30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello all!

    Workout completed! I gotta say, after that bike ride, I am SO SORE in the calves! Well not the calves, but right at the bottom of them! WOWZA- but I did it and they are getting easier every day. I still can't do the full 18-20 push ups, but i"m up to 14 the first set and 12 or 13 on the second set. That's pretty good being 6 days ago I could only do 10 slow ones!

    Anyway, we are feeling good (my husband and I) and I love that we are all doing this together! :)
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Day 8 is done with level 2. Level 2 made me feel like I did on the first day of level 1 - was a good workout and I was pouring sweat by the end! Made it through and expect to be sore tomorrow.

    Got to tell you though, some of the exercises did feel a bit tougher and require some balance.

    My HRM said I burned 328 calories, a little bit above what I burned in level 1. We'll see how the next week progresses.

    I hope you all are getting as much out of this as I think I am!
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    Well done everyone is doing really well
    I however have not, only managed to do 2 days (although I have been doing plenty of other exercise)
    On a plus side I have lost 1lb but have not measured myself yet
    New week here we go
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Day 9 complete. Is it just me or does it feel like its getting harder? I'm still doing level 1...but man, all the squats and lunges just feel like they take FOREVER and they burn so much worse now than they did before. I'm burning less calories during a workout than I did before (was burning 325-350 each session), now I get about 300. And I'm exhausted when I'm done. What gives!?
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    Day 9 complete. Is it just me or does it feel like its getting harder? I'm still doing level 1...but man, all the squats and lunges just feel like they take FOREVER and they burn so much worse now than they did before. I'm burning less calories during a workout than I did before (was burning 325-350 each session), now I get about 300. And I'm exhausted when I'm done. What gives!?

    I dont feel like it's getting harder, but I do feel like my motivation is going down. Not to say that I'm going to quit, but I didn't really talk back in the first few days. Now, as soon as Jillian goes off on her little speeches, I just roll my eyes and call her names. I despise the anterior raises, so once those are done I'm happy again, but I spend the entirety of the workout thinking about how much they're going to suck.

    LUCKILY today was my last day of level 1. I'm glad to be done with it, since I'm not really sore anymore and am getting pretty bored with it. That being said, I'm pretty nervous to see what level 2 looks like, since level 1 still definitely gets me sweating and tired. As far as results, I'm not seeing as much as I'd like, but that's because the past few days have involved some craptastic eating. But I'm back on track for that, so I'm hoping the next two levels will show better results.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I dont feel like it's getting harder, but I do feel like my motivation is going down. Not to say that I'm going to quit, but I didn't really talk back in the first few days. Now, as soon as Jillian goes off on her little speeches, I just roll my eyes and call her names. I despise the anterior raises, so once those are done I'm happy again, but I spend the entirety of the workout thinking about how much they're going to suck.

    LUCKILY today was my last day of level 1. I'm glad to be done with it, since I'm not really sore anymore and am getting pretty bored with it. That being said, I'm pretty nervous to see what level 2 looks like, since level 1 still definitely gets me sweating and tired. As far as results, I'm not seeing as much as I'd like, but that's because the past few days have involved some craptastic eating. But I'm back on track for that, so I'm hoping the next two levels will show better results.

    Yeah, my motivation is going down as well...mainly because I'm bored. It's still very challenging but I'm TIRED of doing lunges and squats and blahblahblah. That and it BURNSSSSS. I think maybe pushing deeper in the moves and therefore it hurts more (trying to be less Anita and more Natalie, but that's a joke). I tried level 2 last week...hahahaha...it's killer. I want to move on (due to aforementioned boredom) but after having a taste of it, I'm hesitant. New areas on my body hurt after half-arsing that level 2 workout last week, that's for sure!

    I also started (yesterday) adding in some free weights because I just do not feel a burn with the bicep curls (and no way can I handle heavier weights while doing lunges simultaneously). So I'm doing 10 and 15 lb bicep curls (12 reps, 2 sets) and some tricep french presses at 15 lbs, 12 reps, 2 sets (I think that's what it's called ~ holding onto one weight behind your head and pushing up). I'll increase the tricep weight probably tomorrow though as 15 didn't burn enough. It's a start...my arms (like the rest of my body) are very flabby from living a sedentary obese lifestyle for the past six years. I NEED to see some differences if I am going to stay motivated to kick my *kitten* everyday.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    What happen to everyone (echoes)?

    Finished day 9 and the second day of L2. It's definitely working me over! I can see why people hate planks.

    Trying to encourage the wife to get on board with 30DS and after a 20 minute break from L2 I did L1 with the wife.

    HRM still seems to be consistent with about a 328 calorie burn for L2 and about 295 for L1.

    L1 seems like a jog in the park after the last 2 days of L2.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Gotta say, as much as I DID not want to do 30 DS today, I did! LOL :) It was great and I got a second wind during it all!

    I burned 220 calories as opposed to 205 and that was after doing a pretty hardcore cardio workout. Soooo, LOVING I DID IT! Oh and my pushups were strong and steady. STill only 14, but so much better! :)

    Looking forward to getting to Level 2! I think i am going to do that sometime next week! We'll see! :) I remember level 2 being quite a big more difficult! LOL Want to really master level 1 first! :)

    How is your weightloss going? I can say i feel way better, so that is good! Good luck all!
  • change_happens
    Taking today to rest. If I get around to doing it, I will. But today, I am exhausted and just plain old pooped. Back at it tomorrow, for sure!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Yes, it's very quiet in here. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself, LOL! Where'd the rest of our "team" go?!?!?! Is there another thread we should be posting in?

    So today is my usual weigh-in day...and I'm SO very excited to say I lost a whole pound since last week's weigh-in. That's a total of 3.2 lbs lost since beginning on the 21st. I ate nearly ALL of my exercise calories the last two days and still LOST....so I hope this is a trend.... :o) last day of Level 1 today, Day 10....tomorrow I will start level 2.
  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    I completed L1D7 last night and have noticed that I am not burning as many calories and the moves have gotten a little easier. I am probably due to move up a level but I am afraid!
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    Hey guys! Today will be my first day of level 2 (AAAAAH!!!). I've decided to wait until later today out of 1. laziness and 2. wanting to give my shins a bit of time because they're still hurting from my run on Monday. HOWEVER, I do have some news.

    If you read my last blog entry, I talked about how I gave up on the diet I was on and was just counting calories, but how that spiraled into not caring WHAT I ate as long as I was meeting the calorie goal. Which meant that despite all the hard work in the last ten days doing level 1, I didn't lose any weight. Actually, I did in the first few days but then packed it back on and ended level 1 at the same weight that I started. Obviously I was really frustrated and disappointed in myself. And in the last two days of level 1, I actually couldn't see the results I'd seen earlier.

    While I was getting dressed today, I looked in the mirror and thought that I could see those results again. My torso looks longer if you believe it (which is HUGE for someone as short as me), and I thought I looked skinnier again. But I knew that I still was up in weight. I hadn't planned to measure again because of that, but seeing myself in the mirror, I got curious.

    On 8/22, when I started, this was where I was. (I'm 5'2"/5'3", for reference)
    weight: 144.something
    bust: 36"
    chest: 33"
    waist: 31"
    hips: 39"

    Today, ten days later, this is where I am now (sadly still that short).
    weight: 144.something
    bust: 35"
    chest: 32"
    waist: 30"
    hips: 38.5"

    Which means I've lost a total of 3.5 inches in ten days, despite not losing any weight. It's not a lot, and I'm still sort of annoyed at myself for screwing up my weight loss, but it's REALLY nice to know that these changes I'm seeing are not just wishful thinking. If you haven't already, I really do recommend measuring. Weight can be a tricky way of measuring your success, but inches are a little more reliable.

    Keep going, guys! We're gonna get through this! Hopefully level 2 won't kill me tonight.

    ETA: Forgot to mention, I am comfortably in size 9 jeans today for the first time in probably about a year or two.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    I completed L1D7 last night and have noticed that I am not burning as many calories and the moves have gotten a little easier. I am probably due to move up a level but I am afraid!

    Don't worry about level 2. It will probably be a kick in the pants, but so totally worth it by time we are done!

    As far as L1, I have gotten use to it as well, but I keep myself moving to keep my heart rate up. I am moving from one exercise to the next with no pause or only enough to get from floor to standing or standing to floor. While transitioning from jumping jacks to jump rope, I do not stop jumping. I've been pushing. I find that this works well at making me feel like my time is well spent.

    When you're ready, face L2 head on! Take it as new challenge and I am pretty sure in 3 to 4 days you'll be feeling good about L2!

    Today will be my 3rd day of L2 and in all honesty there are some exercises I am not looking forward to, BUT what I am looking forward to is the result at the end!

    20 more days ladies! We got this!!
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    I have been running around like crazy the last couple days getting ready to leave town but I've still managed to squeeze in 30DS - thank goodness its only 25 mins!

    I finished L1D8 today and am feeling great. Now that I'm not struggling through the JJ & JR I'm FINALLY feeling the workout in my lower legs - its a pleasant burn. Nervous at the prospect of moving on to L2 but I have a feeling by the time I get back on Tues I'll need a day or two with L1 to get back in the swing of things :ohwell: :tongue:

    CandyR1018 posted this earlier in the thread but in case anyone missed it or would like to log their progress in the results thread for the week, here it is: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/329526-30-day-shred-starting-08-22-11-2nd-monday-check-in.

    I hope everyone is sticking with it??
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm still here, doing Level 1 Day 10 tonight, and started on level 2 tomorrow. Level 1 has gotten kind of easy, so I'm both ready and a little apprehensive about moving on to Level 2 tomorrow.
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm back! Didn't manage to complete Monday and Tuesday so feeling a bit guilty! The first hotel we stayed in was ok as the floors seemed quite solid for my jumping about, but the second - I don't think other guests would have been so happy! Going to complete Day 8 tonight after everyone's gone to bed.
    I understand how some of you are losing motivation. I don't think the couple of days off have done me any good (or eating what I want for the last few days), so I'm going to have to jump back on the wagon!
  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    I completed L1D8 today and my calves really hurt. I had switched to alternate moves to alleviate the pain and was feeling better so today I tried to do the real moves and I am back in pain. I will be moving to level 2 Saturday so I hope that is not as hard on me.
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    Just finished L2D1, and OH MY GOD. There wasn't a single point where I wasn't out of breath.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Just finished L2D1, and OH MY GOD. There wasn't a single point where I wasn't out of breath.

    LOL! It's tough right?!!? I never took any of the "rests" during level 1 but man, when I did level 2, I rested more than a few times. ;o) I kept thinking to myself "sooo, how long before I "get used" to this level???" Just wondering when the moves will become more natural...I just don't see it happening for me, LOL! Good job!!!
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    For those of you wondering where everyone is, I've been creating new posts:
