30 DAY SHRED! Beginning tomorrow 9/1.



  • jmp1079
    i just did L1D4 and I have to say it was a little easier today then the other 3 days...I even moved up on the cardio to the more advance moves!! Strength is still a killer though!!

    I enter it under cardio as circuit training. I burn 281 calories in the 20 minutes. Good luck on your first day today!!!:smile:
  • DarleneT22
    DarleneT22 Posts: 224 Member
    I am about to do Day 1. I'm going to do Level 1 today. I can do levels 1 and 2 so I might alternate for the first 20 days. Then do level 3 for the last 10 days.
  • tierrakaye
    tierrakaye Posts: 2 Member
    I've started the Shred a handful of times over the summer but never gotten past the first few days! Hopefully this will help motivate me to make it all the way through :) L1D1 starts at 5 PM today for me....Good luck everyone!!!
  • momocurti
    momocurti Posts: 152 Member
    I'm just about to put it in. I've used the video for workouts before but have never done it as a 30-day program... My problem is that I don't think it burns enough calories, so I feel like i need to do additional cardio. Anyone else do this?

    Today's plan is to shred, then cycle for 30 minutes, which should get me to about 700 calories burned. Wish me luck.

    Thanks for starting this thread! I'll be interested in seeing everyone's progress (hopefully including my own!)
  • krisntraining
    krisntraining Posts: 226 Member
    I bought it last night! I am about to do it for the first time, woohoo!
  • danacromwell1
    I'm starting it on 6-Sept only because I'll be out of town for the weekend. So how do you log it in the exercise diary? Is it 20 minutes of aerobics general? No great way to sum it up!!! Would love to know how everyone else is recording it.
  • JMaeMyers
    JMaeMyers Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to but Is it something you have to buy like a dvd. I just never heard of it till now. Is it the same as insanity shred? Please help!!!
  • leeka77
    leeka77 Posts: 31 Member
    I will also be starting next week, due to the holiday weekend... I would love to hear everyone's progress..
  • alissa0312
    I'm starting on Monday as well as I will be out of town. I've heard great things about this and am excited to get started. I'm taking measurements and pics as well.
  • cmcgale
    My DVD just came in today, but mind says Levels 1 & 2 workouts.... is it the same thing? I'm so confused..... lol
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I just started. Does anyone know an easy way to put the workout into the exercise journal?:tongue:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Jennyisbusy, I've done it before but only for a few days (lol). I am to do all three levels in 30 days this time around. I read someone's blog online that said the first 10 days is TOO easy, the second set of 10 days is just right, and the third set is TOO HARD - and she's an in-shape woman, AHHH. So, we'll see how it goes.

    :embarassed: seriously, someone said the first 10 days were too easy???? i did all 30 days and went back to do level one again several weeks later... jillian STILL made me sweat and made my muscles shake. easy? nope. doable, for sure! :-)

    best of luck shredders!

    therealkittymao- to log it, some people just use the circuit training that's already there... i made my own exercise for each level and logged it as Jillian's 30 Day Shred- Level 1 (or 2 or 3).
  • weightofyourskin
    I'll be doing 30DS this month as well! A bit nervous... I already have sore thighs from doing squats at the gym. But hopefully the DVD will help me bust through this plateau.
  • weightofyourskin
    I'll be doing 30DS this month as well! A bit nervous... I already have sore thighs from doing squats at the gym. But hopefully the DVD will help me bust through this plateau.
  • annika27
    i will be starting tonight! anyone else who is starting, feel free to add me! we can keep each other on track :)
  • shababe2010
    shababe2010 Posts: 28 Member
    Im In. this is my second go around. It becomes much easier ladies!!!
  • sveltemarilyn
    sveltemarilyn Posts: 16 Member
    I started it today! Great workout! Anybody know how to categorize it for the exercise entry? MVP said I burned 182 calories as general aerobics in 20 minutes, which is great. I still need to exercise more to meet my calorie burn goal though. Is general aerobics the right category?
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    This gal just finished Day 1 of the Shred! :-)
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I started today too!! I have did it in the past but stopped arouund day 12. I did already start seeing results tho!! I did measurments and weighed myself! I am officially on a mission to complete all 30 days in a row. If I leave town for a day or two then I will just add it onto the end. But I WILL COMPLETE IT THIS TIME!!

  • lalasmar
    lalasmar Posts: 18 Member
    For those that dont want to buy the DVD right away, I am doing mine on On Demand under Evercise TV. I have Verizon, but a friend of mine has it on Comcast Cable also. The only problem is that it is only Level 1, but I just didnt want it to stop me from starting today.