30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Nevemind. Didn't see it said 2nd Monday.

    Day 10 done with L2D3. Damn! By the end I was definitely feeling it! As of right now I think I will have to do at least 10 days before moving on to L3. Burned about 330 calories according to the HRM. Logging it as circuit training and it gives me about 220 calories.

    Wife bailed on doing L1 again tonight (and was going to do it with her again). She's not as motivated as me, but hopefully she come around! (keeping my fingers crossed)
  • mjh5141
    My arms are dead. Washing my hair was a challenge.
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm on D6L1 and I will be doing D7 tomorrow. Whew! It's still a great workout and it kicks my butt however, it has become a little bit easier. Hopefully I'll be ready to move on to L2 in a few days. If not, I will be sticking to L1 for a few more days.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Level 2, day 1 done. I have never felt so wiped out before after a workout. OMGosh. I had to do 2 lb weights for the v-squats...those shoulders BURN by then...and I'm so uncoordinated when it comes to the pendulum lunges. I definitely followed Anita the whole time and was so grateful for the modified moves when using plank. Hope this gets easier... lol.
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi. I got my dvd last night and started Day 1 L1 today. I am a bit unfit at the moment, but though the push-ups and strength training things were pretty tough, and I do think my thighs are going to be in real pain tomorrow, I reckon I'll get this level down soon enough. I'm so excited. I want a flat tummy! :)
  • mjh5141
    In level 1, I got legitimately angry when Natalie cheated. In level 2, I feel sorry for her. Anita is my bff right now.

    I suck at planks. I KNOW my *kitten* is in the air the entire time, but I honestly don't understand how you can maintain a legit plank form while doing those moves!

    Things I like about level 2:
    - stationary strength (easier on my joints, no shin splints to make me stop)
    - no repeat cardio in circuit 3
    - harder ab routine

    Things I don't like about level 2:
    - my knees are aching from all that jumping!
    - I can't keep up!!!

    I think my plan from here on out is going to be to follow Natalie in most/all of the moves by day 6 (so halfway through each level). I was able to follow her for almost everything from the beginning but never really managed to follow her 100% with the push-ups (I honestly felt I got a better workout doing the girl push-ups than the full).

    Ok, I desperately need a shower!
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Did way too much today!! D4 of L2 still provides a challenge. Then my happy ars decides to go on a mountain bike ride (on the fire roads near Strawberry, CA) for about 21 miles with the last mile and one half being too steep to actually pedal up, so we hoofed it. That long walk up a steep hill just about did me in!

    On a related note, I think I can actually say I have what I would feel comfortable saying is a big NSV! Thanks to being diligent with the 30DS, and losing the weight with MFP, my stamina has dramatically improved. Throughout our ride today not only was I able to hit the hills strong, but my buddies could not keep with my pace, biking or the walking!! They have both always been more physically active than me and have always been lighter!

    For me, this is big because one of my buddies and I have use ride and race BMX back in high school and over the years I have become more and more out of shape. It was a good day.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    WOOHOOOOOOO! Did all of the push ups today during the first round! WAHHH! Very excited! Did only 11 on the second time but whatever, I'm happy! :)

    Well, back to the grind! So far, I am doing well! I only lost a pound this week, but I'm okay with that as I lost 7.5 in about 2 weeks! holy water weight batman! :) Have a great Friday! :)
  • enigma2546
    i fell of the band wagon sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday and today. looks like i have to restart tomorrow. :(
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    D7, I believe... lol I've lost count.I know day 10 is Saturday so I'm assuming this is D7 that I just finished. I'm excited and a little nervous to move on to L2 in a few days. I'm not sure if I'm 100% ready to move on. I guess I'll know when it gets here. I still have a hard time with the modified version of the push-ups. Everything else I can get thru pretty well.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    For anyone having to restart or even wanting to start (reading this thread now), I noticed there is a 30 Day Shred group (I assume it's open to whomever, whenever) that started day 1 yesterday for September. Maybe search September 30 Day Shred to find it? Don't give up if you missed a day or two...just get back into it!! The differences my husband and I am noticing in MY body are worth it (and I got a LOT of fat on this here bod to get rid of!!). :o)

    So...this morning....uhm yeah. Planks can kiss my butt. grr. My back (below my neck) and shoulders are just tight tight tight. I am sooo grateful my husband was a massage therapist and is willing to work these things out for me when I ask. I just took some Advil, will eat breakfast, and give a go at level 2, day 2. Tomorrow is supposed to be my scheduled rest day but I don't want to take one, I just want to push through this soreness. I'll reevaluate tomorrow. ;o)

    On a side note, I got some Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey protein yesterday....double chocolate. Oh my gosh. This stuff is delicious!!! I have never had a protein shake that didn't taste chalky or gross. This reminds me of a McDonald's shake (though not nearly as thick) in flavor. A scoop and a half with 1 cup of skim milk provides 44 grams of protein and 280 calories. (A scoop in itself is 24 grams protein, 120 cals). Just throwing that out there if anyone is looking for a yummy protein shake (and it gets great reviews from most MFP users). A great after workout snack...or breakfast, in my case this morning. ;o) Happy shredding!
  • mjh5141
    i fell of the band wagon sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday and today. looks like i have to restart tomorrow. :(

    No sad faces allowed unless you DON'T start again. It's only a failure if you don't fix it!

    One thing I will say, even though I don't see a change in my back, those muscles are definitely stronger. I notice this in the stretching at the end, when she has you clasp your hands behind your back. When I first started, I really couldn't sit up straight like that, but now I can!
  • statia152
    Jade ~ Someone on MFP once told me " I never regret working out, but I ALWAYS regret when I don't". Think of exercise as a prescription for your health. If you have high blood pressure, you would take your meds daily, yes? So ... exercise is beneficial in more than just weight loss ... Good for heart, circulation, depression, stamina, preventing osteoporosis ...so much more. Bottom line, we are doing it for our health. I know you can do it! :flowerforyou: XOXO
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Level 2, day 2 DONE! My husband did it with me and he had to modify quite a few of the moves (he really worked out his legs yesterday). I was so relieved to hear him say that yeah, it is tough...coming from a P90Xer (he's not fully done the program but I'll take whatever confessions he makes about the difficulty of this Shred level, LOL).

    The moves felt better today, although still quite hard. I actually like the plank moves...just wish the timing of them were different. Meaning..my heart rate is usually through the roof when it's time to go into the plank moves...and it's hard to breathe and do that (holding in the abs while I just want to give a huge exhale!). But there must be a reason they are in the order they are and I'm not going to complain. I know the results will be worth it (at least I keep telling myself that). The advil really helped with the pain this morning and this workout felt pretty good! Of course, I am doing modified just about everything when possible...I am no where near Natalie on her plyo...that woman is a rabbit I swear!! ;o)

    I keep thinking of what it would be like to be doing this workout without the extra 40-50 lbs on my body. How much "easier" it would be to not have to lug all that extra weight around in those jumps and thrust squats. Just gives me something to look forward to!
  • statia152
    Jade ~ Someone on MFP once told me " I never regret working out, but I ALWAYS regret when I don't". Think of exercise as a prescription for your health. If you have high blood pressure, you would take your meds daily, yes? So ... exercise is beneficial in more than just weight loss ... Good for heart, circulation, depression, stamina, preventing osteoporosis ...so much more. Bottom line, we are doing it for our health. I know you can do it! :flowerforyou: XOXO

    Sorry, this message was meant for Enigma. Jade, you're doing great!
  • statia152
    Darn, double post
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Day 12 done with D5 of L2. Damn! Still gives me a workout!

    I am looking forward to level 3 just for the sake of moving past this level. Will give it another five days of L2 and then move on. Can't wait to see what's in store for us there!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I took my waist measurement today and it has went from a 32 to a 29.5. I'm so excited. Although, that seems to be the only place I've lost inches but hey, I'll take wahtever I can. I move on to D1L2 in a few days.
  • mjh5141
    Ok so I have a question. In level 2, I wanna say it's circuit 2 abs, when you hold the weights over your chest and lift your legs. It looks to me like they're just doing leg lifts, but Jillian says "And around". From the angle they show, I can't really tell if they're just lifting their legs vertically or rotating them as well. I thought they were just doing straight leg lifts, but she talks about the exercise working your obliques, which fits more with a rotation. So what exactly is she doing??? And if she is rotating, wouldn't it make sense to have to rotate the other way at some point?