Anyone else starting C25K Monday, 8/15?



  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Just finished W7D3 and it went sooo much better than D1! I was actually able to continue running and finally did 32 minutes!!! Plus I was going faster than I have been so far. I am really starting to get into this and was so excited when I got back home. :happy: So, the week started off with a bit of a challenge and ended with a big success.

    It will be tough to get the 3 runs next week since I have a business trip, but I will find a way!

    I hope that you all are having some good runs!!!!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Just finished W7D3 and it went sooo much better than D1! I was actually able to continue running and finally did 32 minutes!!! Plus I was going faster than I have been so far. I am really starting to get into this and was so excited when I got back home. :happy: So, the week started off with a bit of a challenge and ended with a big success.

    It will be tough to get the 3 runs next week since I have a business trip, but I will find a way!

    I hope that you all are having some good runs!!!!

    great work! sounds like you have come on well! :) for the business trip, get up early in morning and hit the road for a for a morning jog, even if its for 15 minutes, youll feel better for the fact you got out, rather than completely skipping. or if you are stopping in a hotel ask them if they have a Gym your able to use, and go on the treadmill. Worth trying :) Happy running
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Thanks for the tips! I am going to Germany and not too hopeful about the weather! I already checked and there is a treadmill that I will be using on Thursday morning as I scheduled my meetings with this work out in mind. It is amazing how one´s mindset can change about things like this. I am working my schedule around the run!

    Have a great running week!
  • katyk00
    katyk00 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm starting Week 7 this week and I'm half excited and half scared. W6D3 was not easy, that 25 minutes of running was rough going in the middle, but I'm proud of myself I only stopped for 15 seconds to tie my shoelaces
  • lvgraff
    There is an app called Run Keeper and there is a training mode that tells you when all your intervals start and stop. I think that what you are doing right now, is great for beginner runners. Just remember to continue to challenge yourself, so when something gets easy try a slow/ light jog for a set instead of walking and build from there. In no time you will be running. Keep up the great job!
  • littlehokie
    Woo hoo, bring on week 8! Just finished week 7 and it went great ran the 25 minutes straight with a run pace of 10:44. I did a long run on sunday (4 miles) and it was hard so I did a few walk intervals but I just wanted to prove to myself I could go further. lol
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Came home a little early tonight in order to get W8D1 in before my pilates class. It was a success and I was able to go for 34 minutes instead of 28! Yeah me! I was slower than Sunday but I don't mind too much. I am really running!!! I will try the treadmill for the first time on Thursday. Let's see how that goes.
    How are you all doing?

    Have some great runs.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Im slightly confused as to where i am on C25K???

    I should be running tonight W9D3. However, last few weeks have been filled with fast paced 2 milers and EXTREME hill training. So last night i decided just to go running as i had been doing flat(ish) course, race paces.

    As far as i am aware the C25K Program, is to get you running for 30 minutes and or 5K???

    Last night i posted a Personal Best of 36Minutes 40 Seconds for a full 5K! ( (worst thing about this, is that it was soooo hot last night, no cool air what-so-ever, every drop of water i had whilst running seem to make 4 times more pour out of my head! What very uncormfortable!)

    So i am running 5K and running more than 30 Minutes continuously; given i know im not doing 10 minute/miles, but does this mean if i run another 2 of these within the next 6 days, i can officially call myself a graduate? or should i be busting a nut to hit 5K in 30 Minutes? Because, to be honest i think i will serious struggle.

    What your opinions please? i dont want to cheat myself, as i will only be lying to myself, and there is no such winner!
  • littlehokie
    I think at the end as long as you can run a 5K you are golden. The last few runs in the program just say go out and run 30 mins, and then go out and run 45 minutes.
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    I finished W8D2 on Thursday morning on the treadmill. It is easier than outside and I was able to go for 35 minutes. I could see my pace and realized that I am actually running faster outside (maybe that is why it was easier!). I will do D3 this weekend but since I am consistently over 30 mintues for the last 3 runs, I think I am good. For good form, I will finish out next week too.

    Hope you all have some good runs this weekend! Enjoy!
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Just ran W8D3 and finished. It was pretty tough as the last 1.5 km was all uphill. I went about 35 minutes again. It was also the first time that I went with my husband and he was impressed with how far I have some. I didn't want to go with him since I go really slow, but I thought it was nice to do together. I think that we will continue! Nice.

    Is there anyone else out there was is still doing this??? Interested in your progress. If I can do it, so can you!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I finished W8D2 on Thursday morning on the treadmill. It is easier than outside and I was able to go for 35 minutes. I could see my pace and realized that I am actually running faster outside (maybe that is why it was easier!). I will do D3 this weekend but since I am consistently over 30 mintues for the last 3 runs, I think I am good. For good form, I will finish out next week too.

    Hope you all have some good runs this weekend! Enjoy!

    I originally started running outside (the first week) but then found it easier to fit the training in my schedule if I ran at the gym because I could put my son in daycare. However, I did my first 5K last week and found it MUCH harder to run outside than on the treadmill. Even though I beat my goal, I was disappointed that I wasn't able to run more than I did. So once I recovered from the race (took 3 to 4 days!), I scaled back a week in the C25K program and did W4D1 outside (had been working on week 5 before the race). I think that it was a good idea because it was *just* difficult enough. I took a couple more days off to recover from that run and will do W4D2 tomorrow. Hopefully this will get me back on track to beat my first 5K time at my next race! Hoping to do the one next in November (Purple Stride 5K).
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Just finished W9D1 and added an additional 8 minutes. I did the 5K this time!!! Just a couple of days from graduating from the program. I think that C25K is a great program. It has taken a complete non-runner into someone who is able to run and generally enjoy it (can't say that I enjoy the hills!). I hope that you all are still going at it and seeing changes in your endurance and body!

    Have a great rest of the Sunday!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Last night I ran (continuously) once again for 5K! PB of 36:23. This is week 9 day 2 one more run to graduate! Yippe! I know I'm not covering 5K in 30 minutes yet, but ill get there, the fact that I'm running for 36 minutes and 5K is amazin and feels it too! I think I could have run further last night too, when my GPS said 5K I thoughtt is that it? Maybe next time ill carry on running until I'm pooped?! But for now, I'm justy running :D

    Happy running people!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Hell yeah! Week 9 Day 3 Complete! Graduate here people! Hell Yeah!

    Todays run was hard i started off fast, purposely. And was really fading towards the end, specially the last kilometre! But Personal Best of 36Minutes and 1Second! Oh, i feel so amazing!

    Happy running peoples! Have much fun finishing your C25K as i did! B210K will be starting in a few weeks time! :) I shall set up a forum post and link on this page, hope some of you follow me over, im going to continue running 5Ks untill im completely with my time and distance then move on to to 10K :)
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    Big Congrats!!!! I am very impressed and should be joining you later this week. Please let me know about the new thread on the 10K training. I am so with you on that. Enjoy the success and keep on running.
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    I was doing the program fairly consistently, made it to W6D2, then slacked off for two weeks. Last night I decided to just set my distance run for 3.1 miles to see how long it took to complete. I knew I couldn't run the whole distance yet, but tried my darndest! I ran first mile, alternated walking/running for 1.1 mile, then ran the entire last mile! Finished in 35:35! I was soooo pumped! And my husband (who lapped me twice) ran the last mile with me. He just kept raving about how proud he was of me. Made me smile =)
    Hoping to run my first official 5K on Oct.22nd!
  • livinglifeandlovingit
    Hi People,

    I love reading about all of the successes that everyone is having...yay! I have two more days before completing the c25k. Please keep me posted on the c210k challenge as I would love to be a part of this challenge! I have not lost much weight, but have seen an increase in my ability to do cardio, and I don't have to use my inhaler when climbing my stairs, which is huge for me. Anyway, please keep me in the loop for the c210k

  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    I have been out of touch for a couple of weeks since I was on vacation! Totally enjoyed it and was still able to do some running. I finished W9D3 in Los Angeles on a treadmill. Happy to be a graduate. Now just have to continue. I think I will start the 10K training to keep myself challenge and hopefully run a 5K race in the near future. I hope that you all are finding some success with this program!

    Keep running!
  • Finally completed the c25k challenge. I was hoping to join a c210k challenge. Does anyone have one going?