"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Soup recipe received, thank you Penny :-) Shall try and think of a tasty recipe to send your way.

    Well done getting the work Niner :-D


    Walking/cycling (230)

    30dsl3 (180)

    Assessment: Over calories (although in light of how little I earnt through exercise, the damage wasn't above average), had planned to ride to a friend's place but that got cancelled, I needed that ride! Still really enjoying the 30ds, will be interested to find other DVDs with circuit work on them when I am done :-) (could probably improv it but don't know a large variety of strength moves yet so having someone else suggest them is handy).
    Go bodybuilding.com and under exercises just click on body weight exercises only and you'll see a variety with videos.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! Halfway through the month and I'm close to this month's halfway goal but I need to step it up if I want to reach goal! Looking to having a good weekend since no parties this week!!!

    Cardio:run/jog- 3 miles (500 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: See if I can get a good jump start on next week!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Congrats, niner, on a good interview. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    The weekend is here, so that means sports, sports, and more sports.

    Saturday: 2 games of semi-contact flag football today. 120 minutes total, and I played all of it save a few minutes here and there. I am sore, lots of stretching and massaging tonight.. Have gained a nice collection of bruises. Must mean I played hard. Calf felt good..like it's at 95%.

    Tomorrow is 2 games of softball. Should be fun, but much less of a workout.

    Food: Looking to end up around 2200.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    Had a piece of coursework due in on Friday evening, so was up at 7.30am and didn't finish it and get it submitted til 9.30pm, which meant I had to miss out on my run...but unfortunately life has to come first.


    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: I was about 50cals under my net goal, so I was pretty happy with that, and I ate really well, good qualitiy food (thank gawd for forward planning of things like soup) rather than grabbing something easy and bad to keep me going. Also really happy that I'm not stuck on the high sugar stuff to keep me motivated to work hard anymore.


    Cardio:run/walk- 4.5 miles (584 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Ended up around 500cals under my net goal...wasn't too good at making sure I ate at sensible mealtimes today, but when I did eat I ate really good things so that's good. Also I have my parents coming to visit tomorrow and they're taking me out to lunch so I'm really trying to give myself a little bit of slack so I can choose what I want and probably have dessert too...Oh and today I was really good on the water.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Sunday: 2 games of softball. 120 minutes total game time. Ran around a lot in the outfield (dang errors), but only made it on base once, so don't think the burn was that high. It's all about the fun, though.

    Food: ate mostly junk today (chicken wings and some ice cream). Allowed myself the "junk" day and enjoyed it. Didn't even go over calories.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Woah, no time to get online over this weekend!

    Cardio: Cycling.walking (230)

    Circuit: 30ds l3 (200)

    Assessment: Bad food day, over by 440

    Cardio: Cycling/walking (900)

    Circuit: Didn't happen

    Assessment: Much better on food after Friday's experience, made better choices generally (except for pancakes after work but hey were tasty)

    Cardio: Cycling/walking (200)

    Circuit: 30ds l3 (200)

    Assessment: Bad with food again. Was over by 200, did the shred earning that back, but then ate something to recover, so went to walk on the beach, but ended up drinking milkshake and not walking. Then figured I could do some aerobics back home but goofed off on the internet for a couple of hours and was too tired and went to bed. Dreadful! Ended up over by almost 500. In conclusion, I really need to plan my recovery foods well. In fact, I have a question, does the protein required for recovery need to be eaten after exercising or can the body make use of protein eaten beforehand? And, if the extent of my strength training is only the 30 day shred, is that even taxing enough to require recovery food?

    Ah a new week to exercise lots and eat better. Starting by making tasty soup, soup :-D
  • dreambig_gohome
    dreambig_gohome Posts: 194 Member
    NO gym Saturday or Sunday. Saturday, well within calorie limits on food. Also went to a three-hour concert and spent it on my feet jumping up and down and dancing and waving arms around until I had spasms in my muscles. I'm guessing I burned JUST a few calories...haha. Felt great but dog-tired afterwards.

    Sunday - feet still hurting. Ready for the gym tomorrow. Calf muscles are tightening up. Thrilled about that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Feeling like this is going to be a great week. Waiting to hear from the general manager from another gym to see if I may have a job there. If so then, I'll be able to split time between 2 gyms. Always good to try to have options.

    Cardio:walk/jog 3 mi (400 calories)

    Strength:quads-leg extension, leg press, squat, lunges. 4x6

    Assessment: Ate well yesterday and watched the 9ers kick *kitten*!!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Wednesday & Thurs were off days.


    Cardio: None

    Strength: Legs 3 x 12
    leg ext.
    wide stance barbell squat
    single let deadlift
    walking lunge
    lying leg curls
    seated calf raise
    calf raise (in the leg press mach)

    Saturday: catch up day

    Cardio: None


    seated dumbell press
    bent over barbell row
    dumbbell front raise
    seated arnold press
    dumbbell lateral raise
    seated bent-over read delt raise
    roman chair raise
    oblique crunches

    Back & Biceps

    Hammer strength lat pulldown
    wide grip lat pulldown
    seated narrow grip cable row
    t-bar row
    back extensions
    barbell curl
    incline dumbbell curl
    alternate hammer curl

    Assessment: little under on water this weekend. Food too - nothing bad, but not enough. Feeling good!!!! Start Phase 2 of the program I'm doing - heaver wieght - fewer reps and adding 3 to 4 days cardio.
  • Javajunkie67
    Javajunkie67 Posts: 167 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Goof luck on the job Niner!

    Cardio: 45 minute walk on Saturday and 1 hour on Sunday for a total burn of 730 cals

    Strength: none except moving stuff around at DH work on Saturday

    Assessment: Food and water were great over the weekend. Very happy the weather is finally cooling down, I don't have to get my walks in before the sun comes up.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    Run/walk 4.5miles 594cals
    Walking dogs: a hilly 1.5miles 150cals

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: My parents came to visit, to take me out for lunch. So i got up early to do an extra run to give me spare calories to eat how I want. Lunch and dinner were really great, and the exercise calories were great...the only issue was the munchies I got in the evening...(and I caved and had chocolate but only after all the things like drinking lots of water...having grapes to try and put off the cravings etc...). So ended up a little bit over calories today, about 200 over... But I did drink about my own body weight in water so hopefully it won't stick too much.
    My knees didn't really like me running 2 days in a row...need to be gentle with them this week, and not run 2 days in a row.


    Boxercise 342cals
    Cycling to and from boxercise: 140cals

    Boxercise strength work: lots of ab work, triceps, squats, bum exercises,

    Eaten really well, lots of veggies, need to drink more water before the day is up though. Boxercise: I can already feel the aches setting in, though in terms of cardio I didn't push myself quite as hard as on thursday because of my knees. Glad I went though. A bit worried for tomorrow's weigh in, I feel like I've put on weight rather than lost any!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Cardio: Cycling/walking/killer aerobics marathon (1000)

    Circuit: 30ds l3 second to last day, almost epic (180)

    Assessment: Much better day this one, finally under goal by a couple of 100. Or, if I was wrong to count band rehearsal as exercise, at goal, both are good outcomes. On at least one occasion I staved off my hunger with vegies and cheese (for flavour), I need to start doing that all of the time.

    Penny - double running rocks, now, stretch your legs. If you'd like some guidance, obtain the stretch 40 session from turbo fire, I am sure there are other good stretching routines on dvd but I have yet to find them and can't advocate that turbo fire stretching enough, I've been through it a couple of times now on my down days and it leaves me feeling soooooo good.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member

    Cardio day: 40 minutes jogging in place. Relaxed pace for most of it, picked up pace last 10 minutes.

    Food: A bit under on calories. Need to get some more veggies in this week. Feel like I fell off a bit over the weekend. Got some fresh spinach to cook up tomorrow!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! I went and saw "The Thing" yesterday and had my usual hot dog and nachos so weight is up a pound, but I'll find a way to work it off. Also have my interview today with the general manager of the other club I put an application in at this morning. If all goes well I'll be working there too.

    Cardio:walk/jog- 3 miles (400 calories)

    Strength:back- pulldowns, bent over rows, seated rows, straight arm pulldowns. 4x6

    Assessment: Need to work off the nachos!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Tuesday: Strength day


    3x10 squats, split squats (holding 30lbs of weight both exercises)
    3x12 calf raises
    3x6 one leg hip bridges (per leg)
    2x10 reverse lunges
    1x15 forward lunges

    Biceps: 3x10x15lb bicep curls, hammer curls

    Triceps: 3x12x15lb skullcrushers, 3x12 tricep dips

    Abs: 3x10 leg raises, bent leg raises, kickups, 1x 40 second plank, 2x30 side plank, 2 x 30 second superman

    Shoulders: 3x10x10lb lateral raises, 3x10x10lb reverse fly,

    Chest: 3x10 pushups
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Forgot food and assessment (and it won't let me edit):


    Food: On goal today. Feels good.

    Assessment: Workout took longer than 60 minutes. I felt a bit sluggish at first and didn't have great form on some exercises. Managed to get it together later on and ended it feeling good and that I pushed myself. That's what I get for working out first thing in the morning!

    Scale has me down to 167.2. I hope to end the week around 167.4, which would be about .5lb loss from last week. I don't usually lose 2 weeks straight (I tend to hold a week or two, then drop a pound). Would be nice to see a steady loss.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member

    Cardio - Arch Trainer 35 min - 325 cal

    Strength: Back

    Wide Grip pull-ups 3 x 10
    Bentover barbell row 3 x 8
    Seated cable row 3 x 8
    wide grip lat pulldown 3 x 10
    one arm dumbbell row 3 x 8
    hammer strength lat pulldown 3 x 10
    back extensions 3 x 8

    Assessment: Felt good today. Food good - still a little under 1600 cal, but working on getting it up. Didn't eat dinner til almost 10 - don't like doing that, but figured it was worse not to eat. Water - no problem there. Phase 2 of the program I'm doing, so get to add cardio back in. Really miss spin class, but just not working out right now.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member

    Cardio: Tae kwondo, walking and stretching (450)

    Circuit: 30ds l3 (200) last day of shredding, doesn't look like I've lost any in pictures but I feel better about my shape, guess I'll just keep chugging along.

    Assessment: At goal more or less, made some more good food choices, didn't succumb to too many goofy snacks (like servings of shapes), I'm really getting a feel for how those kinds of snacks (eaten only ever because they are in my line of sight) can be my undoing.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member

    Cardio: treadmill - 2.19 miles 30 min 252 calories

    Strength: Chest & abs

    wide grip barbell bench press 4 x 8
    (first time for me, so a little strange to me)
    push-up wide 3 x 15
    butterfly 3 x 10
    incline dumbell press 3 x 10
    side to side push-ups 3 x 10
    toes touchers 3 x 20
    crunches 3 x 20
    knee raise on parallel bars 3 x 10

    Assessment: Really didn't want to go to the gym, but as always glad I did. I was tired for some reason. Food was good, little under. Water - 20 + cups. First time I've been on the treadmill in a while. Think that will be my go to for cardio. I miss running. It's been awhile, so I've lost of it. Goal - mile in under 12 min. Used to be there, but.....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! Interview went good, so now just pass the background check and a medical physical and I'm in! I have to take a medical physical for this job because I'm going to be working with a Wellness Center and not just a regular gym.

    Cardio: walk/jog- 3 mi (420 calories)

    Strength:chest- incline press, flat bench, flyes, dips. 4x6

    Assessment: Great day on food and water!!