and it went pretty well. I think I am getting the breathing better. Only was sucking air during one in the middle! I also tried to eat some of the calories this afternoon and I couldn't do it after the evening run. It worked, but was a little weird having only 60 calories at 5pm. Another reason to force myself to get out there and run!!!! How are you all doing it?
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    bad bad day bad bad Kris got a box of reese's peices like you get at a theater and I ate the whole THING at my desk while at work wasn't really hungry but I kept shoveling um in the tasted so goooooood. What a waste of calories. So I did finish my 3rd exercise for the week C25K workout. And I am here for support and to support all of you.
    Workout calories left me some so dinner had to be light, and fresh cherries are a better choice than most of my choices for today.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Good luck everyone!! I'm starting Week 2 Day 1 tonight - I'm pumped but anxious. I ran outside on W1D3 for the first time (vs treadmill) holy shin splints! Definitely different than the treadmill. BUT - last time I checked - 5K's were held outside and not on my treadmill :) So I'll have to get used to it.

    Anyone else have flat feet? Suggestions for good shoes? I am an overpronator for sure - and the shoes to correct are either way ugly or FREAKING EXPENSIVE. Suggestions???

    I have same problems I went to a running shoe store where they fit you for shoes after taking measurements and watching your gait. Love the shoes I got they reallyn have improved my endurence and comfort while running.
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    The proper shoes (and bra) are so important for running. They are expensive but thing about it this way:

    Your copy times two or three for a doc visit and follow ups when you hurt yourself, or

    Think about other sports and the equipment they require. Running really only requires shoes and a good bra if you're large. Compare that to a set of weights, tennis equipment, a gym membership or what you have to buy for any of your kids's sports.

    Doing week three again tomorrow. It seemed really short for me and I actually added another whole repetition.

    Have a great evening,

  • littlehokie
    Okay so I accidentally skipped W2D3 and did W3D1 today, do I need to go back and do w2D3 again?? It seems silly since I went from running 90 seconds to 3 minutes to go back to 90 seconds again.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I did double w1 workouts tonight 1 on treadmill like I have been doing the second I did outside on road in front of the house. Not sure if I like one over the other. treadmill was ave 16min/mile with 35.mph walking and 5 mile per hr runs, outside I ave 16.30 min/mile So my pace was staying fairly close. At end of first set I was feeling like I might need to repeat the W1 but after finishing second set with about a 15 min break in between I think W2 wont be as bad as I think!!