30 DAY SHRED! Beginning tomorrow 9/1.



  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Day six.... I have done just level one and two today, but going to do three later. I found going for a swim shortly after the routine really works, and you can burn a few more calories!

    I think today has been the easiest day to be honest, but these leg crunches will be the death of me, they are sheer agony the day after and then attempting to redo them doesn't half push you!

    Keep on pushing Keep on Pushing!!

    Anyone else weighed themselves since starting? I am finding I am retaining water (put on nearly a 1lb despite my eating habits being no different!)
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    Did level 1 Day 3 today, I was going to take a rest day, because its my birthday, but then I decided that was a dumb reason (IMO) to take a day off, so I did it anyway, I really want to do 30 days with no breaks if i can! I feel less sore after today then day 1 or 2, but those butterfly crunches still kill me!!
  • rhearose
    I did level 1 day 5 and tried to measure - i did lose 1/2 inches on my waist and thigh but my my arms also increase by 1/2 inch each.

    Im using 5lbs weights, am I doing things right? I saw the success stories and they all shredded but my arms got bigger don't wanna be like popeeye.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    ^ I measured and didn't lose anything, but I think I'm just going to ignore measurements/weight until the end of the month. When I look in the mirror or poke my own belly, I feel a lot stronger/more muscular!

    All I can say about the knee issues - I'm not having that problem, but if the pain is exacerbated by the jumping jacks/jumping in general, just substitute the air-boxing instead. Cardio is cardio. :)

    I did day 5 today. Skipped yesterday due to oodles of schoolwork, so I thought I would have a hard time today. I BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THE 30DS. I only stopped for five seconds here and there and I definitely thought I had more endurance during the cardio than the any previous day! I'm going to miss level one because it's starting to get tolerable, LOL.
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    I started on Level 1 Day 1 today. and dare I say..Jillian Michaels totally kicked my butt! I had to move down from 5lb weights to 3lb cos it was taking a strain on me. somehow managed to push through and survive the rest of the workout. My calves feel sore, but otherwise, I feel fantastic! :)

    btw, is there a thread for a 30DS success stories/before and after? thanks!!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Ok finished day 6 and decided to move to level 2 and let me tell you girls it's crazy!!! But I like it Lol... I was already used to level one I think I will be doing level 2 for this next 14 days and then I'll do the next 10 on level 3 because I know its gonna be hell!! Well keep it up everybody we are doing great!! I really hope everyone took before pictures so we can show them off!!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Hey guys, I'm on day 6 and feeling great fitness wise... my only issue is my knee is really sore. Anyone else finding the 30 Day Slim really tolling on the knees? I had reconstructive knee surgery at 16 replacing my ACL and repairing two tears in my medial meniscus. I'm not new to knee pain; whenever I get into an intense workout regimen, it begins to hurt, but it's been REALLY sore since I've started 3DS. I'm thinking it's those side lunges that are really doing me in... may have to switch those to wide leg squats or something. :/ I always feel like such a noob wearing my knee brace to the gym, but I'm going to have to start wearing it on the treadmill and in PUMP classes for extra support. Ice will be my best friend this September because I am NOT quitting!

    I've also been feeling 30DS in my knees, especially my knee with ACL issues. I've started to just go very gently on the lunges on that side, and that seems to be taking care of a lot of the issue. Of course, I am also very focused on form during the squats, just to be sure I don't stress the knee. My goal is to keep going as long as possible, while paying close attention to my knees and stopping if needbe.

    Yeah that's pretty much what I will plan on doing. I'm pretty positive my form is good because I take a lot of classes at the gym that involve lunges and squats. I really think it's those side lunges that are doing me in! I'm going to try to sub those with wide leg squats today and see how I feel. I've also started wearing a knee brace and my knee feels better during the workout with the added support. Dang ACL and meniscus issues... they'll haunt me for life!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I did Day6 lvl 1 today. I finally got around to finding something weight like. Stewed Tomatoes, friends - that's what I am lifting :laugh:
  • rhearose
    thank you inlander, I just freaked out a little. i'll be doing later day 6 of level 1.
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm going to do day 4 of level 1 tonight, but I have a question, who is doing this for 30 days with no rest days? I know lots of people have and I was trying to myself, however I'm getting a lot of crap from a few friends who think I need a few rest days a week, but I've read where a lot of people who do the shred do it every day for 30 days with no rest. and I have also read that because it is a shorter workout and the weights are light that it can be done every day with no harm!! So what is everyones opinion on this and what are you doing??
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    I'm going to do day 4 of level 1 tonight, but I have a question, who is doing this for 30 days with no rest days? I know lots of people have and I was trying to myself, however I'm getting a lot of crap from a few friends who think I need a few rest days a week, but I've read where a lot of people who do the shred do it every day for 30 days with no rest. and I have also read that because it is a shorter workout and the weights are light that it can be done every day with no harm!! So what is everyones opinion on this and what are you doing??

    I plan to do it everyday... I think it's important to be active everyday... rest days are overrated! I think every day needs a little exercise and on the rest day, just a lighter workout. So one or two days a week I will just do 3DS, the other days I will do 3DS with a trip to the gym as well.
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Well I have now lost the weight I gained initially from doing this. Anyone else had a weight gain and lose yet?

    My arms are very shapely as they are I do not want them any more defined (they looked like a body builder when I flex) so I have been using tins for balance.

    Day eight.....I am really praying this makes a difference I am so sick of my thunder thighs!
  • lornawalker
    Got through Day 8 Level 1 this morning, I find it manageable now. Although still cannot stand STAR JUMPS, I'm starting to dream about them, IMO, who ever invented them deserves to be shot :laugh:

    I have a question, as I'm completing level 1 now without a problem should I start Day 9 on Level 2 or wait until Day 11?

    Yours thoughts would be appreciated :smile:
  • olivedrab
    olivedrab Posts: 85 Member
    Did L1D4 today, with slightly heavier "weights." After having read about so many folks injuring themselves, I may have been overcautious as I began this shred. So far I feel great, very little stiffness, but have been taking it easy weight-wise as you can see below:

    Day 1- did it with no weights at all
    Day 2, 1 lb weights (water bottles)
    Day 3, 1 lb weights
    Day 4, 2 lb weights (bigger bottles of water)

    I'll keep adding every couple days. The only real weights I have at the moment are 8 lbs., so I'm looking forward to actually using those.
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    did L1 D5 today, its getting easier, I feel like i'm stronger, and I can notice a difference in the mirror, hubby told me my but looks toned today! :happy: my weigh in days are mondays so we'll see how i've done by then!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Ahh.... I phased out those awful side lunges and replaced them with wide leg squats. My knee feels sooooo much better! 8 days of level 1 down... almost time for level 2!!! Might have a couple friends come over tonight to do it with me! They were all excited when I told them about it hehe. :)

    I snuck in a measurement and have totally already lost inches in just 8 days... amazing!
  • rhearose
    done with level 1 it's now manageable....will be moving up to level 2. So far I have lost 2 lbs but I'm scared of getting measurements. Im feeling stronger and ready for level 2. Will measure later ..good luck to us!
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Day 10, lost no weight, put on two pounds.....lost two pounds....put half a pound back on! But, I have managed to get into size 8 trousers! Not sure if its the style, but I got in to three different pairs from three difference stores.

    I am a little annoyed I have not lost any weight. But to be fair I think my body is in starvation mode so it's time for three square meals as I am not doing that.

    I will add that I am no longer using weights! My arms are like popeyes, I have always had muscular arms but now they are obscene, my brother who is a body builder is in his word jealous....because that the type of definition he was would like! I do like to do more than just the one level everyday, I like to two do at least two. Makes me feel better :)
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    Thought I would share some photos with you of my progress these are keeping me going!

  • MissLizsarab
    How is everyone recoding exercise calories on the shred? I was going to start it again last week but couldn't work that bit out so have left it until I could get on here and ask