CCC (Closed Group) CORRECTED - WEEK #5



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Ok last day to get everything in for Weeks 5, 6, and 7. After this week, I will need to remove those that have not reported in order to keep everything manageable and get things out to you all in a more timely manner.

    I am leaving for a couple days (Thurs evening - Sunday afternoon) so I want to be able to post EVERYTHING for Week #8 at the appropriate time.

    Week 8 weigh in's are due Fri 9/16-Sun 9/18. I will try to get everything in and up by Sunday night so that we can get these challenges BACK ON THE ROAD!!!

    You all inspire me! Thank you so so so so so so much for all of your support, kind words, encouragement, help, and most of all, friendship during the last couple of weeks. I hate when life gets in the way of living but with people like you all surrounding me, there's nothing better!!!! :heart:

    I'm glad things are getting back to normal for all of us :) It's a great feeling!
  • jackelyn14
    cw 216.8 lbs
  • shelly650
    Im currently 161.4lbs! I gained all the weight I had lost!! It stinks but tomorrow is another day!! Sorry late post! This is last weeks weigh in!)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Sorry I went MIA for a bit. I'd love to jump back in if I can!
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    Week #7 Missing Weigh Ins:


    I weighed in last fri....that was my 138.8.....I'll be weighing tomorrow or fri......
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    This past mon I was 136.6 if you want to record that......then I can weigh on sat or sun.....
  • woodyschic
    glad to see the chart updated!! yay!!! looking forward to next week's challenge so we can all work towards meeting our Christmas goals!!
  • johanna_elaine
    So glad to see our group reforming!!!! i myself had noticed the thread not as long as they usually are, but i knew everyone was having it rough with all this hectic weather!!! So glad everyone is returning and life is startting to get normal for most of you again!!!

    Im just finished day 5 of the 30 day shred and OMG!!! im not sore anymore but i still have to stick with beginer moves and find it hard to do all the jumping jacks and jump roping. I guess i was alot more out of shape than i thought, but i am not giving up!!!

    jenn i cant wait to see what your returning challenge will be!! i think i speak for all of us when i say having someone tell us what to do and knowing we will have to report in is what we all need right now!!!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey CCC - Hope all is well, I am on the road not home until Friday, so I will weight Saturday AM. I am so proud to say I have done good today, brought some snacks, and enjoyed a good lunch. Then I made SURE I got in my exercise. The only good thing about traveling is my hotel is on the beach so that's where I enjoyed my walk/run. :)

    Tomorrow I have a co worker girl friend joining me but we will still walk...however a nice dinner and wine my be involved. Tonight I got back late from my walk and wanted to see Survivor so I just ate some healthy snacks and am gonna hit the sack.

    I feel like I am really forming some great new habits, but it is really one day at a time. So nice to have Jenn back. Have fun while you are away

    Judy :)
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    CW: 286.4 (I'm going to be out of town this weekend and not sure if i'll be by a scale...)
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    I'm so happy and relieved to have you back Jen! You did a great job on the chart and I look forward to closing this thread and start a new one, with a new challenge. I have to admit that I was beginning to fade in motivation. Sooooo, happy that you are back!

    On a personal note, I've had a cold for a few weeks now, that has been dragging on... But today I go for a scope... I am not allowed to eat or drink until then... it is now 9:30 in my world and I don't go in until 12:30. I'm not hungry or worried about food, but am dying to have some water... My throat is so itchy... my nose is plugged up... I can't take no meds no nothing.... I told them I had a cold and they said that was fine... We'll see what happens..

    Anyhow, I just had to share with someone.
  • gennybunny1
    I am up to 217.8 lbs again...

    If I keep it up I will back to 250 in no time. I have to get my @ss in gear ASAP.. I will not hit 220 again.

    Onward and downward to 199.

    Ok Peeps, I have been really depressed this last while and have fallen off the preverbial wagon and have eaten my sorrows away. I have started a new vitamin regiem that will allow me to be happier and get back on track. I am really hoping that the B12 will help my energy level. I am also taking something for deppression and hormones. I have seen the scale increase again for a total gain of 13 lbs from the lowest I managed to get to. I am trying to be completely honest with everyone in hopes that this will help me be accountable for my poor decisions.
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    I am up to 217.8 lbs again...

    If I keep it up I will back to 250 in no time. I have to get my @ss in gear ASAP.. I will not hit 220 again.

    Onward and downward to 199.

    Ok Peeps, I have been really depressed this last while and have fallen off the preverbial wagon and have eaten my sorrows away. I have started a new vitamin regiem that will allow me to be happier and get back on track. I am really hoping that the B12 will help my energy level. I am also taking something for deppression and hormones. I have seen the scale increase again for a total gain of 13 lbs from the lowest I managed to get to. I am trying to be completely honest with everyone in hopes that this will help me be accountable for my poor decisions.

    Put those poor decision behind you - keep us in the loop to help and talk you through the tough stuff! That's why we're here - to help each other. :heart:
  • gennybunny1
    Thanks Teri,

    Without all the support here, I would be lost. Love you all for kicking my butt.
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    The time has come to depart for the weekend! We are going camping again :smile: My 3 year-old loved it so much the first time I had to take her back again before it got too cold. Besides, with all of the power and internet issues and all the other fun stuff lately, it feels like we've been living in the woods anyway, lol :laugh: :laugh: :grumble:

    Weigh Ins start tomorrow. Please please please make sure to check in! NeuroticVertigo, please rejoin us :) Anyone else that posted here I will add back onto the spreadsheet before I take out those I haven't heard from in weeks.

    You guys are ALL tremendous!!!

    gennybunny - DO NOT GIVE UP!!! You are one of the most motivational people I've seen and I will NOT let you let yourself down! Smile, you are incredible :happy:

    azeria - I am looking forward to a new thread myself! Thanks for not giving up on CCC and for the extra push to keep it together! :drinker:

    PositivePower - YOUR NAME SAYS IT ALL!!! :flowerforyou: I consider this group blessed to have you be a part of it

    johanna_elaine - The Shred huh?!? Not sure I can top that one... :bigsmile: :wink:

    Neize - I hope you're feeling better!

    pheonix113 - Normal is over-rated :wink: Hope things are stabalizing!

    chrisraem - YEAH VEGAS!!!! Consider me jealous!

    yramesor333 - Miss your recepies!!! Welcome back to less weather-related life :bigsmile:

    Nevermorex - Hope you had a great birthday!!!

    roseagee - YOU WILL NOT QUIT ON YOURSELF!!! We won't let you! Change things up, try a different routine, move your calorie totals. I find that sometimes when I eat more a couple days and then stay under my calories, I ntice a bigger change.

    lotusthrone - Never in my life did I think I could jog, let alone RUN!!! And now it comes easier and easier! Good luck! You can do it!

    kjnicol - Congrats on your breakthrough into the 220's!!! Just think of how amazing you're going to feel when that first number becomes a "1" :bigsmile:

    And what's this I hear about a pregnancy?!?!?!?!? :huh: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Nothing better in the world!!!

    And to all of the rest of you out there, I haven't forgotten about you! I just wanted to let you all know that you are important to me, to this challenge, and to all of the others that are in here. Thank you for being a part of this!

    Have a great weekend! Remember to weigh-in by Sunday. And get ready to get back on track!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • yramesor333
    The time has come to depart for the weekend! We are going camping again :smile: My 3 year-old loved it so much the first time I had to take her back again before it got too cold. Besides, with all of the power and internet issues and all the other fun stuff lately, it feels like we've been living in the woods anyway, lol :laugh: :laugh: :grumble:

    Weigh Ins start tomorrow. Please please please make sure to check in! NeuroticVertigo, please rejoin us :) Anyone else that posted here I will add back onto the spreadsheet before I take out those I haven't heard from in weeks.

    You guys are ALL tremendous!!!

    gennybunny - DO NOT GIVE UP!!! You are one of the most motivational people I've seen and I will NOT let you let yourself down! Smile, you are incredible :happy:

    azeria - I am looking forward to a new thread myself! Thanks for not giving up on CCC and for the extra push to keep it together! :drinker:

    PositivePower - YOUR NAME SAYS IT ALL!!! :flowerforyou: I consider this group blessed to have you be a part of it

    johanna_elaine - The Shred huh?!? Not sure I can top that one... :bigsmile: :wink:

    Neize - I hope you're feeling better!

    pheonix113 - Normal is over-rated :wink: Hope things are stabalizing!

    chrisraem - YEAH VEGAS!!!! Consider me jealous!

    yramesor333 - Miss your recepies!!! Welcome back to less weather-related life :bigsmile:

    Nevermorex - Hope you had a great birthday!!!

    roseagee - YOU WILL NOT QUIT ON YOURSELF!!! We won't let you! Change things up, try a different routine, move your calorie totals. I find that sometimes when I eat more a couple days and then stay under my calories, I ntice a bigger change.

    lotusthrone - Never in my life did I think I could jog, let alone RUN!!! And now it comes easier and easier! Good luck! You can do it!

    kjnicol - Congrats on your breakthrough into the 220's!!! Just think of how amazing you're going to feel when that first number becomes a "1" :bigsmile:

    And what's this I hear about a pregnancy?!?!?!?!? :huh: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Nothing better in the world!!!

    And to all of the rest of you out there, I haven't forgotten about you! I just wanted to let you all know that you are important to me, to this challenge, and to all of the others that are in here. Thank you for being a part of this!

    Have a great weekend! Remember to weigh-in by Sunday. And get ready to get back on track!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
    hello jenn :)
    so weird i came here to post a recipe i found and seen this ....!!!! thanks so much i needed a push to get back into the game and POSITIVE POWER is AWESOME !!! what a motivater she is !!!!
    have fun camping jenn enjoy,spend time and cherish every min with your little girl,in a blink of an eye she will be grown !!!
  • yramesor333
    Pumpkin Pie Spice Latte:


    2 cups milk (i used unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
    2 tablespoons of organic canned pumpkin
    2 tablespoons of sugar or sugar substitute (i used truvia and only used 1 tablespoon)
    2 tablespoons of vanilla extract (i just poured some in)
    1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice(i would use a little less...the ginger flavor was a little overpowering)
    1-2 shots of espresso(about 1/4 cup of espresso or 1/2 cup of really strong brewed coffee(this is what i did) if you dont have an espresso machine)


    in a saucepan combine milk, pumpkin, and sugar...cook on med. heat, stirring until steaming. remove from heat, stir in vanilla & spice, transfer to blender and process for 15sec. until foamy or if you dont have a blender just whisk really well with a wire whisk. if you use the vanilla unsweetened almond milk...its only about 140 calories for the whole thing! 8carbs, 2g protein, 5g sugars(from pumpkin & a little whipped cream-depending on how much you use could change that amount), 7g fat(from the almond milk) pour into a large mug or two mugs. add espresso or strong coffee on top.

    ***top with whipped cream and sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg or cinnamon on top
  • yramesor333
    hope everyone is motivated and doing well !! if not dont give up theres always tom. :)
    im fighting with the skinny cows in my frig, ugh!!!! im trying not to eat one today !!! (its like a druggy needing a fix ) all i think about is the dang things !!! i will be so glad when their gonne !!!! (i had like 4 or 5 yesterday ughhh,140 cal. each ) i now no my weakness and wont buy them again !!! today so far ive done really well !
    for dinner i made Honey Chicken Stir-fry and it was so yummy i wanted 2 share the recipe !!!

    Honey Chicken Stir-fry

    Honey Chicken Stir-fry

    2 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch pieces (boiled 10 min )

    1 tblspoon minced garlic

    1 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

    6 tablespoons honey

    4 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce

    2/8 teaspoon pepper

    1 (16 ounce) package frozen broccoli (steamed 2 almost done)

    4 teaspoons cornstarch

    3 tablespoon cold water

    1 cup steamed carrots

    rice optional


    1.In a large nonstick skillet or wok, (spray pam olive oil in pan),stir-fry chicken and garlic . Add the honey, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Cook and stir until chicken is lightly browned . Remove

    2.In the same pan, stir-fry the vegetables in oil for 4-5 minutes or until heated through. Return chicken to the pan; mix well. Combine cornstarch and cold water until smooth; stir into chicken mixture. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 1 minute or until thickened.optinal... Serve over rice or califlower rice

    serves 6
    cal. 278, carbs.28,fat 2,protien.37,sodium 900
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Pumpkin Pie Spice Latte:


    2 cups milk (i used unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
    2 tablespoons of organic canned pumpkin
    2 tablespoons of sugar or sugar substitute (i used truvia and only used 1 tablespoon)
    2 tablespoons of vanilla extract (i just poured some in)
    1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice(i would use a little less...the ginger flavor was a little overpowering)
    1-2 shots of espresso(about 1/4 cup of espresso or 1/2 cup of really strong brewed coffee(this is what i did) if you dont have an espresso machine)


    in a saucepan combine milk, pumpkin, and sugar...cook on med. heat, stirring until steaming. remove from heat, stir in vanilla & spice, transfer to blender and process for 15sec. until foamy or if you dont have a blender just whisk really well with a wire whisk. if you use the vanilla unsweetened almond milk...its only about 140 calories for the whole thing! 8carbs, 2g protein, 5g sugars(from pumpkin & a little whipped cream-depending on how much you use could change that amount), 7g fat(from the almond milk) pour into a large mug or two mugs. add espresso or strong coffee on top.

    ***top with whipped cream and sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg or cinnamon on top

    This looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  • gennybunny1
    Pumpkin Pie Spice Latte:


    2 cups milk (i used unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
    2 tablespoons of organic canned pumpkin
    2 tablespoons of sugar or sugar substitute (i used truvia and only used 1 tablespoon)
    2 tablespoons of vanilla extract (i just poured some in)
    1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice(i would use a little less...the ginger flavor was a little overpowering)
    1-2 shots of espresso(about 1/4 cup of espresso or 1/2 cup of really strong brewed coffee(this is what i did) if you dont have an espresso machine)


    in a saucepan combine milk, pumpkin, and sugar...cook on med. heat, stirring until steaming. remove from heat, stir in vanilla & spice, transfer to blender and process for 15sec. until foamy or if you dont have a blender just whisk really well with a wire whisk. if you use the vanilla unsweetened almond milk...its only about 140 calories for the whole thing! 8carbs, 2g protein, 5g sugars(from pumpkin & a little whipped cream-depending on how much you use could change that amount), 7g fat(from the almond milk) pour into a large mug or two mugs. add espresso or strong coffee on top.

    ***top with whipped cream and sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg or cinnamon on top

    Oh my, this is one I have to try. Love my pumpkin spice lattes. Thank you so much.