30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • statia152
    Thanks for the link! Do they have any other JM downloads?

    I don't know, but I will look tomorrow and let you know.
  • TAErvin
    OMG!!! I just did Level 1 and I thought I was gona pass out. I haven't done jumping jacks since I was a little girl. But Im going to hang in there. I have day 2 tomorrow. Do I do level 1 again tomorrow?:huh:
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Finished Day 3 of Level 2 today (13 days in), and am rather stiff, so today was a battle. I'm finding L2 quite hard, so quite scared for L3. I am waiting till the end of the 30 days to weigh / measure, so I'm feeling anxious and itching to jump on the scale. I swear I will cry if I don't lose weight after all this. Have been angelic on the food front too. Thankfully the days seem to be going quite quickly :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    i'm still here! sorry, been struggling to just check in!!!! My weigh in and measurement will happen next Friday and MOnday, so pretty excited! I don't really know if I lost a lot of weight because I feel as if I've been gaing muscle with doing this workout so much!

    Anyway, I am bored with level 2! LOL level 1 was fun! It's not that it's hard, just not into it! But I will do it three more times this week and then move into level 3! When I am done I will be moving on Ripped in 30 or a different Jmichaels!

    In the meantime feeling good and hope you are all doing well too!!
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    I am still here, haven't worked out since Friday. I missed like 4 days, oh well! Today I started with L2 again, not sure if I continue with the orginal schedule or start L2 all over again???. So far I lost over 5 lb and inches. I am happy with my results.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Got a late work out in today. The hotel exercise room with very limited space. Got it done nonetheless! Tomorrow will be an early workout!
  • statia152
    OMG!!! I just did Level 1 and I thought I was gona pass out. I haven't done jumping jacks since I was a little girl. But Im going to hang in there. I have day 2 tomorrow. Do I do level 1 again tomorrow?:huh:

    Yes, each level 10 days (unless you feel ok to move up sooner). I would suggest a protein drink after the workouts, it helps rebuild / energize quicker. Or a snack with protein and carbs (peanut butter & apple / cheese & crackers ,,,,, )
  • statia152
    Got a late work out in today. The hotel exercise room with very limited space. Got it done nonetheless! Tomorrow will be an early workout!

    :happy: All you need is room to lie down for the abs circuit! Great job.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Level 3, day 3 done (day 22 total). Today, for some reason, I didn't burn nearly as many calories as I usually do. I burned about 290. Actually since starting level 3, I've noticed I burn a good 25-50 less than in levels 1 or 2. I think it's because of the lower impact moves (for instance: in the first interval with the ab hold/plank push ups and in the third with traveling push-ups, as opposed to movements using the larger muscle groups that really get your heart working). That...and well, I still cannot do the rock star jumps. :o( I do like three half-way ones and I just have nothing left in me to push out anymore, so I jump rope in place during that segment (still keeping heart rate high, just not as strong of a movement). I'm hoping by the end of this level I will be able to do them.

    I will say...I really like feeling soreness in my lower body again. I didn't feel much of that during level 2 and that bothered me.
    ETA: I do NOT like the ab lifts at the very last ab interval. I am doing this move on carpet and oh my gosh, the carpet is TEARING UP my elbows! I have the worst carpet burns from that minute...I've tried it on a mat and it's still bad. I don't want to work out in a long-sleeve shirt so I'm really not sure what to do to protect my poor little elbows.

    Side note...I did a quick measurement of my belly button and ugh, it seems like I've only lost .5 inch or something. My belly just doesn't want to budge. :o( I'm done .8 lb for this week's weigh-in, bringing my total weight loss since we started to five pounds even. :o/ I'm getting a little discouraged because it has been three full weeks at this point and when I look in the mirror I don't feel like I'm seeing much progress. I haven't taken measurements all over because I want to see something BIG after day 30...so I'm trying to stay positive!!! If nothing else, I FEEL stronger...so I guess that counts for something?! I could probably go back to level one and do the workout completely following Natalie instead of Anita at this point (whereas I had to follow Anita most of this journey).

    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    D8 on L3 today. Only 5 more days before I'm done with the 30DS!

    I decided to just workout in my room today since it was mid afternoon and a lady was sitting on a bicycle machine and barely peddling while she was having a phone conversation.

    The cardio is still a killer, but I am getting better with it. Pretty much just pushing through it.

    Only 5 more days!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I did level 3, day 5 yesterday (day 24)...and this morning I FINALLY noticed some visual losses in my tummy. All this time I've been quick measuring over my belly button to gauge whether I'm losing any in that area (because it hasn't felt like it)...and every time I took a measurement, it came up close to my starting measurement. :o/ But this morning...that area *looked* a little different. So I did a quick measurement and it shows inches lost today!!! I'm soooo happy about this...I was getting worried my spare tire was never going to go flat. So it looks like level 3 is where the magic happens for *me*....or else my body has decided it's FINALLY ready to change! LOL Only six more workouts...c'mon Jillian, change this body!!
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    D10 on L3 this morning. I am trucking along nicely. The last bit of cardio is still exhausting but I am able to stay with it with no quick pauses.

    I suppose our final check in will be Tuesday instead of Monday this time?

    3 days and then it's on to Ripped in 30!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    AFTER 30 days MY results are AWESOME!!!
    I have lost 12 pounds since i started and lost a total of 10 inches throughout my body. I have lost 1 inch in my chest, 1.5 inches in my waist, 2 inches in my stomach, and two inches in my inner thighs! WOOOOOOOO! I can't believe this is after only 4 weeks! I can't wait to see the results at week 20! :) Thanks for all the motivation guys!!!! It appears that I didn't lose weight in my arms, but I know I did! LOL I must have been pulling that measuring tape REALLY tight last time. Everyone has noticed how much better they look! LOL ANYWAY- I"M ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOON right now! Of course I have lost a few inches in my arms and calves and neck, but just wrote down the major ones!

    My tfire program mixed with 30ds and some stretching has been great! My goal was to be at 145ish or 140 by the end of September!I THINK I CAN! At 148, there is no reason I can't push through that! WOOO! Hope you are doing great too!!!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    You rocked it Kim!!! Did you do B/A pics too?!?! Share share!! LOL ;o)
    I think you will TOTALLY kill your goal before September is over, c'mon! You're on a roll!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I did day 26 today since I had to take a rest day yesterday. So if all goes as planned, I'll be finishing up on Friday (one rest day a week puts me a bit behind). I'm so excited to see everyone's progress....hoping everyone pipes in and shares their successes!!
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Still doing the 30DSS. I am on L3 Day 2 today. Had to take a few days off, had an ear/sinus infection. Love the results I am seeing, even with a few days off. After 30DS I will do Ripped in 30 and her leg workout.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Day 30 done! 13 days on L3!

    So the stats are as follows:

    Starting weight: 193 pounds
    Ending weight: 182 pounds

    Starting waist: 40.5 inches
    Ending waist: 37.7 inches

    Overall, I it has been a great 30 days! 11 pounds down and nearly 3 inches off the belly. In addition to that, I am a bit more toned than when I started.

    I would highly recommend 30 Day Shred to anyone that wants a concise exercise routine.

    Time for Ripped in 30 Days starting tomorrow!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Did the FINAL workout today (even though my back was KILLING me from doing Turbo Jam for the first time yesterday hahah). I will update either tomorrow or Sunday with final stats. Very excited to finally measure and see some losses other than the scale number!!!