30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    I took my waist measurement today and it has went from a 32 to a 29.5. I'm so excited. Although, that seems to be the only place I've lost inches but hey, I'll take wahtever I can. I move on to D1L2 in a few days.

    That's definitely a good loss!

    Wife and I have been discussing how funny it is the the body will shed what it wants, when it wants and where it wants. I've noticed more toning in my arms and my legs, but my belly seems to be last.

    We can all take comfort, given we aren't even on D15 yet, that working hard will pay off!

    Keep it up!
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Ok so I have a question. In level 2, I wanna say it's circuit 2 abs, when you hold the weights over your chest and lift your legs. It looks to me like they're just doing leg lifts, but Jillian says "And around". From the angle they show, I can't really tell if they're just lifting their legs vertically or rotating them as well. I thought they were just doing straight leg lifts, but she talks about the exercise working your obliques, which fits more with a rotation. So what exactly is she doing??? And if she is rotating, wouldn't it make sense to have to rotate the other way at some point?

    You know, I'm going to have to take a look at this part again. I am familiar with the audio you speake of, but have not paid attention. I thought is was that you are lifting your legs from a few inches off the ground and raising them until your butt is off the ground and bringing your legs to the weights all the while keeping your legs straight as possible.

    In any event, I will have to check it out nonetheless!
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    D13 done with D6 of L2. Still takes a lot to get through the workout. It's a good thing! Four more days and it's on to L3!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I noticed today after you bringing it up...if you watch closely, they are definitely incorporating rotation in these. Makes it even harder, LOL! Watch their legs and how they go over to the sides a bit when they do it.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    level 2, day 3 done. And I felt sick after. This was the first time I felt sick after her workouts. I ate plenty this morning (500 cals worth to be exact, LOL, with lots of protein). But I had a rest day yesterday (and allergies have been awful so I took an allergy pill which pretty much knocked me off my feet yesterday). So I wonder if that's why I felt "weaker" today. Oh well. It's done. Hoping tomorrow is a bit "easier" on me. I don't even feel like doing my 30 min cardio/walk right now. :o/
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Okay, day 14 done with D7 of L2. What a workout! Getting a little easier, but still not ready to advance.

    On another note, I did pay a little closer attention to the leg lifts in circuit 2 as mentioned above. So, my interpretation of what they are doing is more a 'V' shape with the feet. Feet start center down position, then get raised towards the right hand, then back down to center, then raised up towards left hand. I adjusted to doing the way just described and I definately notice a difference in the muscles being used in the exercise.

    Any thoughts?
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Posting in here too in case ppl don't see the other thread (why do we have so many threads?!? LOL):
    I weigh in on Wednesdays so nothing to report today. I'm staying away from the scale...it's been pi$$ing me off lately with all the ups and downs.
    I did level 2, day 4 today (so day 14 overall). I'm finding I'm not nearly as sore as I was during level 1...so that got me wondering if this level workout was doing much for me. I know it's a LOT of upper body (that's what I feel the most during the workout but I don't have a lot of soreness the following day) but I just don't "feel" it in my legs like I did in the first level. Yeah it burns doing the static lunge/squats...so I dunno. I *almost* (notice I said almost, I don't think I'm crazy enough to do it) want to do both level 2 and level 1 EACH day...just so I can be sure something is happening. LOL I'm tired once I finish the level 2 workout though...so who knows.
    Anyway...I'm glad to see you guys are seeing results in your numbers! I'm afraid to take any measurements because if I don't see enough change, I will become de-motivated and that would not be good. So my measurements will wait until the 30 days is complete. Lame, I know. ;o)
    What diet are you guys following? Carbs/protein/fat breakdown? Are you eating back your exercise calories? My weight loss is soooo stinkin' slow overall so last week I started eating all of my exercise calories back (prior to that I was eating about half of them back). I decided I'd give this a go for two weeks and see what happens since I wasn't losing very much when eating half of them back.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello hello! well i have been doing 30ds in conjunction with Tifre and really seeing some good results. I will weigh again on Friday, but so far so good! I am not super into the weightloss as much as I am the NSV and healthy lifestyle. My legs are getting some great definition, my abs are coming in nicely and the fat around them are disappearing! LOL

    I did level 2 on Friday night! Hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be! What's amazing is Burned about the same amount of calories as level 1 when I started. So it must be time to move on! I took yesterday off of 30ds because I did zumba and tfire! my shoulders/blades needed a rest and well tonight, in just a few minutes actually, i will be doing level 2! I don't want to, but it's time! LOL

    Oh and good news! I just found (while cleaning) JM Ripped in 30! LOL I didn't even know I had it! So, now my new goal is to get through level 3 and to keep going through december with Ripped in 30 and also No more Trouble Zones, Banish Fat and some other one of hers! HOORAY!!

  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    Took about 2 days off on level 2 but i WILL complete this week!!!
    Hope everyone is doing great & keep up the good work!! :D
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    woowee! Level 2!!!!

    I did it and was dripping sweat! It's good and just tough enough! I thnk after 10-15 days i"ll be good! :) WOOOOOOO!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Level 2, day 5 done. Officially at the halfway point of the 30DS! Didn't get to do my cardio right away though as I had to rush out to the doc to get a nice cortisone shot for this awful ragweed allergy that is flaring up. :o/ But it was a good workout!
  • mjh5141
    Level 2 definitely gets me sweating. I'm still having a ton of trouble with the plank moves (jacks, squat thrusts) and the double jump rope, but I try to do as much as I can with them. I've noticed that the chair squat + v-raises have gotten much easier (which is saying a lot, since they're still killing me). I started paying a lot of attention to making sure I move my shoulder blades more when I do the arm moves (try to make them touch, sort of), and I think that's helped, because my arms/shoulders are tired today. And I feel like this level is a better abs workout than level 1, and I've felt it.
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    I'm on L1 Day 6. Feeling quite tired today and still a bit stiff, but very happy and in the zone. Felt thinner this morning, though I've decided I'm not going to weigh / measure until the end of the 30 days. Hopefully I'll get some good results at the end.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Day 16 done with D9 of L2. One more day of L2 then on to the next one! Today L2 felt more natural similar to L1 did on D5. Can't wait to see what L3 has in store!

    On another note, my daughter (she's 3), wanted to watch the new DVD yesterday that I purchased over the weekend (Ripped in 30 Days). I told that we can't right now because it exercise for me. She said, "Exercise!! Okay! You can put in the DVDV and I can watch you exercise!" So, I did L1 of RI30D yesterday evening. HOLY SCHNIKEES!! If you don't like Planks, you're going to be in some trouble! However, it seems like the moves in level 1 will work to strengthen you for level 2. In addition, the 30DS seems like it is great preparation for Ripped in 30 Days.

    Can't wait!!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I had bought Ripped in 30 for my husband but he wants to do more weight-lifting stuff as he needs to build big muscle right now. So I will start using it after 30DS. Hopefully. hahaha.

    So, weighed in this morning...down a pound from last week! Started 30DS at 181.8, now at 177.6 for a total of 4.2 lbs lost. Very slow losses...but at least the general trend is DOWN. LOL
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Finished day 10 of L2! Ready to move on to L3 tomorrow!

    L2 was a kick in the pants to start but now I'm getting a bit bored and the only think is still a pain is the chair squats/V raise conversion with leg extension/military press. So, time to move on!

    We are almost there!

    Anyone up for Ripped in 30 after this?!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Agreed - those stinkin' cheer squats with v-raise are KILLER when coupled with the military extensions. My shoulders BURN and I have to take short rests on the second sets. :o( But that is the only one I'm struggling through still. Today was day 7 of level 2. Only three more days of this level. I want to feel more leg muscle building and am not getting it from this level. My legs are soooo super flabby and thunderous so I really want to "see" a change in this area of my body right now.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Day 1 of Level 3 done today.

    Let me just say, I definately got a workout today! By the last minute of cardio in the last circuit was a killer! Watch out ladies, you're about to get workout that will kick some ars!

    Some of these exercises I did find quite easy and could work them well, but others are cardio killers!

    13 days left before the end of 30DS! After my sneak preview/workout of level 1 of Ripped in 30 Days, I will definately make sure I can keep up in all circuits of 30DS L3 before moving on to Ripped (I'm assuming it will take longer than the 13 days left).
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    What would you say the "focus" is on in the last level? For instance, I noticed the first level really worked the legs and the second level really works back/shoulders. I don't want to take a peek and get discouraged. LOL